More ways to increase estate influence? (2024)



39 Badges

Mar 31, 2016
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  • Oct 27, 2020
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  • #1

Hi all, trying to playing Mughals in 1.30. There's a mission that requires me to get 60 influence for Brahmin estate. I picked all possible privileges and I still round up with about 35 influence. How can i ever finish this mission?? Just wait for RnG to give me events?? In 1.29, it's way easier to get an estate higher influence by just assigning land to each estate, but now with 1.30, that's out of the question. I read somewhere on the internet that I should convert to Hindu to get 20 more influence? WHAT???


Lt. General

25 Badges

Oct 18, 2019
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  • Oct 28, 2020
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  • #2

Whenever you summon a diet, every estate gains 5 influence. This modifier lasts for 20 years, but you can summon the diet every 5 years, meaning you can stack up to 20 influence that way. Also, on top of stacking Brahmin privileges, there's a Nobles privilege that gives influence and loyalty to the other estates, including Brahmins. Other than that, you might have to get lucky with events.

  • 3More ways to increase estate influence? (67)



Second Lieutenant

47 Badges

Apr 25, 2017
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  • Oct 28, 2020
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  • #3

Checking the wiki, almost all of the Brahmins' influence modifiers are related to Hinduism. If you don't want to outright convert, you can still get +5 for having a single Hindu province, or +10 for having a majority of Hindu provinces. Add that to @Maxxie42's suggestion of stacking diet modifiers and you should get there - or, at the very least, close enough that you only need one event modifier to push you over.

There's also an additional +10 influence privilege (Estates Statutory Rights) you can get for all the estates by tanking your Crown Land to 10%, but it comes with some pretty major downsides - hoping to get lucky with events is probably better unless you really want that mission done.

  • 1More ways to increase estate influence? (116)


  • Oct 28, 2020
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  • #4

So from what I've gathered, i should basically never "seize land" unless below 30?because that will decrease influence of all estates, never convert any province and try to not get a lot of Sunni lands so I get additional +5 more influence for majority hindu. (I guess no "propagate religion"?) Also I do get additional 5 influence for having Mewar (a hindu vassal) which is NOT on the wiki right now. (I'll test if I get 2 hindu vassals i get 5 more influence) .I guess I'll just restart with this thing in mind, but still i hope PDX has more ways to increase influence/change mission requirement. This mission is not *that important* (moves capital to central doab give 4 dev and minor bonuses) but still it blocks 2 more missions which give some okish bonuses.

More ways to increase estate influence? (157)

Update: I released Jhakarhand (that light green OPM) above Patna as my 2nd hindu vassal and waited 3 months, it still only gives 5% influence, so i guess 1 hindu subject will do the job.

Last edited:



94 Badges

Mar 19, 2014
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  • Oct 28, 2020
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  • #5

Yeah, I just ignored missions that requires estate influence now. Too much of a hassle and I prefer constantly seizing lands.

Republic of Mercury

Field Marshal

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Apr 16, 2015
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  • Oct 28, 2020
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  • #6

"Hindu Subjects" refers to owning Hindu provinces, not having Hindu subject nations.


Field Marshal

59 Badges

Apr 4, 2017
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  • Oct 28, 2020
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  • #7

Republic of Mercury said:

"Hindu Subjects" refers to owning Hindu provinces, not having Hindu subject nations.

It would be base 5% influence then surely?

ianchen12345 said:

Hi all, trying to playing Mughals in 1.30. There's a mission that requires me to get 60 influence for Brahmin estate. I picked all possible privileges and I still round up with about 35 influence. How can i ever finish this mission?? Just wait for RnG to give me events?? In 1.29, it's way easier to get an estate higher influence by just assigning land to each estate, but now with 1.30, that's out of the question. I read somewhere on the internet that I should convert to Hindu to get 20 more influence? WHAT???

The missions are written for old estates where they'd have like 40 influence base, as mewar I found it was only possible by stacking random events and always picking their diet option

  • 1More ways to increase estate influence? (307)


Republic of Mercury

Field Marshal

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Apr 16, 2015
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  • Oct 29, 2020
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  • #8

Battlex said:

It would be base 5% influence then surely?

Not if you don't own any Hindu provinces.

  • 1More ways to increase estate influence? (355)




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Sep 12, 2017
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  • Oct 29, 2020
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  • #9

Give more Crownland to them.

Crownland = Influence


Field Marshal

59 Badges

Apr 4, 2017
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  • Oct 29, 2020
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  • #10

Pbhuh said:

Give more Crownland to them.

Crownland = Influence

If you revoke a privleige that gives land to them do you get the land back?



81 Badges

Sep 12, 2017
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  • Oct 29, 2020
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  • #11

Battlex said:

If you revoke a privleige that gives land to them do you get the land back?

No you have to use the Seize Land button.


Field Marshal

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Apr 4, 2017
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  • More ways to increase estate influence? (536)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (537)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (538)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (539)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (540)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (541)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (542)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (543)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (544)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (545)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (546)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (547)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (548)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (549)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (550)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (551)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (552)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (553)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (554)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (555)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (556)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (557)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (558)
  • More ways to increase estate influence? (559)
  • Oct 29, 2020
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  • #12

Pbhuh said:

No you have to use the Seize Land button.

Oh yeh now they are more achievable, might be false memory, but when I played emperor at launch you got the land back when you revoked a privleige that gave land

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More ways to increase estate influence? (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.