Windham Journal Genealogical Gleanings 1859 (2024)

GenealogicalGleanings from the
Windham Journal

Transcribed by Mignon Matthews from microfilms of the originalrecords, obtained by Sylvia Hasenkopf

January 6, 1859

Burned to Death – A daughter of Edward Martin, Esq., of Red Hook, Dutchess County, aged 14 years, was burned to death on the night of the 31st of December. Her parents were visiting a neighbor’s and had left this girl, Mary, at home. About half past ten o’clock, a family named Cole was aroused by cries which seemed to come from someone in great distress. On proceeding to the house of Martin, they found Mary lying on the floor with her clothing completely burned off. A physician was called, but could not help her. She died about 4 o’clock this morning - (Jan. 1st.) It is supposed her clothes took fire while she was sleeping in her chair.

Yours Truly, W. B. H.

FIRE – The Woolen Factory of Graham and Covert, on the Ouleout Creek, about 2 miles from Meredith, was destroyed by fire on the night of Thursday, December 30th. Loss quite heavy – no insurance. Considerable cloth and wool was destroyed. – Bloomville Mirror.

ARRESTED – We learn Joseph Hanvey, Perry Butts, Sylvester Bostwick and Smith Gorden, all of Davenport, have been arrested and bound over to Court, suspected of robbing the clothing works of Mr. J. J. Brown, at Stamford a few weeks since. – Mirror.

DEATH OF A PRINTER – A printer named Lorenzo R. Blanchard was found in a destitute and suffering condition in a garret in New York a week or two since, and soon after died, having literally starved to death. Mr. Blanchard served his apprenticeship in the office of the Saugerties Telegraph. He married in Saugerties and soon after removed to New Brunswick, and being thrown out of employment in consequence of the hard times, he went to New York to try and make a living for himself and family. His wife became alarmed at his prolonged absence, and went to New York, where with the assistance of friends, she found him as stated. He was buried on Thanksgiving Day. Think of it! While a portion of humanity were feasting upon the richest of dainties, an honest, industrious, intelligent and sober printer starved to death!

APPOINTMENT – Sheriff France has appointed Peter Cook, Esq., of Coxsackie, as one of his Deputies.

CHANGE OF TOWN MEETING DAY – The Board of Supervisors, on motion of Mr. Douglas, of Hunter, resolved that the town meetings of the County of Greene should be held hereafter on the first Tuesday of April, instead of March. We hope some person will inform us whether this resolution was passed “on account of the weather,” or from a desire on the part of the present Board to hold office a month longer.

BELLS – Our friend Stedman has just received a beautiful assortment of fancy and heavy Sleigh Bells. Call and see them. See advertisem*nt headed “Bells” I another column.

NEW LAW FIRM – D. K. Olney and Henry Mott, Esqs., of Catskill, have entered into co-partnership, commencing January 1st – The business of the new firm will be conducted at Mr. Olney’s old quarters under the Tanner’s Bank.

The steamer Hero is at Four Mile Point frozen in, and the probability now is she will remain there through the winter.

RED FALLS, January 4, 1859

FRIEND STEELE – I see you publish all local items. Below you will find particulars of a runaway which happened in this burgh:

Messrs. L. Dudley and W. Lemily, of Gilboa, visited “Lowell, Greene County, NY” on a New Year’s sleigh ride. On attempting to turn around, near the Cotton Mill, they upset. The horse left with the sleigh, leaving the young gents in a horizontal position upon the ground. When near Morss & Millegan’s store, the horse got clear of the sleigh, the shafts being attached to him, ran across the store stoop, continuing his flight about one fourth of a mile farther, ran over a young son of a Mr. A. Dubois, injuring him badly, and was soon after captured. The horse, which belongs to D. Mackie, of Gilboa, was badly injured. The young gents conclude that 1859, commences rather roughly for their finances.


Fire Companies

At the annual meeting of Engine Company No. 1, of this village on Saturday evening last, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

Foreman – Milo C. Osborn
Assistant Foreman – L. S. Graham
Engineer – D. C. Tibbels
Assistant Engineer – Herbert Dill
Secretary – James H. Woolhiser
Treasurer – B. H. Waldron

Engine Company No. 2, of this village, held their annual meeting on Monday evening, and elected the following officers for 1859:
Foreman – Alonzo Newbury
Assistant Foreman – G. H. Doty
Engineer – Henry Bagley
Assistant Engineer – G. W. Potter
Secretary – George Tibbels
Treasurer – J. E. Matthews

Town Insurance Company

The Town Insurance Company of the town of Windham, held their Annual Meeting at the Hotel of B. H. Waldron on Tuesday afternoon, pursuant to notice, and elected the following officers for the ensuing year:

President – H. R. Potter
Vice President – N. P. Cowles
Secretary & Treasurer – S. P. Ives
Directors H. R. Potter, Albert Chase, Isaac Brandow, Sylvester Austin, N. P. Cowles, Moses B. Austin, S. P. Ives

Sheriff’s Sale

By virtue of an execution issued out of the Supreme Court of the State of New York and county of Greene, and to me directed and delivered, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements and chattels real of Herman H. Dibble, of the town of Hunter, country of Greene and state of New York, I have seized and taken, and shall expose to sale at the public house kept by Norman H. Gray, in this town of Hunter, county and state aforesaid, on Friday, February 18th, 1859, at one o‘clock in the afternoon of that day all the right, title and interest which the said Herman B. Dibble had on the 8th day of October, 1858 or at any time afterwards, or in whose hands soever the same may be of, in and to “all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the town of Hunter, county of Greene, known as lot No. 12, in Division No. 3 in Great Lot No. 26, in the Hardenburg patent, and is bounded as follows: Beginning at a Balm stump, standing in the North-west corner of Samuel Young’s lot, and running from thence north thirty-five degrees fifteen minutes, east fifty-five chains thirty-one links to a stake and stones,. In the south-west corner of Henry C. Rundle’s lot, thence south fifty-four degrees and forty five minutes, east twenty-six chains, to a beach marked 10 on the west side, 13 on the east side, thence south thirty-five degrees fifteen minutes, west fifty four chains and seventy five links to a stake in the north line of division No. 4, and thence along that line north fifty-six degrees fifteen minutes, west twenty six chains to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and forty-three acres, be the same more or less.” Together with all and singular the buildings, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same premises belonging or in any wise appertaining. – Dated December 30th, 1858.

By J. S. EDMONDS, Deputy Sheriff

Mortgage Sale

WHEREAS Isaac C. Tiffney and Eleanor Tiffney his wife of the town of Windham, in the county of Greene and State of New York, by indenture of mortgage, bearing date the sixteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, to secure the payment of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars with interest thereon, did mortgage unto Fowler Newton, of the same place, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all that certain piece or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the town of Windham aforesaid, and described as follows: Bounded Southerly on the centre of the highway leading from Windham to the town of Jewett, North and Westerly on lands owned by Jacob Dice and Obediah Every, Easterly on lands owned by the said Every and James Radcliff, containing twenty-one and one half acres of land, be the same more or less, together with all and singular, the buildings improvements, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, which said mortgage, with the power of sale therein contained, was duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the county of Greene, in book X of mortgages, on pages 160 and 161, on the twenty-eighth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and whereas and eighty-one dollars and twenty-one cents, and no suit or proceeding at law having been instituted for the recovery of said moneys or any part thereof; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgaged premises will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the twenty-eighth day of March, one thousand eight hundred an fifty-nine, at one o’clock in the afternoon of that day, at the Hotel known as the Windham Center House, kept by Benjamin H. Waldron, in the village of Windham Center in the town of Windham and country of Greene, and the said mortgage will be then and therefore closed by such sale. Dated December 28, 1858.


SAMUEL P. IVES, Attorney

January 13, 1859

The “Four Georges.”

On Saturday last, an invitation from a friend to ride to Catskill, with only five minutes notice for preparation, induced us to disguise ourself in a clean shirt and join him in a hunt for a little air untainted by the odor of type and printers’ ink.

Left Windham at 10 o’clock, A. M., partook of an excellent dinner at our friend Miller’s in South Durham, and with a call upon Dr. George H. Noble, of Cairo, passed on to Catskill. At Cairo, we found the Doctor in his usual good spirits, and noticed that he had made some important changes in his establishment. Another story has been added to the building, and in the store so lengthened out as to present a more roomy and pleasant appearance. The Doctor keeps about everything a person may call for – from a row of pins to a sausage-machine, or from Herrick’s sugar-coated pills to a Burgundy plaster. We have heard calls for all kinds of articles at his store, but never heard the Doctor say he was “just out.” He keeps a fine assortment of drugs and fancy articles, and when any of our friends are in need of anything in his line, they should by all means patronize the Doctor.

At Catskill, we found pleasant quarters with the new Sheriff – not on the hill, but at the Catskill House. Important changes have also been made there since our last visit, and the place now presents a very neat, convenient and inviting appearance. The present proprietor, George L. France, Esq., exhibits to his guests the fact that he has catered for the public before, and that his experience has not been lost upon him. His tables are well supplied with the best the market affords, and the rooms, under the supervision of Mrs. France, are tidy and pleasant. We were glad to see that the house is well patronized, and that the proprietor is doing a fine business.

A return to Windham via Cairo and Greenville brought us for a few hours to the hotel of George Bushnell, Esq., in the latter village; and as the weather had grown cold very rapidly within a few hours, the sight of his hotel was a welcome on indeed. Here, we learned that the Presbyterian Church had been destroyed by fire early on Sunday morning. We give such particulars as we could learn in another part of this paper. We had heard of “the four Georges,” and concluded we had found them all when we called upon George L. Rundle, Esq., about two miles below the village of Greenville. We found this gentleman surrounded by a pleasant party of friends, and were welcomed in the most agreeable manner. We here laid aside our temperance proclivities, “on account of the weather,” and indulged in a “smile” to the health of our host. The only difficulty we found was in refusing his pressing invitations to make a longer visit.

Monday was the coldest day we have had thus far this winter; indeed, we have heard it remarked by old mountain residents that they never experienced a colder day. Professor Merriam, of Brooklyn, reports it the coldest day known in seventy years. However this may be, we thoroughly tested the keenness of the air during a sixteen miles ride, and can confirm Brother Merriam’s opinion, so far as personal experience goes, for twenty-five out of the seventy years. Muffled ears and noses were the invariable precautions of all who ventured from the chimney corners, and even this did not save these important organs, in some instances, from a severe nipping.

A social call upon Nelson Larabee, Esq., who is always “at home,” and prepared to do the agreeable by his fellow creatures; and another upon “Champ” in Durham, where the “carrot seed subject” was fully discussed, and we made the best kind of time for home – glad to escape from further punishment in the open air, and perfectly willing to give the skeptics a chance to satisfy themselves that the weather was early cool.

FIRE – Between 4 and 5 o’clock on Sunday morning, the Presbyterian Church in the village of Greenville was discovered to be on fire. There being no engines in the village, the building could not be saved. A temperance meeting had been held in the church on Saturday, and the fire is supposed to have originated from the stoves after the building was closed. A new Melodeon, which had only been there since Christmas day, and for which $100 was paid, was also destroyed. When the fire was first discovered the entire inside of the building had been consumed. The church was a very fine one, and had been built about ten years. The loss is estimated at $6,000. Insured for $2,000.

NEW COUNTY OFFICERS – The newly elected County Officers took possession of the several offices on Saturday last, to which they were elected in November. Sheriff France has appointed Thompson C. Smith, of Prattsville, Under Sheriff and Jailor. – Coxsackie Union.

ACCIDENT – Miss Betsy Hitchco*ck, a maiden lady, while returning home from meeting on Saturday evening, was knocked down by a hand sled, on which some boys were riding down hill, and injured so seriously that doubts are entertained of her recovery.

Durham, Jan. 10th, 1859.

MURDER IN OTSEGO COUNTY – An Irishman, named Patrick Mack, of Richfield Springs, is in jail at Cooperstown, charged with murdering his wife about Christmas. He is 25 years old and his murdered wife only 18 years. Whisky was the main cause. – Mirror.

Oyster Supper

THE SUBSCRIBER GIVES NOTICE that an oyster Supper will be given at his hotel in Windham Center on Friday evening, January 14th, 1859, immediately after the exhibition at Gothic Hall. A general Invitation is given the public to attend. Supper tickets $1 for a gentleman and lady. The free use of Gothic Hall will be given to those wishing to dance after the supper.

Windham, January 12


THE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY request all persons indebted to them to call and settle their bills by or before the 1st day of February, 1859. All accounts not then paid will be placed in the hands of the proper officers for collection.

Windham Center, Jan. 10th, 1859

Trimmers Wanted

CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT CAN BE given to several girls who understand trimming wool hats, at the Ashland Hat factory.
January 13th, 1859

House and Lot for Sale

THE SUBSCRIBER Offers for sale a House and Lot, situated in Hensonville, and formerly owned by Matthew Winters. The House is nearly new and there is a good well of water on the premises. The above described property will be sold low by applying to the subscriber, in East Jewett, or to Anson H. Hitchco*ck, in Big Hollow. Title good.

Windham, January 12, 1859

To The Traveling Public

THE undersigned would announce that he has taken the CATSKILL HOUSE, (recently kept by Mrs. Van Bergen,) and having overhauled and repaired the House and Stables, is now ready for the reception of guests. Having improved the premises and secured the services of competent assistants, he has no hesitation in guaranteeing all the essential requisites for the TRAVELER’S HOME. A large experience in the business also warrants him in guaranteeing everything demanded in a well regulated Hotel.


January 20, 1859

A friend in Prattsville sends us the following notices of a marriage and a death. The former took place at 7 1/2 o’clock on the evening of the 10th inst., and at 9 o’clock on the same evening, or an hour and a half afterward, the husband wept beside the “bride of death.”

MARRIED – In Prattsville, on the 10th inst., by P. K. Salisbury, Esq., JOHN BIVENS, of Middletown, Delaware County, to Miss M. A. TURK, of Prattsville, Greene County.

DIED – In Prattsville, on the 10th inst., of asthma and hemorrhage of the lungs, Mrs. M. A. BIVENS, wife of JOHN BIVENS in the 29th year of her age.

THE ICE BUSINESS – The ice crop thus far is said to be very plentiful, and of the finest quality. Messrs. Barhyte & Van Steenburg, of Catskill, have already filled their large ice houses, and with their competitors in the same business will be enabled to keep everything within a reasonable distance perfectly cool during the coming summer. The labor of ice-gathering in many of the river towns is a source of great benefit to hosts of poor men who while thus employed can earn a dollar per day or more, and thus support dependent families when there are no other avenues of employment open to them.

CASCADE LODGE, No. 427, F. & A. M. – At the regular annual election of Officers of this Lodge at Oakhill, December 20th, 1858, the following gentlemen were elected:

J. H. Baldwin, W. M.
J. W. Hoffman, S. W.
R. E. Taylor, J. W.
H. J. Peck, Secretary.
A. H. Hayes, Treasurer
J. H. Welch, S. D.
C. S. Taylor, J. D.

Mr. Henry Shaffer, of Westkill, died very suddenly on Saturday last of disease of the heart. His age was about 40 years.

RUNAWAY – On Tuesday of this week, a team belonging to Mr. Isaac Barlow, of North Settlement, ran away, under the following circ*mstances. Mr. Barlow had his sleigh prepared and was about to start for this village. In the sleigh were Mr. B.’s wife and child, and his little son, and Mr. Frederick Blakeslee’s wife and child. While Mr. B. was closing his wagon-house door, the horses started. He caught the lines but the ground being icy he could not hold them. The ladies becoming alarmed jumped from the sleigh. Mrs. Blakeslee was somewhat injured by striking her head against the bank. No other damage was done.

UNION SABBATH SCHOOL – The Union Sabbath School recently established in the village of Ashland, is new in a prosperous condition, and we are glad to learn, is well attended. A. Moulten, Esq., is the present Superintendent.

A VENERABLE SLEIGH – Mr. Frederick Cooke, of this village, is the owner of a family Sleigh, which was formerly the property of Frederick Trumpbour, and was built in 1776. For comfort, it eclipses all the sleighs of the present day. He has latterly had it painted and repaired. And it will wear longer than any of modern date. It is really a curiosity to see this antiquated specimen of the “days that tried men’s souls.” – Recorder

January 27, 1859



THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing under the firm of RICHARDSON & HURD, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by S. W. Richardson. The notes and accounts will be settled by either of the parties at his store. S. W. RICHARDSON
Catskill, January 10th, 1859


THE SUBSCRIBER GIVES NOTICE TO his friends and former customers that he is about the leave the place and wishes to have his business settled at once. All persons, therefore, who are indebted, are requested to make immediate payment.

Windham Center, Nov. 24, 1858

Administrators Sale

BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER DULY MADE AND Entered by the Hon. F. James Fitch, Surrogate of the County of Greene and State of New York, on the 10th day of January 1859, notice is therefore hereby given, that I shall sell a public Auction, to the highest bidder, at the house of Cyrus Smith in the village and town of Prattsville, Greene County, NY, on the 4th day of March, 1859, at 10 o/clock, A. M., “all that certain house and lot of land, situate, lying and being in the town and village of Prattsville, and bounded generally as follows, vis: On the north by lands of Peter Jacobs; On the east by lands in the possession of Vactor Adams; On the south by the highway and lane, and on the west by a lot in the possession of William Sturgis, containing about one acre of land, more or less” being the same lot of which Jacob Myers died seized. Dated January 13th, 1859,

BURTON G. MORSS, Administrator
With the will annexed of Jacob Myers deceased
E. P. MORE, Proctor

Notice to Creditors

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, IN PURSUANCE OF AN order of F. J. Fitch, Surrogate of the County of Greene, to all persons having claims against the estate of Abel Edmonds, deceased, late of the town of Ashland in the County of Greene, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to James S. Edmonds, administrator, at his residence in Windham Center on or before the 21st day of February, 1859.

JAMES S. EDMONDS, Administrator
Dated, August 20th, 1858

February 3, 1859

NOVEL SUIT – A novel suit was tried on Saturday last, in North Settlement, before a magistrate and jury. The action was brought by Mr. Abaz Cole against Mr. Thomas Sutton, for damages in the sum of fifty cents, for services of an animal of the bovine species. The jury learned from the witnesses that said animal had become incapacitated for service and rendered a verdict of “no cause of action.”


TO THE OVERSEERS OF HIGHWAY of the town of Windham: - In accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Greene, changing the annual Town Meeting from the first Tuesday of March to the first Tuesday in April, 1859; now therefore, we, the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Windham, give notice to all Overseers of Highways, to retain their Road Warrants until the 22d day of March, 1859, and then return them to us, at 10 o’clock A.M. of that day, at the Town Clerk’s office in the village of Windham center, under penalty prescribed by law. Dated at Windham, Jan. 31st, 1859.

DAVID VAN ORDEN Commissioners

Trimmers Wanted

CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT CAN BE given to several girls who understand trimming wool hats, at the Ashland Hat factory.

January 13, 1859


THE SUBSCRIBER GIVES NOTICE TO his friends and former customers that he is about to leave the place, and wishes to have his business settled at once. All persons, therefore, who are indebted, are requested to make immediate payment.

Windham Center, Nov. 24, 1858

House and Lot for Sale

THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS for sale a House and Lot, situated in Hensonville and formerly owned by Matthew Winters. The House is nearly new, and there is a good well of water on the premises. The above described property will be sold low by applying to the subscriber, in East Jewett, or to Anson H. Hitchco*ck, in Big Hollow. Title good.

Windham, January 12, 1859


THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing under the firm of RICHARDSON & HURD is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by S. W. Richardson. The notes and accounts will be settled by either of the parties at his store.

Oakill, January 10th, 1959

To the Traveling Public

THE undersigned would announce that he has taken the CATSKILL HOUSE (recently kept by Mrs. Van Bergen), and having overhauled and repaired the House and Stables, is now ready for the reception of guests. Having improved the premises and secured the services of competent assistants, he has no hesitation in guaranteeing all the essential requisites for the TRAVELER’S HOME. A large experience in the business also warrants him in guaranteeing everything demanded in a well regulated Hotel.


February 10, 1859

SURGICAL – Dr. W. Wetmore of Catskill removed a cancerous tumour of the breast, a few days since, of enormous size, from a female of that village. Notwithstanding the large size of the tumour it was deemed necessary to remove a portion of the adjacent integument. The operation we learn, was performed in the short space of three of four minutes. The patient is at present rapidly recovering, although at the time of the operation, her life was almost despaired of. So much for a timely use of the knife. The patient is in charge of Dr. Wetmore, a competent and skillful surgeon.

IMPROVING – Mr. John H. Ruger, of West Catskill, who was so seriously injured by falling from a building a few weeks since, as to fracture his thigh bone, the bone protruding through the flesh, and the knee-pan of the same leg badly fractured also, with other severe injuries, is improving as fast as can be expected. Dr. Wetmore, who has charge of the patient, thinks he will be obliged to amputate the ends of the fractured bone before a healthy union can be obtained. We are happy to learn that Mr. Ruger is in charge of a faithful and competent surgeon.

BUSINESS CHANGES – Under this head the Examiner gives the following among the business changes for the coming Spring trade:

J. H. Van Gorden has leased the “Beach Store,” (the lower store now occupied by Edwards & Meech,) to which he intends to remove on the first of May, and continue grocery trade.
H. S. Lockwood has retired from the firm of Martin & Lockwood, and is now connected with the Messrs. Ingersoll in their two stores – Groceries and Boots and Shoes. The firm is now Lockwood & Ingersolls.
A. Martin, Jr., continues the Hardware trade at the stores formerly occupied by him and more recently by Martin & Lockwood.
F. S. Lynes has taken Joshua Fiero, Jr., into Co-partnership in the Clothing and Tailoring business. The new firm is F. S. Lynes & Co., and the business is to be continued at the same place as heretofore. Mr. Fiero still continues in the Dry Goods trade at the Empire Store.
We have heretofore spoken of the improvements made by Mr. France in the interior of the Catskill House. We understand that greater changes are to be made in the Spring so as to meet the fullest demands of the traveling public.

FROZEN – A man named James McCafferty, residing in the eastern part of the town of Conesville, Schoharie County, was found in front of his house on the morning of the 11th of January, in a helpless and almost lifeless condition. He had been out the night before, which was the evening of the cold Monday, and had returned almost home, when he was so badly frozen that he could not get into the house. It is supposed he will not recover. These are the particulars we gathered in haste from a friend who resides in the neighborhood.

WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY BALL – A cotillion party will be held at the Rising Sun Hotel, kept by Henry Tibbits, Esq., in Broome Center, Schoharie County, on Tuesday evening, Februaryy22d, in commemoration of the birthday of Washington. The dancing will commence at 8 o’clock, P.M. The music will be by the Slonesville Band. All who are acquainted with that prince of landlords, Mr. Henry Tibbits, are aware that a pleasant time will be the consequence.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – Mrs. J. B. Fish, of this town, will please accept our thanks for a basket of choice winter pears. We know not of what variety they were, but must say they were in an excellent state of preservation, and were considered a curiosity by all who saw them. It is a consolation sometimes to know that we are remembered by the ladies, if not by the sterner sex.

OATS – Notice is given in another column by A. A. Babco*ck, Esq., of Catskill, that he will pay the highest market price for Oats. Considerable opposition has been manifested to Mr. B.’s manner of buying this article of produce, merely because he gets all that are offered for sale. The reason is evident – he pays a cent or two more on a bushel than his opponents.

DISAPPEARANCE – A friend informs us that Mr. David R. Richtmyer, a storekeeper at Manorkill, Schoharie County, has recently disappeared in a rather hasty and mysterious manner. The officers have closed the store, and business is suspended pro tem.


Some excitement in our quiet village has been the consequence of the rather mysterious departure of James S. Edmonds, late Deputy Sheriff, from this place. He left here intending to go to Athens upon business on Wednesday morning, January 19th, since which time nothing is known as to his whereabouts except that he left his horse in the care of Messrs. Loud & Smith, in Catskill, the day after he left here. Suppositions of every description are rife concerning his designs in thus leaving so mysteriously.

There are some suspicions in Catskill that he has fell among thieves and been waylaid. One gentleman there supposes him to have been drugged, robbed and thrown through the ice into the Hudson River. Others pronounce him a scoundrel of the first water. He was known to have several hundred dollars in his possession at the time he left, which with the circ*mstance of his borrowing $100 on his horse in Catskill, would seem to leave some ground for truth in the latter assertion. But as there may be yet some circ*mstance to transpire – some explanation to be made – to put a different face upon the affair, people should not be too hasty in condemning what they are only presuming to be a piece of rascality.

Justice’s Court

Before Merritt Osborne, Esq., Justice

Ebenezer Sutton, against the Overseers of the Poor of the town of Prattsville. John Olney, Esq., for Plaintiff and E. P. More, Esq., for Defendants. Action was commenced for expenses incurred in keeping a pauper of the town of Prattsville. The amount claimed was about $65. The case was tried in this village on the 27th ult., and judgment was rendered for plaintiff for $32.62, or about half the amount claimed.

ACCIDENT – An accident occurred in this town on Sunday afternoon last, which resulted in serious injuries to Mrs. Chauncey Peck, of Hensonville. Mrs. Peck was returning from church, accompanied by her son, when the horse took fright about a mile east of this village and ran away. The cutter upset on the bridge near the residence of Mr. Harmon Camp, throwing both persons out. Mrs. Peck’s arm was broken in the fall, and she complained of bruises in her side. He son was uninjured. The horse continued his flight to Hensonville, about a mile, where he was stopped.

FATAL ACCIDENT – On the 26th ult., while Mr. William Saunders, of Meredith, was at work on the drum of a turning lathe, which was revolving at a rapid rate, his chisel took too rank a hold, was wrenched from his hands, and at the same time tearing off a heavy piece of oak plank – either the piece of plank or the chisel struck him on the head, breaking his skull and making a frightful wound from which the brains protruded. He died on Friday, the 4th inst., leaving a wife and several children. Mr. S. was about 50 years of age and much respected where he was known. -Delaware Gazette

ACCIDENT ON THE ICE – William Hollenbeck, a son of Mr. Abram Hollenbeck of Athens, a lad of some 13 years of age, was run over recently by an ice boat upon the river and so severely injured as to cause death.

February 17, 1859

HORSE DROWNED – In crossing the river on Saturday afternoon last with a load of leather, John Roe’s team broke through the ice. One of the horses was drowned. The leather valued at $1,000 and belonging to Messrs. Pratt & Samson, with sleigh and harnesses, were recovered – People’s Press.

Mr. Lyman Stannard, of Durham, lately sold to Hiram Steward a litter of ten pigs weighing in the aggregate three thousand eight hundred pounds. They were fatted by himself. When butchered they were but nine months old. They sold for three hundred and four dollars.

A horse belonging to Gilbert Beckwith, Esq., of Lexington, got cast in the stable on the night of the 3d inst., and when discovered had one of his thigh bones broken. The horse was killed immediately.

SKATING – Three gentlemen of Catskill – Judge Fitch, Benjamin Wey, Esq., and Hiland Hill, Esq., made a journey last week from Catskill to Newburg, a distance of sixty miles, in five hours and five minutes.


for sale, their entire stock of Millinery and Millinery Goods, together with the good will of their establishment. Their shop is pleasantly situated in the most business part of the village of Windham Center. Rent of shop moderate. Possession given first of April. All the above Goods, together with their Shop Fixtures, will be sold CHEAP. For further particulars, enquire of the subscribers, at their store in Windham Center, Greene Co., NY.
Windham Center, Feb. 16, 1859

Sheriff’s Sale

By virtue of an execution issued by J. Atwater Cooke, Clerk of the County of Greene, out of the Greene County Court, and to me directed and delivered, against the goods and chattels, Lands and tenements, of James Orr, defendant, I have seized and taken and shall expose to sale at the hotel kept by Cyrus Smith in this village of Prattsville, in said county and state of New York, on the 31st day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine at twelve o’clock, noon, of that day, all the right, title and interest which the said James Orr had on the 25th day of March, 1858, or at any time afterwards, or in whose hands soever the same may be, of, in and to all and singular the following described land, to wit: “all that certain piece of land, situate in the town of Prattsville, in said county, and bounded generally as follows. On the north and east by the lands in possession of Richard Maginnis; on the south by lands of Mrs. Henry A. Groat and on the west by the said Groat’s land and, the highway, containing about one fourth of an acre of land be the same more of less, together with all and singular, the buildings, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining. – Dated February 9th, 1859.
By JAMES McARDLE, Deputy Sheriff

February 24, 1859

MASONIC – A Masonic Lodge has recently been established in the village of Catskill, and the following gentlemen have been elected as officers.

John H. Bagley, W.M.
T. C. Palmer, S. W.
Jas. Becker, J. W.
Isaac Pulver, S. D.
A. Melvine Osborne, J. D.
Samuel Dubois, Sec’y
R. H. King, Treas’r
G. L. France, M.C.
Luke Kiersted, M. C.
D. S. Manchester, Tyler

Simon Embree, a respectable citizen of Marbletown, hung himself from a beam in his blacksmith shop in the 27th ult. His wife, about six years ago, committed suicide by hanging herself in the same place. Mr. Embree was evidently insane. – People’s Press.


The Coxsackie Union of Saturday announces the death of REUBEN S. SLATER, Esq., one of the editors of that paper, on Thursday last at 3 o’clock, P.M. About nine months since he was attacked with bleeding at the lungs, since which time he has gradually declined.

Administrators Sale

BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER DULY MADE AND ENTERED by the Hon. F. James Fitch, Surrogate of the County of Greene and State of New York, on the 10th day of January 1859, notice is therefore hereby given, that I shall sell at public Auction, to the highest bidder, at the house of Cyrus Smith in the village and town of Prattsville, Greene County, NY, on the 4th day of March, 1859 at 10 o’clock A.M. “all that certain house and lot of land situate, lying and being in the town and village of Prattsville and bounded generally as follows viz:’ on the north by lands of Peter Jacobs; On the east by lands in the possession of Vactor Adams; On the south by the highway and land and on the west by lot in the possession of William Sturgis, containing about one acre of land more or less” being the same lot of which Jacob Myers died seized. Dated January 13th, 1859.

BURTON G. MORSS, Administrator
With the will annexed of Jacob Myers deceased
E. P. MORE, Proctor

March 3, 1859

Hotel Changes

Messrs. Peck & Gunn have contracted for the erection of a new hotel adjoining the one now occupied by them, to be completed by the first of May. They expect to have the largest hotel in Greene County.

Mr. David S. Manchester, of Catskill Point, has purchased the eagle Hotel at Coxsackie, formerly occupied by Mr. Charles Backus, and will take possession on the 1st of April. The stand is said to be an excellent one for business and we are sure “David knows how to keep a hotel.”

Mr. L. Eagleston, formerly of this village and more recently of Cairo, has purchased the Eagle Hotel in Acra, lately occupied by Mr. E. Y. Spring. We notice that the former friends of Mr. Eagleston have not forgotten him, and that his house is well patronized. He is untiring in his efforts to accommodate and please his friends, and is deserving of all the business they can throw in his way.

WILD CAT KILLED – A wild cat was killed on Monday of this week, near the top of the mountain, by Mr. Isaac C. Butts. It measured three feet and eleven inches from the nose to the end of its tail, and exhibited some genuine Catskill Mountain ferocity while being captured.

TAVERN STAND TO LET – Upon reference to our new advertisem*nt column, the reader will perceive that the well known O’Neil tavern stand, in Shandaken, Ulster County, is offered for rent as a Temperance House. The location is a good one, and persons who are on the lookout for a business opening will do well to address Mr. Morrison and inquire into particulars.

LECTURE – Rev. J. H. Champion, of this village, will deliver a lecture before the Greene County Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at the M. E. Church in East Jewett, on Tuesday evening, March 8th at 7 o’clock. The members of the Order will appear in regalia. The public are invited to attend.

FROZEN TO DEATH – A man named John Hendrickson, was frozen on Thursday night last, near the old Durham turnpike, between Durham and Conesville, and died from the effects on Saturday morning. His age was about 50, and he leaves a family.

FATAL ACCIDENT – We understand that a son of Robert Fulton, some 12 or 13 years of age, was killed at Leeds, on Sunday last by falling from the third story of the new mill.

Valuable Tavern Stand

THE SUBSCRIBER, BEING DESIROUS to remove to the west, offers his place for sale. The Hotel is situated in the center of the village of CAIRO, and the land immediately adjoining. The building is in first rate order, having been thoroughly fitted up within a few months. Connected with it are commodious barns, wagon houses, stables, &c and the hotel is now doing as lucrative a business as any place in the county. For further particulars, apply to the subscriber on the premises. JOHN. H. PERSON
Cairo, October 8, 1858

March 10, 1859

Circuit Court

The Circuit Court of this county concluded its business on Friday evening last, and adjourned. Most of the second week was taken up in the trial of the Lexington barn burners. Brandow Huggans was found guilty. The jury was out from Tuesday night to Wednesday afternoon. The prisoner was placed in custody of the Sheriff to await his sentence by the General Term at Albany on Monday.

Wm. R. Dyle was also found guilty of being concerned in the barn burning at Lexington.

Ira Huggans, indicted with Dyle and others, was discharged, the prosecution deeming his acquittal quite sure under the evidence brought out on the trial of the others.

In the Oyer and Terminer, Staats Wolford, who had been indicted for Petit Larceny, second offence, plead guilty, and was sentenced to two years imprisonment in the State Prison.

ACCIDENT – On Wednesday afternoon of last week, a serious accident occurred to Mr. Daniel Bishop, of this town, by which he had a leg broken. It happened in the following manner: Mr. Bishop and a friend were in the wagon house of Mr. B. H. Waldron, this village, where they had playfully taken a “square hold” for a wrestle. As Mr. B. raised his left foot, however, it was struck by that of his friend, which threw him over in such a manner that his weight came suddenly upon his right foot, and a fracture occurred about half way between the ankle and knee joints. Dr. Barnett attended the patient and he is now doing well.

FIRE ALARM – On Thursday evening last, at about 6 o’clock, an alarm of fire was given and it being a very windy and blustering evening, our citizens were not slow to turn out. The fire companies were prompt in drawing out the “machines,” but the alarm was soon found to have been caused by the burning out of a chimney at the store of Mr. O. Holcomb. The roof had taken fire near the chimney, but was extinguished without any difficulty.

MURDER – An Irishman named Murray was assaulted on Monday afternoon of last week in the town of Catskill, near Leeds, by another Irishman named Slattery. It seems that a difficulty existed between the parties and that while Murray was walking along with his little daughter, he was attacked by Slattery, who struck him in the head with a club and injured him so much that he died on Wednesday. Sheriff France and his officers tracked Slattery to Philmont, Columbia County, where they found he had taken a train for New York. He has not yet been arrested, we learn, but a sharp search is being made and $100 reward is offered for his apprehension.



THE SUBSCRIBER WILL OFFER FOR sale at PUBLIC VENDUE, at his residence in Mitchell Hollow, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16th, 1859, at 12 o’clock, P. M., the following property, viz: Eight cows; one yoke of Oxen, three years old; one half-blood Durham Bull, three years old; five Yearlings; a quantity of Hay; seventy five bushels of Potatoes; one lumber Wagon; one two horse pleasure Wagon; one set of double Harness; Also a lot of Farming Utensils.

Terms of Sale – All sums under $5, Cash. All sums over $5, six months Credit, with good approved notes. PHILO S. LAKE
Windham, March 8th, 1859

To The Traveling Public

THE undersigned would announce that he has taken the CATSKILL HOUSE, recently kept by Mrs. Van Bergen, and having overhauled and repaired the Houses and Stables, is now ready for the reception of guests. Having improved the premises, and secured the services of competent assistants, he has no hesitation in guaranteeing all the essential requisites for the TRAVELER’S HOME. A large experience in the business also warrants him in guaranteeing everything demanded in a well regulated Hotel.


Steam Transportation


Through without landing, and connecting with the Mail Stages West.
1859 1859
The Catskill Steam Transportation Company will run the Steamer CATSKILL; Capt. WILLIAM R. LYNES. The season of 1859, for Freight and Passengers, as follows: leaving Catskill for New York Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 o’clock, P.M., and leaving New York for Catskill, from the foot of Franklin Street, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 5, P.M., and Saturdays at 9 A.M.

The Steamer CATSKILL possesses accommodations for Passengers unsurpassed for elegance and comfort. Her Saloon and Staterooms are not excelled by any boat on the river. Having been recently rebuilt and enlarged, and also furnished with new boilers, she is all that can be desired for speed and safety.

Passengers by this boat can rely upon arriving in New York at an early hour and at Catskill in time to take the Stages West.


Breakfast will be furnished on the Boat to Passengers going West, if required.

Catskill, March 1st, 1859

March 17, 1859

STILL AT LARGE – Slattery, the murderer of Murray, at Leeds, in this county, was still at large on Monday night, although every effort has been and is still being made for his arrest. He was traced into Massachusetts where the skill of the officers was baffled, and the trail was lost. It is stated that Gov. Morgan will offer an additional reward for him.

NEW STAGE HOUSE – The line of stages between this village and Delhi now stop at the hotel of Mr. B. H. Waldron, in this village, instead of at the hotel of Mr. Edward Dill, as formerly. Mr. Dill, we learn, is to remove from the place on the first of April, and a gentleman named Hoose is to take the hotel now occupied by him.

STRUCK BY LIGHTNING – The house of Stoddard Stevens, in Hamden, Delaware Co., was struck by lightning on Thursday night, 3d inst., and the furniture, floors, doors &c., were badly shattered. Eight persons were sleeping in the building at the time, but strange to say, none of them were injured in the least.


MR. EDITOR – As Mr. George Delamater, of Jewett, was on his way home on Tuesday of this week, his horse became frightened at an umbrella in the hands of Mrs. Cole, (wife of Mr. Peter Cole,) who had got in his wagon to ride a short distance, and when near the residence of Mr. Addison Steele, jumped so suddenly as to throw both persons, together with the seat, clear from the wagon, Mrs. Cole striking flat on her back. Fortunately, the mud was not very deep at that point and her hands and feet stuck out, by which means she was soon extricated from her disagreeable situation, without any serious bodily harm. The horse was soon stopped, and all things being in driving order, Mr. Delamater went on rejoicing that nothing more serious had occurred.

The body of a man was found floating in the Catskill Creek on Tuesday of last week. It was recognized as that of an Irishman named Phillip Collins, who, it is presumed, was drowned on the 2d day of November last when he was last seen much intoxicated.

Mr. Garrett, a farmer at South Westerlo, Albany County, a few days ago sold his farm for $6,000, gave $2,000 to his wife and children, and with the balance eloped with a servant girl to California.

RARE GAME – OTTER SHOT – On Thursday, David Person, of Cauterskill, shot a large Otter in the Cauterskill Creek. Its weight was about 75 lbs., and it measured about 4 feet. Game of this kind is quite rare, and valuable – the skin, it is said, being worth about $15. -- Examiner


THE SUBSCRIBER WILL OFFER for SALE AT PUBLIC VENDUE, at the Hotel now occupied by him, in Windham Center, on THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1859, at 10 o’clock A.M., the following property, viz: One Cow; one one-horse pleasure Wagon; a quantity of Household Furniture, consisting of Bedsteads, Beds and Bedding, Chairs, Tables, Wash-Stands, Carpets, Stoves and Fixtures, Crockery and other articles too numerous to mention.

Terms of Sale – Cash.
Windham, March 15th, 1859


THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL OFFER FOR sale at PUBLIC VENDUE, at the hotel of J. S. Miller, (formerly occupied by Jacob Craft,) in South Durham (if not disposed of at private sale before) on TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1859, at 12 o’clock N., the following property, viz: 300 Store Sheep, also one Bay Mare. The Sheep referred to comprise the finest lot of young and thrifty Ewes that were ever offered for sale in this section.

Terms of Sale – Cash, or sixty days Credit with approved notes.
Windham, March 12th, 1859

Supreme Court

EZEKIEL P. MORE against Nicholis Bush and Lydia Bush his wife, Peter Deyoe and Polly Deyoe his wife, Ira Martin and Eliza Martin his wife, Lawrence Wolcott, Frances C. Wolcott, Caroline Wolcott, Margarette White, Laura White, Lovisa White and William White.

In pursuance and by virtue of a judgment of the Supreme Court of the State of New York made in this action and entered on the 22nd day of February 1859, in the office of the clerk of the County of Greene, I, the undersigned referee, shall expose for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the Public House kept by Jacob T. Huggans, in the village and town of Prattsville, on the 29th day of April, 1859, at one o’clock in the afternoon of that day, the lands and premises described in said judgment as follows, viz: All that certain house and lot and garden situate in the village of Prattsville, Greene County, NY, and bounded on the north by lands in possession of Elisha Lord and Thomas Montgomery, on the east by John S. Houghtailing’s lot (formerly,) on the south by lands of F. A. Feen and Giles S. Cotton, on the west by lands in possession of Edward Phillips (formerly), being the same premises and the whole thereof, of which Gideon Wolcott died seized, containing three-fourths of an acre, more of less.

Dated Prattsville, March 12th, 1859.
E.P. MOSS, Attorney in Person

March 24, 1859

An accident occurred near Gilboa on Wednesday evening of last week, to Mr. James Doyle of the town of Prattsville, while on his way to the latter place. In fording the stream below the falls, half a mile this side of Gilboa, his wagon capsized, throwing himself and a young lady who accompanied him, into the water. Mr. D. succeeded in reaching the shore with the lady, but his horse and wagon were carried down stream by the force of the current. The next morning, Mr. Doyle found his horse in the woods, in the vicinity of the accident and his wagon partially sunk in the creek.

Huggins, Dyle and Griffin, who were convicted at the last Circuit of burning the barn of Joseph Huggins, in Lexington, have not yet been sentenced. They are still confined in the jail at Catskill, where they will remain until the June term, when they will be sentenced.

House and Lot For Sale

THE SUBSCRIBER WILL sell at AUCTION APRIL 11TH, 1859, at ten o’clock, A. M., her HOUSE AND LOT, situated in the village of Lexington, Greene County, NY. The premises contain about ¾ of an acre of land, upon which there is a House and Barn, a variety of fruit trees in bearing and good water. It will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. Terms of Payment made easy to the purchaser.

Lexington, March 21, 1859

$100 Reward

JOHN SLATTERY, an Irishman, about 5 feet six inches high, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, weight about 140 pounds, sallow complexion, goatee on chin, without whiskers, about 21years old – accused of murder. One hundred dollars reward will be paid by me for the delivery of said John Slattery, at the jail in Catskill, Greene County, NY.

Said Slattery took a freight train from Philmont, Columbia Co., on the 3d inst., at about 2 P.M. for New York. $100 will be paid as above stated or $74 for his arrest and confinement in any Jail.

Sheriff of Greene Co., NY
Dated March 4th, 1859

March 31, 1859

REMOVAL – M. S. Babco*ck, Esq., of Prattsville, has retired from the firm of D. W. Smith & Co., and the business will be continued by Mr. Smith. The stock of goods have been removed from the building known as the Pitcher stand to the one now occupied by S. Winfield, adjoining J. B. Gregory’s drug store.

FOR PIKE’S PEAK – A company started from Lexington, on Monday morning of this week, bound for Pike’s Peak. The party consists of Messrs. J. A. Cross, Isaac Kipp, H. R. Faulkner, D. Beckwith, J. Jones, Kimber Van Hoesen and B. Ford. Success attend them.

MAN GOES OVER THE FALLS – On Tuesday last, about noon, an Irishman named Phillip Dunnivan was carried over the dam in this village and drowned. He was in a small scow a short distance above the falls, engaged in picking up wood that came floating down the current of the creek, but venturing too close to the falls after a large piece of timber, which he caught and fastened to the boat with a rope, was unable to get back again. As soon as he became fully conscious of the danger which threatened him, he at once untied the rope which held the timber and set at work with all his strength to row the boat up the stream, but by this time he had got where the current was so strong that he was unable to make any headway and was soon precipitated about forty feet among the rocks below. The boat was literally smashed to atoms, and the body is undoubtedly terribly mangled. He leaves a wife and family. Saugerties Tel.

ACCIDENT – An accident of a serous character occurred near the Big Hollow church on Sunday last, under the following circ*mstances. The family of Deacon L. Hayes were on their way to the church, and when almost there the team, which was driven by his son, a young man about sixteen years of age, became unmanageable, and sprang suddenly, when one of the fore wheels struck a large log by the roadside, shivering the wheel to atoms, and throwing those in the wagon about twenty-five feet upon the frozen ground. Addison, the young man who was driving had his left arm broken near the elbow, and received some bruises about the head. Mary, who was lately married to a Mr. Green of Hunter, received a fracture of the collar bone besides other injuries. Ellen received some slight bruises and John, the youngest of the family, escaped with some cuts about this head. The above named persons comprised the load. With good medical attendance, they are doing as well as can be expected.

Mr. A.N. Hitchco*ck will please accept our thanks for thus promptly furnishing us with the above particulars.

A REMARKABLE MAN – We are informed that there is a man residing in Cobleskill, Schoharie County, named Barney Shaver, who has not spoken to his wife in over twelve years, although living in the same house with her, and eating at the same table. He is one of the wealthiest men in the town.

This might seem a remarkable story, were we to neglect mentioning that Mr. Shaver is deaf and dumb. As tomorrow is All-fool’s Day, this little joke will, of course, be fully appreciated.

MUSICAL CONVENTION – A Musical Convention will be held at the Baptist church, Westkill, Greene County, NY, under the direction of Prof. M. Benjamin, of Westkill, commencing on Tuesday evening, April 5th, 1859, and closing with a Concert on Friday evening, April 8th. Miss C. L. Chase will preside at the Piano. Price of Tickets for the Convention and Concert, 50 cents for Gentlemen and 25 cents for Ladies – to the Concert, 15 cents. All are invited to attend on Tuesday evening the 5th, free.

LARGE EGG – Mr. Matthew Rider, of Hensonville, haslaid on our desk an egg of extraordinary size. The “fruit” is the production of one of Mr. R’s hens. It measures 6 5/8 inches and weighs four ounces. If anyone can beat it, we would like to see the “fruit.”

April 7, 1859

Town Meetings

The annual town meetings of Greene County have once more passed and the people have adopted their Supervisors and town officers for the coming year. The early hour at which we go to press, (Wednesday morning,) of course, prohibits our giving a full list of the Supervisors elected. The following towns, however, have been heard form, we think reliably:

Ashland -- Austin Smith, Democrat, elected Supervisor by a majority of 14. The most of the Democratic ticket was elected. Three tickets were in the field. The Republican ticket was headed by Chas. H. Porter, Esq., and the American by Henry Cooke.

Prattsville – Simon Winfield, Esq., Democrat, elected by 35 over B. G. Morss.

Lexington – Elijah P. Bushnell, Democrat, re-elected. No opposition.

Jewett – John Peck, Esq., Republican, elected over Silas Green, Esq., Democrat, by a majority of 2.

Cairo – Luke Roe, Esq., Democrat, re-elected by a majority of about 80 or 90.

Catskill – Tie between Mr. Meech, Democrat, and Austin, Rpublican.

Windham – Richard P. Gorsline, Republican, is elected by 13 over Dr. F. H. Holcomb. Mr. Gorsline was the only man elected on his ticket, the balance of the officers being Democratic by an average majority of about 30.

ACCIDENT – On Saturday last, at about 3 o’clock, P.M., while a one horse wagon, belonging to J. S. Houghtaling, Esq., of Durham, was on the way to Stamford, with the mail and two passengers, (a lady and a gentleman,) and when near the bridge below the village of Gilboa, one of the snaps was accidentally detached from the whiffletree, and the horse, becoming frightened, leaped suddenly over an embankment into the creek, a distance of some twenty feet. Luckily, however, the horse became separated from the wagon as he went down, and the gentleman, with the assistance of the driver, was enabled to get the lady safely out of the vehicle. The horse, after swimming back and forth until exhausted, was got out through the efforts of the driver.

$250 Reward
Proclamation, by Edwin D. Morgan, Governor of the State of New York.

WHEREAS it has been represented to me by George L. France, Sheriff of Greene County, J. A. Cooke, County Clerk and sundry other persons, citizens of the town of Catskill, that WILLIAM MURRAY was willfully murdered by JOHN SLATTERY, on Tuesday, the first day of March, 1859, and whereas said Sheriff, County Clerk and others have requested that I would offer a reward for the apprehension of the said murdered, now, therefore in compliance with such request, I do hereby offer a reward of TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY DOLLARS to be paid to any person or persons who shall give such information as shall lead to the apprehension and conviction of the said John Slattery.

In witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my name and the Privy Seal for the State this eleventh day of March in the (L.S.) year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine.

By the Governor, EDWIN D. MORGAN.
(Signed,) GEORGE BLISS, Private Secretary.

$150 Reward

In addition to the above, will be paid by the undersigned, Sheriff of the County of Greene. SLATTERY is about 5 ½ feet high; weight about 140 lbs.; hair dark brown, a very little short of medium length; Dark brown eyes; sallow complexion; has a swing on his chin – no whiskers on his cheeks; - wears a black velvet cap, dark drab pants, sprig side band; black coat, calfskin boots. He is about 20 years old; speaks a little hesitating; clips his words; slight Irish accent. Has worked in woolen mills; is a finisher by trade. Said SLATTERY took a freight train from Philmont, Columbia County, on the 3d inst., for New York.

GEORGE L. FRANCE, sheriff of Greene Co., N. Y.,
March 12th, 1859.

April 14, 1859

Two small boys, sons of Leonard Mower, of Saugerties, came near blowing up themselves some nights ago, by emptying a canister of powder near a burning candle. The powder caught fire and exploded, burning the boys badly.

April 21, 1859

GREENE COUNTY HOTEL – Great and important improvements are being made in this hotel, which will be completed and ready for the reception of guests about the middle of May. Much care has been taken in the planning and laying out of the apartments, and when finished it will certainly be an ornament to the place and a welcome home for travelers. It is situated at the corner of Church and Main streets, in Catskill, and Messrs. Peck & Gunn, the proprietors, are too well known to need either praise or comment. It is but just, however, to say that those who patronize this hotel speak of it and its proprietors in the most flattering terms. We wish Messrs. P. & G. the success which their enterprise deserves.

NEW LOCATION – Mr. Jacob Craft, formerly of South Durham and for the last year of this village, has taken the hotel in this place known as the Osbornville House, recently vacated by Mr. Edward Dill. Mr. Craft has the reputation of a clever host, and the public says “he knows how to keep a hotel.” His extensive acquaintance with travelers will ensure him success. We learn that Mr. C’s son-in-law will be connected with him, and that the firm will be Craft & Adams.

ANOTHER – Mr. Jesse N. Coons, has recently purchased the well known tavern stand formerly occupied by Mr. A. Persons, seven miles west of Catskill, where he has removed and we are glad to see that he is making many “internal improvements” about the house and that he is doing a flourishing trade. Success to him.

April 28, 1859

Dairy Farm for Sale

THE SUBSCRIBER Offers for sale his FARM situated in the town of Jewett 1 ¾ miles east of the Heights and half a mile west of the Goshen Settlement school house, containing 167 acres – well proportioned as to meadow, pasture and woodland. On said premises are two dwelling houses, two 30 and 40 barns, wagon house, horse barn, sugar house, &c. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises. Terms of payment made easy.

N.B. – If not sold at private sale prior to the 1st day of November next, it will then be sold at Public Sale, in whole or in parcels to suit purchasers.

Jewett, April 25, 1859

May 5, 1859

ACCIDENT – An accident occurred in Catskill on Saturday last, by which a man named Christy had his leg broken. He was exercising a horse on the hill, when the horse became frightened and attempted to run away. Christy leaped from the wagon and accidentally got his foot through one of the wheels, by which the leg was broken in three places.

NOT DEAD – Mr. John Pindar, formerly of Catskill Point, who went to California some eight years ago, and whose death was recently reported in the California papers, returned to Catskill on Saturday night last, to the surprise of all who knew him, and apparently in the best of health.

Lewis D. Vandemark, employed in Col. Snyder’s tannery at Woodland, in the town of Shandaken, was caught in the machinery and killed, on the 19th last, aged 22 and unmarried.

DROWNED – A boy 3 years old, belonging to James Parslow, was drowned by falling from the dock at the Upper Landing. At the hour of our going to press, the body had not been recovered. – Coxsackie Union.

May 12, 1859

The friends of Burrit O. Stone, Esq., will read with deep regret that he is now lying dangerously ill, at his residence in this village, and that there is scarcely a symptom upon which to build a hope that he will recover. For the past week, he has been quite delirious, and his efforts to get into the open air have so much exhausted him that he is now in a very weak and feeble state.

The Rev. D. G. Wright, formerly of Prattsville, has recently removed from Litchfield, CT, to Poughkeepsie, NY, where he has established a Collegiate Academy. No person is better qualified for the position of Principal of such an Institution than Mr. Wright, and we sincerely hope the enterprise may prove successful.

Dr. E. Colburn, of this village, has purchased of R. P. Gorsline, Esq., the commodious dwelling house adjoining the residence of Dr. C. V. Barnett, whither he expects to remove in a few days. It is an excellent piece of property, and we congratulate the Doctor upon its acquisition.

May 19, 1859

A NEST OF THEM – We are informed that Peter Cochrane, a resident of the town of Cairo, killed 69 black snakes upon his farm, which lies, we believe, near the foot of the Round Top. They varied from four to seven feet in length and all issued from a single hiding place.

So says the Herald. We were at first inclined to consider the yarn very fishy. But, we have since been reliably informed that upon pushing a pole down into the hole, or nest, a great squirming was felt – giving the idea there may have been fifty or sixty there yet.

NEW DRUG STORE – Mr. Ingersoll, of Hunter, and Dr. Dewey, of Leeds, have formed a co-partnership, and established a new Drug Store, at the old stand of J. H. Van Gorden, Esq., in the village of Catskill. Both these gentlemen are practicing Physicians, and with their large experience as dealers in drugs and medicines, will undoubtedly meet with excellent success.

DROWNED – The Examiner states that a young man, 21 years of age, named William Smith, (in the employ of Samuel Harris, Esq., in the Factory at Leeds, ) was accidentally drowned while bathing in the pond near the factory. It is supposed he was seized with a fit. Coroner Brace held an inquest and a verdict of “accidental drowning” was rendered.

SUDDEN DEATH – William Culbert, a teamster, aged about 30, fell off his wagon, on the Ulster and Delaware Plank Road, near the first toll gate, on Thursday morning of last week, apparently in a fit. He was brought to the house of John Hanley, near the Kingston Bridge, where death ensued in a short time. Culbert is supposed to have ruptured a blood vessel. No marks or bruises were about him, to lead anyone to suppose that the wagon wheel struck or passed over him – People’s Press.

An old man, aged 60 years, by the name of John Goodsir, living in the vicinity of Ellenville, Ulster County, who tried to kill himself last year by cutting his throat, but did not quite commit suicide, made the second attempt at self destruction by throwing himself in the canal on Wednesday of last week and succeeded in effecting his object.

The remains of John Schmidt, who disappeared about midwinter, were recovered last week at Booth Brothers dock, Wilbur, Ulster County. He was a German, a resident of Rondout, aged about 40 and of intemperate habits.

May 26, 1859

ASHLAND CENTER HOTEL – We refer the reader to the card of Mrs. Wm. Allen, in another column. The Ashland Center Hotel is now the only public house in that village. It is centrally located, and under the present management, travelers may rely upon the best of treatments and a pleasant home while they tarry beneath its roof.

Messrs. Silas Munson and Russell Steele of this town have purchased the house and lot lately owned and occupied by Harmon Camp, Esq., deceased, in this village. The price paid was $1,500. It is to be rented to the congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as a residence for their pastor.

RUNAWAY – a horse belonging to D. W. Smith, Esq., of Prattsville, while being driven by a boy named John Newcomb, on Wednesday afternoon, took fright while coming down the hill on the Huntersfield Road, and ran away. He continued down the hill at a high speed, turned west at Fenn & Wilcox’s store, and after breaking off a fence post or two, nearly upsetting a Daguerrean car, leaping a “fire barred gate,” &c., was stopped, having nothing attached to him but the thills and fore wheels. The wagon box was left near the store of Fenn & Wilcox. The boy was badly bruised about the head and on one arm, but soon recovered.

MADE AN ASSIGNMENT – No little excitement and surprise exists in the town of Lexington on account of the recent assignment of Mr. Cornelius Hogaboom. The liabilities are said to be about $12,000 or $13,000 and the assets very light.

Mr. Abram Hill, formerly of the town of Prattsville, has sold his farm which is situated one mile east of the village of Prattsville, to Mr. Reed Newcomb. Mr. N. has taken possession and Mr. Hill now lives in Ashland.

ERRATUM – An error occurred in the communication over the signature of “Prattsville” last week. In the 12th line of the article, the name Hiram Ketchum, Esq., should read Morris Ketchum, Esq.

ANOTHER – In setting up the notice of the death of a lady in Jewett last week, the name was accidentally spelled Dutton and should have been Distin.

William Vielie, of Port Ewen, Ulster County, was found dead in his bed a few mornings since. He was a farmer, having spent the previous day plowing in the field, apparently in his usual health. He was seventy-eight years old.

To Whom it may Concern

On Sunday last, we noticed an insane woman struggling to enter a house in this village, the inmates of which through fear had closed, locked and barred their doors against her. Her efforts being unsuccessful, she cooled her temper by howling under the windows of the house for an hour or so afterwards. We are told her name is Polly Miller, and that she has a good home with friends in North Settlement, but cannot be induced to stay there. Her visits to this village, we notice are productive only of displeasure and annoyance to its residents, and invariably frighten all children who see or hear her. We respectively advise the proper authorities to see to it that she is either kept at home or provided for at the “hotel” set apart for such persons, in Cairo.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – We are indebted to Mr. W. F. Spencer, of this village, for a fine mess of trout, for which he will please accept our thanks. Who will say hereafter that we have not good neighbors, or that Windham and her citizens do not remember the printer?

The Rev. R. B. Welch, Pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church in the village of Catskill, has in consequence of continued ill health, tendered his resignation to his congregation and returned to Schoharie County, where he resides with his parents.

June 2, 1859

Ashland Center Hotel

MRS. WILLIAM ALLEN WOULD INFORM her friends that the above named Hotel, formerly kept by Mr. William Allen, is now in good repair, and open at all times for the reception of visitors. The rooms are large, pleasant and airy, the stables under the superintendence of an obliging and careful young man, and the bar well stocked with the finest selection of Wines, Liquors and Segars.

She respectfully solicits a share of patronage from the traveling public.

Ashland, May 14, 1859

Just Received by G. Holcomb

PLAIN AND FIGURED DELAINES, MOHAIR, DeBege, Book Muslins, Dotted and barred do., Brilliant, Pois DeChene, Prints of all kinds, Bed Ticking, Toweling, Brown and bleached Muslins, Striped Shirting, Bosoms and Collars, Irish Linen, Handkerchiefs, Hose and half hose. Satin and common Wall Paper and Bordering.

Crockery – Iron Stone China, in sets 76 pieces; Common do., of all kinds.

Glass Ware – Goblets; Bar, Table and Beer Tumblers, Glass Dishes and Castors, Window Glass too.

Boots and Shoes – Ladies’ Gaiters, Buskins and Slippers, Gent’s Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Boys Boots and Shoes. Children’s Gaiters and Shoes, Ancle Ties, Buttoned Gaiters, Patent Ancle Ties and Infants Socks, Indian Rubbers.

Hardware – Door Handles of different kinds. Hammers, Nails and Spikes, Coffee Mills, Augers, Chains, &c., Powder, B. and No. 8 Shot.

Groceries – Oolong Black Tea, Old Hyson and Imperial Young Hyson, Coffee, Sugar and Molasses, Cachu, Cloves, Nutmegs, Alspice, Ginger and Pepper. Pork, Hams and Shoulders, Dried Beef, White Fish, Lake Trout, Connecticut Shad, Mackerel, Cod Fish Pickled and Dry; Pressed Lard, Butter and Cheeses, Dried Apples, White Beans and Peas.

The subscriber would return his thanks for the patronage heretofore received and hopes his friends will call and examine his goods.
Windham Center, May 2, 1859


THE SUBSCRIBER GIVES NOTICE that he will offer for sale, at Public Vendue, at his residence, known as the “Bell Farm,” in the town of Windham, on SATURDAY, JUNE 4TH, 1859, at 11:00 o’clock, A.M. the following property, viz. – A general assortment of Household Furniture, consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, and Bedding, Tables, Chairs. Stoves and Store Furniture, Carpets, Milk Pans and other household articles too numerous to mention. Also, two Heifers, one three year old Colt and a lto of Farming Utensils, such as Wagons, Harness, Fanning Mill, Ploughs, Drags, Forks, Rakes, Chains, &c. A lot of Hay and Potatoes.

Terms of Sale – Cash or six months credit with approved notes. If not paid when due, interest will be charged from the date of sale.
Windham, May 24th, 1859


PAINTER – In whom steady employment __________ and good wages will be given. None but practical workman need apply to
Windham Center, March 30th, 1859

ARREST – A boy named Andrew Manley, hailing from Davenport, Delaware County, was arrested and brought before Justice Osborn on Saturday morning last for stealing from a wagon in the wagon house of Mr. Thomas Day of this town, a box of Millenary goods belonging to Mrs. Churchift of Stamford, which was valued at $35.00. The arrest was made by Mr. Day and the boy was taken to the county jail to await action of the Grand Jury.

A man named Meade, employed as a dairyman on the farm of B. G. Morse was attacked and severely injured by an enraged bull on Wednesday of last week, by which his arm was broken, and he was otherwise considerably bruised. The arm was set by Dr. C. V. Barnette, of this village and Mr. Meade is now doing well.

A little boy, son of Mr. Henry Kent, of Platner’s Brook, town of Delhi, arrived at the School house of the district, a little before the hour of school. No person was there but himself. The rain was falling, and the poor little fellow, not being able to obtain ingress at the door, attempted to get in at the window. Some time after, the teacher arrived and found him suspended and dead; the window had fallen upon his neck and choked him.

June 9, 1859

Speaking the word jump, reminded me that a man named Jump drove off 6 or 7 sheep a few days since without permission from the owner, Monroe Hallock, Esq. Justice Peck issued a warrant; and, in a short time, Deputy Chittenden jumped upon Mr. Jump, at East Durham. He was brought before Justice Peck, who sent him to reside at the hotel on the hill in Catskill, to await the action of the Grand Jury.

Jury List – June Term


Angelo HogeboomLexington
Abraham Martin, Jr. Catskill
James M. Lyon Cairo
Roswell M. Lawrence Catskill
James H. Snyder Catskill
William U. Moore Catskill
Selleck D. Smith Catskill
Sylvester Austin Windham
James Douglass Hunter
Barnard Osborn Windham
John C. Palmer Greenville
John B. Foote Catskill
Henry WilliamsCoxsackie
Henry Kirk Lexington
Jams Layman Hunter
Ambrose H. FlowerDurham
Iva Chase Hunter
Ezra Sherrill Greenville
Frederick CoonlyGreenville
Samuel DuBois Catskill
Lyman Paine Windham
Smith Powell New Baltimore
Jacob Rockerfeller Durham
Richard H. Van Bergen Coxsackie


Benjamin P. DuBois Catskill
Andrew B. HoughtalingCoxsackie
Ezra Thorne Greenville
Peter L. Vining Jewett
Jacob B. Lane Hunter
Edwin Brockett Windham
John M. Hommell Hunter
James M. Banker Halcott
Lyman Jones Jewett
Henry G. Bedell Coxsackie
David D. Bronk Athens
Berl Johnson Hunter
John M. Todd Halcott
Daniel S. Miller New Baltimore
Ira Sherman Windham
Edward M. Miller Greenville
John Jones, Jr. Durham
Nathaniel C. BarkerHunter
Abram Bedell Athens
James A. Cross Lexington
Jacob Salisbury Athens
Benjamin C. Lisk New Baltimore
Elias L. Dutcher Cairo
Amos Connelly Hunter
Ephraim T. Van SlycNew Baltimore
Godfrey M. Lake Cairo
Ransom OsbornAshland
Smith E. ReynoldsWindham
Albert SwinburneCairo
Seymour AdamsCairo
David C. HulbertDurham
Joel Egcor Catskill
Ambrose BurroughsCoxsackie
Henry Cole Windham
Edgar Halsted New Baltimore
Elias Peck Jewett

Hill’s Air Light

Prof. L. L. Hill, formerly of Westkill, in this county, and now of Hudson, is out with an exposure of a man named Griffen, for an attempt to palm off upon the public a bogus air-light, which said Griffen pretends to have invented recently. Prof. Hill proves pretty conclusively that Griffen, (who was once employed by him as carpenter or machinist,) is not a chemist, and that what little knowledge he possesses was clandestinely obtained while working for him. He also offers $5,000 as a forfeit if his Air Light does not prove itself, under the scrutiny of twelve disinterested persons, what he claims for it and that a similar investigation will prove Griffen’s Light to be spurious. The Hudson Daily Star, speaking of Hill’s Light says:

We have now had the Air Light in constant practical use at this office for about eight months, and we can say that it operates to our entire satisfaction; that it is perfectly practicable, reliable, safe, and very economical, while the light is of the most beautiful description and of extraordinary illuminating power. The heating flame we have used successfully for baking, melting glass, metals, etc.”

THE “AIR LIGHT’ FOR HEATING AND COOKING – The Hudson Star claims that Mr. Charles W. Grannis, at his shop in that city, has completely demonstrated the practicability of applying Hill’s Air Light to the purposes of Heating and Cooking, and that Stoves are about being constructed for the purpose. It is supposed to be much cheaper than wood or coal.


FROM a one-horse wagon, somewhere between Ashland and Clay Hill, on the morning of the 26th of May, a CARPET BAG containing Boy’s Clothing. Any information concerning the same will be thankfully received by the subscriber.

Ashland, June 1st, 1859

Drugs & Medicines
Ingersoll & Dewey

HAVING opened a Drug Store in the village of Catskill, in the building lately occupied by J. H. Van Gorden as a Grocery Store, respectfully invite the attention of the public to their stock.


Dye Woods and Dye-Stuffs, Pure Liquors, Brandies and Wines for Medicinal purposes; also Toilet and shagging Soaps; Tobacco; Cigars. &c., kept constantly on hand.

We invite the attention of the Profession and the public to our stock, and feel confident that the freshness of our articles and their genuineness will commend them to their favor. A full stock of the

PATENT OR PROPRIETARY MEDICINES of the day constantly on hand.

Orders for any article in our branch of business will be filled promptly and at the lowest market prices. Desiring to sell GOOD ARTICLES at a fair advance from wholesale prices, and soliciting a share of public patronage, we shall endeavor to satisfy all who may favor us with a call.

Attention given to Physicians’ orders and prescriptions at all hours of the day or night.

Catskill, June 6th, 1859

June 16, 1859

INDEPENDENCE BALL – J. T. Huggins, Esq. of the Prattsville House, we notice is preparing for a good time on the evening of the 4th of July next, on which occasion an Independence Ball will be held at his house. Mr. H. understands the manner of getting up good music, good suppers, &c., and from the patronage bestowed upon him on similar occasions heretofore, we have no doubt he will have a liberal attendance.

TALL RYE – Mr. R. G. Williams, of Mitchell Hollow, in this town, has handed us a stalk of rye, of this year’s growth, measuring 6 feet 5 inches. Who, in this vicinity, can best it? Those who try should make allowance for the time of taking it from the field – as this stalk was pulled on the 10th, inst.

SAD AFFAIR – On Tuesday morning last, two negroes, named John and Harry Brewster, (brothers) became engaged in a quarrel about some clothes. While scuffling, the former drew a jack-kinfe and struck at Harry, with which he inflicted a very dangerous, and probably fatal wound, of about six inches in length, across the right side of the abdomen causing the intestines to protrude. The injured man lies in a critical condition. John was sent to the Catskill jail.

Coxsackie Union.

The Stage Drivers

Perhaps there is no class of beings traveling the humble walks of life who are really more deserving praise than the stage drivers. They follow their unenviable calling through thick and thin, through fair weather and fowl, throughout August’s scorching heat and January’s bitter cold - burning themselves in the former and freezing themselves in the latter – and all for what? For a miserable pittance of some ten or twelve dollars a month.

They are expected to lift trunks that weigh a hundred and fifty or two hundred pounds, with only the slightest effort; to drive fifteen miles or more, and if an “extra” is needed, to return the same day, without additional compensation. While listening to the professional grumbler, giving vent to his unwelcome and disagreeable taunts and growls, they must sit idle and bear it without a word; or, if perchance they offer a remonstrance, are snubbed as brutes, unworthy of notice. Again, they are expected to carry packages hither and thither, to act as expressmen for country people who have errands in town, and in short to suit everybody for nothing.

Young America growls because they drive too slow – because they do not average ten miles an hour in hot August. Old fogy growls because he drives too fast – because he makes seven miles an hour, down the mountain, in cool December.

After all this, there are men in this country who have grown grey in the service. Among the oldest drivers is Bartholomew McQueen, familiarly known as Uncle Bart., with his good natured phiz, always ready to do a favor for a friend. He has driven for the Messrs. Beach over eighteen years, is now some seventy-five years old, and yet no man feels more at home than does Uncle Bart, when seated on a coach box with “four in hand.” He is worthy a life pension in some quiet home.

Next on the list is William McQueen, and who that has traveled this road does not know Bill. He is now superintending the carriage department of Mr. C. L. Beach, in Catskill. He has been “on the road” for over twenty years, and has seen some rough times in his day – crossing the mountain when it seemed like staring death in the face to make the attempt. He is a brother of Uncle Bart and as good nature runs in the family, of course Bill has inherited his share.

David McQueen, another brother, died some six or seven years ago. He too had been on the road for many years.

James McQueen, still another brother, now drives from the Mountain House to the Falls – some two miles below.

Henry O. Limerick, drives between Catskill and the Mountain House in warm weather, and takes an indoor berth in the winter, where he passes his time in caring for the harnesses, trimming coaches, &c.

Moses and John Prout are also among the oldest drivers, and have been brought up, as it were, with “the ribbons” in their hands.

Burton Chichester, Birdsley Curtis and Cyrus Lennon hold prominent places among the crowd, are all hale fellows well met, and for aught we know will be found in their present places for years to come.

Besides these, there are a host of others pursuing the same line of duty, whose names we cannot now call to mind. They are an industrious, intelligent, frank and open hearted class of men, and who do more for public accommodation than the ungenerous portion of community give them credit for.


Winans Yeomans, near Gayhead, and on the boundary line between Cairo and Greenville, of this county, died on the morning of Saturday last, with and from the effects of a malignant fungus, situate at the angel of the jaw, and extensively involving the arteries, veins, nerves, &c., of that region.

Mr. Yeomans had, within the last two years, suffered two operations under Dr. March, of Albany, for the purpose of extirpating what was supposed until recently, to be a simple sarcomatous or fleshy tumor. Since the last operation, however, something like a year ago, and especially for the last four months, it has grown more rapidly and exhibited more distinctly its true character. During the past three months, he has endured severe pain, only partially mitigated by powerful opiates.

In addition to a large circle of friends and acquaintances, he leaves a young wife and child, to mourn his loss. Yours hastily, ALIQUIS

Our Cairo Letter

FRIEND STEELE – On Thursday of last week occurred a little affair which has given newsmongers about town a warrantable subject for remarks. ‘Twas this: Grannis, overseer of the poor fort his town, was notified that an undressed little mortal was found lying behind a stone wall or fence on the premises of one Becker, on the road to Freehold, and near the residence of Mr. Bishop, the child having been left, sufficiently long uncared for during a rain storm, as to leave little vitality remaining – so little that the boy baby was soon after buried.

Coroner Ingersoll, of Catskill, was called and visited the locality on Saturday, with a view to investigate further on Monday.

Monday, June 13 –A jury was empanneled this day and elicited this much: -- That the baby was found by Mr. B. and wife, on the afternoon of Wednesday, after two prior unsuccessful searches, having probably laid where found since 9 or 10 o’clock the preceding evening. It lived something like an hour after it was carried by Mrs. B. to her home and washed. I shall report the further progress of the investigation hereafter.

Yours truly, ALIQUIS



THE subscriber during a fishing excursion to the Stony Clove Creek, in the town of Hunter, on Saturday, June 11th, lost a silver Patent Lover WATCH with Hunting Cases. Said watch was lost between Rusk’s Chair Factory and Mr. Carl’s house – three quarters of a mile above. The finder will be suitable rewarded by leaving the watch at the residence of the subscriber at Jewett Center.


Jewett Center, June 15, 1859

June 23, 1859

The Circuit Court

The Circuit Court for this County, Judge Hogeboom presiding, adjourned on Saturday last, after a session of two weeks.

The calendar was an unusually large one, comprising many important as well as severely contested cases and had not Judge Hogeboom worked faithfully day and night, but little impression would have been made upon it.

We give below a synopsis of the business disposed of at this term.

John Bogardus vs. Wm. H. Romeyn – The defendant in this action is the editor of the Kingston Democratic Journal and was sued for an alleged libel. The article was based upon a private letter received in Kingston from an individual in Catskill, and the editor finding that the article reflecting upon the character of the plaintiff, Mr. Bogardus, was in some respect incorrect, published in the next issue of his paper a full retraction. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff of ten dollars. S. A. & C. C. Givens, attorneys for plaintiff; M. Schoonmaker for defendant.

Miles G. Norton vs. Nathan P. Tyler et al. – Action to recover the value of a cask of brandy alleged to have been lost by the defendants who are freighters. Jury rendered a verdict of no cause of action. Olney & Osborn attorneys for plaintiff; J. W. Ellseffer attorney for defendant.

Daniel Vroman vs. John Fields – Action on promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff. J. B. Bronk attorney for plaintiff; E. Whitaker, attorney for defendant.

Comfort Clow vs. William Sager et al – Action commenced in Justice Court for trespass to lands. Defendant interposed a plea of title and action brought in the Supreme Court. Jury rendered a verdict of $42.92 for plaintiff. J. A. & A. Griswold for plaintiff; S. A. & C. C. Givens for defendant.

William Schuneman vs. William Newkirk – Action of Ejectment bro’t to recover a piece of land situate in Leeds. Court decided a verdict no cause of action. Olney & Osborn attorneys for plaintiff; J. W. Ellseffer attorney for defendant.

George Lockwood vs. William Hunter – This was an action of Slander and excited much interest. The jury was kept out some twenty hours and was unable to agree. E. Haight, S. A. & C. C. Givens and M. Sanford for plaintiff; King & Mattoon and R. W. Peckham for defendant.

David V. N. Houghtaling vs. Albert Houghtaling - Action of Ejectment. Court ordered a non-suit. H. C. Van Bergen for plaintiff; J. B. Bronk for defendant.

Frederick Q. Richtmyer, assignee &c. against Philip N. Searles – Action brought to recover the value of a cargo of stone alleged to have been fraudulently obtained by the defendant. Jury found a verdict for plaintiff of $780.58. Olney & Mott for plaintiff; Place & Hegeman for the defendant.

Cornelius Vail vs. Ira Finch – Action of trespass. Court directed dismissal of the complaint. L. C. Bennett for plaintiff; A. M. Osborn for defendant.

Commissioner of Excise vs. Laurence N. Falk – Action for violation of Excise Law. Jury found $50 for plaintiff. Olney & Mott for plaintiff; S.A. & C. C. Givens for defendant.

Adison P. Jones vs. Frederick Jump and Lawrence Winne – Action to set aside assignment as fraudulent and void. Tried by the court and decision reserved. S. A. & C. C. Givens for plaintiff; Olney & Osborn for defendant.

George Scutt vs. Philip Freese and Isaac Freese – Action to recover damages for obstructing right of way. Tried by the court and decision reserved. J. A. & a. Griswold for plaintiff; Olney & Osborn for defendants.

Some cases were referred and yet it will be seen that a large amount of business remains upon the calendar yet to be disposed of. No criminal trials were had.

The young lad indicted for stealing a quantity of millinery goods from the premises of Thomas Day, in this town, was arraigned, plead guilty and sent to the house of correction.

Brandow Huggans under conviction for the burning of Joseph Huggans’ barn, in Lexington, was admitted to bail in the sum of $5,000 (his father becoming surety) to await the decision of the Supreme Court as to whether a new trial shall be granted or not.

We can only add that Judge Hogeboom has won for himself the respect and confidence of the bar and suiters, evincing that clearness and thorough legal knowledge, which long since placed him in the front ranks of his profession and fit him to discharge in a manner creditable to himself and the electors of this judicial district the high and responsible duties resting upon him. As long as such men can be found, we have nothing to fear from an Elective Judiciary.

Child Desertion

Our readers will remember that our Cairo correspondent (in his letter last week) furnished a few particulars respecting the extraordinary abandonment of a child by its mother, Christina M. Vining. Since then an inquest has been held by Coroner Ingersoll, of Catskill, and we are permitted to publish the following testimony of Mr. Bishop, which will give a pretty clear idea of the case.

Josiah Bishop, being produced, and duly sworn and examined testifies and says that he is a resident of Cairo; recognizes the body of the child; and says that he first saw the child last Wednesday in the afternoon about 4 o’clock; saw it in the field of Mr. Becker, adjoining my orchard; saw my wife looking about in the orchard in the forenoon; inquired of her what she was looking for; replied that she saw her sister at the backside of the orchard when she got up; my wife request me to look around and see if I could discover anything; we both looked but discovered nothing; we both went to the house; shortly after I went along through the orchard, and over the wall into the field of Mr. Becker; I went toward the north, soon returned to the house and stated to my wife that I had discovered nothing; about 4 o’clock in the afternoon my wife started out and went in the direction of Mr. Becker’s lot. I went with her; she found blood marks on the grass and called my attention to them; this was in my orchard lot; my wife then went on to the wall or fence; she looked over and exclaimed, for Lord’s sake, there it is! I saw the same object about the same time; my wife got over the wall and hurried to the spot, she stood a moment and then picked up a child, wrapped it in her apron and started for the house; we talked on the way of the child’s sufferings. I think it lay on its right side; there was nothing over nor any clothing about it; it breathed; heard the child make no noise and saw no motion; this was on Wednesday June 8th. The child was found in a lot that had been seeded down; there was a thick stubble, there were stones under the child, it lay upon them. Some little time after we reached the house, I saw my wife seated, with the child in her lap or arms; I supposed she was preparing to wash it; she asked for the camphor bottle and wished she had more liquor; I supposed she wanted these articles to us in washing the child; I then saw life in the child; saw it breathe and heard it make a noise; saw the child wrapped up same day and was told it was dead; body was placed in the box in which it now lies; my wife placed it there; the box remained in the room where we sleep until next day at 3 or 4 o’clock in the afternoon; about noon, the next day, Thursday, Dr. Levi King called at my house; I asked him to examine the child; I supposed that Christina Maria Vining was the mother of this child; she was at my house; had been there some four or five days; she is a single woman.

In accordance with the evidence, the jury rendered the following verdict.

That we find the said infant came to its death by the unnatural and willful desertion of its mother, Christina M. Vining, and from exposure to cold and rain for the space of nearly nineteen hours in a state of nudity in an open field.

The Revised Statutes provide that “If the father or mother of any child under the age of six years, shall expose such child in any highway, street, field, house or outhouse, with that intent wholly to abandon it, he or she shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment in a state prison not exceeding seven years, or in a county jail not more than one year.” The intent of the mother in this instance, to leave the child to die from exposure, was patent enough and the Coroner promptly issued his warrant for her arrest, and she is now in the Catskill jail.

MORE TALL RYE – Mr. Joseph Brisack, of Mitchell Hollow, in this town, has left at this office five stalks of rye, the tallest of which measures seven feet and nine inches, and the shortest seven feet seven inches. These stalks were cut off above ground, and had they been pulled would have measured with the roots, about eight feet.

APPOINTMENT – Henry Goslee, Esq., has been appointed postmaster at Jewett, in this county vice Alfred Peck, Esq., removed.

A lad named Marvin Lewis, son of Mr. Henry Lewis, living in Morris, Opposite South New Berlin, was drowned in the Unadilla River, 3d inst., while bathing.


Our thanks are due to Mr. M. L. Newcomb, of Ashland, for three or four quarts of the finest field strawberries we ever saw or tasted. They were picked in the town of Durham and their size would certainly compare favorably with the choicest cultivated berries.

J. B. Barlow, (of the firm of W. T. Barker & Co., ) has retired from the Clothing business which will hereafter be conducted by Messrs. Denton, Baker and Graham, at the old stand. Next winter, they intend removing to the Corner Store, where the Clothing and Hat and Cap business will be united on a large scale. Mr. Barlow is about to make a journey to Chili, on a personal matter of business.

June 30, 1859

Our Durham correspondent stated two weeks ago that a man named Jump had been guilty of driving off without liberty, a number of sheep, the property of Munroe Hallock, Esq., but neglected to state Jump’s given name. We have since learned that it was Foster Jump, formerly from Schoharie County.

A CURIOSITY – Mr. John Wilcox, of Lexington, left at this office on Monday of this week, a curiosity in the shape of two eggs joined together by a ligature at the small ends. One of these eggs contained the yolk, and the other the white, and were each about the natural size of an ordinary hen’s egg.

The Coxsackie Union of Saturday last, announces the death of its editor, Mr. D. M. Slater. It is but a few weeks since the same paper published the death of Mr. Reuben Slater, a brother of the deceased. They were much respected and beloved by all who knew them.

July 7, 1859

STRUCK BY LIGHTENING – A tree in front of the hotel of Frederick Beach, Esq., in Hunter village, was struck by lightening on Wednesday of last week, about twelve feet from the ground and a strip of bark, some six or eight inches wide, was taken from one side of the trunk.

NEEDS REPAIRS – The bridge a few rods south of the residence of Mr. Addison Steele, in the town of Ashland on the Jewett road, is sadly in need of repairs. The Ashlanders should see to the matter before some accident happens.

A SMART GOOSE – Mr. L. T. Davis of this town owns a goose which had laid fifty-one eggs since about the middle of March last, and yet refuses to set. As it is the only goose he has, there can be no mistake about the matter.

ACCIDENT – Mr. Frederick Layman of West Catskill, says the Examiner, had an arm broken and his collar bone fractured last Wednesday, by being thrown from his vehicle, his horses having taken fright and run away.

A young girl only 13 years old (a daughter of Mr. John Mosher of West Gilboa, Scho. Co.) hung herself on Friday last. No reason can be assigned for the act.

A Card

Wm. R. STEELE, Esq., Dear Sir – To prevent any misunderstanding in consequence of a notice in your last paper, in which my name is mentioned, I wish to say that I have not removed, but may be found at the old store, selling goods cheaper than ever. Having got rid of the beggarly post office, and enlarged and improved my place of business, a few more cash customers can be attended to, especially if they call in the morning.

Jewett, June 24th, 1859


Know all men by these presents: That my wife, Catherine, has forsaken my bed and board without any just cause of provocation and I forbid all men trusting her on my account, for I will pay no debts of her contracting.
Jewett, July 4, 1859

STRAYED from the farm of Mr. John White, in Mitchell Hollow, about the first of June, a BAY HORSE, belonging to the subscriber. Said horse had a breach on the left side near the flank. Whoever will return said horse or give information where he may be found, will be liberally rewarded.
Windham Center, June 28, 1859


ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO W. F. Spencer, either by note or account, are requested to call and make immediate payment, in order that he may do the same by his creditors.

Champaigne Cider, Cider Brandy, Cider Vinegar and Domestic Wines. Also dealer is Foreign and Domestic

Greenville, Greene County, NY

CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED of the best quality, for sale by

July 14, 1859

Mr. Iram Humphrey, of Conesville, Schoharie County, has the largest brood of chickens, perhaps, ever “shelled.” They numbered 54 a week or ten days ago, and now about 50. They were all hatched from two nests, but are now all under the protection of one hen. Who can beat it?

SUICIDE – A man named John Marquart, aged about 50 years, hung himself in a barn at Valatia on Saturday last, the 9th inst. He had been unwell for a few days. No cause can be assigned for the

APPOINTMENT – E. Thomas, Esq., has been appointed postmaster at Lexington, in this county, vice N.J. Lament, esq., resigned.

A Semi-Annual Report
Of the Condition of the West Durham
Seminary for 1859
Eliza L. Brand, West Durham, NY
Addie E. Humphrey, West Durham, NY
Mary L. Smith, West Durham, NY
Eunice L. Morse, West Durham, NY
Alice E. Morse, West Durham, NY
Louisa B. Humphrey, West Durham, NY
Eliza Hendrickson, West Durham, NY
Eliza C. Miller, West Durham, NY
Libbie J. Newell, West Durham, NY
Mary A. Scovill, West Durham, NY
Eliza McKean, West Durham, NY
Libbie O. Hall, West Durham, NY
Sarah E. Bushnell, West Durham, NY
Laura Whittlesey, Durham
Martha S. Fitch, Poughkeepsie
Libbie Bump, Windham Centre
Julia Miles, Windham Centre
Fannie L. Thern, South Cairo
Cordelia M. Hitchco*ck, Conesville
Adelaide Brown, West Conesville
Louisa A. Pond, Jewett
Ruth Coe, Jewett

Newell O. Morse, West Durham
Eliza D. Newell, West Durham
Charles A. Newell, West Durham
Anson B. Gilbert, West Durham
Henry C. Loop, Durham
William H. Peck, Oak Hill
Franklin Richtmyer, Conesville
Daniel C. Hunt, Windham Centre
David M. Francis, East Durham
Aaron Rogers, Conesville
Abraham O. Smith, Potters Hollow
James B. Rouse, Leeds
Dwight L. Pond, Jewett

Latin 5
Greek 1
Philosophy 5
Chemistry 2
Astronomy 10
Geography 5
English Grammar 29
Orthography 30
Elocution 13
Book Keeping 5
Composition 33
Algebra 23
Arithmetic, Higher 20
Practical 13
Intellectual 24

Fall Term will commence September 12th and continue 15 weeks.


WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM his friends and the public generally, that he has purchased the PAINTING ESTABLISHMENT of Mr. J. Keeler, and would most respectfully solicit a share of their patronage. Carriages and Sleighs done in the neatest style. All orders punctually attended to.
East Durham, July 8th, 1859

Oakhill, Greene County, N.Y.


WHEREAS my wife, Eliza A. Francis, of the town of Hunter, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, this is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting.
Hunter, July 9th, 1859

July 21, 1859

“Through the Notch”

Perhaps all who have ever had the pleasure of a visit, however brief, through this section of country, will admit that its residents have one of the most sublime and pleasant places that can fall to the allotment of man. Within a short drive of the noblest of rivers, surrounded by the grandest mountains – and looking upon the most magnificent scenery, with the healthiest mountain air to breathe, the purest crystal springs to drink from, and a generous and hospitable people to live amongst, surely we must be a happy and grateful people. Let those croakers who grumble and doubt, and think they have been placed in unpleasant spheres think of their situations, and sympathize with those who hunger nad thirst, who have not the wherewith to supply the commonest necessities of life, and thank heaven that they have been permitted to “drop their lines” among these beautiful hills.

With this little prelude of thoughts rapidly suggested, we will state that on Thursday last, we left Windham for a visit among old friends in and about Westkill. Accompanied by our friend Dr. E. Colburn, we passed through Jewett and Lexington to Westkill, making several calls by the way, and drinking in through the eyelids the waving fields of grain – just yellowing to ripeness – on either side as far as sight could reach. In the town of Lexington, near the Flats, we noticed two of the largest and finest fields of oats we remember ever to have seen. The first belonged to Lucas VanValkenburg, Esq., and the other to George Wheeler, Esq. And here, en passant, let us remind George that Mr. Lorenzo Burrows is not now a candidate for Governor and advise him to scrape off the huge “poster” that graces the upper door of his grist mill.

Arriving at Westkill, we learned that the popular host of the Westkill House, D. C. Deyoe, Esq., had gone to Canada to purchase horses. Whether he took the “underground railroad” to get there, we are not advised, but as Dan always makes capital selections, we are satisfied that an improvement in the stock of his neighborhood will be the result of his visit. During his absence, a substitute had been left who “knows how to keep a hotel” about as well as the proprietor; and, the visitors who had taken up their quarters there, were, of course, well taken care of. A wedding took place in the evening; and, as a matter of course, the parties were saluted with music from all the tin horns, circular saws, cannons and fire-crackers that could be procured.

The next morning, the Doctor, having to make a visit of business and pleasure combined into the town of Halcott, we knew no better way of “killing time” than to visit the tannery of Col. H. D. H. Snyder, fourteen miles distant from Westkill. Procuring a conveyance, therefore, we took an early start on Friday morning, and had a pleasant ride through that magnificent natural road “the Notch.”

Here the mountains tower up almost perpendicularly to a great height on either side, and the road, through sadly in need of repairs, leads by gentle grade to the Kingston turnpike, seven miles from Westkill. Five miles over the planks, with here and there a short patch of solid old “mother earth” to relieve the traveler from too much “sure cure for dyspepsia,” we turned to the right and were on the road to Woodland. A very good road winds through the mountains to the little village, and the residence of Col. Snyder.

The Woodland tannery is situated on the Bushkill stream, and is one of the largest in the State. Col. Snyder purchased a tract of 7,000 acres of land in the fall of 1849, removed his family from Prattsville in the spring of 1850, and built the tannery during the same summer. Since that time, he has made additional purchases of about 3,000 acres. This land is nearly all thickly covered with hemlock timber, from which a sufficient quantity of bark may be taken to last the Colonel for the next fifteen or twenty years. In 1849, there was no road within a mile of the present location of the tannery, and the first tree was cut down, on the ground where the tannery now stands, by the Colonel himself. He now employs, during bark peeling time, over 200 men, and has tanned 44,000 sides of hemlock sole-leather yearly, and will this year turn out over 50,000 sides. He was called hasty and unwise in purchasing so largely, but his judgment has proved “not so unsound after all.”

Colonel Snyder has also a tannery in Delaware County, and his two sons, Henry and Augustus, now own tanneries in Fulton and Lewis counties, respectively, in which they are doing nearly as large a business as the Colonel himself. The Snyder family, including the firm of Snyder & Dimmick, are now doing as extensive a business as any sole-leather tanner in this state.

Colonel Snyder is a practical man, in every sense of the word. He rises early, breakfasts at six precisely, and visits the tannery soon after. He has a pleasant smile and a kind word for all who meet with him, and thus he has endeared himself to every heart in the neighborhood. His residence is situated on the hill in view of the tannery, and externally presents as neat and cozy an appearance as any one could wish for. Internally, the arrangements are perfect. It is furnished in the most elegant and comfortable style, and with plenty of good society about him, he enjoys himself better than any gentleman we know of. Having reared this little paradise among the mountains and surrounded himself by hosts of friends, he loves it dearly, and nowhere feels half so contented and happy as “at home.”

A neat and thriving little village embracing a population of nearly 500 inhabitants, surrounds the tannery and the school district is the largest in the town of Shandaken. Just above the village is the school house, which is used every Sabbath as a place of worship. It is the only place in the town where services are regularly held, a state of things which would not exist but for the Colonel’s liberality in contributing to its support.

On the same stream, still farther up, are located several extensive mills and factories, prominent among which is the wire sieve factory of Ezekiel Edwards, Esq., formerly of Hunter in this county. Also, two large mills belonging to Messrs. Beach & Woodworth. The names of the proprietors of other mills we cannot now call to mind.

Soon after our arrival, a rain storm commenced; which, but for pleasant society, would have dampened the pleasures of the whole excursion. We remained there until Saturday morning, and returned to Windham, bringing a fine little box of trout packed in ice, which were taken from the brook the evening before by the Colonel.

COUNTY CONVENTION – Among our new advertisem*nts this week will be found a call for a Convention of all friends of Liberal Christianity, to be held in the village of Cairo on Wednesday, August 17th. Several distinguished speakers are expected to address the Convention.

RETURNED – Col. Z. Pratt returned from Europe last week, in the steamship Canada, and passed through this village on Saturday, on his way to Prattsville. He was greeted, on his arrival at Prattsville, by cheers, bonfires &c.


We are indebted to Theodore Peck, Esq., formerly of Jewett, for a valuable specimen of gold from “our diggings,” on the North Fork of the Greenhorn River, in Yreka, Siskeyou County, California. His letter is dated June 6th, 1859, and contains, besides the specimen, a solid little “yellow boy” for a renewal of his subscription to the JOURNAL. Mr. Peck stats that the weather is very dry, and the crickets were totally destroying vegetation.

The proprietors of the Catskill steam mill, feeling determined that the printer should not get hungry, without a supply of “the staff,” have forwarded to us a very handsome little present in the shape of 25 lbs. of flour from their new mill. Though we are no judge of the “raw material,” we can tell when we get good bread, and we therefore join our better half in pronouncing the specimen sent not only the whitest and finest flour we ever saw, but the bread made from it the sweetest and best we ever tasted. Let all, therefore, who like good bread, get a small quantity, and if, after a trial they do not coincide with us, we guarantee to refund to them the amount paid for it.


It will be remembered, perhaps, that a man named Perez Hitchco*ck, a resident of the town of Ashland, was, some thirteen years ago, convicted and sentenced to the State Prison at Sing Sing for the term of his natural life, for the murder of his father.

Through the influence of parties unknown to this community generally, however, he has recently received the pardon of Gov. Morgan, and is once more at large. He is now in Massachusetts, and has, since his liberation, written to parties in this neighborhood to the effect that he should soon visit this section to claim property willed by him to his wife at the time of his incarceration. This state of things is an unpleasant one for all concerned, and had Gov. Morgan known the real feeling of people hereabouts, his signature would never have been found upon any document granting his pardon.

Greene County Medical Society

This society met, pursuant to notice, at the house of J. H. Persons in Cairo on Tuesday, the 12th inst. The attendance was larger than at any former meeting held since its organization, and a more than usual interest was manifested in behalf of the society, as well as the profession generally, in the county of Greene; and, the society also expressed its earnest conviction of the necessity of complying fully with the statutes of this state both as regards the practice of physic and surgery, and the organization of medical societies.

A great variety of important cases were brought forward by the members present, the discussion of which gave to the proceedings of the day an unusual degree of interest, after which they proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows:

President - Peter I. Stanley of Ashland
Vice President -Philip Teats of Freehold
Secretary & Treasurer -C. V. Barnett of Windham
Censors - Drs. G. H. Noble, Gideon Botsford, Philip Teats, Abel Brace, C. V. Barnett

The Delegates to the State Medical Society being elected for four years, hold over to July 1860, when their terms will expire, and others be elected in their places.

The meeting was then adjourned to the second Tuesday in January next, that being the usual time for holding the semi-annual meeting.

P.I. STANLEY, President
C. V. BARNETT, Secretary

August 4, 1859


On Friday last, a hand-bill was received at the post office in the village of Ashland, offering a reward of $200 for the arrest and delivery at the Sullivan County jail of two Irishmen, brothers, whose names we have not learned, for the murder of a man at Neversink, Sullivan County, on Sunday, July 24th. The offer was offered by the District Attorney of that county, and as two very suspicious looking fellows, who answered the description set forth in the handbill had been seen passing through Ashland that morning, it was proposed to follow and arrest them. Accordingly, Hon. Albert Tuttle, with Wm. P. Tuttle and George Fox, Esqs., started in pursuit. Stopping in this village for a few moments to procure the services of Deputy Sheriff Stimpson, they passed on and arrested the harpies near the residence of Seymour Adams, Esq., at the foot of the mountain. They are said to have been two of the most desperate looking villains out of prison. When they were arrested, they acknowledged having been near Neversink the same day the murder was committed, and added that on that occasion, they were very drunk. There is scarcely a doubt that they are the guilty parties and all we have to say further respecting the matter is that they may get a taste of hemp just outside the palate, if they are guilty. The sum of $2.40 was found upon them when arrested, which they stated they have made by selling a celebrated “Britania Polish” along the road. Their process of manufacturing this “polish” will be found elsewhere.

HORRID – There were in the Catskill jail on Saturday last, eight men under arrest on the charge of murder. Perhaps, not more than three or four murders have been committed by the whole party, and all except one were committed outside the limits of the county; yet, we doubt if any county in the state of the same population can beat it.

HOTEL CHANGE – We learn that change has been made in the proprietorship of the upper hotel in this village, whereby Mr. Matthew Riderof (sp?) of Hensonville, is to take the place of Mr. Jacob Croft.

MURDER AT COXSACKIE – A difficulty occurred in Coxsackie on Monday of last week, while Dan Rice’s Circus was exhibiting at that place, between a man named Robert Decker of Hudson and one of Dan’s men. During the row, Decker was either struck with a _____shot, or stabbed, receiving wounds from which he died on Wednesday morning. Officers went immediately in pursuit of the man who committed the deed, and succeeded in arresting him near the circus at Saugerties on Wednesday afternoon. He is now in jail.

ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH CABLE – Cyrus W. Field, Esq., who has just returned from England, asserts, we understand, that a new Telegraph Cable across the Atlantic will be laid within six months from this time.

August 11, 1859

FAREWELL SCHOTTISCH – We are indebted to the author, Mr. W. G. Wilcox, of Lexington, in this county, for a copy of a Schottisch with the above title. We know not whether this is his first production, but it certainly speaks well for his talents as a musical composer, and we doubt not will receive a wide circulation. Copies may be had by enclosing the price, 25 cents, to the publisher, Oliver Ditson & Co., 277 Washington Street, Boston.

DROWNED – Week before last a son of a Mr. Hilse, of Breakabeen, Schoharie County, put a lighted cigar in his pocket, where he had a quantity of matches. The matches soon ignited and his clothing, being of light materials, were soon in a blaze. The young man, we learn, has been partially deranged, or foolish, and when his clothing took fire, he became so frightened that he ran to a bridge, jumped into the water and was drowned.

ARREST – A man, whose name we could not learn, stole $213 out of a trunk belonging to Mr. Eben Beers, of the town of Roxbury, week before last. The thief was tracked by Constable O. W. Grant, of Moresville, to Catskill, and from there to Athens by way of Hudson. In the latter place, Mr. Grant found where he had purchased clothing. In Athens, he lost track of him and having business at home, transferred the warrant to Under Sheriff Warne, of Athens, who arrested him at that place and brought him to Roxbury on Tuesday of last week. $156 of the money was recovered, and the thief was lodged in jail at Delhi to await trial.

We learn from the Star of Delaware that Wm. Gow was killed by his mother, in the town of Hamden, while asleep in bed. She struck him on the head with a stone in a stocking. She is insane, and killed him because she was fearful he would come to want if he outlived her.

Among those injured by the accident on the Northern Railroad on Tuesday of last week, we notice the name of Mr. T. T. Williams, of Catskill, who received a severe cut on the side of his head, about three inches long, not of a dangerous nature however.

Col. G. W. Pratt has purchased the Brown place and mill site in Esopus, 8 miles below Rondout, for $35,000. It is said to contain about sixty acres, and is located on the banks of the Hudson.

Our Durham Letter

DURHAM, August 8th, 1859

FRIEND STEELE – Tuesday of last week, the village of Oakhill presented a very solemn appearance, occasioned by the funeral of Mr. Egbert Cherritree, a much respected citizen of that place who died very suddenly. At an early hour in the morning people began pouring into the Episcopal Church in large numbers. The hour of service was at 10 o’clock, but the church was thronged at least one hour before the appointed time. Every seat was full except those reserved for friends and relatives. Business, as a general thing, was suspended during the funeral ceremonies. At 10 o’clock, the procession started from the late residence of Mr. Cherritree. The remains were escorted by Cascade Lodge 427, of F. & A.M., of which Mr. Cherritree was a member. The members were out in their regalia, and added greatly to the solemnity of the scene. The badge of mourning told plainly that another link of their social chain had broken. Upon arriving at the church, it was with some difficulty that seats could be obtained for those in the procession, but after a little delay, they succeed in being seated. The church had now become densely packed, and large numbers were compelled to remain outside. A most beautiful and impressive discourse was delivered by Rev. Mr. Hoffman, from Rev. 14:13.

“And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.”

After the services were concluded in the church, the procession again formed and escorted the remains of their late brother to its final resting place. The scene at the grave was truly an affecting one. The burial service of the Episcopal Church was read by Rev. Mr. Hoffman, after which commenced the beautiful and solemn funeral ceremonies of the Masonic Order. At this time, the scene was one of the most impressive I ever witnessed. Scarce a dry eye was visible. The lamb skin apron, as it fell in the grave; the passing around the grave by the members and dropping in the little twig of evergreen; “Farewell brother,” uttered by each; the heart rending cries of those three little children, as if their little hearts would break; the deep sighs and tears from her who has been deprived of an affectionate husband; the aged parents as they bent over the grave of their departed son; the last farewell look of brothers and sisters on him who was beloved in life, now lamented in death; the sympathizing tears of many friends and relatives – all these told plainly to the spectator that death had broken the ranks and happiness of that family and of a wife deprived of a kind husband, and children of an indulgent parent. Services being over at the grave, the large assemblage separated, not however with out being deeply impressed with the familiar words, that “in the midst of life we are in death.” It will be a long time before this solemn scene will be erased from memory. True is it, as an old gentleman remarked on leaving the grave, “Man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets.”

In taking a short stroll a few days ago, in the south part of our town, I could not help looking at the taste and improvements exhibited by some of our farmers, both in their dwellings, out buildings and land. Mr. Moses White, whose farm is about one mile south of Cornwallville, displays considerable taste, not only outdoors, but indoors. Mr. White was formerly a resident of your town. He has just finished his haying and harvesting and it is a bountiful one. His buildings are all arranged systematically – a place for everything and everything in its place – and with one of the kindest women in the world, Moses must certainly take solid comfort. If many of our farmers would pattern after his style of farming, I have an idea they would feel perfectly satisfied. Quite a number of city boarders are sojourning at his residence this summer, rather choosing to board with a good substantial farmer than in the village.


Not Gone West Yet

THE subscriber having purchased the old established Blacksmith Shop of R. S. BLISH, in the village of Prattsville, would respectfully announce to the public that he is now prepared to do Blacksmithing in all its branches, in as good style as at any other place west of the Hudson River.

Horse shoeing – Having engaged the services of Mr. Edward Powell, of Catskill, one of the most noted Horse Sho*rs in the country, he is confident of giving the most complete satisfaction.

Ox Shoeing – Having had a long experience in Ox Shoeing, he is confident of giving good satisfaction, quick work and moderate prices.

Carriage and Sleigh Ironing done in the best style, at prices that cannot fail to please.

Prattsville, August 2, 1859

For Sale, to close a Trust

ONE Bay Mare, four years old, broke to single or double harness. One Buggy Wagon, nearly new. One two horse Spring Wagon, nearly new.
The above property will be sold low.
Red Falls, August 8, 1859

Not Sold Out

R. S. BLISH would inform the public in his neighborhood that he has not sold out, as reported. He has only sold his Blacksmith Shop, and will attend to his Wagon Shop as heretofore.

August 18, 1859

Reuben Dewitt, of Kingston, an old and highly esteemed man, met with an accident on Thursday of last week, which resulted in his death on Sunday morning last. He was at work in front of his residence at the corner of North and East front streets, arranging some flagging stones, when he received an injury to a leg by the fall of several of them. That injury brought on a paralysis of his side and death was the result.

BURGLARIES – On Thursday night last the store of Mr. Charles Harley, in Moresville, Delaware county, was entered by burglars, and goods to the amount of $200 stolen. A reward of $50 was promptly offered by Mr. Harley, for their apprehension and officer O. W. Grant, with some assistance, succeeded in arresting on Sunday night two men, one Beckwith, of Schoharie County, and Charles Mundore (colored,) of the town of Roxbury. Mundore’s family, we are informed, were also connected in the transaction and are also under arrest. The store of Mr. Ira Hicks, at Stratton’s Falls, had been burglariously entered a few nights before, and some $600 or $700 worth of goods stolen therefrom. When our informant left Moresville, the two men arrested were both ironed and evidence had been adduced showing that they were in the act of dividing the stolen property when arrested. The goods were identified by the owners as having been taken from both stores.

Mr. David Lasher of this town lost a valuable horse on Thursday evening last. He had been drawing in hay, and in taking a load into his barn just before night, one of the horses stepped upon a slab and slipping, struck the left hind leg against the wagon tongue, as is supposed, and broke it just above the gambol joint.

To meet the demands of their rapidly increasing business, Messrs. LOUD and SMITH have found it necessary to enlarge their hotel. With this view, they have commenced building an addition to their premises, which will be speedily finished, and which will enable them to accommodate a much larger number of guests than they can now find room for. When this improvement is completed, that end of the town will have undergone a very marked transformation, since last winter.

NEW STORE – We are informed that a new store is to be opened in this village in about two weeks by a gentleman who is now in New York purchasing his stock of goods. He has leased the building formerly occupied by S. W. Stimpson, Esq.

John C. Rivers and Andrew Shahan, of whom we spoke last week as being then under examination for the alleged murder of Robert Decker at Coxsackie, were fully committed on Saturday and are now in jail awaiting trial. The third party to the assault which resulted in Decker’s death, who was known by the circus company as Jack, Fatty, Ben Hewett, alias Wilkinson, which last is supposed to be his real name, was arrested in Litchfield, CT, on Monday and was immediately brought to this county for an examination by the Coroner. He is in the custody of Sheriff France.
Democrat Herald


STATE OF NEW YORK – SUPREME COURT Greene County – George Reed, Alexander Reed, Isaac Smith, David M. Hamilton, Sterry Baker, William Mayo, George Titus, Andrew G. VanBergan, Roswell Reed, Alexander N. Bently, Lennard Brook and Lewis Sherrill, Plaintiff, against the Coxsackie and Oak Hill Plank Road Company, John Clough, Henry A. Cooley, John B. Bronk, Arthur Beatty, Gilbert Lusk, William H. Martin, Gilbert Vanderburgh, Augustus Stontenburgh, William Coebran, Levi Freleigh, Edward Hyatt, William Whitmore, Rufus Lasher, Henry Mackey, Benjamin Sherman, Felix Adove, Horace Hart, Hewlett P. Bedell, Caleb C. Bedell, Mary Nelson, William V. B. Heermance, Henry Heermance, Isaac Brown, William P. Sarles, Obadiah Lampman, Edward J. Hamilton, Jacob Vanderburgh Henry Bedell, Orrin Wicker, John Compton, Albert Dewitt, Philip M. Pierce, William Padlen, Carlos M. Pierce, Daniel Jones, Isaac Utter, Barnard Mullen, Timothy J. Miller, Edward Wackenhagen, Horatio Plank, Orrin C. Stephens, Russell Wakeley, Gideon Rotsford, William Conklin, Benton Hallock, Frederic Coonly, Josiah Rundle, Jemima Titus, Daniel Quackenboss, Joel Wickes, Peter Miller, Joseph P. Hallock, Lorenzo Hunt, John Sarles,John C. Nelson, George W. Todd, John G. Williamson, William E. Leete, Russell Townsand, Silas Hunt, Charles S. Moses, Aaron Moses, Jehoiakim Collier, Orville Robinson, Simeon B. Smith, A. H. Buell, Ebenezer Barker, William Kirtland, Edwin W. Baker, William J. Pennover, Eli Hunt, William B. Nelson, Abram L. Earl, Cornelius Earl, Junior, Isaac Van Schaak, George Raymond, James M. Parker, John G. Bedell, Charles Painter, David H. Van Wie, Sarah Bonton, John Budd, Eleazer Knowles, Benjamin W. Knowles, Horace Benjamin, John Backus, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Charles Backus, deceased, Issac Powell and John W. Powell. Administrators and Jerusha B. Powell, Administratrix of the goods, chattels and credits of David Powell, deceased: Sewell W. Craig, Administrator, and Grace Austin, Administratrix of the goods, chattels and credits of Stewart Austin, deceased: Peter Fitchet, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Jacob G. Bedell, deceased: Edwin W. Baker, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Ambrose Baker, deceased: William G. Hoyt and John H. Wolf, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Henry Wolf, deceased: Benjamin Budd and Brooks Hughes, Administrators of the goods, chattels and credits of George Budd deceased: Sidney A. Dwight, Administrator and Mary Peck, Administratrix of the goods, chattels and credits of Henry B. Peck, deceased: Julia H. Stephenson, Administratrix of the goods, chattels and credits of Patrick Stephenson, deceased: Ann Deming, Joseph Mastin, Administrator of the goods, chattels and credits of Jane C. Mastin, deceased: and Henry Lesleur, Defendants.

To each of the above named Defendents:

You are hereby summoned to answer the amended complaint of the said Plaintiffs in this action, which will be filed with the Clerk of the County of Greene at his office in the village of Catskill in the County and State aforesaid, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscribers, at their office in the village of Catskill in the county of Greene and State aforesaid, within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and, if you fail to answer said complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated July 15th 1859
KING & MATTOON, Plaintiff’s Attorneys
Catskill, New York

The original and amended complaint in said action was filed with the Clerk of the said County of Greene at his office in the village of Catskill in the county of Greene and State of New York on the 12th day of August, 1859.
KING & MATTOON, Plffs’ Atty’s

August 25, 1859


We clip the following from the Pittsburgh Gazette of Friday, August 19.

Your columns on Tuesday morning informed your readers that Death had made an inroad into the family of our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. Calvin Adams; that a beloved eldest daughter, a young wife and mother, in the same person, had been removed from this world of care, anxiety and suffering.

The writer of this has known “Ella” from her childhood, and has seen her pass into womanhood and into the relations of wife and mother, always retaining those delightful traits of character that attract our attention, elicit our admiration and esteem. Retiring, unobtrusive and kind yet actively alive to the performance of every duty of a sweet and affectionate disposition, she was a favorite with all her friends and acquaintances.

About two years ago, at the early age of eighteen, she became the devoted wife of J. H. Baldwin, Esq., an amiable and promising young gentleman in the practice of Law at Durham, Greene County, NY.

Of delicate constitution and frame, her health has been on the decline during the last half year and her friends have been apprehensive that her lungs were the seat of her disease. Some weeks ago, she came out on a visit to her parents in this city, with no expectation of so speedy a result. But, it has otherwise pleased Divine Providence, his appointed time had arrived, and with a calm serenity and Christian resignation, she submitted to the will of that Savior whom she had, by public profession of faith, embraced at the early age of fifteen – the power of whose precepts she had exemplified through out her life and in her death. Surrounded by her husband, parents, brothers and sister, she calmly fell asleep, to wake no more until the morning of the resurrection, when this corruption shall put on incorruption and this mortal shall be clothed with immortality.

Her infant of a year, unconscious of its loss, bears her image and her name – long may it live to emulate her virtues and to perpetrate her memory.

“The grave is near the cradle seen;
The moments swiftly pass between,
And whisper as they fly.
Unthinking man, remember this,

Though fond of sublunary bliss,
Thou soon must gasp and die.”

RUNAWAY – On Sunday morning last, Messrs. John Waldron and James Horton, of East Durham, got into a buggy for a little ride, and the horse started suddenly and ran away. After going some fifteen or twenty rods, the bit broke, when having no control of the horse, Mr. Waldron jumped from the wagon. Mr. Horton, remained in the wagon while the horse ran about three-quarters of a mile, when he saw a bridge ahead, which he did not fancy crossing at a very high speed, and he too jumped from the vehicle. Neither of the young men were injured, but the horse was badly cut and bruised abut the legs, and the buggy (which was new and a very handsome one,) was broken and injured to the amount of $15 or $20.

HEAVY YIELD – We noted a month or six weeks ago having seen a fine field of oats on the farm of George Wheeler, Esq., in the town of Lexington. Mr. Wheeler informs us that he threshed out four bundles, bound with a single band, last week, which yielded 62 ½ pounds – the bag weighing 1 ¾ pounds – and measured plump two bushels. The oat crop this year is an extraordinary one throughout the country, but if this can be beaten, we should be glad to know the fact.

THANKS – A friend handed us a box a few days since, which upon opening we found to contain a fine lot of the choicest blackberries we ever saw and the sweetest we ever tasted. They were a present from Mrs. Amos Cook, of Big Hollow. So long as the ladies provide for us so bountifully, we expect to keep even, if not a little ahead, of our neighbors.

The problem published last week has been correctly solved by Miss J. Addelaide Potter, of this village. She is only about twelve years of age and deserves much credit for solving that which would puzzle many older heads.

Our Durham Letter
Durham, August 22, 1859

FRIEND STEELE – But a few days since I noticed in one of my letters the death of Mr. Egbert Cherritree, of Oakhill, and you will perceive by the following notice, which I clip from the Pittsburg Evening Chronicle, that the grim destroyer has again caused the inhabitants of the quiet little village to mingle their sympathies with the afflicted.

DIED – On Monday morning, August 15th, at the residence of her father in this city (Pittsburgh,) ELLA – a girl of 20 years – the youthful and amiable wife of Johnson W. Baldwin, Esq., of Oakhill, Greene County NY, and daughter of Mr. Calvin Adams.

But a few weeks since Mr. Baldwin left his home in Oakhill, accompanied by his wife, on a visiting tour to Pittsburgh, the residence of her parents, but rather with the hope that she might regain her health. Fears were entertained by her friends that consumption, that terrible disease, had already marked her as one of its victims; but, no one thought that in so short a space of time their worse fears would be realized.

In the death of this most estimable woman, society deeply mourns. Although quite young, yet the Episcopal church of Oakhhill looses one of its best members and a long time will elapse before they will recover from this dispensation of divine providence. In society, her loss will be deeply felt. “None knew her but to love her,” “her ways were ways of pleasantness and her paths those of peace.” This sudden and sad bereavement falls heavily upon the afflicted husband, and many a prayer will be offered to the all wise God to pour the oil of consolation on him who has been deprived of the partner of his bosom in these, his youthful days. Mrs. Baldwin was an exemplary Christian and her life was adorned by many Christian virtues. Her friends have the consolation that she was steadfast in that hope that fadeth not away. Thus has passed away one beloved in life, now deeply lamented in death; and these few lines are but a faint memento of departed worth. Life if but a dream…Ah! How true the poet spoke, when he penned the following: “Time is winging us away.”

In closing this little article, let us all remember that “the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

For want of time, I shall be rather more brief than usual. Some matters of rather an interesting nature I shall notice hereafter.

Yours, &c.


ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE Subscriber, either by note or book account, are requested to call and settle the same on or before the 3d day of September or their accounts and notes will be left in the hands of an attorney for collection.

Windham Center August 25, 1859

September 1, 1859


Office at the Catskill House, Catskill, NY

Catskill, Greene Co., NY

Office at Windham Centre

Prattsville, NY

Durham, NY

Durham, NY

Durham, NY

Windham Centre, NY

Prattsville, Greene Co. NY Collecting done with promptness.

Catskill, NY Office with R. W. Watson

Catskill, NY Office one door west of the Catskill Bank.

Catskill, NY


S. A. & C. C. GIVENS
Opposite the Post office, Main Street, Catskill, NY

Windham Centre, NY

Office with King & Mattoon, Catskill, Greene County, NY

Ashland, Greene County, NY

All diseases of the Eye, both medical and surgical promptly attended to.
Residence and Office first door south of C. S. Willard’s Jewelry Store, upstairs,
Main Street, Catskill, NY

Windham, Greene County, NY All work warranted.

at her Millinery Store in Windham Centre

Windham, Greene County, NY


Repairing promptly attended to and warranted. Prices low.
Livery at the Catskill House.

SASHES AND BLINDS made to order by
Big Hollow

Manorkill, Schoharie County, NY

Agricultural and Mechanical Implements and tools, Iron, Steel, &c., &c. Merchants supplied at New York prices. Main Street, Catskill, NY

H. R. & Z. J. BROWN
Steam Marble Works

Keep consistently on hand Monuments and Tombstones of every description.

Dealer in Ready Made Clothing
CLOTHS, Cassimeres and Vestings constantly on hand.
Cutting done at short notice and all work warranted. Terms moderate.

Oakhill, Greene County, NY

WILL be happy to see their friends at their house
west end of Main Street, Catskill, NY

Greene County Hotel
Corner Church and Main Sts., Catskill, NY
Pleasant Accommodations for Travelers

Franklin House
No. 23 College Place, New York,
opposite the Hudson River Railroad Depot.
FRANCIS GHAUTEGZIN formerly Steward of Girard House


74 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY
A Pleasant and Retired Home for Travelers

Durham Items

In an extra letter from our Durham correspondent, we find the following local items. The balance of the letter we reserve for next week.

FIRE: The dwelling house belonging to Mr. Travis, situated on the hill near Preston Hollow, Albany County, was entirely destroyed by fire on Wednesday of last week, August 24th. The fire broke out at 12 o’clock, M. It was first discovered on the roof near the chimney. Every effort to check its progress proved unavailing, notwithstanding the rain was falling at the time, yet in a few minutes the whole building was wrapped in flames and soon became a heap of smoldering ruins. The fire is supposed to have originated from a stove pipe. The furniture was mostly saved, but somewhat in a damaged state. Loss on the building about $1,200, partly covered by insurance.

ACCIDENT – On Friday of last week, as Mr. Anthony and Mr. Whitehead, of Durham, accompanied by their wives, were returning home from a blackberry excursion, and when near West Durham, by some wrong management, the horses suddenly started on a run, but were soon stopped; not, however before the Ladies were thrown out of the back of the wagon, striking heavily on their heads and shoulders. Both ladies were injured considerably, but fortunately no bones were broken. It was rather a narrow escape and might have resulted seriously. Great care ought to be taken to see that such wagon seats are properly fastened.

ACCIDENT – An accident occurred in the village of Cairo on Monday of last week, which terminated in the death of Lemuel Bennet, Esq., of that place. While talking with Mr. J. H. Person, upon the piazza of the hotel of Mr. O’Hara, Mr. Person playfully slapped Mr. Bennet on the chest, which caused him to fall head foremost from the stoop. He was insensible for about an hour, when he recovered sufficiently to say hat he was badly hurt, and to exonerate Mr. Person from all blame. He lingered until Thursday afternoon, most of the time in an unconscious state, when he died.

BIRTH – In Unadilla, August 10th, the lady of Mr. George Gaylord, of twins, which “foot up” as follows: One boy, 9 pounds; one girl, 7 pounds. Total weight 16 pounds. – Unadilla American.

Ashland sees you, and goes six ounces better. The lady of Mr. James Benjamin, of the town of Ashland, presented her husband, a week or two since, with a pair of twins – one weighing 9 pounds 4 ounces, and the other 7 pounds 2 ounces. Try again, Unadilla.

MILITARY – The Lexington Artillery will hold an election of officers at their Armory in Lexington, on Monday next, September 5th, to elect a Captain in place of H. Pettitt, Esq., resigned, a Lieutenant in place of Platt J. Rowley, Esq., resigned, and a Lieutenant in place of George Bushnell.

Mrs. E. Spencer
RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and
customers that she has just received a splendid assortment of
Consisting of
BOYS’ HATS, And every description of MILLINERY GOODS for the coming 4th; Ladies are invited to call.
Windham Centre, June 15th, 1859

For Sale
THE SUBSCRIBER NOW offers for sale his HOUSE AND LOT, situated in the Village of Ashland, a short distance form the Ashland Collegiate Institute. For further particulars, enquire of the subscriber on the premises.
Ashland, July 23 1859



HAS GOT THE BEST SELECTED Assortment of Stoves, both Parlor and Cooking, that has ever been offered this side of the mountain – prominent among which is the GOLDEN FLEECE, said to be one of the best elevated oven Stoves ever constructed. His wares have all been bought at a bargain, for Cash, and will be sold cheap and no mistake. If you don’t believe it, please call and see for yourselves, and you will be convinced.

Windham Center, Aug. 27th 1859

Cotillion Party
A COTILLION PARTY will be held at the Hotel of the subscriber in South Durham, on THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 8th, 1859. Good music engaged for the occasion, and a pleasant time may be relied upon. His friends are respectfully invited to attend.

South Durham, August 22, 1859

Music Teaching

Mrs. W. R. STEELE respectfully informs parents and guardians that, having a few leisure hours during each week, she will devote them to Piano Music Teaching. Those having children whom they wish taught are invited to call. Terms moderate.

$130.00 per Year
Ashland Collegiate Institute and
Ashland, Greene Co., NY
Received any time. Address

THIS Institution will commence its FALL TERM on the 12th of September next and continue 15 weeks. It is designed as a School for Ladies and Gentlemen. Terms moderate. For further information address the Principal,
Durham, August 3d, 1959

For Sale to Close a Trust
ONE Bay Mare, four years old, broke to single or double harness. One Buggy Wagon, nearly new. One two-horse Spring Wagon, nearly new. The above property will be sold low.
Red Falls August 5, 1859

Drugs & Medicines
Ingersoll & Dewey

HAVING opened a Drug Store in the village of Catskill, in the building lately occupied by J. H. VanGorden as a Grocery Store, respectfully invites the attention of the public to their stock.


Dye Woods and Dye-Stuffs, Pure Liquors, Brandies and wines for Medicinal purposes; also Toilet and Shaving Soaps; Tobacco, Cigars, &c. kept continually on hand.

We invite the attention of the Profession and the public to our stock, and feel confident that the freshness of our articles and their genuineness will commend them to their favor. A full stock of the PATENT OR PROPRIETARY MEDICINES of the day consistently on hand.

Orders for any article in our branch of the business will be filled promptly, and at the lowest market prices. Desiring to sell GOOD ARTICLES at a fair advance from wholesale prices, and soliciting a share of public patronage, we shall endeavor to satisfy all who may favor us with a call.

Attention given to Physicians’ orders and prescriptions at all hours of the day or night.

Catskill, June 6th, 1859

R. P. GORSLINE, having taken Licenses to sell Wines and Spirituous Liquors by the small measure, has now on hand some of the finest old Port, old Sherry and Malaga Wines to be found in market, dark and pale Otard, French randy, Cherry Brandy. Cider Brandy, Holland Gin, Rum and Alcohol, &c. Turner’s Forrest Wine, Bitters, Blackberry Brandy, and Raspberry Brandy I bottles for medicinal use.
Windham, July 22d, 1859

Flour, Groceries, Provisions
Head of Main Street, Catskill, NY
Also, Boots and Shoes, ready made and made to order at the old Mahaffy Stand, centre of Main Street.

Dairy Farm for Sale

THE SUBSCRIBER Offers for sale his FARM, situated in the town of Jewett, ¾ miles east of the Heights and half a mile west of the Goshen Settlement school house, containing 167 acres – well proportioned as to meadow, pasture and woodland. On said premises are two dwelling houses, two 30 and 40 barns, wagon house, horse barn, sugar house, &c. For further particulars, enquire of the subscriber on the premises. Terms of payment made easy.
N. B. - If not sold at private sale prior to the 1st day of November next, it will then be sold at Public Sale, in woe or in parcels to suit purchasers.

Jewett, April 25, 1859

Champaign Cider, Cider Brandy, Cider
Vinegar and Domestic wines. Also
dealer in Foreign and Domestic

Greenville, Greene County, NY

Carriage Trimming Shop

It is well known to all who use Carriages and Harness in this vicinity that C. STEDMAN makes the best and most durable work of any other shop west of New York city. He still continues to manufacture to order and has on hand all kinds of Harness - both course and fine, double and single – and of a superior quality to those made in any other shop. If work does not give entire satisfaction to the person ordering it, he is under no obligation to take it. All work done in the latest and most fashionable style. Carriage Trimming done at short notice and in every style that is done inn New York city, with either cloth or leather and in a workmanlike manner. A fine assortment of

Trunks Valises and Whips

Constantly on hand. Rep[airing done at all times. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to.

Windham Centre, May 26, 1859


DOTY & BAGLEY would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Windham and the adjoining towns, that they may still be found at the old stand formerly occupied by William Doty & Son, where they will attend to all calls in their line of business, such as Carriage ironing and Horse Shoeing, and all kinds of Blacksmithing, which they feel confident in saying they can do in as good style as can be done this side of New York City.

September 8, 1859

ATTEMPTED SUICIDE – An attempt at self destruction was made by Mr. David Beers of the town of Ashland, on Tuesday morning of last week. The circ*mstances, as we are informed, are as follows: Mrs. Beers noticed his absence from the house, without hat or boots, between five and six o’clock in the morning, and having heard him threaten to kill himself, her suspicious were at once aroused. She went to the barn and found him hanging by the neck. Returning to the house, she procured a razor, and cut the rope. Fortunately, life was not extinct, but the rope was drawn tightly around the neck that it had to be cut off. Dr. Stanley was immediately sent for, who gave his attention to the matter, and at last accounts, Mr. Beers was likely to recover. Pecuniary matters, it is said, caused the act.

P.S. – Since the above was in type, we learn that Mr. B. made a second attempt to hang himself, but was caught in the act and saved once more. He has said he “would not live only one more Sunday.” If this is so, let him hang next time.

A STRANGE VISITOR – On Friday last, Mr. William B. Prindle, paid a visit to his brother, Mr. P. J. Prindle, of this village. Neither of the brothers had seen the other in thirty-four years, and each supposed the other dead a quarter of a century ago. – Catskill Recorder

Perez arrived in town a week or two ago, but met with a cool reception, and soon left again. Hope he didn’t forget to stop at the Examiner office and settle his “reckoning” out of “that pile.”

The Saugerties Telegraph says: A sad event occurred last Friday in the south western part of this town. A highly respectable citizen, Jeremiah Russel, Jr., being in his 40th year, committed suicide by hanging himself in his own barn.

LARGE TOMATO – Our Durham correspondent, in a recent letter, says: I was shown a few days since a ripe tomato raised by Mr. R. Palmer Post, of Durham. It measured 17 inches in circumference and weighted 1 pound and 13 ounces. Mr. Post has also a bean vine of the lima variety, which has run up 17 feet high and is still growing.

September 15, 1859

QUITE A FALL – A man named Samuel Fuller, aged about 40 yeas, last week accidentally fell head first into a well in process of being dug, at Roxbury, landing into a tub used to haul up the earth. The distance is 40 feet, and wonderful to relate, he walked down street after being drawn up, and is now around about his usual business - Mirror

Mr. George Delamator, of Jewett, pulled up a few stalks of oats on his farm last week, the tallest of which measured 7 feet 3 inches in length. There were some dozen stalks in the bunch, nearly all of the same length, and all apparently sprung from the same seed.

CHANGED HANDS – The Prattsville News, has been sold to a gentleman named Brand, foreman of the Times office, Unadilla, Otsego County, NY, who takes charge of it next week.

Mr. Benton, who started the Athens Visitor and published it about six months, has just established a new paper at Port Ewen, Ulster County, called the Port Ewen Gazette.

ACCIDENT – An accident of a somewhat serious nature occurred in the town of Lexington on Wednesday of last week. While Mr. Samuel Cole and a hired man named Pelham were getting out a stick of timber, the former hewing and latter scoring, the axe in the hands of Mr. Pelham glanced from the timber and struck Mr. Cole on the right arm just blow the elbow, cutting through the fleshy part of the limb making a frightful wound. Dr. Marsh attended the case, and it is hoped that with good care he will soon recover the use of his arm.

The rumor that Mr. David Beers had made a second attempt at suicide last week proves incorrect. He has recovered from the effects of his first effort and we are informed appears quite rational.

SAD ACCIDENT – Mr. William Arbuckle, son of Daniel Arbuckle, Jr., of this town, met with a sad and probably fatal accident on Thursday last. While erecting a scaffold in a barn, he fell from the beam on which he was standing and struck his head on the edge of a plank lying upon the floor. His skull was badly broken and he was taken up perfectly insensible in which state he has since remained. No hopes are entertained of his recovery. Del. Gazette.

September 22, 1859

FATAL ACCIDENT - A correspondent of the Bloomville Mirror, writing from Andes, September 10th, says:

Mr. Thomas Flynn of Andes, was almost instantly killed in this village today under the following circ*mstances. He was returning from Sidney Plains with a load of 100 bushels of oats for Mr. Hawver. As he was about the head of Mr. Dowie’s Mill Dam, a gust of wind blew off his hat; he made a grab for it, which started the horses. This jerked him off his seat, which was high up on the oats. The wagon passed diagonally across is back; he rose and ran about two rods after the horses, called out “Ho!” once and fell down; he never spoke after – and died in less than ten minutes.

A GREENE COUNTY SLAVE – The Pulaski Democrat says:

Peter Freeler, the slave of a Mr. Whitbeck, of Coxsackie, Greene Co., when slavery existed in this state, lives near Cleveland. He owns about 100 acres of land, and is an industrious and thrifty farmer. His wife was a slave also until he purchased her freedom of another master, for which he gave $100. The two sons of Mr. Whitbeck are thrifty farmers and live within a mile or so of the slave their father once owned.

NARROW ESCAPE – On Wednesday of last week, while Mr. Harmon Camp, of this town, was engaged in stoning a well, assisted by Mr. Henry McKee, and while standing in the bottom of the well, which was thirty-seven feet deep, a stone weighing nearly two hundred pounds accidentally rolled in, but fortunately only grazed the face of Mr. Camp, and took the skin almost entirely off the back of one of his hands.. Had it struck either of the gentlemen on the head, it must have killed instantly.

We are happy to learn that the accident to Judge Parker, which we noted last week, was not as bad as at first supposed. Although suffering from pretty severe sprains and bruises, he was able to appear in Court two days after the accident. Mrs. and Miss Parker were not much injured.

Mr. Elijah Scoville, of the town of Conesville, sends to this office a sample of wheat raised by him. A few of the tallest stalks measured five feet five inches, and the whole was well filled. The wheat crop is said never to have been better than the present season, and the sample referred to is certainly an evidence of the fact.

The Ulster County Musical Association is to hold a Musical Convention at Kingston, with Mr. W. B. Bradbury as conductor, on the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st of October.

We are happy to learn that Mr. Wm. Arbuckle, who met with a serous accident a short time since, is in a fair way to recover. – Del. Gazzette.

September 29, 1859

DROWNED – A case of drowning occurred in Freehold, in this county, on the night of Tuesday the 20th inst., under the following painful circ*mstances: The wife of Philo T. Dodge, Esq., of Chicago, returned to Freehold from the west last fall, since when she has been, at times, temporarily deranged, and most of the time under the care of a physician. On Tuesday night of last week, she requested her sister-in-law to leave the room. She did so, and returned in about twenty minutes, when she noticed the absence of Mrs. B., and that the door and gate were both open. A search was immediately instituted, but the night being quite dark some half an hour elapsed before any discovery was made, when her body was found floating in a pond near the house.

BROKE JAIL – On Wednesday night, the 14th instant, two prisoners broke out of the Delhi jail and escaped. Their names are William Tompkins, who was confined for petit larceny, and Abram Becker, who was arrested for breaking open two stores in Moresville and Roxbury a few weeks since. For their apprehension, Sheriff Griffin offers a reward of 75 dollars, $50 for Becker and $25 for Thompson.

(NOTE FROM TRANSCRIBER: The article does say Tompkins and later Thompson; it is not a typographical error.)

DROWNED – A daughter of Mr. James McCoon, a resident of the town of Jewett, near Jewett Center, accidentally fell through the bridge near the house of West Chase, Esq., on Saturday at about 6 o’clock, and was drowned. Some children who were near gave the alarm and a search was commenced immediately, which proved in vain. The body was found on Sunday at about 12o’clock, by George Wheeler, Esq., about a mile below the bridge at Lexington Flats, and just below the Camp ground. She was nearly three years of age.

October 6, 1859



Piety in Childhood

Died, in the town of Windham, on the 10th instant, of dropsy, CHARLES F., oldest son of John and Sarah Nelson, aged 11 years and 5 months.

The above appeared in the Journal of the 22d of September, and is well worthy of more than a passing note. In the death of Little Charley, a most remarkable case of true piety was exhibited in childhood. This little boy at the early age of six years gave sincere evidence of being deeply impressed with the idea of true religion. God’s Holy Spirit appeared to water this little plant from that time p to the time he died. Such a scene as the death of little Charley presented is very seldom met with. He was sick seven weeks, most of the time confined to his room. During the whole of that time not a word of complaint came from his lips, but he lay like a little angel fully resigned and contented, waiting patiently the will of the Savior. During the last few days of his sickness, many friends called in to converse with him; but, his conversation could be turned on no subject but religion, and the salvation of his soul. Many were astonished at the answers given to questions asked him, concerning his departure from this world, as it was evident that he could not live but a short time. While his little body lay wasting away with disease, frequently would he utter or break the stillness of the room with language, such as “Jesus died for me. I love my Savior,” and any more similar sentences. At times, he appeared to be in deep thought, and his little face would brighten up, as if he was watching the angels who might be hovering over his bed waiting to bear his little spirit to the mansions of eternal bliss. About an hour before he died, his little brother came to his bedside. He took him by the hand and talked with him on the subject of his soul’s salvation, urging him to be a good little boy and give his heart to God. Think of it – a boy eleven years old on his death bed, urging a younger brother to seek the Savior. Oh, what a scene was here presented. Can there be anything beautiful in death? Truly this must be so. Sermon after sermon might be delivered, but never could leave a deeper impression o the minds of any who witnessed the last moments of little Charley.

It certainly must be a great satisfaction to Christian parents, when their little ones are taken away, to know that their loss is the child’s eternal gain.

Shortly after the conversation with his little brother, his mother asked him if he was resigned to die. “Oh yes,” he answered, very distinctly. He then appeared to sink away, and all in the room supposed he was past speech. He soon revived again and spoke very plainly the words, “Good-bye.” In a few minutes after this, he called his mother to his bedside, and said, “Mother I am going, prepare to meet me in Heaven.” He spoke of his father several times, but at that time his father happened to be out of the room. He appeared just then to revive more than usual but, it was distinctly seen that the grim messenger of death was about to fulfill his mission, and take from this world this sweet and lovely child. He again spoke to his mother touchingly in regard to his little sisters. “Oh mother,” he said, “do teach my dear little sisters the way to Heaven.” Think of this, little children, you who ought to love your brothers and sisters, but do not. If this little notice falls in your hands, not only read it, but think of it – think of little Charley, who loved you all. Think of it little school mates – of him you never more can see on earth. No more his kind and gentle voice will greet you at the familiar old school house. Follow little Charley’s steps and you will meet him one day where parting will never take place and joys will never end. His aunt, who was standing by the bedside, spoke to him. The little fellow looked up at her with a countenance beaming with a Savior’s love, and spoke very plainly. “Aunt, good-bye.” His mother then approached his side and said, “Charley, Jesus can make a dying bed soft as downy pillows are.” “Yes, yes,” he distinctly uttered and then added, “Mother, I am so tired, but I must speak.” His mother then said, “Charley, you are Mother’s angel.” “No, no, mother,” he replied, “I am God’s angel.” At this time, his little eyes sunk back; the time had come, all was over and the next minute, he raised his little hands and folded them and at the same time exclaimed, “Oh mother, I see God in all his glory. Jesus is shining upon me.” At this moment, his little spirit took it’s flight to that Savior who said, “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

His funeral was largely attended and a most impressive discourse was delivered by Rev. A. M. Sellick, of Durham. The interment took place in the burying ground at West Durham. A large company of his little school mates followed the remains to its final resting place. Each one of this little company carried a small bunch of flowers and upon arriving at the grave, passed in circle around it, each in turn dropping their flowers in the grave – a most beautiful token of children’s love. Thus has passed away one of the most remarkable children that I have ever heard of as regards true piety in early childhood.

Farewell Charley, thou hast left us
Faded from this world of pain
But Jesus says such little blossoms
In Paradise shall bloom again.

Durham, September 26, 1859

DEATH OF JUDGE MONSON – We are pained to learn of the sudden death of Hon. Levinus Monson at Hobart in this county on the morning of the 24th inst. We believe that he was about 70 years of age. Judge Monson came to this county when the country was new, and established himself in the legal profession, which he has followed most of the time up to the date of his decease. He was appointed, several years ago, a Justice of the Supreme Court for this District to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Morehouse, and occupied the bench for the remainder of the term with marked ability. He was a good an successful lawyer, an impartial Judge and a generous and worthy citizen. He leaves a wife and four daughters to mourn the loss of their best earthly friend. - Mirror

A few days since, Mrs. Hannah Soper, aged 102 years, signed a receipt for pension decreed to her husband who was a soldier in the Revolution. Mrs. Soper, formerly resided in Cairo in this county, but has resided in the Town of Main, NY, for the last fourteen years. She was born in 1757 – eighteen years before the commencement of the war of the Revolution.

A Stranger Shot

Mr. John Husted, while out on a hunting excursion on Monday of last week, near Oak Hill, discovered a rather strange looking bird flying around him and of rather large dimensions. Mr. Husted, having a little curiosity to know who this stranger was, leveled his gun at him and down came a crane. He was shot on the wings. He measured 6 feet and 1 inch across the wings and from his bill to his toes, 6 feet. The length of his neck was 2 feet 4 inches and the bird weighed 16 ½ pounds. It is a rare occurrence that this class of fowls are seen in this section.PHOENIX

ACCIDENT – While Mr. Abram Hill was riding from Rondout to Kingston on Thursday last, with a friend, the horses took fright and ran away. Mr. Hill was thrown from the wagon and received such a shock in falling that he has been quite lame since. No very serious damage, however, has resulted.

Abram Becker, who broke from the Delaware County jail on the 14th inst., has been retaken and lodged in safe keeping. He was caught at Cooperstown.

Judge Bailey, formerly of this county, delivered the Address to the Oneida County Agricultural society.

Military Parade

The old and favorite Lexington Artillery, Company R., 20th Regiment, has its annual parade near the house of Lucas Van Valkenburgh in Lexington, on Thursday, October 13th, at 8 o’clock, a.m.

We understand that there will be target firing with the cannon and minie rifles and that Col. Pratt and staff is to review Capt. Wheeler’s company.

We call attention of merchants in this section and dealers in groceries generally, to the fact that our old friend, Henry A. Day, Esq., formerly of Cairo, is now with S. T. Knapp & Bro., No. 46 Harrison Street, NY. His place of business being so near the Hudson and Catskill boat landings, we think they will find it to their interest to call upon him.


THE subscriber would announce to his friends and customers that he will be absent in New York for about two weeks, for the purpose of purchasing a new stock of goods, during which time, Mr. JOHN VAN DYCK will attend to all calls at his store.

Windham Center, Sept. 27, 1859


D. W. SMITH & CO. would announce to the citizens of Prattsville and surrounding towns, that they are now offering their


The senior partner is about to remove to New York City, while M. S. BABco*ck will remain in Prattsville to settle up the affairs of the establishment and to dispose of the remaining stock, which will positively be sold AT COST, for cash and produce.

Prattsville, September 22, 1859

For Sale, to close a Trust

ONE Bay Mare, four years old, broke to single or double harness. One Buggy Wagon, nearly new. One two-horse Spring Wagon, nearly new.

The above property will be sold low.
Red Falls, August 8, 1859

Horse Owners, Attention!

THE SUBSCRIBER RETURNS his sincere thanks to those who have so liberally patronized him heretofore, and takes occasion to inform them that his efforts shall be continued to please all who favor him with their patronage hereafter. He continues to manufacture every variety of
of the best materials, in the latest and most approved styles, and the work warranted to be durable and to give entire satisfaction.
in all its branches, promptly attended to, and the work warranted. A handsome assortment of
Trunks, Valises and Whips
always on hand, and at prices which must please. Repairing promptly attended to at all times.
Windham Center, Sept. 29, 1959

Teeth! Teeth! Teeth!
Alfred W. Doty

and patrons that he may be found at home the
First Half of Every Month

The balance of time will be spent as the interest of the business may require. He continues to perform all dental operations with the utmost care and in a substantial and workmanlike manner – causing the least possible pain – and at the most reasonable prices. He is doing 25%, better work than is customary for old established prices on 12 months credit; or, for ready pay and READY PAY ONLY at a discount of 50%. Necessitous or merciful operations when required in the night and on the Sabbath at double price. Deserving and charitable ones at all times GRATIS. To accommodate all classes and circ*mstances, he makes every possible variety and priced artificial work from $.10 per tooth to $6.00 or more each. Full upper or under sets from $5.00 to $15 or more. Fillings from $.25 to $5.00 each according to the cost of the materials used and the amount of work laid out. All of which for charming, life like beauty, comfort, utility and durability (prices &c considered) will vie with any other work of this kind made far or near. All the known anesthetic agents and substitutes for mitigating pain used as required.

Priced specimens of his work may be seen at his office, first door south east of the bridge.

Windham Center, Greene County, NY


ALL persons having BLACKSMITHING done at my shop, are requested to settle up every three months. All accounts that are not settled at such time: Interest will be charged.
Prattsville, Aug. 30, 1859

For Sale

THE DAIRY FARM AND HOTEL Stand of the late Henry Kinsley, Esq., situated in the village of Ashland, Greene County, NY, on the Windham Turnpike 30 miles from Catskill. The farm contains about 300 acres of land under a good state of cultivation, well watered with springs, and a stream of water running through the center. It is also one of the best Hotel Stands in that Section of the country, there having been one kept there for the last 40 or 50 years, and being located in the village where there is a large Collegiate Institute in a flourishing condition, churches, stores, &c. It makes it a very desirable location for any person that wishes to purchase such a property. The House and outbuildings are large, ample and in good repair. There is on the piece about twenty-five head of Cattle, one span of Horses, Farming Utensils, &c., all of which will be sold with the place if desired. Possession given immediately if required. Terms made easy. For particulars, enquire of Mrs. E. S. Kinsley on the place, or of
Middletown, Orange Co., NY

For Sale

THE SUBSCRIBER NOW offers for sale his HOUSE AND LOT, situated in the village of Ashland, a short distance from the Ashland Collegiate Institute. For further particulars, enquire of the subscriber on the premises.
Ashland, July 23, 1859


IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICATION will be made to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Greene at their next session for the formation of a new town in said county to be taken from the towns of Hunter and Jewett.
George Chamberlain
M. B. Kelshaw Frederick Beach
Daniel Burger Aaron Smith
John G. HoffmanJohn P. S. Jones
William GreenReuben Towner
Daniel Miller Oliver Ingalls
Conrad Fromer

Dated, September 24, 1859

October 13, 1859

LARGE APPLES – Mr. David S. Janes, of Ashland, sends us a specimen of fruit raised by him in the shape of three large Apples. The first weighed 1 pound and 2 ½ ounces. The second and third, 1 pound each. They take down anything of the kind we saw at the county fair, and are indeed the largest we ever saw. We are not “posted” as to their variety.

POTATOS – James Donahue, of the town of Ashland, leaves a specimen of his Hemlock potatoes, and they are certainly sufficiently tall, when placed upright, to be fully entitled to the name. One of them weighs one pound and twelve ounces, and four weighed five pounds and a half. Who can beat it?

We are also indebted to Rev. Daniel J. Wright, of South Durham for about half a bushel of monster potatoes of the peach blow variety, the finest lot we ever saw. Where are all the Windham potatoes?

BEET – A large Blood Beet, measuring two feet in circumference, was left here by our friend, J. C. Bailey, Esq., of Jewett. It is a monster of its species and we think hard to beat. Mr. Bailey has plenty more of the same sort and many others quite as large.

STRAWBERRIES – Under this heading we may perhaps mention the fact that Rev. J. B. Fish, of this town, left here on Monday a stem containing two ripe strawberries. They were found by Mr. F.’s son in a field on the farm. The extraordinary time at which they ware found only makes the fact noteworthy.

SENATORIAL – Col. John Laraway, of Prattsville, was nominated for Senator at the Democratic Senatorial Convention in Catskill on the 5th inst.

The Republicans, at their Senatorial Convention, in Catskill, on the 4th instant, nominated John Bronk, Esq., of Coxsackie, for Senator. Mr. Bronk was adopted by the Americans of Ulster, but has since declined the nomination, and the Republicans will, of course, have to put up another man.

LARGE BEAR KILLED – A large bear was killed in the western part of the town of Cairo, on Tuesday of last week, by Levi and John Stead, assisted by Edward Adams and Edward Lennon. A gun was fastened near a sweet apple tree, which Bruin regularly visited, in the orchard of Mr. John Worth. When his bear-ship called there on Monday night, he saw more enticing food hanging in the neighborhood of the gun. He attempted to eat it, when the gun accidentally discharged itself full into Bruin’s neck and ribs. Becoming disgusted with this bit of amusem*nt, he left for other parts trailing on the ground he passed a little of his precious blood. The hunters above named followed him up the next day, and discovered him finally on a neighboring mountain. They, however, had to put three bullets through his hide before he acknowledged his defeat. He measured five feet ten inches from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail and nine inches across his head. His weight, undressed, was 340 pounds. The hind quarters sold in Catskill for $12, and we learn the young men who captured him refused $12 for his skin.

We last week received a communication from Durham, upon the subject of the trotting match at the late County Fair. The document is anonymous, being signed “A Subscriber.” Notwithstanding this, its length (about two columns) renders it impossible for us to insert it. We cannot but acknowledge its truthfulness, however, so far as we know the circ*mstances, in its praises of the horse belonging to Aaron Roggen, Esq., of Oak Hill. We doubt not the public properly appreciates the excellent qualities exhibited in Mr. R’s horse at the Fair, and we must, therefore, be excused from publishing an article which may give offence in another quarter.

RETURN OF JUDGE HARRIS AND FAMILY – The Fulton, after a tedious and tempestuous voyage of seventeen days, arrived in New York on Friday afternoon last. Judge Harris and his family were among the passengers. They have been absent since early in May and have been greatly benefited by the tour.

TWO HORSES STOLEN – On Tuesday, the 20th ult., two horses were stolen from Morris G. Loyd of the town of Hyde Park, Dutchess County, NY, by one Wm. H. Worden. Mr. Loyd was over in Esopus on some business, and at night the horses were stolen from the pasture. They were found in New Jersey on Friday night last, and the thief was arrested on Sunday morning after being pursued about three hundred miles. He is lodged in Kingston Jail awaiting the action of the Grand Jury.

SUDDEN DEATH – A man names Samuel Fisher, a resident of the town of Conesville, died instantly on Sunday morning last at about 9 o’clock under the following circ*mstances: He was sitting on his horse, engaged in conversation with Mr. Gaylord when he suddenly reeled, fell sideways to the ground, and when he was picked up, life was extinct. It is fair to suppose that his death was caused by disease of the heart. He had been in his usual good health up to the moment of his death. He was about 40 years of age and leaves a wife and three children.

October 20, 1859 Senatorial

For Senator, we present the name of Joshua Fiero, Jr., of Catskill. Mr. Fiero is one of the enterprising merchants of his town, is a self-made man, and has attained his present honored and respected position by untiring industry and perseverance. His liberal hand having always been open to all charitable objects, and to all public and benevolent enterprises, he has drawn around him a host of warm friends, who will delight to assist in placing him in the State Senate. He was elected a member of the Legislature in 1854, and acted as chairman of the Bank Committee more than half the session. At that election, such was his popularity that he turned over 800 votes in his District in his favor. As he has retained his old friends since then, and added many new ones to the list, he will of course sweep the country clean where he is known, and be elected by a large majority.

The Judgeship

Next, we have, for County Judge, Peleg C. Mattoon, of Catskill. Mr. Mattoon is a self-made man. He is well known throughout the entire county. His life has been spent in acquiring a thorough knowledge of the legal profession, and by his impartial and sound advice upon all questions of law, he is known to be eminently fitted for the station to which his friends have assigned him in placing him in nomination. With the hosts of friends that will rally to his support, and men of all parties who know his qualifications, he must be elected.

MODEL FOR A BARN – Wellington Peck, Esq., of the town of Durham, recently erected a barn on his place, which for convenience and internal arrangement is probably unsurpassed in the county. Perhaps, there is not another building of equal size in this vicinity which has as many sections for farm use, under the same roof. There are the figures:

Barn 80 by 41 feet
Stable 80 by 15 feet
1 Bay 20 by 26 feet
1 Bay 18 by 26 feet
Floor 16 by 41 feet
Cellar 16 by 26 feet
Depth of Bays 26 feet to girt
Wagon House 26 by 26 feet

A friend also leaves a specimen of the corn raised by Mr. Peck. There are six cars of the common eight rowed variety and the finest specimen we have seen. This corn was raised upon land which has been cropped with corn for nine successive years past.

CORN – Wm. L. Morgan of Louisville, Warren County, Indiana, says that seed from the butt end of an ear of corn will ripen all its product at the same time, and some three weeks earlier than seed from the little end of the same ear. He recommends farmers to break their seed corn in two in the middle and use the butt ends only for seed.

REFUSED – The Postmaster of Prattsville returns the Journal for the last six weeks, which were addressed to G. W. Bloomberg, of Prattsville, marked refused. Mr. Bloomberg now owes us since March 25th, 1858, and when the bill is settled we will stop the paper, with pleasure, but not before. So, take your time to it, George.

GREAT HOG – Mr. L. Eagleston, of Acra, has, we believe, the largest and handsomest hog in the county, of his age. He is only thirteen months old, girts over six feet close to the shoulders, and weighs about five hundred and thirty pounds. If any one has a larger one, we should be glad to know.

October 27, 1859


130 Nassau St., New York. Rooms 18 and 25.

Real estate sales, purchases, exchanges &c. effected, collections made, loans negotiated and all similar business transacted at similar terms.


Office with King A Matoon at Catskill, NY


Office at the Catskill House, Catskill, NY


Catskill, Greene County, NY


Office at Windham Centre


Prattsville, NY


Durham, NY


Durham, NY


Windham Centre, NY


Prattsville, Greene County, NY. Collecting done with prora pinee. (sp?)


Catskill, NY. Office with R. W. Watson


Catskill, NY. Offices one door west of the Catskill Bank.


Catskill, NY




S. A. & C. C. GIVENS

Opposite the Post Office, Main Street, Catskill, NY


Windham Center, NY


Offices with King & Mattoon, Catskill, Greene County, NY


Ashland, Greene County, NY


All diseases of the eye, both medical and surgical, promptly attended to.
Residence and office first door south of C. S. Willard’s Jewelry Store, upstairs.
Main Street, Catskill, NY


Windham, Greene County, NY. All work warranted.


at her Millinery Store in Windham Center.


Windham, Greene County, NY



Repairing promptly attended to and Warranted. Prices low.
Livery at the Catskill House.

SASHES AND BLINDS made to order by

Big Hollow


Manorkill, Schohairie County, NY


Agricultural and Mechanical Implements and tools, Iron, Steel &c.
Merchants supplied at New York prices. Main Street, Catskill, NY

H. R. & Z. J. BROWN
Steam Marble Works

Schoharie, NY

Keep constantly on hand Monument and Tombstones of every description

Dealer in Ready Made Clothing


__Coths, __salmares and Vestings constantly on hand. Cutting done at short notice and all work warranted. Terms moderate.


Oak Hill, Greene County, NY


Will be glad to see their friends at their house, west end of Main Street, Catskill, NY.

Greene County Hotel

Corner Church & Main Streets, Catskill, NY

Pleasant Accommodations for Travelers.


74 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY

A Pleasant and Retired Home for Travelers

A BEET BEATEN – Capt. Nelson Bump, is not a whit behind his neighbors in raising large vegetables. He sends two large Blood Beets weighing respectively 6 pounds 13 ounces, and 6 pounds, and measuring, the first 2 feet 1 ¾ inches in circumference, and the other 1 foot 8 inches in length. We have firmly decided to buy no vegetables this winter. Our friends have fully supplied us, and that too of the largest kinds.

STILL LARGER – Mr. N. M. Fink, of the town of Ashland, sends us three Beets weighing, in the aggregate, 25 pounds. They are by far the largest we have seen this season, and would, we doubt not, have taken a premium at the late County Fair.

Mr. T. D. Traphagan, of this village, and Mr. Charles White, of Mitchell Hollow, have each left a monster potato for us to “make a note on.” The first one weights two pounds and three ounces and measures 17 ½ inches in circumference. – The other is of the same weight and measures 16 inches in circumference.

The two School Districts in the village of Prattsville, have been united, and the people intend to dispose of the old school houses, and, after repairing the Prattsville Academy, use that building for both Districts.

A “Farmers’ Club” was organized in Prattsville, on Thursday evening, the 13th inst., for the purpose of mutual improvement in Agriculture. Col. Z. Pratt made a very handsome speech on the occasion.

SNOW STORM – Thursday and Friday last were two bitter cold days. The thermometer ranged most of the time from 23 to 30, and on Friday we had quite a snow storm. The Delaware River at Hobart was frozen over.

Mr. W. F. Spencer of this village has disposed of his house and lot to Mr. C. A. Mattoon, who takes possession November 10th.

November 1, 1859


DIED – In Oak Hill, Greene Co,, NY, on the 17th instant, of Typhoid Fever, Mr. Elihu M. Baldwin, only brother of Johnson H. Baldwin, Esq., of Durham, in the 38th year of his age.

But, a few weeks since, I noticed through the columns of the Journal the death of Ella, wife of Johnson H. Baldwin, Esq., but then little thought, in so short a time, of the double affliction which was to come upon him. But true it is that we know not what a day may bring forth, and as Job saith, “for we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow.

Mr. Baldwin, although but a young man, has stood by and seen link after link of the family circle broken until he is now left alone as its last surviving member. Many friends deeply sympathize with him in the loss of his beloved brother and trust that God, in whose hands are the issues of all things, will give him strength and consolation to bear up under this afflicting event.

In the death of Mr. Elihu M. Baldwin, society is again called to mourn the loss of one of its most estimable members. Mr. Baldwin was a man highly respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. None knew him but to love him. None named him but to praise. His walk through life was that of an honest and upright citizen, and from his kind affectionate and agreeable manner, he won the admiration and love of a large circle of acquaintances. His funeral was attended on Wednesday, October 19th at the Presbyterian Church, Durham. A large concourse of friends and acquaintances were present to pay the last tribute of respect to one beloved in life, now lamented in death. After listening to a very beautiful and affecting discourse, by the Rev. E. L. Boing, from the 102d Psalm, 24th verse; “I said, O, my God, take me not away in the midst of my days,” A large procession of friends accompanied the remains to its last resting place, there to sleep the silent sleep of death until the general resurrection of the last day. Mr. Baldwin died, not without a hope and his friends have the consolation to know that he lived and died with a good hope of a blessed immortality beyond the grave.

DURHAM, October 22, 1859


The friends of the Rev. Mr. Battersby, of Durham, are respectfully invited to meet at the house of Ira Sherman, in the town of Windham, on Tuesday, November 15, 1859.


The new Methodist Episcopal Church, at Oak Hill, Greene County, NY, will be dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, on Wednesday, the 2d day of November next. Preaching at 10 o’clock, a.m., 3 o’clock and 7 o’clock p.m. Ministers and friends generally are invited to be in attendance.


November 8, 1859

A man named Harvey Otis, a mason of Kingston, says the Peoples Press, met with a serious accident while at work in Saugerties on Saturday, 26th ult. He had been building a brick arch over a boiler in the paper mill at Saugerties, and after it was finished, Mr. Otis, together with his workmen, commenced taking away the props from under it. While they were doing this, the arch gave way and fell upon Mr. Otis, breaking his leg and otherwise bruising him. He is now doing well. A son of Mr. Otis and one of his workmen were also slightly injured.


IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICATION will be made to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Greene, at their next session for the formation of a new town in said County to be taken from the towns of Hunter and Jewett.

George ChamberlinFrederick Beach
M. B. Felshaw Aaron Smith
Daniel BurgerJohn P. S. Jones
John G. HoffmanReuben Towner
William GreenOliver Ingals
Daniel MillerConrad Fromer

Dated, September 24th, 1859

November 15, 1859

NEW SALOON - Mr. Asa Palmer has just opened a saloon in Austin’s building in this village. Those in want of Oysters, Fruit, Nuts or Confectionary, will find him on hand to supply them. Give him a call.

November 22, 1859

Rev. Edward Stratton preached his farewell sermon, in the Presbyterian Church in the village of Ashland, on Sunday, November 13th. Mr. S., we learn, has received several calls, one to the pastoral care of the 2d Presbyterian Church in Newark, NJ, but has not yet decided upon either. He has made many warm friends while in Ashland, and wherever he goes, he will take with him the best wishes of her citizens. Rev. Mr. Holloway has accepted a call to the place vacated.

A sawmill, belonging to B. Harvey, Esq. of Harvey Street in the town of Durham, was swept away by the force of the water during the heavy rain storm on Saturday last. Two men, named Howard and Claver, were in the mill a minute before, and only just escaped being carried away with it.

November 29, 1859

Circuit court

The November term of the Greene County Circuit Court, concluded its session on Saturday evening. Judge Harris presided, instead of Judge Gould, as announced.

There were 83 cases on the calendar, many of which were put over for various reasons.

The case of Lockwood vs. Hunter occupied some 2 ½ days, and resulted in a verdict of six cents for plaintiff. A full account of this matter will be found elsewhere.

Maria Vining, indicted for abandonment, was discharged upon her own recognizance, in $500 bonds.

Clark Wilkinson, Andrew Shanan, and John C. Rivers, indicted for the murder of Decker, at Coxsackie, plead not guilty, and were remanded to jail to await trial at the February term.

The case of Francis N. Wilson, President of Catskill Bank, vs. Robert A. Foraythetal, May 8, 1854, is to be argued before Judge Harris, at his office, next month.

In the case of the People vs. Brandow Huggins and Dyle, convicted of arson in the 3d degree, in burning the barn of Joseph Huggins, in Lexington, the Judge sentenced them to 7 years imprisonment in the State Prison. As a stay of proceedings had been granted, they will be held until their application for a new trial has been decided.

The People against John Brewater, colored. The charge was assault with intent to kill. He was found guilty, sentenced to 2 ½ years imprisonment, and Deputy Sheriff Stimpson took him to Sing Sing on Monday.

Edward E. Millegan & Samuel C. Bidwell, assignees &c, vs. Richard P. Gorsline and Franklin B. Lament, Sheriff, &c, July 28, 1858. Verdict for defendant.

The two cases against Alfred E. LeGrave, one by Franklin S. Ormsbee, by Nathaniel Ormsbee, his guardian, and the other by John G. Murphy, for an alleged attempt to poison, were put over.

The Commissioners of Excise of this county had eight cases on the calendar for violation of the license law, one of which was settled, and the rest put over.

ACCIDENT – A young man named Milo Sheffield, in the employ of Mr. B. H. Waldron, of this village, was thrown from a colt belonging to Mr. W., this (Tuesday) morning, and falling heavily on the frozen ground, was very seriously injured about the head and face. He was carried into the office of Dr. C. V. Barnett, near which he met with the accident, where his wounds were dressed. He was soon after removed to the hotel of Mr. Waldron, and is now in a comfortable condition. Dr. Barnett thinks there is at present no reason to doubt his recovery.

Mr. T. Johnson has established himself at the rooms of Dr. E. Colburn, in this village, where he is prepared to supply our citizens with watches, and attend to the repairing of watches, clocks, jewelry &c. He is a good workman and should be liberally patronized. Read his advertisem*nt and give him a call.

Mr. Jacob Frayer, of Prattsville, has rented the room formerly occupied by Mr. W. F. Spencer, in this village, where he will open a Saloon and Barber Shop in a few days.

Mr. J. A. Collier was installed Pastor of the 2d Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston on the 15th inst.

December 6, 1859

CAME ON THE PREMISES OF THE Subscriber, on or about the 16th of November, FIVE STRAY SHEEP. The owner is requested to call, describe said sheep and marks, prove property, pay charges and take them away.
Durham, November 20, 1859

Lumber for Sale

THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTFULLY inform all Builders and Dealers in Lumber that he will keep on hand, and for sale, all kinds of first quality SPRUCE AND BASSWOOD SIDING and FLOOR BOARDS at the store of JAMES LOUGHRAN, Esq., in Hensonville, town of Windham. Buyers will best consult their own interests by calling and examining the stock. ALEXANDER ROBB
Hensonville, December 5, 1859


Also, Rectifier and Dealer in Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cordials. Agent for Millard & Barnard’s celebrated
44 Columbia Street, Hudson, Col Co., N.Y.

Cutter for Sale
THE Subscriber has a first rate CUTTER for which he has no use and will sell it cheap.
Windham Center, Dec. 5, 1859

THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Windham and surrounding towns that he has established himself adjoining the store of R. P. Gorsline, at the office of Dr. E. Colburn, in the village of Windham, where he is prepared to supply all who wish to purchase Watches and to attend to the Cleaning and Repairing of
Call and see.
He will also hold himself in readiness to supply his customers with Ambrotypes, Photographs, &c., at prices ranging from 50 cents upwards. T. JOHNSON
Windham, November 14th, 1859

Election of John Laraway
SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE THAT MR. Laraway is elected and nothing can convince them to the contrary. Just so it is with the patrons of VOL H. McKEAN, West Durham, Greene County, N. Y. They believe no one can build a house like him and you might as well undertake to overturn the Doolittle mountain as to change that opinion.

Apprentice Wanted
AN APPRENTICE TO LEARN THE HARNESS MAKERS trade is wanted by the subscriber. A boy about 15 or 17 years of age, of good steady habits, may apply immediately to: CHARLES STEDMAN
Windham Center, Nov. 21, 1859

For Sale
One Double Barrel Shot Gun
One Smooth Bore Rifle
One Cut Rifle
One Cane Gun
Two Pump Angers and Reamers
Two Vegetable Cutters
Enquire of B. NEWBURY at the Foundry
Windham, Nov. 16, 1859

Catskill, October 13, 1859

December 13, 1859

Bear Hunt
We are requested to say that the arrangements for the bear hunt on Black Head Mountain, to come off on Tuesday next, 20th instant, are not yet sufficiently perfected to publish a full programme. It is understood, however, that one party will ascend the mountain from the East Kill side, while another ascends from the neighborhood of J. S. Miller’s hotel in South Durham.

FATAL ACCIDENT – An accident occurred in Lexington, on Sunday evening, December 4th, which resulted in the death of Mr. William Barber, of that town. While in the act of carrying a pail of water into the house, he slipped from the stoop, striking his breast on one of the steps and it is supposed, causing internal hemorrhage. He lived only two hours after his fall. His age was about 29 years. He was esteemed by all who knew him.

ACCIDENT WITH A CANNON – An accident occurred at Masonville Corners, Delaware County, on Saturday evening, November 27th, by the bursting of a cannon. One of the pieces struck a Mr. Brundage, breaking his leg. Another piece glanced through a window in the house of Mr. Baker, opposite, and smashed the stove therein to pieces. Still another fragment shot through a window in the residence of Mrs. Gilbert, breaking the sash and grazing a lady’s face, who sat at the window, but did no other injury.

SOME PORK – Our friend, L. M. Eagleston, of Acra, committed a “kill with intent to salt” upon his monster hog last week. When dressed, the animal weighed 588 pounds and he took from it 36 pounds of rough tallow. Mr. Eagleston has not yet been arrested for this remarkable butchery.

RUNAWAY – We are informed that a team belonging to Mr. Isaac Pelham, of this town, ran away a few days since, at Hensonville. One of the horses had his neck broken by running off the bridge near the grist mill.


WOULD INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND acquaintances that he may now be found at the store of Peck & Osborn, where he shall be happy to see them at any time.

The Farmers’ and Villagers Fire Insurance Association of Windham.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual Meeting of the Members of the above Company will be held at the Hotel of B. H. Waldron in the village of Windham Center, on Tuesday, the 3d day of January next, at one o’clock P.M., for the purpose of electing Directors to fill the place of H. R. Porter Sylvester Austin, N. P. Cowles, Isaac Brandow, Albert Chase, Moses B. Austin and S. P. Ives, all of whose terms of office will then expire and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. A general attendance of alL the Members is requested, as important business will be brought before this meeting.
Dated at the Secretary’s office, December 9th, 1959 SAMUEL P. IVES

For Sale
THE LOT OF LAND LYING IN JEWETT, belonging to the estate of Theophilas Peck, deceased, and known as the Ninian.
Said lot contains about 72 ACRES OF LAND, and is of the best quality for grazing purposes. If not previously sold, it will be offered at Public Auction on Tuesday, January 10th at 12 o’clock M, at the store of A. Peck in Jewett. NATHANIAL HULL, Executor

THE WINTER TERM of this Institution will commence on the 4th of January next, and continue 15 weeks. Terms moderate. For further information, address the Principal.
Durham, December 1st, 1859

FURS WANTED – FOX, MINK AND all kinds of Furs wanted for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or trade by R. P. GORSLINE
CAMPHOR AND BURNING FLUID – best kind and for sale by R. P. GORSLINE

December 20, 1859


Ashland, Greene County, New York

Wagon For Sale
THE SUBSCRIBER HAS FOR SALE AN extra well-made LUMBER WAGON, thimble skeins, painted and finished in good style, which will be sold very cheap.
Union Society December 20, 1859

Carriage and Sleigh Repository
W. H. NORTON WOULD RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Durham and surrounding towns that he has added to his business a Repository for the sale of FANCY CARRIAGES AND SLEIGHS, which for Elegance and Durability, together with the extreme low prices, will defy competition in either Albany, Schoharie or the great Metropolis. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine.
N. B. – All kinds of Wheelwright work done up without delay.
Durham Village, December 15th, 1859

Music Teaching
MRS. W. E. STEELE respectfully informs parents and guardians that, having a few leisure hours during each week, she will devote them to Piano Music Teaching. Terms moderate.

December 27, 1859

COTILLION PARTIES – The Young people of Stamford and that vicinity are to hold a New Year’s Festival and Cotillion Party at the hotel of R. S. Brownell, Esq., on Friday evening of this week. A gala time will e the result for whenever Brownell attempts anything of this sort, you may always “count him in.”

Our friends, W. B. Faulk, of Preston Hollow, and J. Townsend, of Potter’s Hollow, also each have a New Year’s Ball on Monday evening next, January 2d. They both “know how to keep hotels” and enjoy extensive acquaintances. As the sleighing is fine, they will undoubtedly have crowds of visitors.

FIRE – The dwelling house of Mr. Simerson, two miles west of Moresville, Delaware County, was burned to the ground on Wednesday evening last, together with its contents. Mr. and Mrs. Simerson were absent visiting some relatives, having left home in the morning. The fire was discovered at about half past nine in the evening and the light was plainly visible in Prattsville. We have not learned the estimated loss, or whether insured.

ACCIDENT – We learn that Timothy Baldwin, Esq., of Durham, met with an accident of a serious nature on Wednesday last. While coming downstairs in his mill, his foot slipped and he fell heavily – breaking three of his ribs and receiving other injuries. At last accounts, he was recovering, however, and it is hoped he will son be able to attend to his business again.

A. J. Churchill, Esq., proprietor of the Stage line between this village and Delhi, has reduced the line from a daily to a tri-weekly one – going west on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and coming east on Monday’s Wednesdays and Fridays, carrying the mail each way.

CHATHAM FOUR CORNERS, Dec. 17 – Dr. John Phillips, of Mellenville, Columbia County, was instantly killed by a train in the Hudson & Boston Railroad, near the above place this evening. Deceased was about thirty-five years of age.

Donation Party
The friends of Rev. A. F. Sellick intend making him a donation visit on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, December 29th, 1859, at the M. E. parsonage, Durham village. We anticipate a full attendance from the well known fact that the Reverend gentleman has a host of warm friends and as this is the last winter Mr. Sellick will be with us in Durham. Let there be a general turn out, and show by our presence that the man we appreciate will be remembered.
Durham, December 19, 1859.


Pay Up
ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE NOTES and accounts with us will please call and settle up.

Notice to those Indebted
THE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY request all persons indebted to them to call and settle their accounts by or before the 1st day of February, 1860.
They should also remind the ladies of this and adjoining towns that they have a good supply of WINTER GOODS, consisting of every variety of Ladies’ Bonnets, Borders, Ribbons, Trimmings, &c.
The return thanks for past favors and solicit an examination of their stock.
Windham Center, Dec. 17, 1859

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