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Healthy Food • Healthy Families • Healthy Connections

Saturdays 9am-1pmLake Hico Park

4801 Watkins Dr. Jackson, MSThe Jump Start Jackson

Farmers Market is sponsored by My Brother’s Keeper Inc., and the City Of Jackson and exists to provide Jackson residents the opportunity to purchase quality, a� ordable, healthy foods.

If you are a farmer, gardener or craftsman and would like booth space, contact:

Henry D. Fuller, MURP.: 601-957-7710 Ext 108 | [emailprotected]


This farmers market was supported by the U S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant 15MPPMS0055.






5-9 P.M.



10 P.M.










$1 PBR & HIGHLIFE$2 MARGARITAS 10pm - 12am


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7/23 - Young Valley w/ Cory Taylor Cox

7/28 - Ocean Disco w/ Special Guest

7/29 -Passing Parade w/ Special Guest

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8/19 - Downright

JFP ONE-ON-ONE with Michael Farris Smith

Open to the PublicMonday, July 11 | 5:30 doors, 6:00 p.m. discussion

Coalesce in Downtown Jackson: 109 N State St, Jackson, MS(discussion will be fi lmed so early arrival is encouraged)

Join us for beer, wine, soft drinks and snacks during the discussion and Q&A.

Michael Farris Smith is a rising star as the author of “Rivers” — and an opinionated, funny Mississippian in person.

“Smith’s incantatory prose . . . propel[s] this apocalyptic narrative at a compelling clip until the very last page.”

The New York Times Book Review on “Rivers”

601-960-2700 facebook.com/Ole Tavern 416 George St, Jackson, MS

- JULY 8 -

DJ 3E - JULY 9 -





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For Arianna Marcell, dance was some-thing that was easy to love and have fun with. At the age of 8, Arianna Marcell’s mother, Charmione, enrolled her in local

dance studios in their hometown, McKinney, Texas. She started out taking mostly ballet and jazz dance styles, but modern dance was where she thrived the most. As she grew through middle and high school, she says dance became difficult. From then and throughout her college career, she wrestled a lot with what she could do with her skill in a structural manner. Seeing Marcell’s frustration, her mother suggested that it was okay to lay dancing to the side, but Marcell re-fused to quit. “It’s the thing that I just never let go (of),” Marcell said. Belhaven University offered modern dance, as well as ballet, which drew her into their dance department. Through gaining experience, Marcell, 22, says she learned that modern dance allows people to create their own movement vocabulary. After taking dance les-sons for popular styles such as house dance, Af-rican and the Dunham Technique, which was named after dance creator Kathleen Dunham, who infused Afro-Caribbean styles with classi-cal ballet, Marcell began to realize that was an area worth studying. “There is a unique kind of freedom you find in dance,” she says. “I think you find this kind of physical intelligence that I really believe is important for everybody.” When it comes to choreographing her

own dances, the moves are either inspired by music or making movements in silence and trying them out on different songs to see what they become. She relies more on improv rather than coming up with a dance number in her mind. Her time for completing a dance can range from one night to up to five months, de-pending on its purpose. Marcell also likes to see the movements of others. “I love seeing people dance that don’t think that they can dance or are doing it for the first time,” she said. One of Marcell’s most significant projects at Belhaven is one that was dedicated to her late great-grandmother, Eliza-beth Smiley. She was surprised at how vulnera-ble she felt sharing it with her audience because it was set to an audio recording of Smiley with no background music. Along with Marcell’s dedication project, she, took the opportunity to travel with other dancers to Washington D.C. to dance at the Kennedy Center and also participate in the National Dance Festival. Idealistically, to Marcell, dancing is move-ment that communicates, creates community and promotes freedom.“It’s just a community that you can’t quite create anywhere else,” she says. “It’s a really special thing to get to dance with other people and to move in a space or to interact with an accompanist. I encourage people to boldness because there is an amaz-ing joy to be found in dance.” —Morgan Carol Gallon

July 6 - 12, 2016 | Vol. 14 No. 44

4 ............................. EdItOr’S NOtE

6 ............................................ tAlKS

12 ................................ EdItOrIAl

13 .................................... OpINION

15 ............................ COvEr StOry

24 ....................................... 8 dAyS

25 ...................................... EvENtS

25 ..................................... SpOrtS

26 ......................................... fOOd

27 ....................................... muSIC

27 ....................... muSIC lIStINgS

29 .................................... puzzlES

31 ....................................... AStrO

31 ............................. ClASSIfIEdS

cover photo of Students in Christy Crotwell’s first grade class at Morton Elementary School

by Ben Stockingc o n t e n t s










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9 A Million for JATRAN?Repairs to the city’s crippled public transportation system will cost $1 million, but can the City afford it?

13 Rebelling Against the Rebellion“Mississippi and the South as a whole are still dealing with the legacy of what forced Newt Knight to rebel against the Southern rebellion.” —“Rebelling Against the Rebellion”

22 Seeing the Face of GodRead about Richard Coupe’s experience at a recent wedding.

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I didn’t watch the 2016 BET awards last Sunday, but I did partake in the Black Twitter awards watch party where I retweet, lurk from afar and pop some

tweets off for the sake of humor. It’s prob-ably one of the rare things that brings us together on social media. Well, that and exposing racists. One of my favorite actors and TV doctors, Jesse Williams, accepted the 2016 Humanitarian award and gave a speech that lasted less than five minutes but stuck with me all of last week, in which he called out those who benefit the most from white supremacy, but also those of us directly af-fected from it, the fearful yet determined. “We know that police somehow man-age to de-escalate, disarm and not kill white people every day, so what’s going to happen is we’re going to have equal rights and justice in our own country, or we will restructure their function in ours,” he said, to which the room lit up. His speech, impassioned as it were, brought a flurry of responses online, and though I wasn’t surprised, it made me in-credibly disappointed in humanity. There were people calling Jesse out for benefitting from “light-skinned privilege,” attacks on his wife’s appearance and angry “journal-ists” like Tomi Lahren and Stacey Dash calling him racist and saying he’s promot-ing a divide between races. It’s depressing to think that a man who fights for all of us, who owns his blackness being targeted for uplifting people that look like him. One thing I’ve always struggled with in the last quarter of my life is embracing my blackness. I’ve had to defend my black-ness to both white and black people since my mother moved me out of Jackson Public Schools when I was in the second grade into a school where I was one of maybe two doz-en kids of color in my class, and even then, I was one of the few who were at the top

of the class. That changed when I moved to another majority-white school when I was in the 10th grade, and somehow, even with the demographics split in half, I could never find that spot with “Maya Miller” written on it, academic or otherwise. I’m plagued often with the fear of not being black enough, not being urban enough, not getting the lingo, my AAVE being too precise. Hell, I can’t even rap

along to most of the songs my friends listen to, but that doesn’t keep me from bobbing my head and being in the background of a million and one snapchats, then running home to learn everything there is to know about the artist. I pride myself on being a vessel of useless knowledge, but not many people want to break down the chemical compounds that form our solar system at a random Thursday happy hour. As a teenager, it was tiresome to always have to defend my interests, my choice in clothing, the people I’ve liked and dated, and as a freshman in college, everything was exacerbated tenfold. I was known as the girl who somehow managed to attend a Historically Black University and have not one, but three white roommates, whom I still love dearly. It was as though I went out of my way, subconsciously, to stick with what felt safe to me. In seeking out what’s safe, I denied

so many aspects of myself that I’m almost ashamed to admit it. I denied Trayvon Martin more than absolutely anything, simply because the reality that this poor black child was killed by some paranoid lunatic with a gun was too much for me to process. I hadn’t had an interest in having children at 18, but this whole idea of my future babies being killed for being black turned my heart cold, and I gave up on the

black resistance. What was the point? It took me reading about Akai Gurley, Mike Brown and Rekia Boyd, or watching the video of Sandra Bland at a traffic stop, unwittingly knowing that she would die in jail or Eric Garner being choked to death on a New York street. It took 12-year-old Tamir Rice lying dead at a playground and John Crawford III in a grocery store for me to realize that it’s not my job to sit here and be silent and pretend that if they hadn’t done something wrong, they would be alive today. I’m not here to give a pass to police officers who kill innocent people, either accidentally or because they didn’t know how much force they were using, and I’m definitely not here to comfort racists who believe that black lives somehow matter less. “The burden of the brutalized is not to comfort the bystander. That’s not our job. … If you have a critique for the re-

sistance, of our resistance, then you better have an established record of critique of our oppression,” Williams said. “If you have no interest in equal rights for black people then do not make sugges-tions for those who do.” Just about every day, I see commen-tary on the Black Lives Matter movement, mainly from people who want us to stand down and be quiet, because slavery was so long ago, or because it’s not like we don’t deserve it. “What was he doing? Well, he did have a gun. Well, why did he run?” It’s people who have the most to say that seem to be blowing the most hot air around and calling it a solution. And yet, black people are still being killed twice as much as our white counterparts by police officers, and over-criminalization sets us back into this systemic cycle of oppres-sion that hasn’t changed since the ’60s. The oppressors changed, but the effect remains the same. They kept us from vot-ing. They kept us from buying homes in wealthier neighborhoods. We have some of the worst educational resources for our black children, and we’re overlooked for jobs that would allow us to do better than the generation before us. Williams’ speech reminded me that I have a voice as one tiny part of a com-munity that wants better for our people. There will always be a critique of the black resistance, but we can’t be afraid to step up against police brutality, racism and white supremacy. Black people aren’t here to pro-tect white fragility. That’s not our job.

Deputy News Editor Maya Miller writes about crime, mental health, juvenile justice and her ever-growing obsession with Beyoncé. Email her news tips at [emailprotected]. Read more about solu-tions to change the cycle of violence at jfp.ms/ preventingviolence.


Defending our blackness, unapologetically

ben stocking is a seattle-based freelance journalist. He has written for a wide array of u.s. newspapers, including the seattle times, where he covered education issues, and the san Jose Mercury news. He wrote the cover story.

Education reporting Fellow sierra Mannie’s opinions of the Ancient Greeks can’t be trusted nearly as much as her opinions of beyoncé. she wrote about Hb 1523 for this issue. she also writes for the Hechinger report in new York city.

news reporter Arielle Dreher is working on finding some new hobbies and adopting an otter from the Jackson Zoo. Email her story ideas at [emailprotected]. she wrote about abortion rights for this issue.

Web Editor Dustin cardon is a graduate of the univer-sity of southern Mississippi. He enjoys reading fantasy novels and wants to write them him-self one day. He wrote about small time Hot Dogs for this issue.

staff Photographer imani Khayyam is an art lover and a native of Jackson. He loves to be behind the camera and capture the true essence of his subjects. He took many photos in the issue.

richard coupe is a longtime resident of Mississippi He is currently a Fulbright research scholar at the university of strasbourg and currently lives in strasbourg, France with his wife Anne. He wrote the Hitched story.

Events Editor Latasha Willis is a native Jacksonian, a free-lance graphic designer and the mother of one cat. see her design portfolio at latashawil-lis.com. she compiles event listings at jfpevents.com.

sales Assistant Mary osborne is a Lanier bulldog by birthright and a Jsu tiger by choice. she is the mother of Lindon “Joc” Dixon. Her hobbies include hosting and producing “the Freeda Love show,” which airs on PEG 18.

i’m definitely not here to comfort racists who believe that black

lives somehow matter less.

Ben Stocking Sierra Mannie Arielle Dreher Dustin Cardon Imani Khayyam Richard Coupe Latasha Willis Mary Osborne

by Maya Miller, Deputy News Editoreditor’s note

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“Total Infringement’: Governor Signs HB 1523 Over Protests of Business Leaders, Citizens,” Arielle Dreher, April 5, 2016

“HB 1523: Bad for the Business Sector,” Arielle Dreher, June 8, 2016

“Hundreds Rally to Repeal HB 1523, State Faces Deadline Today Before Lawsuit,” Arielle Dreher, May 2, 2016

“Will Mississippi’s ‘Religious Freedom’ Act Impact Children in Public and Private Schools?” Sierra Mannie, Jackson Free Press, The Hechinger Report, April 8, 2016


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Rabbi Jeremy Simons knows his Bible too well to lend credence to people who cherry-pick verses to use it to support House Bill 1523, a law that

many criticize as discriminatory against the LGBT community.

“If you read those very same pages of the Bible, you will read the commandment: ‘You shall not oppress the stranger,’” Simons said at a rally at the state capitol just hours after U.S. District Court of the Southern District of Mississippi Judge Carlton Reeves blocked the bill from taking effect.

But with five years of seminary under his belt, Simons says, he has counted the many ways that the Bible tells its adherents not to oppress others. A member of the Union for Reform Judaism, which for de-cades has advocated for inclusive treatment of LGBT people, Simons stands firmly against HB 1523.

Simons stood on the steps of the capitol, speaking in turn with representatives from the NAACP, ACLU and other community stakeholders celebrating Reeves’ ruling on HB 1523. The rabbi spoke to the religious hypocrisy of the bill.

“‘You shall not oppress the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt,’” he continued. “You will not read that once, you will not read that twice, you will read that 36 times in the Bible. That is more than any other commandment by far.”

“A stranger is not simply someone who doesn’t live in your community. A stranger in the biblical sense is anybody who is a mi-nority, anybody who is vulnerable. Anybody

who could be the victim of oppression, you shall not oppress. ... This is not about reli-gion,” Simons said. “This is about bigotry.”

Midnight JusticeIn a 60-page opinion, Reeves discussed

the discriminatory impact the bill would have on the LGBT community in Mississip-pi, saying that the “title, text and history of HB 1523 indicate that the bill was the State’s attempt to put LGBT citizens back in their place after Obergefell,” the case that made

it legal for couples to have legally protected same-sex marriages.

“Religious freedom was one of the

building blocks of this great nation, and after the nation was torn apart, the guarantee of equal protection under law was used to stitch it back together,” Reeves wrote.

“But HB 1523 does not honor that tradition of religion freedom, nor does it re-spect the equal dignity of all of Mississippi’s citizens. It must be enjoined.”

JATRAN repairs to cost the City almost $1 million.p 8

Tuesday, June 28The Supreme Court rejects appeals

from Mississippi and Wisconsin seeking to put in place restrictions on abortion clinics that were struck down by lower courts. … U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves blocks the part of HB 1523 that says circuit clerks can recuse themselves from issuing same-sex marriage licenses due to a “sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction.”

Wednesday, June 29Mississippi House members return

for a special session to finish giving Gov. Phil Bryant permission to take as much as he needs from financial reserves to cover a deficit of up to $75 million for the budget year ending at midnight Thursday.

Thursday, June 30The Mississippi Court of Appeals

rules that local developer David Watkins must pay over $600,000 in restitution and fines for four counts of securities fraud related to a bond loan to be used by Retro Metro LLC.

Friday, July 1U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves

blocks HB 1523 in its entirety before it was to take effect, ruling it unconstitu-tionally establishes preferred beliefs and creates unequal treatment for gay people. The laws opponents rally at the Missis-sippi state capitol

Saturday, July 2The FBI interviews Hillary Clinton

about her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state for 3 1/2 hours at FBI headquarters in Washing-ton. … A 10-hour hostage crisis orches-trated by ISIS in a restaurant in Bangla-desh’s diplomatic zone ends with at least 28 dead, including six of the attackers.

Sunday, July 3Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor,

author and Nobel Peace Prize winner who died recently at age 87, is memorial-ized at a private service in Manhattan.

Monday, July 4FBI Director James Comey states

that his agency won’t recommend crimi-nal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while secre-tary of state.

Get breaking news at jfpdaily.com.

Simons Says: HB 1523 ‘Is About Bigotry’ by Sierra Mannie


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Rabbi Jeremy Simons showed up at the Mississippi Capitol to speak against House Bill 1523 the morning after Judge Carlton Reeves struck it down.

“The Court is not persuaded. A robust record shows that HB 1523 was intended to benefit some citizens at the expense of LGBT and unmarried citizens.”

—U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves in his decision to block House Bill 1523 from going into law

Historic Journalism

Judge Carlton Reeves’ HB 1523 ruling referenced four Jackson Free Press articles in its explanation of the decision. All stories are available at jacksonfreepress.com/lgbt:

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“As a rabbi, as a person of faith, as someone who has read his Bible. ... This is not about religion. This is about bigotry.”

— Rabbi Jeremy Simons speaking out against House Bill 1523 at a rally at the Mississippi Capitol on July 1 after it was blocked

Roberta Kaplan is a New York-based attorney representing the Cam-

paign for Southern Equality in one of the cases against HB 1523 in the state; she also served as the lawyer in the landmark United States v. Windsor case that repealed Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, forcing the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages as legal. She told the Jackson Free Press Friday that she was “elated” at the in-junction, but that it wasn’t a surprise.

“When you come back to the found-ing principles of this country, one of the most important ones is the idea that unlike in Europe and unlike, frankly, some of the early colonists who had really violent debates about matters of Christian beliefs, that the right thing for the government to do and the way to have a more perfect union is for the government to stay out of those debates,” Kaplan said.

“In passing this law, the Mississippi gov-ernment sought to take sides in matters reli-gious people have very strong disagreements about today on both sides of this issue,” she

said. “And if there’s anything that violates the establishment clause, it’s doing that.”

Local attorney Rob McDuff argued against HB 1523 in Barber v. Bryant in a joint hearing before Reeves last week on be-half of a number of religious and community leaders along with Kaplan and the Campaign

for Southern Equality v. Bryant case. He and those plaintiffs released a statement applaud-

ing Reeves’ decision to stop HB 1523.“The federal court’s decision recognizes

that religious freedom can be preserved along with equal rights for all people regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation. Because

HB 1523 was discriminatory, Judge Reeves properly held that it is unconstitutional. It is now time for all of us, as Mississippian to move beyond division and come together in the ongoing pursuit of a society that respects the rights of everyone,” McDuff said in the statement.

Unhappy GovernorPredictably, the injunction upset Gov.

Phil Bryant, who said in a statement he looks forward to an “aggressive appeal” of the decision, the Associated Press reported. Kaplan, however, says though that the ball is in the state’s court, she is “very comfortable” Reeves’ decision will be affirmed on appeal.

Matt Steffey, professor of constitu-tional law at Mississippi College, told the Jackson Free Press that the defendants could appeal the injunction on the law to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

If overturned there, an outcome he said would be unlikely, the case would then re-


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“In passing this law, the Mississippi government sought to take sides in matters religious people have very strong disagreements about today on both sides of this issue.”

—New York-based Attorney Roberta Kaplan on House Bill 1523

more HB 1523, see page 8

U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves blocked House Bill 1523 late on June 30, just hours before the bill was set to go into effect.











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TALK | city

Repairs to the hard-hit JATRAN fleet of public transit buses, with 27 currently out-of-commission and in need of serious repairs, total an estimated $934,657. “This is a matter that we take very seriously, and we will get

it resolved,” Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Marshand Crisler said on behalf of Mayor Tony Yarber during the June 28 meeting. “I think we have a good plan of action.” That “plan” as it turns out, is to have the contractor responsible and City representatives sit down and discuss a number of back-due invoices for repairs the company has made as well as which of the seri-ous, major maintenance work projects the City can afford to start on first. The company responsible for maintaining the fleet for the city, National Express, handed out documents showing that the estimated total cost to rehabilitate all the buses is $634,657. In addition, the company has performed another $300,000 in repairs since October when they took over. “We are waiting on the City to approve those repairs to those

vehicles so we can put those back in service,” National Express Vice President Mark Foster said, adding that in the meantime they have considered using rented buses to fill in the gaps. At the moment, the company is using paratransit buses, which are smaller than the main fleet buses, to meet public demand. Howev-er, this necessarily means that these paratransit buses are not available to pick up people with disabilities that require the specialized vehicles. Christine Welch, head administrator of JATRAN for the City, said that while the administration was waiting on the correct paper-work for the repair work already finished, they are concerned that the needed repairs to the fleet cost more than the city had budgeted. The City Council decided to put the matter to the next meeting while the administration and National Express prioritized the repairs and assembled a cost to begin rebuilding the fleet.

Fireworks and Ordinances The City Council could not pass an ordinance to ban fireworks in the city before the July 4 holiday, amid concerns by members about the noise and its similarity to gunfire. “I’ve been getting calls about the city’s policy or law for or against fireworks,” Ward 7 Councilwoman Margaret Barrett-Simon said. “Our research analyst researched this extensively for us and the only

thing we can find … is a 1949 legislation, ordinance, by Mrs. J.R. Skinner, the city clerk, and in all of my years I thought that fireworks were illegal in the city, but the only thing we can find is that the sale of fireworks is made illegal.” Barrett-Simon said that she had been receiving phone calls from residents that were anxious in the days leading up to the June 28 meeting. One call, she said, was from a woman in south Jackson who reported that her house had been hit with both Roman candles and bullets during past July 4 celebrations. As a result, Barrett-Simon said she was willing to suspend the rules governing ordinances to rush new legislation through. “I don’t feel comfortable drafting an ordinance to push it through to meet this deadline,” Council President Melvin Priester said. The City has passed an ordinance recently to raise the penalty for discharging a firearm in the City to the fullest extent allowed for a misdemeanor. Marshand Crisler, the City’s deputy chief ad-ministrative officer, said during the meeting that a fireworks viola-

tion was usually handled as a disturbing-the-peace charge. Ward 4 Councilman De’Keither Stamps said that he was more worried about “celebratory fire” in the city, of firing guns into the air. “That kind of activity needs to cease and come to a halt,” Stamps said. Although this “celebratory fire” is il-legal under city ordinance, it is notoriously difficult to prosecute, almost requiring the officer to witness the event personally.

Local Contractors and ‘Capacity’ The city council approved two 1-per-cent sales-tax commission contracts to firms from outside Jackson, despite reluctance from council members committed to keep-ing the dollars in the city. The council approved an agreement with Infinity Engineering Consultants from New Orleans for the Hanging Moss Road Waterline Improvements and with Stuart

Consulting Group from Metairie, La., for the Woodrow Wilson Av-enue to Erie Street Drainage Improvements, totaling over $300,000. Interim Public Works Director Jerriot Smash said that the two companies were chosen based on their “capacity.” “They are not using the same personnel for those jobs to the extent that when we call them they are not able to handle our requests or our requirements in a timely fashion,” Smash said. “That’s what we look at when we talk about capacity.” “This was a quality-based selection. It had nothing to do with pricing,” Public Works Engineering Manager Charles Williams said, adding that the department looked at over 50 companies. “This is not about a competitive quote.” Barrett-Simon said that the City should focus on keeping con-tracts, like the ones to clean up blight, in the city of Jackson, employ-ing local companies and firms to perform the work. “These are 1 percent funds so this is purely Jackson shoppers’ money,” Stamps said, following Barrett-Simon’s lead. “This money does not come back to Jackson, no way.”

Email city reporter Tim Summers, Jr. at [emailprotected] See more local news at jfp.ms/localnews.

A Million for JATRAN, Fireworks and Contract ‘Capacity’ at City Council by Tim Summers Jr.


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Ward 7 Councilwoman Margaret Barrett-Simon found during her research that there was no ordinance outlawing fireworks in the city.

turn to Reeves’ courtroom. Human Rights Campaign of Mis-sissippi Executive Director Rob Hill emphasized, however, that though it is a huge victory, the sigh of relief is tempo-rary. After the rally, Hill told the Jackson Free Press that the fight is not exactly over. “We’re still in legal limbo at this point until the federal courts decide,” he said. “The best way to do that is to call the legislators back and introduce a full repeal of HB 1523. It’s the only way we’ll feel completely safe.” Hill said he would love it if the gov-ernor called a special session in order to repeal the law. “The governor called the legislators back to fix the mess they cre-ated with the budget,” he said. “They’ve created a mess here.” “This puts an unnecessary target on LGBTQ people’s backs in our state,” Hill said. “They need to come back to this house, and they need to fix it and repeal this bill.” Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, the only statewide elected Demo-crat and who is named as a defendant, re-leased a statement Friday morning saying he is not sure his office would continue to defend HB 1523. “The fact is that the churchgoing public was duped into believing that HB1523 protected religious freedoms. Our state leaders attempted to mislead pastors into believing that if this bill were not passed, they would have to preside over gay wedding ceremonies,” the attor-ney general wrote No court case has ever said a pastor did not have discretion to refuse to marry any couple for any reason. I hate to see politicians continue to prey on people who pray, go to church, follow the law and help their fellow man.” House Speaker Philip Gunn, R-Clinton, released a statement saying that he was “disappointed” in the ruling. “We felt like this was a good bill, protecting re-ligious beliefs and the rights of the LGBT community,” he tweeted.

Read the JFP’s award-winning cov-erage of House Bill 1523 and the fight for LGBT rights in Mississippi at jacksonfree press.com/lgbt.

Sierra Mannie is an education report-ing fellow for the Jackson Free Press and The Hechinger Report. Email her at [emailprotected]. Read more education stories at jfp.ms/education.

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TALK | preventing violence

The halls of William Alexander Mid-dle School 51 in Brooklyn, N.Y., are buzzing, filled with a dozen bright, beaming brown faces at

the end of a long school day. The school year is almost over, and the halls are being swept clear of art projects and “A+” papers. In the center of it all, nearly twice as tall as his students, is Dr. Kai Smith. Smith, a native of Harlem, runs GRAAFICS, Gang Diversion, Reentry And Absent Fathers Intervention Centers, a program he founded to give young men and women an outlet to avoid criminal behavior. He helps active gang members, inactive gang members, the incarcerated, the formerly incarcerated, and absent fa-thers with successfully reforming the atti-tudes and behaviors that directly contrib-ute to unhealthy decision making, he and the GRAAFICS website explain. On this day, Smith is at MS 51 lead-ing a class of a dozen 6th and 7th graders through an opinion questionnaire that includes statements such as “When I see a cop coming towards me, I am usually afraid because I think they will harass or shoot me” and “Gay people are people like all of us and should be treated 100% equal” with a space to mark “Agree” or “Disagree” off to the side. The class, filled with mainly young boys except for two girls and two female teachers, feels somewhat inviting, if not a little bit sterile with plain white posters filled with literary terms and book reports. The boys are rowdier than the girls, likely not out of disrespect, but because they’re 12 or 13—you can see the boyhood curi-osity behind their eyes. Smith gives everyone a chance to voice their answers to the question, but he asks that they also flesh out their opinion because “‘it doesn’t make sense’ is not an answer.” He stresses that, one day, they may have to defend themselves to strang-ers without resorting to violence or a tan-trum. He is tough on the class, demand-ing them to sit up straight, answer with respect and not to talk over each other. With a sharp “Focus up!”, the boys quiet almost immediately. From the first glance, it may feel like Smith is too hard on them, but the more he interacts, the more they pay attention and open up. Smith, too, shares bits about his past in prisons in New York, Virginia and South Carolina, how he got out and im-mediately went to school, and how he wants to set the example for them. “I’ve told you from the beginning that you’re never going to get a lie from

me,” Smith tells the students. During the discussion, one student raises his hand and articulates his opin-ion on whether LGBT people should be treated equally (they should, because “what they do doesn’t affect my life and they can’t help who they love,” he says) and waits for Smith to reply. Smith is si-lent for a moment, and then a smile plays

on the edge of his lips. “I love you. You’re going to be the next black president,” Smith tells the young man.

‘Credible Messengers’ Though GRAAFICS has only been around since 2003, the idea for the inter-vention program came to Smith while he was incarcerated. An avid basketball player, Smith grew up playing and competing against men twice his age, eventually land-ing a full scholarship to the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. He had dealt drugs as a teenager, building a reputation for turning $50 worth of crack into 22 kilos of cocaine. He spent a combined total of 16 years in prisons, and says that when he was first locked up, he thought of it as an adult summer camp. After a few years, he realized he needed to get his act straight, and once he was released in 2002, he earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in human services and resources from the Metropolitan College of New York, an executive master’s degree in public administration from Rutgers University, and certification as a Professional in Hu-man Resources. He is currently pursuing his PhD in organizational psychology and

operations management. GRAAFICS has more a dozen differ-ent programs that vary from afterschool to gang intervention, with classes for wom-en, fathers and gang members. It includes training courses in behavior modification. In his day program, Smith offers 20 to 40 sessions during school hours that focus on subjects such as cyber bullying,

stress and anger management, alternatives to aggression and breaking out of the cycle of violence. The gang-diversion course takes at-risk youth and gang members through all aspects of their gang relationships, asking members tough questions and examining the roots of gang violence, learning what it’s really like in prison and ways to remove themselves or stay away from violence. In his Models for Non Violence pro-gram, young girls and women work to decrease violence by increasing awareness and education through beauty, fashion, culture and social consciousness. Smith says his program is the only community-based organization that allows women to use their intelligence and beauty to voice their frustrations against the biggest issues in the African American and Hispanic communities: gun violence. “You can’t stand on your terrace in the Hamptons and tell us what to do on Lenox Avenue,” he says, referring to a wealthy, largely white coastal getaway and a street in Harlem. “History is given by the person that’s alive to tell the story.” Through his work, Smith says he pro-vides an innovative solution to violence by listening to his kids. He meets them on

their level and helps them reach the goals and earn the things they want, like tickets to basketball games or a new pair of shoes in exchange for perfect grades—things many of them can’t afford. Smith has five members on his team he calls credible messengers who are vis-ible in the communities in New York and New Jersey. Each messenger is responsible for about five to 10 kids that they guide in school or teach them life skills. He is cur-rently working to get contracts in more public schools, and says that one of the things that curbs crimes by children is to have someone available to mentor them as an educator or an authority figure. Smith stressed using credible messen-gers—people who grew up on the streets that they’re working to save and protect—because they know what it feels like, and what does and doesn’t work. The benefit of the mentorship is felt both ways, because the kids learn how to be responsible, and it gives the adults who have been in the system an opportunity to give them a job and a chance to love to kids that mean something to them. He often takes his kids to the park or a basketball game, with their parent’s per-mission, like mini field trips. To him, the mentoring doesn’t end once he leaves the classroom or his day is over. He has even had students reject gang violence just be-cause he spent time with them. “Sh*t gets crazy at times, and we have to understand that there are things we need as a people that we don’t get, and because we don’t get it, we never are placed into the position to become our best, just because of certain little small things we don’t get,” Smith says. “I tell people all of the time my program works because I do things for my kids that I wanted people to do for me at my age, cut and dry,” he says. “I don’t perform magic. I don’t make promises. I don’t tell lies. I do for my kids what I wanted someone to do for me at my age, and majority of that has to do with giving a damn.” Kai Smith is visiting Jackson July 11-16 as part of the JFP’s ongoing “Preventing Violence” program. Attend a free public conversation with him, JFP Editor Don-na Ladd and Deputy News Editor Maya Miller at Millsaps College on Thursday, July 14 at 6 p.m., with a reception following. Learn more about the GRAAFICS pro-gram at graafics.org or find it on Facebook. Read more about crime pre-vention and juvenile justice in the JFP’s ongoing series at jfp.ms/preventingviolence.

‘Tough Love’: Harlem Gang Expert Visiting Jacksonby Maya Miller



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Kai Smith, who served time for six felonies, started GRAAFICS (Gang Diversion, Reentry And Absent Fathers Intervention Centers) in New York City in 2003 and has since helped more 500 gang members and countless children work toward a life free from crime and violence. Hear him speak at Millsaps College July 14.

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TALK | health

Derenda Hanco*ck and two other Pink House Defenders were sit-ting anxiously outside the Jackson Women’s Health Organization with

donuts and coffee the morning of June 27, all checking their phones for the news. Han-co*ck saw it first on SCOTUS Blog. The women jumped out of their chairs and screamed with excitement. “Yes, we won! We won!” The U.S. Supreme Court had struck down Texas’ anti-abortion laws: one that required abortion clinics to have admit-ting privileges at local hospitals and an-other that required clinics to have surgical facility certifications. The court found both laws unconsti-tutional because they place “undue bur-den” on women seeking abortion access in the state. The ruling had real consequenc-es for Jackson Women’s Health Organiza-tion’s 2012 lawsuit against Mississippi for enacting an admitting privileges law. Hanco*ck helped start the Pink House Defenders, a group of women who escort ladies coming to JWHO for services in and out of the building and, sometimes, fend off protesters. The group began, in part, as a response to a 2012 admitting-privileges law passed in the state. Four years later, the litigation has fi-nally come to an end. Despite rulings in the clinic’s favor through federal court, the state appealed the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in the case to the U.S. Supreme Court in February 2015. The U.S. Supreme Court did not take the case, instead issuing a sweeping ruling in the Whole Woman’s Health v. Heller-stedt case, defining more precisely what exactly constitutes an “undue burden.” “Both the admitting-privileges and the surgical-center requirements place a substantial obstacle in the path of women seeking a previability abortion, constitute an undue burden on abortion access, and thus violate the Constitution,” the Whole Woman’s Health opinion says. “The record contains sufficient evi-dence that the admitting-privileges re-quirement led to closure of half of Texas’ clinics, or thereabout … those closures meant fewer doctors, longer waiting times and increased crowding.” Mississippi’s 2012 admitting-priv-ileges law, House Bill 1390, required all physicians associated with an abortion clinic to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. Similar “trap laws” had been cir-culating through state legislatures around the country, and the clinic and one of its doctors sued. Plaintiffs said that House Bill 1390

“violates the liberty interests of Plain-tiffs’ patients, as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment, because it imposes a sub-stantial obstacle in the path of women seeking pre-viability abortion.” The 5th Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court have set precedent and now agree with that statement, four years later.

‘Unlicensed Rogue Practitioners’ In her concurring opinion on the Whole Woman’s Health case, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote, “When a State se-

verely limits access to safe and legal proce-dures, women in desperate circ*mstances may resort to unlicensed rogue practitio-ners, faute de mieux, at great risk to their health and safety.” Not all U.S. Supreme Court justices agreed, however; the vote came down 5-3. In his dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas criticized the court. “If our recent cases illustrate any-thing, it is how easily the Court tinkers with levels of scrutiny to achieve its de-sired result,” he wrote. “This Term, it is easier for a State to survive strict scrutiny despite discriminating on the basis of race in college admissions than it is for the same State to regulate how abortion doc-tors and clinics operate under the puta-tively less stringent undue-burden test.” Mississippi Republican leaders, who supported and helped pass a bill aimed at defunding Planned Parenthood—limit-ing Medicaid payments for health services at the Hattiesburg clinic that does not do abortions—voiced disapproval over the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision last week.

“I am disappointed in the U.S. Su-preme Court’s decision today,” Gov. Phil Bryant tweeted. “This measure is de-signed to protect the health and safety of women who undergo this potentially dangerous procedure, and physicians who provide abortions should be held to the same standards as physicians who perform other outpatient procedures.” Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves and House Speak-er Philip Gunn agreed with the governor. “The U.S. Supreme Court’s deci-sion today endangers the lives of women

and their unborn children in Mississippi and all across America,” Reeves said in a statement. “States should have the ability to protect their citizens through proper regulation of medical care.” “I’m disappointed with the decision made by the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Gunn in a statement. “The legislation struck down today is designed to protect women and their un-born children. For those of us who believe in the sanctity of human life, this ruling is a major setback.” From start to finish, defending and appealing the JWHO lawsuit from June 2012 to April 2016 cost the state, spe-cifically the attorney general’s office, $117,000 not including consulting time or payment.

The Impact on JWHO Pro-abortion rights advocates might be able to breathe a bit easier for now, but a bill the Legislature passed this ses-sion still affects JWHO, by blocking “any entity that performs nontherapeutic abor-

tions” or group affiliated with such an entity (like Planned Parenthood) from receiving Medicaid reimbursem*nts. Federal funds cannot be used to pay for abortions, however, so this law would prevent both JWHO and the Planned Parenthood clinic in Hattiesburg from receiving Medicaid reimbursem*nts for offering services such as birth control or STD testing. Planned Parenthood Southeast has filed a federal lawsuit in response to the law, as the organization has in several other states, successfully blocking similar measures. Hanco*ck says the law that went into effect July 1 affects JWHO, which started offering birth control and other reproduc-tive health-care options to women with Medicaid reimbursem*nts in November. Staci Fox, the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Southeast, defend-ed JWHO following the U.S. Supreme Court’s denial of the state’s petition to keep their admitting-privileges law last Tuesday. “While we’re glad the health center remains open, we’re deeply concerned that this law passed in the first place and hope it will ultimately be struck down. We all want to protect patient safety, but admitting privileges won’t do that. Abortion providers have rigorous standards and training for staff as well as emergency plans in place because women’s safety is our first priority,” Fox said in a statement. “Data, including from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), shows that abortion has over a 99 percent safety record. There is absolutely no medi-cal basis to require abortion providers to have local hospital admitting privileges.” At JWHO, it is business as usual, for the most part. Hanco*ck said a new wave of protesters seemed to crop up at the start of 2016, but since the Supreme Court’s ruling, things have been quiet. Five Pink House Defenders were there just in case there were a lot of pro-testers, but beyond six or seven in the morning, Hanco*ck said things were rela-tively quiet. As a pro-abortion-rights ac-tivist, Hanco*ck knows this is not the end. “This (Supreme Court) decision is going to help as far as defining what an ‘undue burden’ is,” Hanco*ck said. “But it’s still not going to stop the trap laws … the fight’s not over.”

Read related coverage at jfp.ms/abortion. Email State Reporter Arielle Dreher at [emailprotected].

Abortion in Mississippi: ‘The Fight’s Not Over’ by Arielle Dreher

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Supporters of the Jackson Women’s Health Organization are pleased that the U.S. Supreme Court denied the State of Mississippi’s petition to review the lawsuit against an admitting-privileges law the Legislature passed in 2012.

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To Prevent Violent Crime, Engage with Experts Like Harlem’s Kai Smith for Ideas

In Jackson, and Mississippi in general, it is a sport to complain about crime, not to mention to sensationalize it. The TV stations love to milk crime, especially in the capital city, for viewers and ratings, often leading the evening news with it, as if nothing could be more important. But when a discussion about how to pre-vent crime comes up, often people aren’t as inter-ested, or shrug and say that is the responsibility of “the family,” usually meaning black families. That may be the easiest thing for an individual to do, but it does nothing to actually stop crime. Usually, neither does incarceration. The reality is that the more times a young person comes into contact with the criminal-justice system, the more likely he or she is to commit a worse crime. That means that the fa-vorite method of “crime prevention” by many people actually makes the community less safe. It is high time to get serious about prevent-ing crime in Jackson. And as the Jackson Free Press is showing in our ongoing “Preventing Crime” series (jfp.ms/preventingviolence), that is not an easy thing to do, and there is no one way to do it. As a community, we need to de-velop a tight net around the young people most likely to commit violent crime, ensuring they have the love, mentoring, education, training and job opportunities they need, not to men-tion mental-health services and basic health care. And even the ability not to grow up next

to a dangerous abandoned house. In the spirit of furthering this conversation, the JFP is sponsoring the visit of a gang-inter-vention expert the week of July 11 through July 16. Kai Smith (see page 9) is a six-time felon who now runs acclaimed intervention programs in New York City. He called himself a “credible messenger” because at-risk youth can identify with him because he has been there. Research shows that is the best kind of “messenger” to in-terrupt the cycle of violence. Smith is bringing high energy and big ideas to Jackson as part of our journalistic efforts to explore crime solutions, sponsored in part by the Solutions Journalism Network. JFP Editor-in-chief Donna Ladd and Deputy News Editor Maya Miller both watched Smith in action in New York recently, and will sit down with him at Millsaps College on July 14 at 6 p.m. for a free public conversation about ways Jackson can save what one study estimated is 225 young people in the city who are most risk of committing vio-lent crime. (When told that number, Smith said he works with that many young people person-ally, an inspiring statement.) We urge you to attend this open conversa-tion (with food and drink afterward) and pick the brain of this crime expert. He is also available to meet with other groups. Call 601-362-6121 ext. 12 to arrange to meet with Smith during his visit or for more information on his talk.

Email letters and opinion to [emailprotected], fax to 601-510-9019 or mail to 125 South Congress St., Suite 1324, Jackson, Mississippi 39201. Include daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, as well as factchecked.

Mississippi Pride

On Friday, U.S. District Judge Carlton W. Reeves blocked House Bill 1523, an attempt by the Mississippi Legislature to permit discrimina-tion against LGBT people by private citizens and public offi cials alike on the basis of “sincere religious belief.” The law’s supporters, including

Gov. Phil Bryant, Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves and House Speaker Philip Gunn, have barely attempted to mask their bigotry; they have made no secret of the fact that their “sincere religious belief” is that they have both a right and a responsibility to God to make me into a second-class citizen who can be fi red, evicted, and turned away from businesses and government agencies with no recourse. It saddens me that so much hate has taken root in the state where I grew up, but I am also proud to have overcome it. I am proud of the brave LGBT people and allies in Mississippi who are standing up against it. And I am proud of our legal system for stepping in to protect us where our democracy has failed. Last weekend, I had the honor and privilege of returning to my hometown to emcee Mississippi Pride. This is the second year that Unity Mississippi has put on an offi cial Pride celebration, and to my knowledge, no Pride celebrations took place when I was a kid. Growing up in Jackson, I was certain that I wouldn’t see gay marriage in my lifetime. I was certain I would never fi nd a partner to share my life with. Shortly after realizing I was gay at 10 years old, I vividly remember lying awake in bed, crossing possibilities off my list of childhood dreams. Could I become a politician like my grandfather? No one will vote for a pervert. A minister? Maybe in hell. An actor? Only in my dreams. It seemed my only options were to either stay miserable in the closet or live a broken life in ex-ile. I started plotting my escape, and hit the eject button at age 16 to go to board-ing school. I couldn’t imagine a world where my family would accept me. Thirty years into my life, I may not be a church leader or a congressman, but I am an actor, I am married to the love of my life, and I’m proud to say my marriage is recognized as equal under Mississippi law. My family not only accepts me, they celebrate me, and they all came out to support me at Pride. I am thrilled to be proven so wrong about the world’s capacity to change, and I hope I am the last generation of Mississippians to grow up so pessimistic about the future. Roberta Kaplan, the attorney who made the case against both HB 1523 and the recently overturned ban on gay adoptions (the fi nal such ban to be overturned in this country), referenced the state’s history of Jim Crow segregation and racism in her arguments, declaring “there can’t be separate but equal marriage.” Both Gov. Phil Bryant and Judge Carlton W. Reeves came of age in the fi nal days of segre-gation. Reeves is African American and grew up in Yazoo City, my father’s hometown. As a kid, did he ever imagine the nation’s fi rst black president would nominate him to the bench? Or did he lie in bed at night crossing dreams like that off his list? At Mississippi Pride, I was blown away by the spirit of the crowd, even in the face of the 97-degree heat. There were a few protestors screaming them-selves hoarse into megaphones on the other side of the barricades, but where I was standing, I only encountered thoughtful, kind people coming together with friends and families to celebrate our community. We held a vigil for the victims of the Orlando shooting, and I spoke with many activists, including Charlene Smith-Smathers, about their involvement in the struggle dating back to DOMA. It struck me that there was a community of Mississippians fi ghting for equality when I was a kid. Charlene saw that my mother was with me and exclaimed that they had gone to high school—and charm school—together in Batesville. As challenging as my childhood was, I can only imagine the bravery it took to stay in Mississippi and fi ght for equality back then. I may not be proud to be from the same state as Phil Bryant, but I am proud to be from the same state as Charlene Smith-Smathers. I am proud to be from the same state as Judge Carl-ton W. Reeves. I hope to live my life in such a way that someday I might inspire other Mississippians to be proud of where they are from, and who they are.

Jackson native Kit Williamson is an actor, writer, director and grad student liv-ing in Silver Lake, California. Years ago, he interned for the Jackson Free Press.

I am proud to be from the

same state as Judge Carlton

W. Reeves.


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OXFORD—Newt Knight is de-scribed as a “deserter, renegade and assassin” on the website of the local Sons of the Confederate Veterans

chapter in Jones County, but Lew Smith in nearby Sumrall has a different view.

“Old Newt is a big hero to me person-ally,” says Smith, who describes himself as a “life-long Union man, white guy” who has been married to an African American wom-an for 45 years. “His willingness to stand tall for his ex-slave wife and bi-racial family.”

Add to that Knight’s willingness to challenge the “rich man’s war and poor man’s fight” that essentially was the Civil War.

Smith hasn’t seen the new movie “The Free State of Jones,” starring Matthew Mc-Conaughey and Mississippi-bred talent such as Oxford’s own Johnny McPhail. “In a way I’m hesitant to watch the movie. … So often Hol-lywood screws things up,” he says.

He needn’t worry. I’ve seen the movie, and it’s excellent. Director Gary Ross, whose cred-its include the now-clas-sic “Seabiscuit,” spent two years researching the complex history of Jones County, Miss., during the Civil War, research that included Victoria E. Bynum’s book, “The Free State of Jones: Mississippi’s Longest Civil War.”

It’s a 150-year-old story that resonates today as Mississippi still wrestles with the Confederate symbolism that rests on its flag, as well as on its countless courthouse lawns. It’s a story that is also still current in its chal-lenge to the racial divisions that have forever haunted Mississippi and the South.

Newt Knight was a tee-totaling back-woodsman from southeast Mississippi who volunteered to serve in the Confederacy. He began his own rebellion against the Con-federacy after the passage of the so-called “Twenty Negro Law,” which allowed south-erners to avoid conscription if they owned 20 slaves or more. Most of the small farmers who dominated rural Jones County and sur-rounding counties owned no slaves and had little interest in preserving slavery.

The Confederacy allowed troops to confiscate small farmers’ crops and livestock as a kind of insidious “tax” to support the war effort. “You think they do that to the plan-tation owner in Natchez?” McConaughey’s Newt Knight tells his fellow Southerners as he launches his rebellion. “We got no coun-try. We are the country. No man ought to stay poor so another can get rich.”

Knight leads an armed and violent resistance against the Confederacy that de-clares Jones County a “free state.” His break

with southern tradition extends to his per-sonal life when he enters into a long-term relationship with a slave named Rachel and sires children by her.

“The Free State of Jones” stands out in the recent crop of Civil War or slavery-related movies—“Lincoln,” “12 Years a Slave” and Nate Parker’s “The Birth of a Nation.” Each challenges the myths and stereotypes embedded in Hollywood classics like D.W. Griffith’s “Birth of a Nation” in 1915 and David O. Selznick’s “Gone With The Wind” in 1939. What distinguishes “The Free State of Jones” is its direct chal-lenge to prevailing myths such as what Ross calls the “monolithic” antebellum South.

“There were areas of Southern union-ism all across the South,” he says in a Huff-ington Post Facebook video.

Jones County may be one of the more fa-mous examples, but an-other is the entire state of West Virginia, which exists because it refused to follow Virginia’s se-cession from the Union. Many of the small farm-ers and mountain folk in the western portion of my native North Caro-lina rebelled against the Rebels. They didn’t own

slaves and saw no reason for the fight.“The Free State of Jones” points to a

dark consistency in southern history that stretches from antebellum day until today. Soon after the Civil War, a landowning elite returned to power and instituted the so-called “Black Codes” that, among other things, allowed black children to be taken into a forced “apprenticeship,” which meant back to the fields. Of course, Reconstruction was eventually followed by Jim Crow, share-cropping and tenant farming—the entire retinue of the southern elite’s insistence on cheap and, if possible, free labor.

Mississippi and the South as a whole are still dealing with the legacy of what forced Newt Knight to rebel against the southern rebellion. Witness the ongoing controversy about the Confederate flag emblem in Mis-sissippi’s state flag. At the University of Mis-sissippi, a plaque is being placed next to the Confederate statue on campus that says the monument may honor Confederate sol-diers’ sacrifice, but it “must also remind us that the defeat of the Confederacy actually meant freedom for millions of people.”

Knight’s story reaches beyond the South. His statement in the movie that “no man ought to stay poor so another can get rich” could be a rallying cry for the nation.

Joe Atkins is a veteran journalist, colum-nist and professor of journalism at the Univer-sity of Mississippi.

Rebelling Against the Rebellion

Joe Atkins

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V14n44 - Hispanic Influx - [PDF Document] (15)

MORTON, Miss.—It’s Cinco de Mayo in Christy Crotwell’s class, and Luis An-tonio Hernandez is reading the fi rst-graders a story about

the holiday’s origins. He reads each page twice—once in English, once in Spanish—and the students give him their full atten-tion. One kid wears a large sombrero in honor of the occasion. If only every moment at Morton El-ementary School were so tranquil for Her-nandez, the only full-time translator here and one of just two Spanish-speaking staffers in a school where nearly a third of the students speaks Spanish. He spends most days racing from class to class, helping out as needed. It’s a hectic job. Like many schools across Mississippi, Morton is scrambling to adjust to an infl ux of Spanish-speaking students for which it was completely unprepared. In a state that ranks at or near the bottom in education spending nationwide, it can be a challenge just to maintain buildings and stock class-rooms with basic supplies. It’s hard to fi nd money to pay for teachers who specialize in helping kids who are learning English, known in academic circles as English Lan-guage Learners—ELLs for short. The state doesn’t allocate money for ELL

programs, and direct federal funding for ELL kids everywhere is sparse at just $230 a year per student. The federal money is restricted to districts with at least 76 ELL students. Schools that receive Title I funding—those with high numbers of low-income students —can use some of that money to support ELL, but it means taking it away from other areas of need, according to an ELL specialist at the Department of Education. The Hispanic population is booming across the South, as newcomers get jobs in the construction, farming and food process-ing industries. A Pew Research Center analy-sis of census data, found that nine of the 10 states with the most rapid Hispanic growth are located below the Mason-Dixon Line. Between 2000 and 2011, Mississippi’s His-panic population more than doubled, grow-ing from 37,000 to 81,000. Hispanic advocates say the census sig-nifi cantly undercounted Hispanics; they estimate that s many as 200,000 now live in Mississippi. In any case, over the last fi ve years, the overall number of Hispanic public-school students has mushroomed, rising from 12,208 to 16,486 last year, a 35 percent in-crease. And the jump in ELL students has also been sharp, rising from 7,078 to 12,100, or 70 percent, according to Monique Har-rison-Henderson, who coordinates ELL programs for the state Department of Edu-

cation. (Disclaimer: Harrison-Henderson, a former journalist, wrote several articles for The Hechinger Report before she worked for the State of Mississippi.) “For a state our size, that is signifi cant growth,” said Harrison-Henderson, the de-partment’s English Learner Specialist, whose position was created this year to help local districts cope with the infl ux. “You can imagine that my phone rings a lot, and I get a lot of emails.” Among the regions that have seen the most dramatic growth is Scott County, home to Morton Elementary, a public school about 35 miles east of Jackson. The student body, now roughly 750 strong, is about one-third white, one-third black and one third Hispanic. The number of ELL students has tripled over the last three years, rising to 162, as jobs at a Koch Foods poultry plant, just a few blocks away, attract-ed Hispanic workers. A massive operation that is the back-bone of the town’s economy, Koch Foods is a

magnet for immigrants from Mexico, Guate-mala and El Salvador, the countries that fuel the majority of immigration in Mississippi. The plant looms over this rural crossroads town of 3,500 people, where a Mexican mar-ket and restaurant recently replaced the sole clothing store, its doors closed long ago. Ma-ria’s Mercado, another Hispanic convenience store, is just a hop, skip and a jump from the local barbecue joint, The Ribcage. In addition to the Koch operation, Scott County is home to three more poultry plants, all of which have high turnover and a voracious appetite for new workers. In the window of a Morton Catholic outreach cen-ter, a sign in both Spanish and English seeks recruits: “Hang live birds for processing in a humane manner. Hang 26 live birds per minute for slaughter.” Hispanics began arriving in Morton during the late 1980s, said Tito Echiburu, a native of Chile, who played a large role in bringing immigrants here. Echiburu, 72, is the chief fi nancial of-fi cer at the Bank of Morton. “Twenty percent of our loans and mortgages go to Hispanics now,” he said. “It’s working out for everyone.” The fi rst Hispanic in town, Echiburu followed a circuitous path to Morton. A


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Luis Antonio Hernandez reads a story about Cinco de Mayo to students in Christy Crotwell’s fi rst-grade class at Morton Elementary School. He reads each page twice, once in English, once in Spanish. He’s the only full-time translator at the school, which has 152 Spanish-speaking students in its 21 classrooms.

more EDUCATION, see page 18

Luis Antonio Hernandez reads a story about Cinco de Mayo to students in Christy Crotwell’s fi rst-grade class at Morton Elementary School. He reads each page twice,

Hispanic Infl ux:One School Struggles to Meet Children’s Needsby Ben Stocking, The Hechinger Report

At Morton Elementary, the student body is now roughly

one third-white, one-third African American and one-third Hispanic. The number of Spanish-speaking students

has tripled over the last fi ve years, rising to 162.

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V14n44 - Hispanic Influx - [PDF Document] (18)

standout Chilean tennis player, he had been recruited to play on the team at Mississippi State, where he earned a business degree. Af-ter graduation, he returned to Chile, where he worked at the Arthur Anderson consult-ing firm and the Firestone tire company. But in the early 1970s, political conflict roiled his homeland, and Echiburu agreed to take a job as a tennis pro at the tony River Hills Tennis Club in Jackson. One of his students was John Rogers, whose family owned the Morton poultry plant until Chicago-based Koch Foods, the nation’s fourth-largest poultry producer, bought it 15 years ago. Rogers hired Echibu-ru as the plant’s chief financial officer. The company, then known as B.C. Rogers Poultry, was having trouble filling the overnight shift. The plant ran 24 hours a day, and the work on the line was brutal—slaughtering and deboning chickens, pack-ing frozen chicken parts. Rogers, who had seen a TV news seg-ment about out-of-work Hispanic immi-grants in Florida, sent Echiburu to Miami to investigate. Echiburu placed a help-wanted ad in the Miami Herald, and, two weeks lat-er, filled a Greyhound bus with 40 Cubans headed for work in Morton. The bus made that trip once a week for a year or two; before long, hundreds of Mi-ami transplants were working there. Many newcomers found transition to small-town life difficult, Echiburu said, and at first, they didn’t find a warm reception in town. Some locals complained about drunk and disorderly conduct, and said the new-comers did a poor job of maintaining their property. And after the new arrivals’ first few months in Morton, somebody called immi-gration authorities, who swooped into town in a helicopter, searching for undocumented immigrants. But they only found a hand-ful, Echiburu said, because most of the new workers had received asylum in the U.S. after fleeing communist Cuba. The Cuban workers, accustomed to the excitement of Miami, quickly became disen-chanted with small-town life, and many left. “They called Morton ‘El Bosque’ — the woods,” Echiburu said. So the company shifted its recruitment efforts to Texas and its thousands of work-ers from Mexico and Central America. The plant brought close to 5,000 Hispanic work-ers to Morton during the 1990s, said Luis Cartagena, Echiburu’s brother-in-law, who was hired to oversee the company’s recruit-ment efforts. Since then, word of the jobs in Mor-ton has spread through immigrant networks by word of mouth, and a recent wave has brought many Guatemalans to town. No one knows how many of Morton’s newest residents are undocumented. The immigrants keep coming because jobs are plentiful and housing is cheap. And many of the newcomers say they appreciate the peace-

ful small-town atmosphere. Among these new residents is Josefa Matias, a Guatemalan whose husband earns about $600 a week deboning chickens, the most lucrative job at the plant. Matias also worked at the plant for several years, and the couple managed to save enough to buy their own home. “We bought this house for $35,000,” she said. “I’m happy here.”

Matias’s daughter Maria, a student at Morton Middle School, grew up in Mis-sissippi and speaks English with a southern drawl. “I do a lot of translating for my par-ents when one of my sisters is sick or my mom needs to go to the doctor,” Maria said. When Hispanic students first began at-tending schools in Mississippi, many school districts refused to enroll them if they didn’t have immigration papers, said Bill Chan-dler, executive director of the Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance, or MIRA, a nonprofit advocacy group. School officials

were unaware of the Supreme Court’s 1975 ruling in Plyer vs. Doe, which required schools to register students regardless of their immigration status. “Almost all of the school districts were refusing to enroll children who were undoc-umented or did not speak English or both,” Chandler said. “You had a lot of xenopho-bia, especially after 9/11. Anybody brown was suspicious.” Some districts, he said, feared that His-

panic students would drag down their test scores, which might result in a loss of fed-eral funding. In 2002, MIRA and its allies in the state Legislature managed to pass a bill clarifying the responsibility of school districts to enroll students on proof of age, not na-tionality. A few school leaders dragged their feet even after the law was passed, but were eventually persuaded to comply. By MIRA’s count, state lawmakers have

filed 296 anti-immigrant bills since 9/11, including an English Only bill and another piece of legislation that would have required police to stop anyone suspected of being un-documented and ask them to show papers proving their right to residency. Donald Trump, the presumptive Re-publican presidential nominee, won the Mississippi primary handily in March, with his call for a massive border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. And Gov. Phil Bryant, who has endorsed Trump, also supported a legal challenge by the Texas attorney general opposing President Obama’s efforts to ease some immigration restrictions. The arrival of Hispanic immigrants has changed the dynamics of a region that has seen race and ethnicity primarily through a black-and-white lens. For decades, Jim Crow kept schools separate and unequal. Long after the Supreme Court ended school segregation with its 1954 decision in Brown vs. Board of Education, race remained a contentious issue in the educational sphere, and many white families enrolled their chil-dren in private schools known as “segrega-tion academies.” White flight from urban areas caused further re-segregation. Federal education statistics for the 2013-14 school year show that Hispanic students in Mississippi lagged behind their white

peers on 8th grade math and reading tests, with a 65 percent proficiency rate in math and a 54 percent proficiency rate in reading, compared to 77 percent and 66 percent for whites. They outscored African American students in both subjects by 8 points. The graduation rate for white students was 84 percent that year, 80 percent for His-panics and 71 percent for blacks. With immigration changing the face of public schools like those in Scott County, the student body at many schools is a patchwork of black, white and brown. At Morton Elementary, school officials are doing their best to accommodate the newcomers, Principal Debbie Herring said. “We’re going through so many changes here. It feels like we’re a border town,” said Her-ring, who keeps a large ornamental cross on her desk and a sign on her office wall that reads “In God We Trust.” “The growth has happened so fast, no-body has had time to prepare for it,” Her-ring said. When Hernandez, the school transla-tor, is too busy to help, Herring sometimes resorts to using a translation app on her smart phone. That hasn’t worked very well, in part because it’s too cumbersome, in part because some of the Hispanic parents speak dialects with little resemblance to tra-ditional Spanish. At the start of the last school year, Herring gave the parent orientation in both English and Spanish. But as the non-Hispanic parents sat through the lengthy translation of her remarks, she could see them growing restless. “When you have a third of your popu-lation speaking Spanish, and they speak dif-ferent dialects, you have to really slow down,” Herring said. “My English-speaking parents were becoming impatient.” The school has added two temporary classrooms to accommodate the new stu-dents, but staffing hasn’t kept pace. “If I had one interpreter per class-room that would help, but there’s no way,” Herring said. On Cinco de Mayo, Hernandez was busy translating in Ms. Crotwell’s class, where the door is adorned with a sign that says, “Taco about a great class.” ELL teacher Kathy Vaughn asked some of the Hispanic students questions in English, giving them a chance to show off their progress. “Where are you from?” she asked one boy, who fumbled his answer. Luis Vega, a first grader who wore his hair slicked back Elvis style, stepped in to help. “¿De donde vienes?” he translated. “Mexico!” came the reply. Crotwell feared situations like this when she learned that her class would have


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Ben Sto



Karen, right, an ELL student from Guatemala, and Karla, left, an ELL student from Mexico, go over a worksheet in Luis Cartagena’s class at the Scott Central Attendance Center in Forest, Miss.

HISPANIC INFLUX from page 15

Hispanics receive 20 percent of all loans and mortgages at the Bank of Morton.

more EDUCATION, see page 20

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V14n44 - Hispanic Influx - [PDF Document] (20)

13 Hispanic students. “It’s very challenging,” she said. “I wish I could speak Spanish.” While Hernandez was available to translate that May day, he has to triage the needs of 21 teachers daily as interpreting needs arise. The school’s other Spanish-speaking staffer helps out but is not hired as a translator, like Hernandez, and must focus on teaching English to ELL kids. Much of the time, Crotwell is forced to rely on bilingual kids like Luis to interpret for their less fluent classmates. “I have several really smart Spanish kids,” Crotwell said. “They could read the story in two languages themselves.” Spanish-speaking students spend three hours a week in an ELL classroom, where they focus on improving their English. The school has two full-time teachers who are certified to teach ELL and two un-certified assistants to help them. “In a perfect world, we’d have an ELL teacher for every classroom,” said Vaughn, who coordinates Scott County’s ELL pro-gram in addition to teaching at Morton Ele-mentary. “We try to meet their needs, but it’s not easy. We haven’t kept up.” A Mississippi native, Vaughn lived in Brazil, where Portuguese is spoken, for several years when her husband was a Southern Baptist mis-sionary there. Her two children at-tended a Brazilian school where no one spoke a word of English. “I know what it’s like when the Hispanic parents bring their kids here,” she said. “I know how hard it is to come to a new school where you don’t speak the language.” In Morton, the kids who are still learning English get pulled from their regular classrooms for about three hours a week to work with an ELL teacher, even though linguists consider this “pull-out approach” the least effective way to teach English language learners. “That’s the least-favored model as far as what the outcomes look like, but one does what one can,” said Pa-tricia Gandara, an education profes-sor at the University of California, Los Angeles. By far the most effective model is du-al-language immersion, in which students spend half their time learning all subjects in English, half in Spanish, Gandara said. Ex-tensive research shows significant cognitive benefits accrue to students who learn more than one language. Both North Carolina and Georgia, two southern states with substantial Hispanic populations, have recently taken steps to encourage dual-language programs. But in states such as Mississippi, where immigra-tion is a more recent phenomenon and re-sources are scarce, this approach hasn’t yet taken root, Gandara said.

Schools without adequate resources use the pull-out approach and turn to bilingual students to help carry the load, as Morton is doing. Although imperfect, this approach

can benefit both the student translators and the ELL kids they are helping. “There’s research that shows this rein-forces learning for the student translators,” Gandara said. “Having to explain things to someone else reinforces what they’re learn-ing. If it’s done judiciously—if the kids aren’t just used as substitute teachers—that can be a reasonable strategy.” Harrison-Henderson, the state ELL specialist, said that good teachers know how to teach children in the same classroom who

are at different levels of learning. They tailor their instruction to the individual needs of individual students. In the same fashion, they can adjust their teaching to meet the needs of ELL students, she said. With ELL teachers in short supply, Mississippi is trying to give regular teach-ers the tools and training they need to assist English language learners on their own, she said. The state has posted training videos on-line and organized several summer training sessions for which demand has been robust. One approach that enables teachers to do this has a cumbersome name: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol, or SIOP.

Developed by the Washington-based Center for Applied Linguistics, this method allows English learners to master the lan-guage while studying subjects such as math, science or social studies. The Tupelo School District, in the northwest corner of the state, has found the approach to be effective. SIOP emphasizes using visual aids, both pictures and real ob-jects, to convey concepts. And it encourages teachers to connect whatever content they are teaching to the culture and traditions of ELL students. “The whole thing with SIOP is, you’re teaching language at the same time that you’re teaching content,” said Ruth Baker, the ELL liaison for the Tupelo schools. “You can’t wait for them to learn English before you teach them regular classroom material, or they’ll fall behind.” In Morton, some newcomers have sought assistance outside the classroom to help their kids keep up. They have found help from an unlikely source—the Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque, a group of

nuns from Iowa who operate a tutoring center in town. The sisters have various missions in high-poverty areas outside their home state and were already running education centers elsewhere in Mississippi. Nine years ago, they decided to extend their efforts to Mor-ton, where they run the Excel Community and Learning Center. Every afternoon, about 40 kids come here for help with homework and English. Excel offers English and Spanish classes for adults in the evenings, too, and runs a Meals-on-Wheels program for people in need. The families who come to the center

have high hopes for their kids, said Sister Rita Goedken, who has worked there since 2008. “They’re committed parents. They want their children to be able to do what they couldn’t do. They encourage education 100 percent.” Among the center’s students is Manu-ela Lucas, a first-grader at Morton Elemen-tary. School was a big challenge for Manuela, who, like many of her Hispanic peers, didn’t speak a word of English when she started. Her mother, Mariela Lucas, wants to help her daughter, but she can’t read or write in Spanish, let alone English. There were no schools in her home village, and she speaks a Guatemalan dialect that bears no resem-blance to Spanish. “I felt so sad because I couldn’t help her with her homework. I couldn’t explain anything,” Manuela’s mother said, speaking through a translator. Among the Scott County teachers help-ing students like Manuela is Luis Cartagena, the man who once recruited Hispanic work-ers to the poultry plant. After he left that job,

Cartagena worked as a bus driver and janitor for the county schools. When school officials discovered he was fluent in both English and Spanish and had some high-school teaching experience in Chile, they took him on as an assistant ELL teacher, although he lacked formal training. He didn’t take the ELL job for the $19,000 salary. “I took it because I love teaching,” he said. Cartagena teaches at four differ-ent Scott County schools, each with smaller Hispanic populations than Morton Elementary. He has a tiny office at the Scott Central Attendance Center, a K-12 school just outside Forest, the county seat. “I have to struggle for all the re-sources I get,” he said. The maps on his wall—culled from National Geographic maga-zines—came from his personal collec-tion. He uses old textbooks that the district was going to discard, teaching passages that he has translated and copied himself. He even built a book-

case to store them. Cartagena has also translated short biographies about famous Latin Ameri-can writers. “I try to teach my students that they belong to a culture with poets and authors and Nobel Prize winners. I’m trying to teach them that they have a culture they need to care about.” This story was produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, independent news organi-zation focused on inequality and innovation in education. Onelia Hawa assisted with trans-lation of interviews. Read more about Missis-sippi’s education system at jfp.ms/education.


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Ben Sto



Luis Antonio Hernandez, the translator at Morton Elementary School, celebrates Cinco de Mayo with students in Christy Crotwell’s class.

EDUCATION from page 18

Between 2000 and 2011, Mississippi’s Hispanic population more than doubled, growing from 37,000 to 81,000.

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To See the Face of Godby Richard Coupe

“She’s going down,” whispered my wife, and I glanced in alarm at the bride. Chaos reigns when a member of the wedding party faints; we have seen it. Rachel, lovelier than ever, was not

smiling. As she held Daniel’s hands while preparing for her vows, she swayed slightly from side to side, breathing through her mouth, swallowing nervously, her head moving like a nervous bird being watched by a cat. A line from Victor Hugo’s “Les Misérables” popped into my head: “Her amazed and uneasy air added something indescribably enchanting to her beauty.”

The wedding was in the south end of The South Warehouse, partitioned off from the rest of the building by curtains. Indis-tinct forms moved on the other side of the curtains, like ghostly hauntings as the cater-ers set up. The delicious smells wafting from behind the curtain took most of my atten-tion away from the ceremony. It turns out that Rachel loves bacon, and behind that curtain were great plates of it, as well as other delicious foods fit for a medieval feast.

Rachel struggled to maintain compo-sure as the vows began. Daniel spoke first. He gazed into her eyes with a deep inten-sity; his powerful, sonorous voice and calm demeanor visibly relaxed Rachel, and then he made a joke, too soft for me to hear it, but her signature smile appeared.

The members of the bridal party were not lined up on either side of the bride and groom segregated by gender but instead alternated across the front of the space, bracketing a white wooden trellis overflowing with flowers. The brides-maids looked stunning in their simple floor-length pleated teal gowns with spaghetti strap shoulders and minimal jew-elry. The men wore black suits with matching ties, except for Daniel who was wearing a bowtie.

Rachel, tall with a slim, willowy figure, an angular face and light brown hair that was neatly coiffed, had to look nearly straight up to see Daniel’s face atop his 6-foot, 5-inch frame as she began her vows. Her lips moved, though no sound came out. But it was almost as if saying the words infused her spirit with a power greater than herself; with each word, her voice

grew louder and steadier. By the middle of her vows, Rachel was back and having fun.

The toasts from the maid of honor and the best man were among the best I’ve ever heard. They were heartfelt, given without notes and expressing a depth of love seldom (if ever) adequately acknowledged verbally. The bride’s sister, her fra-ternal twin, who looks similar enough that you know they are sisters, but dissimilar enough to know they are individuals, spoke of the intimacy of growing up with a twin, how they had no secrets, and when they couldn’t sleep, they would talk about their hopes and dreams and fantasize about their wed-

ding day. Then, she turned to Daniel with tears in her eyes and told him that he was the man in their dreams. The best man (my son) spoke of their lifelong friendship, the soccer and football games played, the destruction wrought by two hyperactive boys who always had a ball in hand or at foot, and of the unbreakable bonds built between them. Turning

to Rachel, the best man welcomed her as a sister and spoke of his delight when Daniel told him about his perfect match.

The reception area was covered in flow-ers of all shapes and sizes. The food was deli-cious; in addition to the bacon bar with just plain bacon, we could enjoy bacon-wrapped risotto, bacon pudding with crackers and bacon-wrapped breadsticks. The reception featured other food options as well; in fact, it could feed a small army, and the caterers served until the end of the wedding. My fa-vorite was the cheese grits with spicy shrimp served in tall martini glasses. It was so el-egant and so southern.

Off to the side, with her eyes on every-thing, was the wedding planner from Kend-all Poole Event Planning. I had watched her orchestrate the entire evening, from starting the music to lifting a finger here to send a

bartender to a parched table, handing Daniel his coat when a photo was needed, or providing drinks to the bride and groom after their dance. I love organization, and she is a great model.

“Life at its very best,” I thought. It was late then, the wedding reception almost over, and I sat alone at our table. The guests had thinned out some, with just the hardcore friends of Rachel and Daniel and relatives left. Most every-one was on the dance floor swaying to a beautiful rendition of “Stand By Me” by the House of Cards band from Yazoo City. Just in front of me was an active group of athletic-looking men and women in their late 20s—Daniel’s ulti-mate Frisbee friends. Bridesmaids within a larger group of childhood friends and the many relatives that come with growing up in a small town like Quitman, Miss., sur-rounded Rachel. To my right, a small circle of the groom’s brothers and their wives move lazily with the music. His friends included a contingent of Old World Italians, distant relatives Daniel had met while on a Fulbright scholarship in Italy. Sometimes the magic of life transcends the ordinary, and for a short while, we are reminded of the deeper mean-ing of life: To love another person is to see the face of God (from “Les Misérables”).

See Richard Coupe’s previous story about this couple’s en-gagement at jfp.ms/zabaldanowhaleyengagement.








Daniel Zabaldano and Rachel Whaley got married earlier this summer.

FOOD p 26

Wedding planner: Kendall Poole Event Planning (1481 Canton mart road, Suite C, 601-941-1432)

Officiant: Rev. Frank Haynes (Christ united methodist Church, 6000 Old Canton Road)

Reception location: The South Warehouse (627 e. Silas Brown St., 601-939-4518)

groom’s and groomsmen’s attire: Kinkade’s Fine Clothing

(120 West St., ridgeland, 601-898-0513)

Bride’s attire: The Bridal Path (4465 Interstate 55 N., Suite 104, 601-982-8267)

Caterer: Fresh Cut Catering and Floral (108 Cypress Cove, Flowood, 601-939-4518)

Cake(s): Cakes by Iris (cakesbyiris.com)

Florists: Fresh Cut Catering and Floral by Wendy Putt, Green Floral, Inc. (210 town Square, Brandon, 601-825-8374)

Photographer: Sully Clemmer Photography

Invitations: Kendall PooleMusic: House of Cards

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WEDNESDAY 7/6 History Is Lunch is at noon at the William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.). Authors David Dockery and David Thompson discuss their book, “The Geology of Mississippi.” Free; call 601-576-6998. … The Social Suite is at 6 p.m. at ISH Grill and Bar (5105 Interstate 55 N. Frontage Road). Event II Eleven is the host. Enjoy drinks, an appetizer menu, cigars and networking at the biweekly event. Business groups and entrepreneurs are encouraged to participate. Attire is “deal closer.” No cover until 9 p.m., then $5; call 769-257-2723; email [emailprotected].

THURSDAY 7/7 Fondren’s First Thursday is at 5 p.m. in Fondren. Studio Chane hosts the mostly monthly neighborhood event, and the main focus will be the arts for 2016. Includes shopping, food vendors, live music, open houses, a pet adoption drive

and more. Free; call 601-720-2426; fft.city. … The Opening Reception for VSA’s “The Art of Dance” is from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Arts Center of Mississippi (201 E. Pascagoula St.). See the Community Art Group of VSA Mississippi’s dance-inspired art in conjunction with the USA IBC Grand Prix Reunion Gala. Hangs through July 31. Free; call 355-9853.

FRIDAY 7/8 The Love Jones’ “Best Love/Best Hate Poetry” Edi-tion is at 9 p.m. at Soul Wired Cafe (111 Millsaps Ave.). Includes open-mic poetry, music and art, a light food buf-fet including purple chocolate strawberries, and music from Angela Walls and Taurean La’ Del. Cover charge applies; call 601-863-6378; find the event on Facebook.

SATURDAY 7/9 The Ice Cream Safari is from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Jack-son Zoo (2918 W. Capitol St.). Local media celebrities and special guests serve flavors of Blue Bunny ice cream for your votes. Included with admission ($4 members, $10.25 adults, $9.25 seniors, $7.25 ages 2-12, under 2 free); call 601-352-2580; jacksonzoo.org. … The Mississippi Black Rodeo is at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. at the Mis-sissippi Coliseum (1207 Mis-sissippi St.). The Real Cowboy Association hosts “The Baddest Show on Dirt.” Includes a concert (performer TBA). $10; call 800-745-3000; realcowboyassociation.com.

SUNDAY 7/10 The Cherry Tomato Festival is from 3 to 9 p.m. at The Garden Farmacy (116 Church Road, Madison). In celebra-tion of the tomato harvest, enjoy music, drinks from Simply Tended, Garden Farmacy tomato sandwiches from stäge and additional food from Deep South Pops and Small Time Hot Dogs. $15; call 769-226-6700; find the event on Facebook.

MONDAY 7/11 Acclaimed novelist Michael Farris Smith (“Rivers”) will engage in a free public One-on-One talk about writing, cre-ativity, growing up in Mississippi and his thoughts on HB 1523 with JFP Editor-in-chief Donna Ladd at Coalesce: A Cooperative Working Environment (109 N. State St.). Starts at 6 p.m.; reception/book singing with free food/drink at 7:30 p.m. 601-966-0834. … “A Night Under the Stars” Dinner Theater is at 7 p.m. at Johnny T’s Bistro and Blues (538 N. Farish St.). J. Lee Productions is the host. Includes three-course dinner, interactive show and music from Kerry Thomas. Limited seating. RSVP. Also: July 12, 7 p.m. $39; VIP: $200 table of four, $300 table of six; call 404-721-0194; email [emailprotected]; jleeplays.com.

TUESDAY 7/12 An Artist’s Look with Wyatt Waters is from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). In the Barksdale Galleries. The artist discusses se-lect artwork in the exhibit “When Modern Was Contempo-rary.” $20, $8 members; call 601-960-1515; msmuseumart.org. … Author John Gregory Brown signs copies of his book, “A Thousand Miles from Nowhere,” at 5 p.m. at Lemuria Books (Banner Hall, 4465 Interstate 55 N., Suite 202). $26 book; call 601-366-7619; lemuriabooks.com.

WEDNESDAY 7/13 History Is Lunch is at noon at the William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.). Author and MDAH Historic Preservation Division Director Jim Woodrick discusses his book, “The Civil War Siege of Jackson.” Free; call 601-576-6998.

SATURDAY 7/9Question It? Discover It! Saturday—Brain Day is at Mississippi Children’s Museum

THURSDAY 7/7AQUA—A Summer Art Show is at Fondren Art Gallery.

TUESDAY 7/12Pint Night is at Saltine Oyster Bar.






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July 6 - 13, 2016



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(Left to right) Terryal “tee*zy” Thomas and Amia Edwards star in “A Night Under the Stars” Dinner Theater on Monday, July 11, at Johnny T’s Bistro and Blues.



fAx: 601-510-9019DAilY UpDATES AT


Author Michael Farris Smith discusses writing, creativity and being a Mississippian with JFP Editor Donna Ladd at Coalesce at 6 p.m. Monday, July 11.

V14n44 - Hispanic Influx - [PDF Document] (25)

JFP-SPONSOREDFondren’s First Thursday July 7, 5 p.m., in Fon-dren. Studio Chane hosts the monthly neighbor-hood event. Includes shopping, food vendors, music, open houses, a pet adoption drive and more. Free; call 601-720-2426; fft.city.

JFP One on One with Michael Farris Smith July 11, 6-8 p.m., at Coalesce Cooperative Work Envi-ronment (109 N. State St.). JFP Editor Donna Ladd sits down with the acclaimed novelist (“Riv-ers”) for a discussion about writing, creativity, growing up in Mississippi and his thoughts on HB 1523. A reception follows with food, drinks and a book signing. Free; call 601-966-0834; follow Jackson Free Press on Facebook.

COMMUNITYEvents at William F. Winter Archives and His-tory Building (200 North St.)

• History Is Lunch: David Dockery and David Thompson July 6, noon. The authors discuss their book, “The Geology of Mississippi.” Free; call 601-576-6998.

• History Is Lunch: Jim Woodrick July 13, noon. The author and MDAH Historic Preservation Division director discusses his book, “The Civil War Siege of Jackson.” Free; call 601-576-6998.

KIDSQuestion It? Discover It! Saturday—Brain Day July 9, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at Mississippi Chil-dren’s Museum (2145 Highland Drive). Included with admission ($10, children under 12 months free); call 981-5469; mschildrensmuseum.org.

FOOD & DRINKstäge test kitchen July 6, 6:30-9 p.m., at CS’s Res-taurant (1359 1/2 N. West St.). Enjoy an oppor-tunity to sample new creations from stäge. Seating limited to the first 20 guests to arrive. Optional wine pairing available. BYOB for a corkage fee. $35; call 969-9482; stagepopup.com.

Cherry Tomato Festival July 10, 3-9 p.m., at The Garden Farmacy (116 Church Road, Madison). In celebration of the tomato harvest, enjoy music, beverages from Simply Tended, Garden Farmacy tomato sandwiches from stäge and more. $15; call 769-226-6700; find the event on Facebook.

CONCERTS & FESTIVALSNew Blood JXN Showcase and Live Podcast Circle July 7, 6-9 p.m., at Cups, Fondren (2757 Old Canton Road). Enjoy music from Clouds & Crayons, Empty Atlas and Codetta South, and a podcast recording session with Token Talk, Local Elsewhere, The Rogueish Gent, Let’s Talk Jackson, The Kickback and Comprehensive Beatdown. Free; find the event on Facebook.

EXHIBIT OPENINGSAQUA—A Summer Art Show July 7, 5-9 p.m., at Fondren Art Gallery (3030 N. State St.). Enjoy nautical, coastline or swimming artwork. Free admission; call 981-9222; fondrenartgallery.com.

Thursday, July 7 NBA (noon-2 p.m., ESPN3): The Orlando Magic Blue take on the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA summer league.

Friday, July 8 NBA (9:30-11:30 p.m., ESPN): Former MSU center Jarvis Varnado and the Los Angeles Lakers face the New Orleans Pelicans.

saTurday, July 9 Tennis (8 a.m.-2 p.m., ESPN): Watch the Ladies Championship at Wimbledon 2016 and another possible Grand Slam for Serena Williams if she can reach the final.

sunday, July 10 Soccer (1:30-4 p.m., ESPN): Watch the 2016 UEFA Euro championship as underdogs continue to surprise.

Monday, July 11 College football (11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., SECN): 2016 SEC Football

Media Days kick off with day one from Hoover, Ala., with Florida, Auburn and Vanderbilt opening the annual event.

Tuesday, July 12 College football (8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., SECN): 2016 SEC Football Media Days continue with MSU head coach Dan Mullen along with Georgia, Texas A&M and Tennessee.

Wednesday, July 13 College football (9 a.m.-3 p.m., SECN): 2016 SEC Football Media Days roll on as Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri and Arkansas take center stage in Hoover.

Media days in college football mean the season is just around the corner. New Orleans Saints training camp begins with rookies reporting July 20 and veterans on July 27.

The NFL preseason gets started in a month with the Indianapolis Colts and Green Bay Packers playing in the Hall of Fame game on Aug. 7. Training camps open later this month around the league.


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Check jfpevents.com for updates and more listings, or to add your own events online. You can also email event details to [emailprotected] to be added to the calendar. The deadline is noon the Wednesday prior to the week of publication.


Follow Bryan Flynn at jfpsports.com, @jfpsports and at facebook.com/jfpsports.

the best in sports over the next seven daysby Bryan Flynn

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When Gary Howard Jr. moved from New Orleans to Win-ona, Miss., he decided to bring a little bit of the culture

of his home city back with him.Howard Jr., 42, and his son Gary How-

ard III, 23, have been operating their family businesses, Small Time Hot Dogs and Small

Time Street Eats, across Mississippi since 2012, when they moved from New Orleans to Winona after Howard Jr.’s mother, Vickie, who lived in Winona with his father, Gary Howard Sr., fell ill in late 2011. Howard Jr. was the first to move out to Winona, and he decided to start selling New Orleans-style food-cart hot dogs. Gary Howard III joined his father at the new business around eight months later.

“Growing up in New Orleans, you see tons of Lucky Dog and other hot-dog stands (and tamale stands) everywhere, and I just love them and couldn’t find anything like that here when I moved,” Howard Jr. says. “Any time I eat anything, I end up wonder-ing how I can make into a hot dog, and I try and get my friends and family to try it, too. I saw a great market for something that of-fered that here in Mississippi.”

Small Time Street Eats is a food truck, while Small Time Hot Dogs is a cart that can be towed behind a truck or pushed by hand. The operations share a menu, though the food truck offers additional items such as fried green tomatoes with homemade Cajun crawfish sauce, fried pickles with homemade ranch dressing, and daily specials such as crawfish sausage jambalaya, alligator sausage, seafood gumbo, fried Oreos and more.

The hot dog cart offers all-beef sausage and hot dogs, hickory-smoked pulled pork barbecue nachos and barbecue sandwiches, and specialty hot tamales that Mark Az-lin, a Delta chef and friend of Howard Jr. who owned the Bourbon Mall restaurant in Bourbon, Miss., before it burned down in 2012, prepares. Customers can also try any of seven specialty gourmet dogs such

as a Southern dog with slow-smoked pulled pork and coleslaw, a Ragin’ Cajun dog with Cajun crawfish sauce, a Reuben dog with Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and Thousand Island dressing, a buffalo-wing dog with wing sauce, blue cheese and celery salt, and a French onion dog with potato sticks and French onion dip.

“Not everything I’ve ever tried ended up being a hit, like this hummus dog that didn’t go over very well for example,” How-ard Jr. says. “But other things, like this bacon and barbecued pineapple Hawaiian dog we made, people follow us around for stuff like that. ... At the end of the day, the important thing for us is that we love to serve and make people happy with what we make, and we’ve never given someone a hot dog and had them not smile back over it. It’s more than just food for us; it’s our life.”

Since August 2015, the Howards have been making regular appearances at Fon-dren’s First Thursday. They have also taken part in other events in the Jackson metro area, including Stray at Home this past May, and try to make an appearance in this area at least once a week. Small Time has permits to operate in nine counties throughout Missis-sippi, and the food cart and truck have man-aged to garner more than 10,000 fans across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Howard Jr. hopes to be able to upgrade all of his food carts into food trucks in the near future and

is expanding into preparing exotic sausages such as rattlesnake and ostrich ones.

The business will be competing in the Hot Dog Wars during Fondren’s First Thursday on July 7, where around 15 local restaurants will compete to make the best original hot dog.

“I believe we have a real chance of win-ning that, and I believe it’s because of our fans,” Howard Jr. says. “We’d truly be noth-ing without all of them.”

For more information, find Small Time Hot Dogs or Fondren’s First Thursday on Facebook.

For the Love of Hot Dogsby Dustin Cardon

LIFE&STYLE | food&drinkc




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Small Time Hot Dogs has hot dogs such as the French onion dog with potato sticks and French onion dip.

Small Time Hot Dogs will compete in Hot Dog Wars during Fondren’s First Thursday on Thursday, July 7.

Eslava’s GrilleSeafood, Steaks and Pasta

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BARS, PUBS & BURGERSBurgers and Blues

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STEAK & SEAFOODEllis Seafood

Serving Jackson over 25 years with our freshly fried seafood and boiled cajun shrimp, snow crab legs, and seasonal crawfish.

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The best crawfi sh this side of Louisiana, T’Beaux’s serves up an array of fresh seafood including oysters, shrimp and crab legs. Call them today to cater your next crawfi sh boil.

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From its fruit-emoji cover to its tongue-in-cheek song titles, including “George Bush Controls the Weather,” it is obvi-ous that the latest album from Oxford,

Miss., prog-rock trio Carlos Danger, “Now That’s What I Call Carlos Danger, Volume Two!”, which the band released May 13, isn’t exactly serious. That’s very much the point, guitarist and vocalist Alex Thiel says.

“It’s obviously music that we’re really proud of, but it’s music that we can’t take too seriously,” he says. “It’s really self-indulgent and just really loud and in your face, and we kind of wanted the artwork to be like that and the song titles to catch your attention. It’s super gimmicky—I’ll fully admit that—but it’s fun.”

Making the EP still required serious work, of course. While listeners only got their hands on the trio’s previous studio project, “The Return of Carlos Danger,” in January, Thiel, bassist Reid Haynie and drummer Lee Ingram were already writing songs for the new EP that they felt were more indicative of where they are as a band.

“I feel like with our last album, we were on the verge of finding our sound,” Haynie says. “Half the album is reflective of that, and the other half of the album reflected our evolution to that point. With this album, I feel like we knew who we were. We knew what we wanted to sound like and the kind of music we played well together.”

To fully realize that, the musicians, all Jackson natives, decided to move fast instead of waiting to record a full-length, and they also decided to record the six-track EP them-selves. The trio worked with producer An-drew Ratcliffe of Tweed Recording Studio in Oxford on “Return,” but Thiel took the reigns on “Now That’s What I Call Carlos Danger” to allow more time for experimen-tation in the studio.

“We kind of hinted at what direction we were pointing (on ‘Return’),” Haynie

says. “I mean, we came out of the stu-dio and wrote ‘George Bush Controls the Weather’ that week. We had really gotten into a groove by the time we went into the studio and recorded our old material, and since then, we’ve almost shed that album from our set list and have really been going into this maybe a little heavier, maybe a little groovier, longer song.”

It’s a direction in which the musicians say Carlos Danger was headed since form-ing in 2013. When Thiel and Haynie, who were roommates, began writing music, they reached out to Ingram, whom Haynie had jammed with since 10th grade, to see if he’d join on drums. Despite different influences, the band worked. Thiel says Ingram’s style transformed Carlos Danger into the heavy, groovy and gratuitous rock entity it is today.

“The transition was basically that Lee came onboard, and Lee played drums so loudly that we were like, ‘We have to play as loud as possible,’” Thiel says. “It’s kind of taken off from there. We joke with Lee that the reason we’re so loud and heavy is that he’s the drummer.”

“The space around Lee’s drum kit is just a graveyard of past drumsticks,” Haynie says. “He really pushed us in that direction. We had to double down on our speaker gear. I’ve blown out two bass cabs at this point, just trying to keep up.”

“Now That’s What I Call Carlos Dan-ger Volume Two!” is the culmination of their development as a unit, but it’s also some-what of a roadmap to where they’re going next, now that they’ve figured out exactly who Carlos Danger is, Thiel says.

“I think at every point as a band when we’ve decided to just sort of indulge our-selves and sort of ignore what people think, it’s generally worked out for us,” he says.

“Now That’s What I Call Carlos Danger Volume Two!” is available for download at carlosdangerms.bandcamp.com.


Danger Is Their Last Nameby Micah Smith

(Left to right) Reid Haynie, Alex Thiel and Lee Ingram of Oxford, Miss., prog-rock trio Carlos Danger released their latest EP, “Now That’s What I Call Carlos Danger Volume Two!”, on May 13.



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JULY 6 - WednesdaYChar - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.Hal & Mal’s - Mark Roemer & Jamie

Weems 6-8 p.m. freeKathryn’s - Larry Brewer & Doug

Hurd 6:30 p.m. freeKemistry - Open Mic Night 9 p.m.

601-665-2073Kristos, Madison - Jason Turner

6 p.m.Pelican Cove - Acoustic Crossroads

Duo 6:30 p.m.Shucker’s - Silverado 7:30 p.m. free

JULY 7 - ThUrsdaYCerami’s - Stace & Cassie 6 p.m.Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.Cups, Fondren - Clouds & Crayons,

Empty Atlas & Codetta South 6-9 p.m. free

Fenian’s - Emerald AccentFitzgerald’s - Andrew Pates

7:30 p.m.Fondren Guitars - The AM/FM

6:30 p.m. freeGeorgia Blue, Flowood - Skip

McDonaldGeorgia Blue, Madison - Jason

TurnerHal & Mal’s - Brotherly Love

6-8 p.m. freeHops & Habanas - Stonewalls

6:30 p.m. freeIron Horse Grill - Sherman Lee

Dillon 6 p.m.Kathryn’s - Gator Trio 6:30 p.m. freePelican Cove - The Neighbors

6:30 p.m.Shucker’s - Acoustic Crossroads

7:30 p.m. freeSoulshine, Flowood - John Causey

7 p.m.Sylvia’s - Thursday Night Live feat.

The Blues Man & Sunshine McGhee 9 p.m. free

JULY 8 - FridaYAmeristar Bottleneck Blues Bar,

Vicksburg - Hairicane 8 p.m.Big Sleepy’s - EDM Night feat.

Hyphee, Taboo, DJ Uri, DVDJ Reign, DJ C3 & DJ EzB 8 p.m. $5 before 10 p.m. $10 after

Char - Ronnie Brown 6 p.m.Doc 36 Skatepark - The Funeral

Portrait w/ The Ivory 7 p.m.F. Jones Corner - Kern Pratt

midnight $10Fenian’s - Vibe DoctorsFitzgerald’s - Johnny Barranco

7:30 p.m.Georgia Blue, Flowood - Andy TanasGeorgia Blue, Madison - Scott

StricklandHal & Mal’s - The Hustlers

7-10 p.m. freeThe Hideaway - John & Angela,

Hired Guns & more 7 p.m. $10Iron Horse Grill - Niecie & the

Second Wind 9 p.m.Kathryn’s - Bill & Temperance

7 p.m. free

Lucky Town - Road to Revolution Wrestling feat. Rock Box 9-11 p.m.

M Bar - Flirt Fridays feat. DJ T. Lewis free

Martin’s - Braintapes w/ Table Manners & Surfwax 10 p.m.

Ole Tavern - DJ 3EPelican Cove - Road Hogs 6:30 p.m.Pop’s Saloon - Matthew York & the

Badland Bandits 9 p.m.Reed Pierce’s, Byram - Lovin

Ledbetter 9 p.m. freeShucker’s - Steele Heart 5:30 p.m.;

Jason Stogner Band 8 p.m. $5; Chad Perry (deck) 10 p.m. free

Table 100 - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

JULY 9 - saTUrdaYAmeristar Bottleneck Blues Bar,

Vicksburg - Rusty Yates 8 p.m.Big Sleepy’s - The Tallahatchies

Album Release Show w/ Empty Atlas & Cue Cards 8-11 p.m. $5 all ages

F. Jones Corner - Jubu Smith midnight $10

Fenian’s - Becca RoseGeorgia Blue, Flowood - Shaun


Georgia Blue, Madison - Jim Tomlinson

Hal & Mal’s - Leo Moreira 7-10 p.m. free

The Hideaway - Diesel 255, Rock Box & more 9 p.m. $10

Iron Horse Grill - YZ Ealey 9 p.m.Kathryn’s - Acoustic Crossroads

7 p.m. freeLucky Town - Sippin’ Saturday feat.

Empty Atlas 11 a.m.M Bar - Saturday Night Live feat. DJ

Shanomak freeMartin’s - Cloud Wars 10 p.m.Ole Tavern - Solar PorchPearl Community Room -

Mississippi Opry feat. The Vernons w/ Harmony & Grits 6-9 p.m. $10

Pelican Cove - Andy Tanas 2 p.m.; Lucky Hand Blues Band 7 p.m.

Reed Pierce’s, Byram - Guilty Pleasure 9 p.m. free

Shucker’s - Travelin’ Jane (deck) 3:30 p.m. free; Jason Stogner Band 8 p.m. $5; Brian Jones (deck) 10 p.m. free

Soulshine, Flowood - Andrew Pates 7 p.m.

Table 100 - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

JULY 10 - sUndaYChar - Big Easy Three 11 a.m.;

Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.The Hideaway - Mike & Marty’s

Jam SessionKathryn’s - Rhythm Masters Trio

6 p.m. freeOffbeat - Viva L’American Deathray

Music w/ The Bobbsie Twins 6-9 p.m. $5

Pelican Cove - Third Degree noon; Chasin’ Dixie 5 p.m.

Shucker’s - The Axe-identals (deck) 3:30 p.m. free

Sombra Mexican Kitchen - John Mora 11 a.m.

Table 100 - Raphael Semmes 11:30 a.m.

Wellington’s - Andy Hardwick 11 a.m.

JULY 11 - MondaYChar - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.Fitzgerald’s - Hunter Gibson

7:30 p.m.Hal & Mal’s - Central MS Blues

Society (rest) 7 p.m.Kathryn’s - Barry Leach 6:30 p.m.

freeMartin’s - Open Mic Free Jam

10 p.m.Pelican Cove - Jonathan Alexander

6:30 p.m.

JULY 12 - TUesdaYBig Sleepy’s - Iron Born, Lesser

Degree & Daggers 8 p.m. $7 all ages

Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.Fenian’s - Open MicFitzgerald’s - Larry Brewer & Doug

Hurd 7:30 p.m.Kathryn’s - Andrew Pates

6:30 p.m. freeLast Call Sports Grill - Top-Shelf

Tuesdays feat. DJ Spoon 9 p.m.Margarita’s - John Mora 6 p.m.Pelican Cove - Grosshart & Gaines

6:30 p.m.The Penguin - Jazz Tuesday

JULY 13 - WednesdaYChar - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.Fitzgerald’s - Chris Link & Doug

Hurd 7:30 p.m.Hal & Mal’s - New Bourbon Street

Jazz 6-8:30 p.m. freeKathryn’s - Jeff Maddox 6:30 p.m.

freeKemistry - Open Mic Night 9 p.m.

601-665-2073Pelican Cove - Hunter Gibson

6:30 p.m.Shucker’s - Lovin Ledbetter

7:30 p.m. free

MUSIC | live Music listings are due noon Monday to be included in printand online listings: [emailprotected].








Becca Rose

7/6 - The Black Lips - Saturn, Birmingham7/7 - Kansas - The Civic Theater, New Orleans7/8 - scotty McCreery - Beau Rivage Resort & Casino, Biloxi7/10 - Chevelle - New Daisy Theatre, Memphis7/10 - aesop rock - Vinyl Music Hall, Pensacola7/13 - Zakk Wylde - House of Blues, New Orleans

Send music listings to Micah Smith at


by noon Monday.

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V14n44 - Hispanic Influx - [PDF Document] (29)

Across1 Vehicle with a lane5 Took in using a cartridge10 Physical beginning?14 Having the skills15 ___ loaf16 Nest egg funds17 Big scallion18 Parts of parts?19 Bit of a guitar solo20 Party drink for a woodpecker?23 Abbr. on an invoice24 Turndown for Watt?25 Metal container?

26 It’s a sign28 High-altitude monster30 Bout-sanctioning org.33 King Atahualpa, for one35 Rocky’s opponent in “Rocky IV”37 Chocolate substitute (or so they say ... )39 Result of a giant cheddar spill at the airport?42 “Foundation” author Asimov43 Candy bar made with toffee44 Beat quickly, like the heart45 Got ready for the movie46 Big songs

48 “Return of the Jedi” fuzzball50 Be the author of51 Photogenic fi nish?52 Cuban sandwich ingredient55 Leader of the ship Jolly Literacy?60 Make a street61 Beyond the fringe62 Shape of some mirrors63 Thingy64 Knight’s protection65 Bid-closing word66 Hamiltons67 Consigns to failure68 High cards

Down1 Kon-Tiki raft material2 High-rise support3 Corrupt ruler of sorts4 Frightened outbursts5 Like some ash6 Almost identical7 Cone-bearing tree8 Constantly9 Iron-fi sted ruler10 “The House at Pooh Corner” author11 Actor Stonestreet of “Modern Family”12 Dashboard dial, for short13 Find out (about)21 One at the Louvre22 “Spenser: For Hire” star Robert27 Vicki Lawrence sitcom role28 Americans, to Brits29 Prefi x for morph or skeleton30 Do some major damage31 Anjou relative32 “... butterfl y, sting like ___”33 “And that’s the way ___”34 Mars Pathfi nder launcher

36 Oceanic38 Prefi x before space40 Had pains41 Ivies, particularly47 Bit of progress49 “Fists of Fury” director Lo ___50 Limericks and such51 AOL giveaway of the past53 “___ of Two Cities”54 Canasta combinations55 Fence feature

56 It’s so hot57 Legal tender since 199958 Sphere intro59 Civil rights fi gure Parks60 Peach part©2016 Jonesin’ Crosswords ([emailprotected])

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Last Week’s Answers

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“Greater-Than Sudoku”For this ‘Greater-Than Sudoku.’ I’m not givin’ you ANY numbers to start off with!! Adjoining squares in the grid’s 3x3 boxes have a greater-than sign (>) telling you which of the two numbers in those squares is larger. Fill in every square with a number from 1-9 using the greater-than signs as a guide. When you’re done, as with a normal Sudoku, every row, column and 3x3 box will contain the numbers 1-9 exactly one time. (Solving hint: try to look for the 1s and 9s in each box fi rst, then move on to the 2s and 8s, and so on). [emailprotected]


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V14n44 - Hispanic Influx - [PDF Document] (31)

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):“You can only go halfway into the darkest forest,” a Chi-nese proverb says. “Then you are coming out the other side.” You will soon reach that midpoint, Leo. You may not recognize how far you have already come, so it’s a good thing I’m here to give you a heads-up. Keep the faith! Now here’s another clue: As you have wandered through the dark forest, you’ve been learning practical lessons that will come in handy during the phase of your journey that will begin after your birthday.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):My devoted contingent of private detectives, intelli-gence agents and psychic sleuths is constantly wander-ing the globe gathering data for me to use in creating your horoscopes. In recent days, they have reported that many of you Virgos are seeking expansive visions and mulling long-term decisions. Your tribe seems unusually relaxed about the future, and is eager to be emancipated from shrunken possibilities. Crucial in this wonderful development has been an inclination to stop obsessing on small details and avoid being distracted by transitory concerns. Hallelujah! Keep up the good work. Think BIG! BIGGER! BIGGEST!

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):After years of painstaking research, the psychic surgeons at the Beauty and Truth Lab have finally perfected the art and science of Zodiac Makeovers. Using a patented technique known as Mythic Gene Engineering, they are able to transplant the planets of your horoscope into different signs and astrological houses from the ones you were born with. Let’s say your natal Jupiter suffers from an uncongenial aspect with your Moon. The psychic surgeons cut and splice according to your specifications, enabling you to be re-coded with the destiny you desire. Unfortunately, the cost of this pioneering technology is still prohibitive for most people. But here’s the good news, Libra: In the coming months, you will have an unprec-edented power to reconfigure your life’s path using other, less expensive, purely natural means.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):In high school I was a good athlete with a promising future as a baseball player. But my aspirations were aborted in sophom*ore year when the coach banished me from the team. My haircut and wardrobe were too weird, he said. I may have been a skillful shortstop, but my edgy politics made him nervous and mad. At the time I was devastated by his expulsion. Playing base-ball was my passion. But in retrospect I was grateful. The coach effectively ended my career as a jock, steer-ing me toward my true callings: poetry and music and astrology. I invite you to identify a comparable twist in your own destiny, Scorpio. What unexpected blessings came your way through a seeming adversary? The time is ripe to lift those blessings to the next level.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):Do you remember that turning point when you came to a fork in the road of your destiny at a moment when your personal power wasn’t strong? And do you recall how you couldn’t muster the potency to make the most courageous choice, but instead headed in the direction that seemed easier? Well, here’s some intriguing news: Your journey has delivered you, via a convoluted route, to a place not too far from that original fork in the road. It’s possible you could return there and revisit the options -- which are now more mature and meaningful -- with greater authority. Trust your exuberance.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):I love writing horoscopes for you. Your interest in my insights spurs my creativity and makes me smarter. As I search for the inspiration you need next, I have to continu-

ally reinvent my approach to finding the truth. The theories I had about your destiny last month may not be applicable this month. My devotion to following your ever-shifting story keeps me enjoyably off-balance, propelling me free of habit and predictability. I’m grateful for your influence on me! Now I suggest that you compose a few thank-you notes similar to the one I’ve written here. Address them to the people in your life who move you and feed you and transform you the best.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):After an Illinois man’s wife whacked him in the neck with a hatchet, he didn’t hold a grudge. Just the op-posite. Speaking from a hospital room while recovering from his life-threatening wound, Thomas Deas testified that he still loved his attacker, and hoped they could reconcile. Is this admirable or pathetic? I’ll go with pathetic. Forgiving one’s allies and loved ones for their mistakes is wise, but allowing and enabling their maliciousness and abuse should be taboo. Keep that standard in mind during the coming weeks, Aquarius. People close to you may engage in behavior that lacks full integrity. Be compassionate but tough-minded in your response.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):Can water run uphill? Not usually. But there’s an eccentric magic circulating in your vicinity, and it could generate phenomena that are comparable to water running uphill. I wouldn’t be surprised, either, to see the equivalent of stars coming out in the daytime. Or a mountain moving out of your way. Or the trees whispering an oracle exactly when you need it. Be alert for anomalous blessings, Pisces. They may be so different from what you think is possible that they could be hard to recognize.

ARIES (March 21-April 19):Events in the coming week may trick your mind and tweak your heart. They might mess with your messiah complex and wreak havoc on your habits. But I bet they will also energize your muses and add melodic magic to your mysteries. They will slow you down in such a way as to speed up your evolution, and spin you in circles with such lyrical grace that you may become delight-fully clear-headed. Will you howl and moan? Probably, but more likely out of poignant joy, not from angst and anguish. Might you be knocked off course? Perhaps, but by a good influence, not a bad one.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):In the book “A Survival Guide to the Stress of Orga-nizational Change,” the authors tell you how to raise your stress levels. Assume that others are responsible for lowering your stress levels, they say. Resolve not to change anything about yourself. Hold on to everything in your life that’s expendable. Fear the future. Get embroiled in trivial battles. Try to win new games as you play by old rules. Luckily, the authors also offer suggestions on how to reduce your stress. Get good sleep, they advise. Exercise regularly. Don’t drink too much caffeine. Feel lots of gratitude. Clearly define a few strong personal goals, and let go of lesser wishes. Practice forgiveness and optimism. Talk to yourself with kindness. Got all that, Taurus? It’s an excellent place to start as you formulate your strategy for the second half of 2016.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):Normally I’m skeptical about miraculous elixirs and sudden cures and stupendous breakthroughs. I avoid fantasizing about a “silver bullet” that can simply and rapidly repair an entrenched problem. But I’m setting aside my caution as I evaluate your prospects for the coming months. While I don’t believe that a sweeping transformation is guaranteed, I suspect it’s far more likely than usual. I suggest you open your mind to it.

Homework: Imagine that thanks to scientific breakthroughs and good luck, you’re alive in 2096. What’s your life like? FreeWillAstrology.com.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):As I gaze into my crystal ball and invoke a vision of your near future, I find you commun-

ing with elemental energies that are almost beyond your power to control. But I’m not worried, because I also see that the spirit of fun is keeping you safe and protected. Your playful strength is fully unfurled, ensuring that love always trumps chaos. This is a dream come true: You have a joyous confidence as you explore and experiment with the Great

Unknown, trusting in your fluidic intuition to guide you.


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.