The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

THE MESSENGER, OWENSBORO, KY. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1938 PAGE TEN ROAD CONTRACT AWARDED Frankfort, April 13. (JP) MARKETS Presbyterian church. Burial was In Elmwood. Pallbearers were: James Hard-wick, John Lyddane, W.

L. Monarch. Dr. D. M.

Griffith, Dan M. Griffith, and Dr. R. E. Morrison.

Mickey Mouse Still No. 1 Star Of Disney's Production Plant Highway Commissioner Robert Humphreys today awarded to the Regenhardt Construction of Cape Girardeau, a contract to construct 7-1 miles of divided lane highway in Favett count nels "where constructive things can be done with it." Wallace blamed the weather In part for instability of farm income. He recalled the sericus drought of 1936 and the excellent weather conditions last year. "When we have differences like that, we have wide fluctuations in price," he added. The new farm bill, the secretary predicted, will result in greater farm price stability than the original agricultural adjustment act and will more nearly meet needs of both the farmer and the consumer.

Famous Singer Dies Feodor Chaliapin. Great Russian Basso, Passes Away In Paris Paris. April 12. (JP) Feodor Chaliapin, the great Russian basso, died today at the age of 64. Death resulted from kidney ailment which brought on anemia, against blood transfusion was unavailing.

The famous singer sank rapidly during the afternoon and died at 5:15 (10:15 a. C. S. T. Death came In his Paris apartment, his home In exile.

between Lexington and the Woo- Mortuary George XV. Adams George W. Adams, 93, well known former resident of Rumsey, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Nora L. Ward, 948 South New Jersey steet, Indianapolis, Monday.

Mr. Ward was born in Hopkins county, and for many years resided in Rumsey. He was a veteran of the War Between the States. He was an active member of the Methodist church. Surviving are the following children: Elmer H.

Adams, Ho-quin, Clifton Adams, Olymp-ia, George W. Adams, Castle Road, Murray M. Adams, LOST TDFAHWIEHS Secretary Wallace Blames Weather in Part for In-stability of Farm Income. lora county une on the Versailles-Lexington road. The contract pries was $533,437.30.

Lillie Anne Bickett Funeral services for Lillie Anne Bickett, four year old daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bickett, of Knottsville, who died at the city hospital at 2:30 a. Monday were held at St. William's church, Knottsville, at 9 a.

m. Tuesday, the Rev. W. B. Jarboe in charge.

Burial was in the church cemetery. $50,000 each and earn about $15,000 profit. Some day Disney hopes to put Mickey in a full-length picture like "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." "Snow White," finished last December after three years of work, is regarded by Disney as an experiment which taught him how to make a better picture next time. It is expected to earn about IMS FOOD MART A Inola, John M. Adams, May, Capt.

W. H. Adams, U. S. S.

Washington, April 12. (Secretary Wallace told congress tcday the fanner has a slim chance of regaining in the next decade the world markets he once had. He estimated the chances are 20 Double Funeral Double funeral services were held for E. W. Dotson, of Owensboro, and his eight-year-old daughter, Jo Ann Dotson, who were injured fatally In an automobile acci Maryland, San Pedro, Mrs.

Henrietta Brown, Evansville and Mrs. Nora L. Ward, Indianapolis. Burial will be in Poplar Grove dent near Urbana, 111., Saturday afternoon, were conducted at the cemetery, McLean county. "Where Owensboro Buys Its Meat" Look On Page 12 Good Housekeeping Magazine For Easter Ham Ad We Have Them 7th Triplett Wa Deliver Phona 690 First Christian church at 11 a.

m. Tuesday, the Rev. Howard S. Step Mrs. M.

S. Murdock FACIAL CREAM SEIZED Louisville, April 12. (JP) State health inspectors here and In Lexington said today they had seized 55 jars of a facial cream and banned sale of the product throughout Kentucky because medical authorities said the cream might cause cancer of the face. Mrs. Sarah Vance Dugan, head of the state bureau of foods, drugs and hotels, in reporting seizure of 23 Jars here and 30 Jars In Lexington quoted physicians as warning the product might cause "serious disorders of the reproductive henson, pastor of the church, in Funeral services for Mrs.

Lottie Murdock, 69, wife of M. S. Murdock, who died at her home near Dermot charge, assisted by the Rev. Bed CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES DECLINE 2 1-8 CENTS Chicago, April 12. VP, Hit by big liquidating sales that resulted from United States prospective bumper crops, Chicago wheat prices fell 2 1-8 cents today, but largely recovered afterward.

At the close, Chicago wheat futures were 1-2 to 7-8 under yesterday's finish, May 83 1-8 to 1-4, July 80 to 80 1-8. Corn 1-8 to 5-8 down, May 60 1-8 to 1-4, July 61 5-8 to 3-4, oats 1-2 to 5-8 eff, rye showing 1-8 to 5-8 drop, and provisions 5 to 12 cents decline. ford Turner, pastor of Settle (By PAN DE LUCE) Hollywood, April 12. y5) Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse's papa. Is like the old woman who lived in a shoe.

He has so many brain children he doesn't know what to do. While other film studios are cutting out jobs and slackening production, Disney's plant employs more than 700 workers a record number. The "help wanted" sign hangs on the door. Mickey, who made his first hit 10 years ago, is still the No. 1.

star. Disney says so. But Mickey who was almost crowded out as the Disney family, grew is making a comeback this year. As Disney sees it. Donald Duck and other upstarts have been getting the best gags.

They were a fresh stimulus and unintentionally the animators slighted Mickey. Donald now is an established star, almost as well known as the little rodent whom the Japanese call Miki Kuchl, the Spanish Miguel Raton, Germans Michael Maus and the French Michel Souris. Pluto and Goofy, the dogs, have won popularity, the grasshopper; Gus, the goose, and Donald's three duckling nephews, Huey, Dewey and Looey, are on the upswing. The three little pigs, after an absence of five years, are coming back with the big bad wolf. This time they will use a lie detector to foil the wolf, who by now has three little wolves.

Eighteen short cartoons a year is the studio schedule. One long feature a year is planned. All are in technicolor. They cost SOLEMN HOLY WEEK SERVICES The liturgical services of Holy Week will be carried out in the Conventual chapel at Mount St. Joseph Mother House.

College and Academy, by the chaplain, Rev. A. C. Zoeller, assisted by seminarians from St. Meinrad.

The solemn blessing of the Palms took place on Palm Sunday, followed by Solemn High Mass, Rev. A. C. Zoeller, celebrant, the Rev. Bernard Hartlage, deacon, and the Anthony Hig-don, sub-deacon.

The Easter holidays at Mount St. Joseph extend from today to Tuesday, April 19. Students who spend their Easter holidays at The Mount will enjoy the traditional egg hunt on the campus on Easter Sunday afternoon. In the event of unfavorable weather indoor features will be substituted. Monday, will be held at the Der Memorial Methodist church.

Mem bert J. Glenn funeral home at 2 bcrs of James L. Yates post, Ameri p. m. today, the Rev.

Ada Mc to 1 against a return, vdthin ten years, of world-wide prosperity which would absorb huge quantities of American produce. But the odds are only 5 to 1, ha faid. against that condition prevailing within the next 30 years. The secretary's statements were contained in the re-cord of a house appropriations sub-committee consideration of the 1939 agriculture department appropriation bill. Wallace told the sub-cemmittee, however, these factors might change his predictions: Mitigation of "this extraordinary International war psychology," "unusual success" of Secretary Hull's trade agreement policy and a flow of international capital into chan can Legion, served at pallbearers.

VOW ARB CORDIALLY INVITED to' Ghee in charge. Burial will be in Mr. Dotson being a member of the local post. visit our plant and see In operation the most modern bottling machinery made. See how the water Is filtered.

Rose Hill cemetery. Pallbearers will be: Honorary, Mrs. L. B. Oldham, Paul G.

Clark, J. G. Hardie, J. B. Newcom, the bottles sterilized and tilled without the touch of human hand, and then you will know why there Is no other drink so refreshing as a bottle of tea Local Laconics' Charles Unser and Mtes Gladys cold Martin; Active.

Joe Jchrson, Paul G. Clark, Ike Johnson, J. G. Har MAN FOUND DEAD Cincinnati. April 12.

(JP, Clyde Leap, 53, was found dead today, his throat slit and Police Lieut. Elmer Dawm said six blood-stained razor blades and a nearly-empty bottle of poison were found nearby. die, J. B. Newcom and Charles Tapscott's for flowers.

Bake Sale Sears-Rcebuck Easter Saturday. St. Paul's Altar Society. Unser. OWENSBORO COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Incorporated 400 East Second Street Visiting Hours: I A.

M. to 12 Noons 1 P. M. to 3 P. M.

Crosley Electric Refrigerators. JIMMY KITZ TO WED Radios and Bicycles. Henry Pardon, The Gym group of the Junior ADMITS ROBBING STORE Danville, April 12. (IP) A man who was booked as Jack Leich, admitted today, authorities said, he robbed a store in Johnson City, Tenn. He was turned over to Tennessee officers after waiving extradition.

Leach was arrested here Saturday night as a suspicious person and police said they found $50 concealed on his person. i York. Anril 12. (Pi jimmy Woman's club will meet at Junior high school from 7 to 9 p. m.

Mrs. C. XV. Bransford Funeral services for Mrs. Virgie Bransford, widow of C.

W. Brans-ford, one of the best known women of Owensboro, who died in Dayton, Ohio, were conducted at 9 a. m. Tuesday at the Glenn Funeral home in Owensboro by the Rev. E.

N. Hart of the Central Have Your Prescription Filled By Kara Carpenter Owensboro'a Prescription Store Frederics At Fourth Pbone 505 i ii I ifMfinrri Ritz, only unmarried member of the three Ritz brothers, movie madcaps, and Ruth Hilliard, 21, film actress, obtained a marriage license yesterday. They plan to be wed here Thursday. CLOSING OUT SALE of Fruit Trees, Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs, at About Vz PRICE At Henry CUne's, 1428 W. 2nd St.


Awnings made to ordir. Venetian Blinds. Antiques. PHONE 1137 Washington, April 12. (IP) Dr.

Willis R. Gregg, chief of the weather brueau. believes the loss of life and property from floods "could be materially reduced" if congress provided more funds for forecasting "Recent great floods have demon strated the extreme necessity for DTPS mUMB WE Special Sunday Dinner Fried Chicken S0c Roast Chicken 35c Chicken and Dumplings Pork Tenderloin or Beef Tenderloin 30c SAVOY CAFE Best Place To Eat I EYES EXAMINED. LENSES GROUND. Office Closed on Thursday Afternoons.

an expansion of flood warning service on all the principal streams of the nation," he told the house appropriations committee. His testimony was made public today when the committee introduced the annual agriculture department appropriations bill. Authorized Sales and Service American Beach, Fairbanks-Morse, Eisemann, Wico and K. W. Magnetos.

COLLETT BROS. 118 St. Ann Phono 1761-J Let U. Write Your Automobile Insurance We Represent Only Strong Stock Companies. E.

M. FORD CO. Phone 802 209 W. Fourth WILSON REYNOLDS DIES Ossining, N. April 12.

Reynolds, actor and stage director for 40 years, died last night after an abdominal operation. He was 6o and a native of Louisville, Ky. "BIRD DAY" FRIDAY Frankfort, April 12. (JP) Governor Chandler designated Friday, April 15, as "Bird Day" in Kentucky and urged all citizens to join In observance of the day. ELECTRICAL AND RADIO SERVICE EDWARDS ELECTRIC SERVICE 313 W.

Third Phona 110 "If It's Electrical, We Can Repair It" TYPEWRITER Repair and Supplies WALTER HILGADIACK Phone J53 Office 321 W. 3rd ADDING Have Your New Glasses Made By LET US SHOW YOU what modern typography can do to that old letterhead of your. No extra charge. Hardin Printing Co. Good Printing Sines 1898 212 W.

Third St. Thone 218 In all Plymouth models is SEE OUR PLUMBING DISPLAY BEFORE YOU BUY FORD McCORMICK The Plumber With a Conscience 1606 Triplett Phone 205 a DR. FRANK PARDON GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST On Third Opposite Court House Closed Thursday Afternoons This great Plymouth car has a new ride that is causing a sensation in the lowest-price field. gine giving full-powered performance with economy. The new Plymouth is by DR.

PAUL J. HELD DENTIST Closed Every Thursday Afternoon 400 Frederica Phone 579 Owners report 18 to 24 miles on savings H-IIinsJTj; far the biggest of the 3 leading lowest-priced cars. NOTICE It is nearly 7inches longer on oil, tires, all upkeep. ff" Plymouth has highest re-sale value because it's "the car that stands up best." Rural Electric Subscribers let us figure with sou on your electric than one; over 10 inches motor requirements. We are in aj longer than the other! isn't EASTER position to save you money on electrical equipment.

O'boro Armature Works 1st Si St. Ann Pbone 4131 without FOR SALE Good Boxing Lumber $1.50 and $2.00 Also Some Framing. See Jack Bozarth Near R. R. Sands Swimming Pool.

FIELD'S CHESTERFIELD HAM Place Your Order NOW! TRY US FOR OUR Fried Chicken and Strawberry Shortcake Every Nite The RUDD CSHFSPE THERE'S Just oneway tofindout about today's lowest -priced car values. That Is to see and drive the big Never before could low price buy such an amazing ride. Plymouth steers faster, handles far easier. NEW RIDING COMFORT The new Plymouth has airplane-type rubber body "radio studio" sound-proofing. Tower engine mountings.

No other lowest-priced car offers all this. In a Plymouth, you are protected by an all-steel a Safety Styled interior double-action hydraulic brakes. Great engineering makes Plymouth the most economical of the leading low-priced cars. It has four-ring pistons, valve seat inserts, I Iy-poid rear axle many features that most manufacturers use only on their higher-priced lines. DRIVE THE "R0ADKING" Get the most for low price.

the new Plymouth ride today. Call your nearby Plymouth dealer for a demonstration. There's no obligation. Plymouth Div ision of Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Michigan. TUNE IN MAJOR BOWES' AMATEUR HOUR, COLUMBIA NETWORK, THURSDAYS, 9 TO 10 P.

S. T. HOUSE PAINT INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Nn-Fun Enamel (or Floors and Furniture Dries in 4 Hours. FRIEDMAN 220-222 FREDERICA 0 PAINTERS Prefer PLYMOUTH "MARQUETTE' ARC WELDERS Also ARC WELDING RODS Distributed by "Detroit delivered price," including front and rear bumpers and bumper guards, spare wheel, tire and tube, foot control forheadlight beam with indicator on instrument panel, ash-tray front and rear, sun visor, safety glass and big luggage slightly higher. Plymouth prices INCLUDE ALL FEDERAL TAXES.

State, local taxes not included. Convenient time payments. UPdDMTT PAIMT! Because they know this fine house paint spreads far, covers exceptionally well and is extremely durable. The 1 color's are clean, bright and uniform. DuPont outside white, is the whitest of whites.

Estimate's without obligation and we'll gladly recom mend a reliable painter. See us! MULLEN HAYNES CO. 5-PASSENGER SEDAN The Wright Machine Co. 5 7M MiA 0 5) ulAJ Incorporated PHONES huh Incorporated "Call Us. We Are Paint People" MAIN AT BOLIVAR Office 51 Shop 2 PHONE 1300.

The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.