The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

Newspapers Service THE BEE'S MINING NEWS Tuesday, Butte Preparation The inset is of C. W. Hall, Portland, mining man, who is drill-testing gravel along the Feather River at Oroville, to determine the feasibility of mining the river bottom. The drill is shown in the main picture. (Photos by Glen deYoe, Bee's Oroville Correspondent) HIGHWAY MAY BE IMPROVED ROSEVILLE (Placer March Roseville City Council will submit to the state highway division a project for the improvement of Atlantic Street, a part of Route 17, at a cost of approximately $5,100 from Roseville's share of the gasoline tax money.

The council also is asking authority to spend $3,000 of gasoline tax money for the purchase of street improvement, equipment. available $9,975.54 from this tax fund for improvement of its streets. The council purchased a right of way for its new storm sewer system from Mrs. Annie C. King for $50.

MINING LITIGATION IS HEARD IN PLUMAS COURT QUINCY (Plumas, March case which has been in litigation for two and one-half years, involving the Vermilion Mining Company and the Mary Ann Mine, is being heard before Judge J. O. Moncur. C. P.

Price of Los Angeles is suing for 000 as his share by right of having held an option on the property. The mine, a quartz property, formerly was owned by C. E. and A. P.

Linville. C. E. Vermilion now has it in operation. The mine is on Brown Mountain.

The nearest town is Oroville. RICH VEIN IS EXPOSED IN SILVER PEAK AREA SIVER PEAK March 31. An eight-foot vein of gold-bearing ore said to assay around $35 a ton has been discovered, five miles south of Silver Peak, by Tony Krogan. The property was worked about thirty vears ago by the Goldfield Silver Peak Company, which sank a shaft on a three-foot vein and built a ten-stamp mill. The new strike was made in a virgin section of the claims.

The Crescept group of four claims has been optioned by the Gold Wedge Mining Company. operating the Ore Monte Mine and mill. The sinking of a shaft on the main six-foot ledge is planned, to be followed by vigorous lateral developments. First operated in 1887, the Crescent is opened by several tunnels and a shallow shaft. RISING SUN MINE WILL BE OPENED Property For Years Was Important Colfax Area Producer COLFAX (Placer March 31.

New York operators of the historic Rising Sun Mine near Colfax have sent word here that the mine will be reopened as soon as details can be arranged. The Rising Sun, for many years one of the outstanding producers of the district, has a production record of over $2,000,000. The property was worked by John and Edward Coleman from 1877 until the late 80's. Nearly all of the underground development on the property was done at that time. The mine was later reopened by E.

C. Klinker in 1920 and operations car. ried on until in 1929. During that period a drain tunnel was driven from point thirty feet above the sixth level, and about 1,000 feet of development done on the vein. The property has been idle since.

The Rising Sun property consists of 477 acres of patented land on which three shafts have been sunk. Lateral development totalin 51.00 feet has been lone (n nine levels. Exposure in underground development are said to warrant extensive further developments and, due to small amount of development on the property to date, expectations are that the old mine will remain in active production for many ars. now NUGGETS OROVILLE: Test Holes Are Drilled -Bert Kumle of Cherokee, in charge of the test drilling operations on the bank of the Feather River for C. W.

Hall of Portland, has started work on the second hole about 300 feet south of the mirst. The tests are being made to determine the gold content in the gravel with the possibility that the entire river bed at Oroville will be dredged. George Arrowsmith, an Oroville dredge opcrator. recently completed negotiations with the city council whereby certain agreements are set forth under which the dredge company will operate. ALLEGHANY: Pump Is In- stalled--George Halleck, superintendent of the Sixteen to One Extension Mine near here, has completed the installation of a large pump to handle the excessive water recently contacted in the working levels.

NORTH SAN JUAN: Mine Is Opened--Ten men are employed at the Clerkin Gravel Mine near French Corral. The mine recently was opened for the 1936 season. Survey Is Being Made old Bald Mountain Mine. of the oldest drift properties in Sierra Coupnty, is being surveved by Ross Taylor, mining engineer. The mine is 0 said to have produced more than $4,000,000.

It is planned by the Nevada Monarch Corporation, which has control of the site, to drift to quartz which is known to have been cut by an old tunnel. ORE IS DEVELOPED ON SITE NEAR JAMESTOWN SONORA (Tuolumne March development of profitable ore is proceeding vigorously on the 100-foot workings of the Heslep Mine near Jamestown, where stoping on a massive vein is exposing a substantial tonnage. The ledge ranges from twelve to eighteen feet wide. with values averaging $8 to $10 a ton. The mill is reported crushing about fifty tons daily.

Another large vein has been opened beyond the present productive workings, and the outlook is said to be favorable for steady operations. VALLEJO: Club Elects Officers. Arch C. Trevey was named president of the Vallejo Shrine Club at the annual election meeting held here. Lewis Morrill was elected vice president, with Herman L.

Freudenberg as treasurer. Thieves In Yolo Steal Marble Statue Of Angel WOODLAND (Yolo March -Tombstone burglars invaded at Main and West Streets the C. L. Pugh Monument Worker night and carried away a piece of statuary- the figure of an angelweighing 200 pounds, valued at p- proximately $125. Pugh reported the matter to the officers to-day after he had discovered tracks of a truck on his premises.

He found the marble statue had been removed from a stone pedestal in the yard. The investigation revealed the prowlers had made an effort to Police Judge And Wife Escape Hurts In Auto Accident ROSEVILLE (Placer March Judge and Mrs. Don L. Bass escaped without a scratch yesterday when their automobile overturned on wet pavement north of Arbuckle. Judge and Mrs.

Bass were en route to Willows during a heavy rain. The into a skid and machine stopped on its top against a telephone pole. The occupants crawled out. The car was righted and they drove on to Willows and later returned he e. Scratches on the DON L.

BASS. body car of the and a bent fender are the only evidences it had been in an accident. BROTHER IS DEAD IN NOVITIATE AT NAPA NAPA (Napa March A requiem mass was said at the Mont La Salle Novitiate west of here this morning for Brother Dionysius, member of the Christian Brothers Order, who died Saturday in a local hospital after a long illness. Burial will be made in the cemetery at the novitiate. CARMICHAEL (Sacramento March Sol Kitchen entertained a group of friends recently at a luncheon.

Among those who attended are: Mesdames George Tyler, A. Hager, R. Fitzpatric, H. J. McCracken, E.

Dixson and Mary Sullivan of Carmichael. Yuba City Will Celebrate Street Widening Plumas Street as a main artery of through traffic next Saturday. The street has been widened from sixty-six to elghty-six feet, necessitating the setting back of March 31, 1936 1 Lea OLD MINES ARE BEING WORKED Operations Have Been Resumed At Several Producers Of Years Ago MANHATTAN March 31-Several old producers of the Manhttan district again are claiming consideration, with lessees operating the Amalgamated, Jumping Jack, Seylor-Humphrey, Tip Top and other mines which yielded rich ore about thirty years ago. The discovery of a ledge of rich ore by Charles near his home in lower Main Street is claiming nuch interest, and the strike is expected develop into a valuable Jacob Anderso. and Charles West are building a five-stamp mill to treat ore from the Jumping Jack, where a good tonnage of profitable quartz has been blocked out.

The Kirby lease on the SeylorHumphrey has uncovered a rich showing, and Jack Lashley and Carl Sprague have placed a gasoline hoist and other machinery on Tip Top claims, they hold under lease. Good Ore Is Reported. The Manhattan Consolidated mill is running steadily on good ore from the Consolidated, Amalgamated and Gold Metals Mines. Lessees in the Amalgamated are mining new ground with favorable results, and operations are being increased the Gold Metals of Company. continuaThe development tions of important veins in the Virden and other properties controled by the Reliance Mining Company is reported proceeding satisfactorily.

The mill a substantial tonnage, and exploration of new territory is being pressed. ATTORNEY DIES FROM INJURIES Fred C. Peterson, an Oakland attornev. formerly widely known in Grass Valley. died to-dav in the Sacramento County Hospital from injuries suffered vesterdav when his car and another machine collided head near Del Paso Park.

Mr. Mrs. James Perkins of Roseville. occupants of the other car. escaped with cuts and bruises.

Peterson's wife. Barbara, told Coroner Jack Garibaldi that her husband was en route to Auburn at the time of the accident. He was to appear in a case there. Perking told the authorities that Peterson's car skidded on the wet pavement and swerved against his machine. Peterson formerly was a law nartner of John Hennessy in Grass Valley.

In 1917 he moved to Oakland. Besides his wife. Peterson leaves a daughter, Elizabeth Josephine Peterson, a son. Robert Clayton Peterson and his mother. Elizabeth Burns Peterson of Oakland.

Funeral Is Arranged. He was a member of the Oakland Rotary Club, the Otkland Scottish Rite, the Brooklyn Lodge of Masons. the California State Bar Association, and the American Bar Association. Peterson's body will be taken to Oakland to-night for funeral services and the burial. thine Clark.

Booth Yardley Funeral Home of Sacramento took charge of the Arrangements. Contracts Are Let For Mill In Mono BRIDGEPORT (Mono torch 31. The Roseklip A Mines Company has awarded contracts for the construction of a 250-ton mill on the Standard Consolidated Mine at Bodie, with the building of the plant to start early in April. A gyratory crusher, ball mills and classifiers will be installed to the ore. treat.

huge dump is estimated to contain about 400,000 tons of mercial ore. The company is completing arrangements for extensive underground work, with indications reported promising for the development of substantial reserves of mill ore. The Standard Consolidated was a noted producer of gold and silver when Bodie ranked among the leading mining camps of California. Cold Snap Is Aid To Asparagus Men STOCKTON, March E. Mahoney, agricultural commissioner, reported the delta region's March harvest of asparagus has been the most profitable in years.

Although shipments were reduced last week by freezing weather, shipments av much higher than last year. Before the cold snap shipments were running about seventy carloads a day. Movement dropped to around fifteen cars for a time after the cold wave. Prices ranged from 6 to 9 cents a pound to growers. The lifted prices to around 8 cents.

Last year the average price on shipments was around cents a pound. Glenn Physician Is Wreck Victim PRINCETON (Colusa March W. W. Gatliff of Butte City, who celebrated his eightieth birthday last March 15th, was badly shaken up and slightly injured in the heavy rains of last evening when automobile skidded on the highway near Princeton and, turned over twice. Stanley Picknell of Princeton rescued the physician from underneath badly wrecked car.

Dr. Gatliff's most serious injury is a badly sprained wrist. He was returning from a professional call when the accident happened. MRS. EVA A.

WRIGHT OF DIXON IS DEAD DIXON (Solano March 31. Eva A. Wright. wife of Daniel Wright. 76, died in her home here yesterday.

The deceased was native of Wisconsin. She had resided in the Dixon section for many The funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon in the family home. Interment will be In the Dixon Cemetery. The Carpenter Funeral Home is in charge. Mine Output Will Be Increased With Boulder Dam Power PIOCHE March new 100-ton mill has been placed in operation by the Pioche Mines Consolidated, and shipments of concentrates have been started.

The corporation plans to increase the capacity of the plant to 1,000 tons when the Boulder Dam power is available. development of the group of roThe, silver properties is progressing vigorously. with a substantial tonnage of profitable ore reported in sight. Crosscutting from the Wide Awaks workings has opened the Daly East gold ledge on the 300-foot level. disclosing good values.

Exploration of inviting territory continues. NOTED MINE IS TO BE REOPENED Old Silver Producer In Mina Area Formerly Was Worked Extensively MINA March reopening of an old silver mine in the Columbus district, twenty miles southwest of Mina, has been undertaken, by Ginnochio, Thomas Nevada Bradshaw operators. The property was worked extensively in the early years of the state by L. R. Bradley, governor of Nevada, from 1871 to 1878, after, rich ore had been extracted Mexican miners.

A twenty-inch oreshoot sampling $20 a ton is reported exposed, with rich seams showing and about 500 tons of $16 ore on the dump. The property formerly was worked to a depth of 300 feet. Company Plans Mill At Mine Near Fallon FALLON March building of a twenty-ton mill at Mountain Wells in the Silver Range, northeast of Fallon, is planned by Jesse Connell and California associates. owners of the Connell group of gold claims. The -foot ledge is show values ranging from $7 to $10 a tone the tunnel is surface.

to be completed to the ore body and work carried on to determine the values at depth. Development of the ground has been going on along limited lines for several vears. OPERATORS NEAR GOLD HILL SHIP ORE DAILY VIRGINIA CITY March ore is being shipped from the old Justice Mine below Gold Hill, worked under a lease from the the Dayton Consolidated Mines Comstock Keystone Company de by Company. About thirty-five tons is sent daily to the Dayton mill. and ore developments are said to be proceeding favorablyy.

The option held on the control of the Consolidated Virginia Mining Company by the Raskob interests of New York may be surrendered soon. Underground work has been stopped, but stripping of the Ophir croppings with a power shovel continues. The price of the Consolidated Virginia shares has slumped from 23 to a low of 8 cents on the San Francisco Mining Exchange. DRY WASHER IS SET UP IN PLACERITO SECTION LOVELOCK March The Desert Mining Company. controlled by Seattle.

people, has installed a large dry washer on its placer holdings in the Placerito district. Equipped with screens, riffles and other goldsaving devices, the machine is designed to handle 400 cubic vards of material daily. It is powered by a gasoline engine. Placer mining is increasing in the Rabbit Hole. Placerito, Sawtooh and other districts near Lovelock.

Several California operators are placing dry washers on promising gold deposits and numerous leases are active. MEXICANS. FILIPINOS SPURN MONTANA WORK ROSEVILLE (Placer March 31. -Don Bass, manager of the local office of the National Reemployment Service, has not had one reply to his appeal for 2,200 Mexican or Filipino families to accept employment in the sugar beet fields at Billings, Mont. The work was scheduled to begin to-morrow.

It will last four months with employment for all members of the family and transportation and subsistence en route to be furnished free. CARMICHAEL The citizens of Yuba City, aided and abetted by visitors from the various sections of the Sutter-Yuba area, will celebrate the completion of the widening of Accuracy In Recovering Flour Gold Is Studied Authorities Say Potential Value Of $1,000,000,000 Remains In Placer County By IRVING CAMP Precious yellow dust provided the support for thousands and brought vast wealth to Placer County since the California Gold Rush days, yet it is known millions of dollars' worth of flour gold has gone to waste in the placer districts of that county due to inefficient recovery methods. Placer, meaning surface mining in Spanish, was the name applied recently reported 15,000 tons to the county when it was organ- of lime was quarried in 1935, an inized in 1851 from portions of Sut- crease of 38 per cent over the same ter and Yuba Counties. Since then period in 1934. has become one of the greatest Dredging Is placer mining areas the state, Extensive dredging operations having produced approximately are in progress in the Roseville, $100,000,000 from surface era- Rocklin, Loomis, Lincoln and other tions alone.

districts in the county. NegotiaEfficiency Is Sought. tions now are under way for other In the wake of the mining re- dredging rights. vival in the state, operators have Mining authorities, on the basis in motion to of a survey made of the large gravput a move step up el deposits and ancient channel the efficiency in placering. Engibeds in Placer, estimate there reneers are designing recovery methods the waste which they hope the will decrease value of more than $1,000,000,000.

mains a potential gold production from approximate existing figure of 40 per cent to A group of early-day noticed miners in from Pennsylvania iron less than 10 per cent. With the elimination of waste, boulders on the bars of the lower combined with the proposed debris American River near Clipper Gap. In 1869, an organization known as dams for hydraulic operations, the Mountain Placer County is expected to exIron Company was formed to develop iron mine. perience a new boom period. It remained undeveloped a until 1880 Quartz Mining Increases.

when a smelting works was built The county, which is located in at what was called Hotaling, but about same latitude as South- operations did not last long. Some ern Italy with an elevation begin- of the buildings still remain standning at fifty feet above sea level ing. and rising to almost 10,000 feet at Towns Are Listed. the summit of the Sierra-Nevada, Auburn, the principal city and also is in the midst of perhaps the county seat, always has been a most extensive quartz mining eras key point for the distribution of in her history. supplies to some of the mining The first gold discovered in the fields, county was in Auburn Ravine by Some of the towns in the county Claude (Chane) Chana, who fol- which founded by miners are were lowed his French countryman, as follows: Theodore Sicard, to the section.

Ophir First known as Spanish The latter established the first set- Corral. The town was a lively tlement in the county in 1844. The mining camp in 1852, and still is signatures of buildings erected -y one principal quartz sites in Sicard and the orchard he grew the county. on a site on the south bank of the Newcastle At the head of SeBear River have been erased. Part cret.

Ravine where placering was of the area included in the Sicard carried on in the 50's, 60's and 70's. land grant, now is in Yuba County Penryn-(Penhryn, after its patin the vicinity of Wheatland. ronym in Wales) was settled in Sixty Varieties Of Minerals. 1860. There are many old quarry Following the discovery of gold, pits in that area, more than sixty varieties of min- Loomis -The successor to Pino erals have been exposed in the in Secret Ravine.

county. While gold is the 1 rincipal Gold Run Twenty-nine miles metal there are rich deposits of northeast of Auburn where hycopper, chrome, limestone, granite. draulic miners took out more than pottery clay clays beds and in mineral Lincoln water. dis- $15.000.000 in gold. Dutch Flat -Near Gold Run.

Still trict are among the finest and larg- a quaint town lying in a valley est in the United States. The an- cradle. nual output of the product is in Colfax-Named after the runexcess of 120,000 tons. ning mate of Ulysses S. Grant, Granite Is High Quality.

Schuyler Colfax. Located near site The granite quarried in the where Illinoistown, once a lively Rocklin section is of a superior mining camp, was situated, quality. Considerable granite from Iowa Hill- Flourished in the 60's that area went into the construc- and 70's. tion of the Capitol building and Hill-Still is a mining and other large structures. lumbering Charles Kemper, manager of the -In the heart of a placer Auburn Chemical Lime Company, and dredge mining district.

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DIVORCES, DEATHS IN SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA BIRTHS. CRAMER- Etna, Siskiyou County, March 22, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorden Cramer, a son. MeDANIEL 29, -In Vallejo, Mr.

Solano County, March 1936, to and Mrs. McDaniel, sone FARNHAM-In Sacramento, March 25, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Farnham, nee Agnes Baker of Marysville, a daughter. MARRIAGE DECLARATIONS.

DUNTON-TALLMAN-In Auburn, Placer County, March 30, 1936, by Donald Dunton, 24, and Almyra Tailman, 28, both of Loomis. Placer County. HUNTER-JONES In Oroville, Butte County, March 30, 1936, by Alston E. Hunter, 24, and Mary Ellen Jones, 19, both of Los Angeles. HUSA-BLACK-In Oroville, Butte County, March 30, 1936, by Emil Husa, 33.

and Roberta Virginia Black, 17, both of Chico, Butte County. MARRIAGE LICENSES. FORSYTH-WARNER-In In Medford, March 29, 1936, to Norton A. Forsyth, 27, of Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, and Margaret Nye Warner, 21, of Medford. GRACEY-VIERS In Medford, March 25, 1936, to James W.

Gracey, 24, of Livingston, Merced County, and Geneva J. Viers, 23, of Ashland, Ore. HAMILTON-MAY-In Reno March 28, 1936, to George A. Hamilton, 33, and Elva May, 18, both of Tracy. In Reno, March 28.

1936. to Justin H. Hansen. 22, and Alva B. Murphy, 18, both of Marysvilie.

KING-BADGER-In Reno. March 28, 1936. to George M. King, 26, and Virginia Badger, 23, both of Courtland, Calif. LOBDELL-HAMILTON-In Reno, March 28, 1936, to Robert G.

Lobdell. 21. Marysville, and Wilma F. Hamilton, 19, Chico. Reno, March 30.

1936. to John Marsi, 38, Pittsburg, and Marie Arrabit, 32, Richmond, Calif. I ROGERS-JOHNSON In Reno, March 28. 1936, to Kenneth Rogers, 26, Lincoln, and Vivian Johnson, 20, Roseville. SCHOLFIELD-THOMAS In 1936, Marysville, Yuba County, March 28, to Myron Scholfield, 19, and Clara Thomas, 19, both of Marysville.

-In Medford, March 28, Lee, 1936, 21, to both Carl Sholars, McCloud. 23, and Novel of Siskiyou County, Calif. SINGLETON Reno, March 30, 1936 to Walter T. Singleton. 23.

and Inez Moretti, 19, both of Petaluma. Calif. SNELLING- MILLER to In Reno, 30. Louis C. Snelling, 24, and Avis Miller, 18, both of Place erville, Calif.

WEBB-HANSEN In Medford, March 25, 1936, to Wayne Webb. 22, and Marian Hansen, 20, both of Clear Creek, Siskiyou County, Calif. WEBBER-PHILLIPS-In -In Medford, March 29, 1936, to Webber, 36, of Redding, Shasta County, and Irene T. Phillips, 27, of Hornbrook, Siskiyou County, Calif. WEBSTER-SMOTHERMAN In Reno, March 30, 1936, to Fred Webster, 35.

and Freeda Smotherman, 32, both of Red Bluff, Calif. ZIMMERMAN-SWEENEY In Nevada City, March 28, 1936. to Alfred A. Zimmerman of Grass Valley, Nevada tv. and Thelma Sweeney of Portland.

Ore MARRIAGES. BUTTS-MARTIN-In Reno, March 27, 1936. by Judge Thomas Moran, Henry Delbert Butts, 23, of Placerville, and Blanche Martin, Georgetown, El Dorado County. CLARK-BARHAM-In Redding, Shasta County, March 30, 1936, William Clark, 48, and Edith Belle Barham, 48, both of Dunsmuir, Siskiyou County. DeBERRY-DUDLER In Medford, March 20, 1936, by Rev.

William R. Baird, Clifford Allison DeBerry, 32, of Grass Valley, Nevada County, and Loretta Alice Dudler. 28, of Auburn, Placer County, Calif. FORSYTH-WARNER-In Medford, March 29, 1936, by Rev. E.

8. Bart1am, Norton A. Forsyth, 27, of Santa Rosa. Sonoma County, and MarRaret Warner of Medford. THOMAS-VAUGHN-In -In Medford.

March 20, 1936. by Judge W. R. Coleman. Stanley Thomas of Wen verville, and Maxine Vaughn of Hayfork, Ity County.

Callf. DIVORCES. BEAT--In Oroville, Butte County. March E. 30 Beal 1936.

Laudyselle Orville: Beal against de- H. of interlocutory cree granted; ground, extreme cruelty. Oroville, Butte County, March 1936, Lavina Howard against decree granted: ground, extreme Charles Howard of Chico: Interlocutory INKS In Oroville, Butte County, March 30. 1930, Myrtle Helena LAVA CAP MINES ADDS WORKERS Station Is Being Cut And Cone Cusher Installed At Central CITY (Nevada -The Lava Cap Gold Mining Company, which operates the Banner and Central Mines near here, has increased the number of men employed to 210, and production now reaches 225 tons per day. Work being down now includes the cutting of a station on the ninth level and the installations of a cone crusher at the Central Mine.

Production has been increased at the Banner to 500 tons per week The outlook for the Lava Cap Mines is considered good by 0. E. Schiffner, superintendent. During the last year employment has been boosted at the mines more than 100 men. TAILINGS DAM IS COMPLETED GRASS VALLEY (Nevada March The Idaho Maryland Mines Company has completed its wing dam for impounding additional tailings of the cyanide mill souths Wolf Creek, providing substantial addition to storage capacity.

In addition, the company has been surveying its recentlyacquired Hanson property with a view to construction of a new anide plant, calculated to double the milling capacity. Thomas Holdings Will Be Worked VALLEY (Nevada Co.1 -J. W. Turner, who with Louis ne controls the old Rube Thomas tract here, says the showings of lessees have been encouraging and a company probably will be formed to develop the old property. Some fifteen groups of lessees have been opening test holes, results indicating they may have hit continuations of pay dirt streaks of nearby properties.

Barbara Peekham Heads Conference Miss Frances Gielow of Durham. Members of the Gridley chapter will be conference hostesses next year. ATTACHMENT IS SERVED NEVADA CITY (Nevada March attachment, the second in ten days, has been served on the Republic Gold Mining Company Empress Mine in the Newton district. The Diamond Match Company is the plaintiff, owes claiming the mining company it $1,512. Ten days ago an attachment on behalf of the Alpha Hardware Company was served at mine, which recently halted operations due to caving of the shaft.

Approximately 100 men had been CHICO Butte March Miss Barbara Peekham of Gridley was elected president of the Older Girls Conference, which was held at Richardson Springs over the weekend. The affair, an aunual event, was attended by over 400 delegates, representing chapters from all parts of Superior California. Miss Peekham succeeds Miss Bethel Brown of Woodland. Other officers elected are Rose Mary Ames of Durham, vice president, and Ruth Curnow of Nevada City, secretary. The directors of the student di cussion groups were: Mrs.

J. Evans of Woodland; Henri etta Toothacker of Woodland; Miss Beryl Frye of Oroville; Miss Bethel Brown of Woodland; Miss Mar garet Heaten of San Francisco: Mrs. Caroline Babb of Corning; Mrs. Nicholas and Miss Lena Yank of Sutter; Miss Hattie Turner and MINING. DIRECTORY Mining and Metallurgical gineers Examinations Reports Technical Manage ment-Mining MachineryPower Plants.

ISHAM ISHAM GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS MINE EXAMINATIONS Electrical methods of locating depth and extent of mineral deposits, gravel channel and bedrock contours. 230 Redwood North Sacramento, Californis MINE HELP smiths. Miners, Millwrights, Timbermen, Hoistmen, BlackCooks and Kitchen Help quickly supplied. also Engineers, A A EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Reliable, Dependable Service Phone or Wire at Our Expense. 926 2nd St.

Est. Sacramento 20 Yrs. M. 1307 I FOR HYDRAULIC MINES Sacramento Pipe Works 116 N. 16th Sacramento Main 204 ASSAYING MIll, Cyanide Flotation Tests, Reports and Examinations GOLD BOUGHT Amalgam.

Precipitates, Base Ore and Bullion Refined Techow Laboratory Main 4210 Grubstake Wanted to develop and mine rich virgin gravel. No machinery needed. Box W3010-40, Care of Bes PLO James Gilbert Inks of Oroville: suit filed: ground, extreme cruelty. LIVOTI In Auburn. Placer County, March ch 30, 1936, Anthony Livoti against Anna Livoti; final decree granted.

SMITH--In Oroville, Butte County, March 30. 1936. Pearl Smith against Porter Smith: interlocutory decree granted; ground, extreme cruelty. DEATHS. BANTA-In Calistoga, Napa County, of March 27, 1936, Erastus Banta, Columbus father Evelyn and Banta of Calistoga, Octavia Brown and Erma Scott of Oakland; a native of Missouri, aged 87 years.

Funeral Sunday in Calistoga. BENSON -Near Red Bluff, Tehama County, March 30, 1936, John A. Benson, husband of Emily Benson: a native of Sweden, aged 88 years. Funeral, in charge of the Fickert Chapel, to be announced later. Chico, Butte County, March 30, 1936, Mrs.

Mahala Brown, mother of Mrs. Viola Ruley of Chico; a native of arrangements Indiana, aged are 74 being years. made Funeral Westfall Funeral Home. DIRK--In Colusa, Colusa County, March 30, 1936, William Richard Dirk of Dirk, Delevan, and husband father of Held, Mrs. Amelia William, Rogers old, Dolly and Donald Dirk: a native of Napoleon, Ohio, aged 48 years.

Burial in the Colusa Cemetery to-morrow afternoon by J. D. McNary Son. HAWES -Near Anderson. Shasta County, March 30, 1936, Mrs.

Lillie Amelia Hawes, wife of Supervisor Jacob C. Hawes of Anderson, mother of Roy. Ray, Fred and Melvin Hawes, all near Anderson, daughter of Mrs. Orilla Grimmer-Gomes of Anderson: sister of Mrs. Annie Cutler of Redding.

Mrs. Mabel Clark of Sacramento and Amos Grimmer of Westwood: a native of Sacramento, aged 54 years. Funeral services in the McDonald Scott Chapel in Redding to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. KENEL In Broderick, Yolo County, March 30, 1936, Louis Kenel, no known relatives; a native of Switzerland, aged 70 years. W.

C. McNary of Woodland 1s making arrangements for the funeral. MALCOLM-Near Napa, Napa County, March 28, 1936, Mrs. Mattie Malcolm, wife of Alexander Malcolm, sister of Lettie McDonald of Ohio: a native of Ohio, aged 69 years. Funeral in the Treadway Chapel to-day.

-Near Redding, Shasta County, March 29, 1936, James H. McCann; a Funeral native of California, aged 78 years. services are being arranged by the Homes Undertaking Company. ELWEE- -In Yuba City, Sutter County, March 30. 1936, Grace Mandana MeElwee, infant daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. C. F. McElwee, sister of Elma Jean McElwee: a native of California. Burial to-day, following services in the Jones Funeral Home, in the Sutter City Cemetery.

PIEZZI Near Capay. Yolo County, March 28, 1936, Julius John Piezzl, husband of Mrs. Bertha Piezzi, father of Clarence, Cecil, Julia and Helen Plezzi, brother of Benjamin Piezzi and Mrs. Lucy Lafranchi of Santa Rosa: A native of Santa Roza, aged 54 years. The funeral was held in the McNary Chapel to-day.

Burial was in the Capay Cemetery, VAUGHN Tehama -In El Camino, near Red Bluff, County, March 28, 1936, Leona Catherine Vaughn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn, sister of Vonnie Jean Vaughn: a native of Missouri, aged 19 years. Funeral services held in the El Camino Community Church to-day. Burial was in the Tehama Cemetery, Near Redding.

Shasta County, March 29, 1936, Charles Webb of Kennett, brother of Mrs. Sophia Muff of St. Joseph, native of Missouri, aged 55 years. Funeral arrangements are being made by the Home Undertaking Company. -In Yuba City, Suater County, March 30, 1936, Thomas Welch, former resident of the Nicolaus section; 8 native of Ireland, aged 54 years.

The funeral services were held to-day in the Catholic Church at Nicolaus. Burial was in the Nicolaus Cemetery under the direction of the Jones Funeral Home. move another block of marble, but apparently were unable to do so because of its weight. Officers Make Probe, Undersheriff Forrest Monroe and City Traffic Officer Clarence Bailey investigated. The officers have ho, clues as to the identity of the thieves, but inasmuch as other articles of statuary and monuments were not taken, they say it may be possible practical jokers are responsible.

Pugh said the piece of statuary manufactured in Italy. It stands two and one-half feet tall. 030 business houses on both sides. The picture shows the street. with the reconstruction nearing completion, and, inset at the left, Harry Humphries, the chairman Auto Salesman Is Returned To Yuba WOODLAND March L.

Williams, who came to Woodland three weeks ago to sell automobiles, has been returned to Marysvi'le, following his arrest here Saturdav on charges of passing three fictitious checks in that city. days ago Williams wrecked then demonstration automobile he driving. He said he did 80 in order to avert striking pedestrian on the highway of the celebration committee; inset left, Walter Langdon, chairman of the parade committee. -Phote of Humphries by Earl M. alien Marrivilla,.

The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)


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