Return to the Ring - Chapter 3 - Fenix_Flyt (2024)

Chapter Text

Vash’s apartment was just close enough that Nicholas could make it there by foot, with a little time management, anyway. As he approached the complex, he was surprised at how many floors there were to each building; his own only had four, but these seemed to have at least a dozen, judging by the rows of windows and balconies towering overhead. Entering the ground floor, he found an empty elevator he could use, and he pressed the button labeled with the number ten, leaning back against the smooth steel wall opposite the closing doors. Fancy place—can he even afford this? He thought to himself, ignoring the sweaty feeling in his palms as the elevator hummed beneath his feet. He approached Vash’s door, pushing his nerves down and putting on a practiced casual expression. This is it.

He knocked thrice, and there was a short pause—he was beginning to think he had the wrong apartment when a familiar voice called out from inside, “One sec!” A few more seconds, and the door unlocked with a click. It swung open to reveal Vash, standing there in a black sleeveless turtleneck and slacks with a dumb smile plastered on his face. “Hey, man! Welcome to mi casa!” Vash bowed and made a wide, sweeping gesture with a long arm, cordially inviting Nicholas inside. He tried not to stare too hard at the constellations of pale brown freckles speckling Vash’s boulder shoulders as he entered.

“Thanks for having me, Blondie,” Nicholas said, shedding his coat and sneakers by the door.

“Happy to have ya! Hope you like Chardonnay!” Vash replied, his usual spiky blonde hair relaxed and framing his face.

“Can’t wait to try it,” said Nicholas, glancing around the living room. He noted how much better-furnished Vash’s place was than his own, with a proper cushioned couch, flat-screen, and even some potted plants decorating each corner of the living room. Adorning the walls were a few framed photographs of what Nicholas assumed was family, and various floral pieces of art. On the far side of the room, there was a sliding glass door leading to a modest balcony. Vash skipped past Nicholas toward the kitchen, from where a delicious, garlicky aroma permeated the apartment. “Whatcha makin’?”

“Just a little chicken pesto rigatoni with squash and roasted tomatoes,” Vash answered nonchalantly, stirring the simmering saucepan as he spoke.

“Smells f*ckin’ amazing, Blondie.” Nicholas’s mouth was already watering.

“Why, thank you! It’s nearly done, if you wanna go ahead and take a seat at the table over there.” Vash pointed with the wooden spoon he held in his hand toward his left where there was a high square table with a dark oak finish.

“At least let me help set the table, jeez,” Nicholas groused light-heartedly, joining Vash in the kitchen. “Where do ya keep everything?”

“Right over there,” Vash said, indicating which drawer held the cutlery with a tilt of his head. As Vash plated their dishes, the brunette finished preparing the table, soon taking his seat across from the other man. Before digging in, Nicholas made a quick sign of the cross, to which Vash raised a single eyebrow. “I didn’t know you were religious. Does that even work?”

“I mean, sure, if you believe in it—so for me, maybe a quarter of the time, but I’ll definitely take the Lord’s help to ward off any food poisoning,” he teased, snickering when Vash pointed a fork antagonistically in his direction.

“Listen, buddy. You’re lucky I’m feeding you at all!”

“Of course, of course—I’m the luckiest man in the world,” he said, maybe a bit too honestly. Thankfully, Vash didn’t seem to pick up on it. Without further ado, Nicholas took a bite, his eyes rolling back dramatically. “God damn!” He exclaimed around a mouthful of pasta.

“Taking the Lord’s name in vain?” Vash asked slyly. Nicholas nearly choked from swallowing so fast.

“I need this every night for as long as I live.”

“Hah! That could be arranged, but I don’t work for free, you know!” Vash laughed aloud, the lovely sound like music to Nicholas's ears. A look of sudden realization lit up Vash’s eyes. “Oh f*ck, the Chardonnay!” He shouted, quickly scooting out of his seat and scrambling for the kitchen cabinet above his refrigerator. He returned a moment later with two tall glasses in one hand and an expensive-looking bottle in the other, gently placing them on the table. Nicholas’s eyes widened when Vash popped it open, rag ready to catch the bubbles, suddenly feeling extremely underdressed for the occasion.

“sh*t, you really went all out,” he remarked, tone a tad embarrassed. “If I’d known, I woulda worn somethin’ with a collar, at least.” Vash laughed again and shook his head, pouring them each a glass of the crisp, fizzing golden liquid.

“I’m just making good on my promise for drinks. Don’t you start moping about my choice of beverage!” Vash insisted, handing Nicholas his glass, which he took and swirled curiously, watching the stream of little bubbles float up to the surface and dissipate. “Plus, you said you had good news, right? Whatever it is, I thought it was worth celebrating,” he added, clinking his glass against the other man’s. Vash took a sip of his glass after getting comfortable in his chair.

“You may wanna hold onto your seat.”

“Consider it held,” Vash chuckled, taking another few bites of his meal.

“So, I may not have been entirely honest with you about my career.”

“You’re not a construction worker, then?”

“Well, I’ve only been one for… what, three days?” Nicholas admitted, running a hand through his own hair. “I’m actually a boxer, too.”

“I figured,” Vash stated, nonplussed, resting his cheek on his fist.

“Really? What gave it away?”

“For starters, knowing what roadwork is.”

“Well, I could’ve just been a big fan, you know,” Nicholas scoffed.

“Sure, and you knowing Milly is just a coincidence, too,” Vash added with a shrug.

“How’d you—”

“Meryl loves sharing Milly’s work stories with me. Especially those about a rugged, handsome fighter with a bruise on his cheek, who just so happened to visit the cafe the very next day.”

“Ah.” Nicholas sat there stupidly, and face-palmed. “Of course. Of course Milly would talk, knowing the family she hails from.” He thinks I’m handsome?

“So… why keep a secret like this?” Vash asked, finishing his first glass.

“Well, after my last match, I got into a fight with my manager, and he basically told me to hit the road. I didn’t wanna tell you I was a boxer if I didn’t even know whether I’d box again, yanno?”

“And so you started working construction in the meantime, that makes sense. What changed?”

“I proved to him that I’m serious about winning,” Nicholas boasted, lips curled in a smug grin. He thought back pridefully on the looks on those assholes’ faces when he wasted them.

“Well, I’ll be cheering for you, Wolfy.”

“Would you quit—Ugh, just call me Nicholas,” he nearly begged, rolling his eyes.

“Finally, a first name to go along with the other! Nice to officially meet you, Nick.” Vash put his hand out, which Nicholas took in his and shook.

“Pleasure’s all mine, Vash…?”


“Vash Saverem,” Nicholas repeated, enunciating each vowel slowly. He locked eyes with the other man as he finished his drink, taking note of the single ear piercing glittering from behind his blonde locks. After their dinner, Nicholas insisted on staying to help wash up, not wanting to be taken for some freeloader. Vash nursed a third glass, watching appreciatively as the other man rolled up his sleeves, showing off his sunkissed forearms. The blonde absentmindedly wondered how it would feel to have those powerful arms wrapped tightly around his waist, or maybe even his neck, his cheeks warming with the thought. He’d only had a few drinks, there was no reason for him to feel so… fuzzy. “Hey, Blondie,” Nicholas started, snapping Vash out of his less than appropriate train of thought.


“Mind if I join you running tomorrow? I wanna get back in the habit.” Asked Nicholas, toweling himself off before returning to sit with Vash in the seat beside him rather than across. The blonde regarded him with a playful smile, cheeks dusted pink from the alcohol.

“Sure. I’m holding you to those seven miles, though,” the blonde assured him, to which Nicholas snorted and elbowed Vash good-naturedly.

“You just try and keep up, okay?”

“Hah! You’ll be eating my dust, Wolfy!”

“Keep calling me that, and we’re gonna have a problem.”

The following week flew by, as Nicholas had his schedule packed full again, just how he liked it. Every other morning he’d go running with Vash throughout the city, pick up a coffee before heading over to work, after which he’d train with Evergreen at the gym until he passed out in his bedroom, just to do it all over again the next day. By the weekend, his body weighed like lead. The lack of time to himself made it so he didn’t have to think much about the agreement he’d made with Conrad, but he could feel himself getting more and more… pent up as time went on.

It was late Friday afternoon when Nicholas was scrolling absently on his phone, itching for a distraction as he lay in bed, restless, unable to fully relax due to the secret hidden just beneath him. Typically when he didn’t want to think about what was stressing him, thoughts of the blonde would instead occupy his mind—a neat new coping mechanism he’d picked up rather recently. He was tempted to hit up Vash, but found himself at a loss for what to say. Instead, he opted for scrolling through Vash’s social media, admiring the videos he’d posted for beginners with tips on nutrition and working out. Most were pretty tame, basic stuff, such as different stretches and workout routines to target different muscle groups, while others showed off his power punches, with Meryl’s voice piping up now and then in the background while she recorded Vash in what Wolfwood assumed was his home gym. One video in particular stood out to Nicholas, though.

In it, Vash was demonstrating various leg and back stretches, all while donning the tightest pair of black leggings Wolfwood had ever seen. They hugged his figure beautifully— sleek and shiny where they caught the light. At one point, Vash stood with his back facing the camera, his voiceover teaching the viewer about the hamstrings, when he bent at the hip, unwittingly showing off the humble curve of his ass. Nicholas couldn’t bring himself to tear his gaze away from his body, heat coiling within his abdomen at the sight. He wondered how it would feel to run his hands down those slender, strong legs; what kind of sounds he could coax out of Vash’s lips if he squeezed the flesh of his ass. He imagined the warmth of the other’s skin radiating out from under the fabric of those tights, and how it might feel if he reached an arm between his legs to cup Vash’s junk from the front, or better yet, bury his face in… Wait, what am I thinking?

Nicholas paused, glancing down past his phone to the tent he’d pitched in his boxers, biting back his embarrassment. So what if he thought Vash was fine as hell? It wasn’t illegal to look. Gnawing his lip, the brunette slid his free hand down his underwear, and began to knead at the flesh there indulgently. His thumb kept rewinding the video to the part where Vash was dragging a hand down the back of his leg, flexing and describing the different sections of muscle there as he did. This is so f*cked up, he thought to himself guiltily, wrapping his fingers around his growing shaft and stroking himself. He exhaled with relief at the pressure around his dick, his mind swimming with the thought of peeling those pants down and seeing how Vash tasted on his tongue.

“f*ck,” he huffed, his brow furrowing in concentration, pushing down his shame to focus on his pleasure. It had been much too long since he last touched himself—he needed this, and hey, it wasn’t hurting anybody. Nicholas’s hips twitched slightly as his speed increased, skipping to the following video where the blonde was discussing the back muscles, shirt off, showing off his traps and lats. Little did he know that Nicholas was fantasizing about exploring the hills and valleys of Vash’s lithe form with his mouth. His face and neck warmed considerably as the Vash in his mind’s eye began to strip for him, beckoning him to come closer and have a taste for himself.

He was almost there, his fist slapping against the base of his shaft as he picked up the pace, f*cking his fist while his imaginary Vash leisurely tugged the front of his tights down until his sweaty co*ck sprung out. The image of it bobbing sinfully before his face drove Nicholas up a f*cking wall. God, he needed to taste him, smell him, feel him. The sudden urge to take a picture of his own throbbing erection and send it to his crush came over his mind. Nicholas wanted Vash to see how he made him feel, how badly he craved him. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon…” He muttered desperately as he reached the precipice, co*ck swelling in his hand as it prepared for release. “f*ck, Vash…!”

Just then, the cheeky grin of the man in question took over the span of his phone screen, his phone buzzing repeatedly in his palm. Nicholas was a deer in the headlights. Oh, f*ck. Vash was calling. The shock of that realization caused his thumb to slip, accepting the call.

“Hey, Wolfwood! How’s it going?” His voice asked cheerfully, completely oblivious to Nicholas’s panic and ecstasy as he released repeatedly into his hand, holding his breath to keep from making any strange noises. “Hellooo? Nick?” Vash asked after a few seconds of silence. “...did the call drop?” He plummeted from his little high, the post-nut clarity hitting him like a truck when he saw the oozing spend coating his hand and wrist. Oh f*ck. Play it cool, Nick. Play it cool.

“H-Hey, can you hear me now?” Nicholas asked, feigning a poor signal.

“Oh, yeah, now I can. I was just calling to ask if you’re free tonight.”

“I’ve been busy doin’ a whole lot of nothin’, so yeah. I’m free.” He wiped his hand off on his shirt and chucked it into the hamper as he spoke, his face hot with shame. God, he could sure use a smoke right about now. “You plannin’ to kidnap me?”

“Something like that!” Vash replied, a light chuckle embellishing his words. If only he knew. “You like bowling?”

“Sure do, why?” Nicholas held the phone between his bare shoulder and cheek as he scrubbed his hands clean of his sin.

“If you’re down, I could go a couple rounds at the alley near my place,” he offered. Nicholas waved away the wicked mental image of Vash going a few ‘rounds’ with him in a dark alleyway.

“Y-Yeah, that sounds great. I’ll see you there?”

“See ya there. Bye!” Once the call was over, Nicholas began to freak out just a little. He’d really gotten carried away this time. He’s so lucky he was able to keep quiet—but he really shouldn't have been touching himself to the thought of Vash in the first place. As things are now, they’re just friends. Just friends. A bitter taste spread on Wolfwood’s tongue at the thought. But wait, if Vash invited him to go out, was this simply a friendly outing? Or a date? Ugh, he really should have clarified. Nicholas dressed himself in a clean black-and-gray striped sweater. At the very least, he could look decent for him.

The bowling alley was just a short train ride away, and he made it there just as the sun had fallen past the horizon. The colorful bowling pin-shaped neon signs cast a bright light throughout the parking lot, overtaking the endless blanket of stars overhead as Nicholas arrived. Right beneath those lights stood Vash, dressed in a crimson-red long sleeve and some black joggers, leaning casually against the side of the building. Had he been waiting for him? “Yo,” Nicholas called, giving a short wave as he came within Vash’s line of sight.

“Hey, nice to see you, man! The girls are inside getting our lane set up,” Vash told him, giving him a pat on the shoulder—a markedly friendly gesture. And the girls—he supposed it had to be Milly and Meryl. So much for a date, then. Nicholas tried not to let himself feel too disappointed as he followed Vash inside, where the others were sliding into their rented bowling shoes.

“Hi Mr. Wolfwood!” Milly called, that unmistakable grin pushing the apples of her cheeks into her eyes.

“Hey, big girl. Just Wolfwood is fine, by the way,” he replied, smiling back. “Hiya, Meryl,” he greeted the shorter woman, who was in the middle of tying her laces.

“Hey. You can get your shoes at the counter over there,” she said, pointing with a flick of her chin as her hands were presently occupied.

“Right.” Once everyone had their game shoes on, Milly and Meryl ran ahead to pick out their lane, the two men trailing not far behind. As they strode down the nostalgic, twisting designs on the carpet, Vash leaned close to Nicholas, and whispered in his ear.

“Thanks for coming along; I really didn’t feel like third-wheeling again,” Vash told him, tone slightly apologetic.

“Don’t mention it,” Wolfwood insisted, giving him a light pat on the back.

When they made it to their lane, everyone inputted their names into the computer on the podium behind the ball return, and picked out their respective bowling balls. “Who wants to drink tonight?” Nicholas asked the group, pulling out his wallet. Vash and Milly raised their hands predictably, while Meryl insisted on being the designated driver since the pair had come in her car. Using the money from his agreement, he paid for a few rounds of drinks in advance. Milly went classic with a pint of beer, while Meryl chose a virgin martini. Vash was stuck between a few choices, but ultimately settled on a Mai Tai, while Nicholas went for something strong—a Long Island iced tea—thinking, if he could get smashed, he wouldn’t have to consider thinking about his degenerate behavior from earlier, especially when the object of his affection was sitting mere inches away.

They split off into teams, boys vs. girls, and were off. Milly and Meryl racked up points like crazy, as Wolfwood realized that Milly was deceptively skillful. Vash was unsurprisingly adept at this too, nailing multiple strikes and spares. It looked like their team would pull ahead, but after a few rounds of drinks, the blonde accidentally chucked his ball into the next lane over, disrupting their neighbors’ game. Having earned the other group’s scorn, Meryl begrudgingly turned on the bumper lanes for him, which he had insisted he didn’t need, but to no avail. Nicholas did pretty well for himself, but after downing three consecutive drinks, his balance wasn’t exactly all there anymore, so when he accidentally stepped onto the lane on his following turn, he most definitely slipped on the oil coating the lane, landing flat on his ass with a pained grimace. In the end, the girls won by a landslide, with Milly having earned the most points, somehow. Meryl fully utilized her bragging rights, gassing up her partner in crime.

On their way out of the bowling alley, Milly noticed an old photo booth near the exit and begged for the group to stop to take pictures so she could remember all the fun they’d had the next morning. Giggling, Milly dragged Meryl by the hand to the booth, pulling the shorter girl onto her lap. Naturally, half the photos that printed were unclear, the blurry shapes indicating Milly had attacked her girlfriend with a flurry of kisses, not that Meryl once complained.

Afterward it was Meryl and Vash’s turn together. The first two photos were fairly normal, followed by one of Vash making an absolutely ridiculous face at the last possible second, and another of Meryl tightly pinching his nose shut in retaliation while he yelped. The two stepped out, Meryl gently punching him in the arm. Vash feigned a broken arm, dramatically groaning and crying in jest.

Next came Milly excitedly dragging her new friend Nicholas by the arm, despite his limp, into the cramped booth with her. With the two of them being so bulky, it made it a bit difficult to get comfortable sitting side by side, so much to the man’s chagrin, he sat upon her lap just as Meryl had. Their photos consisted of Milly laughing and ruffling his hair and hugging him tightly as if they were siblings, with Wolfwood attempting to crawl out of her grasp not unlike an annoyed cat, until their final photo in which he relented and rested his chin atop her head as she beamed.

Milly half-tripped out of the booth, undoubtedly feeling her inebriation by now, and leaned heavily on Meryl, who somewhat struggled to stay upright under the bigger girl’s weight. Wolfwood peeked his face out of the curtains, and waved over to Vash animatedly. The blonde stumbled into the booth, correcting his trajectory just in time so as to avoid landing face-first into the other man’s lap, and took his seat beside him. Just like with Milly, due to their tall statures, Vash had to lift his legs over Nicholas’s in order to fit, then close the curtains behind him. Sharing such a tight space with his crush admittedly made it more difficult for Nicholas to keep his composure, but he did. Vash swung an arm around the other’s shoulders for the photos, accidentally bonking their heads together once with a wince. With the heat radiating from Vash’s body against him in the booth, the following photos definitely betrayed the cool demeanor he’d been masking with, making him look almost bashful beside the grinning blonde. In the final photo, Vash pulled him close, his ruddy cheeks pressing flush against Nicholas’s own, both men holding up a hand with their fingers crossed. Vash chose the groovy layout for their photo strip and added text to that last picture, which read: “Love and Peace!”

“Dat w’s so fun!” she slurred, her cheeks beet red as Meryl gently led her girlfriend by the arm out the doors toward her silver hatchback, the other two lagging just a few steps behind. Wolfwood leaned on Vash heavily as they walked, putting on a brave face and hiding the extent of the pain he was in from his fall.

“We’ll getchu next time, ladies!” Vash exclaimed, a bit louder than necessary as Nicholas limped along. He checked his watch, it was getting pretty late.

“Are you two gonna be alright getting home?” Meryl asked, helping Milly into the passenger’s seat.

“We’ll be alright,” Nicholas replied, checking his wristwatch. Though it took some intense squinting to make out what the wavy clock hands read he was able to deduce that yup, it’s gotten really late.

“Better catch that train, huh?”

“Can I crash at your place tonight?” Nicholas asked, taking a chance.

“Yeah, of course,” he answered, as if he need not even ask.

“Have a good night and get home safe, you two!” Called Meryl from the driver’s seat window seconds before Milly began blasting pop rock, whooping out the window as the pair pulled off into the night.

Smiling at her enthusiasm, both men waved after the girls, shrinking in their rearview mirror before stumbling their way toward the subway terminal nearby. Nicholas didn’t say much, not wanting to fall victim to loose lips, and simply rested his head on Vash’s shoulder as they rode the train. Vash enjoyed the comfortable silence they shared.

Once they had finally made it up into Vash’s apartment, Nicholas flopped onto his couch, chest heaving from the exertion. “Damn, I’m sore,” he complained, struggling to get comfortable.

“Want some ibuprofen?” Vash offered, hating to see Wolfwood in any kind of pain.

“Nah, I’ve got a bit of a high tolerance, not to mention the drinking. Thanks though,” he replied, turning to one side.

“How about a massage?” Vash proposed, sitting on the floor in front of him and resting his chin on the couch. Nicholas couldn’t deny that sounded good as hell, but he was in no state of mind to go about this in a matter that wouldn’t drive him insane.

“It’s okay, I’ll just sleep it off,” he insisted, curling up and facing the back of the couch.

“C’mon, it’s the least I could do after you helped me out like that.”

“Helped you out?” Nicholas questioned, turning his head to face Vash.

“You came on such short notice so I wouldn’t be lonely. C’mon, what do you say?” He offered enticingly, fluttering his long brown lashes.

“…Fine,” Nicholas finally agreed. A massage didn’t sound half bad, if he was honest. “Though, can I lay in your bed or something? This couch isn’t exactly the comfiest,” he suggested, somewhat bashfully.

“Sure. Okay, up you go.” Vash helped him up, Wolfwood limping and struggling most of the way. After some hobbling, Nicholas found himself face-down on Vash’s bed, his face buried within the plush comforter. It smelled like Vash. “Just let me know how it feels, okay?”

“‘Kay,” he replied, muffled by the thickness of the mattress. Vash crawled onto the bed and seated himself on the upper part of Wolfwood’s thick thighs, his warm, coarse hands trailing down his sides with caution.

“This okay?” He asked, ensuring where he sat wouldn’t exacerbate his pain.

“Mm-hmm.” Nicholas sighed blissfully as Vash began running his skilled hands up and down his back over his clothes, pressing into his flesh with care. Vash couldn’t believe he was finally touching Wolfwood’s body like this, like he’d been craving ever since his last visit, but he had to keep it together. They had been flirting, sure, but without confirmation of Nicholas’s true feelings, he didn’t want to go too far and scare him away. “Hold on,” Nicholas murmured, and Vash climbed off of him. “Too much friction…”

The brunette stood up for a second to strip his shirt and pants until he was just in his underwear, and lowered himself onto the mattress once again, oblivious to the heat suffusing Vash’s face at the sight of his exposed skin. Up to this point, he’d never seen Nicholas in any state of undress, so this view definitely stirred something in him. Vash reached for the bottle of lotion on his bedside table, pumping the chilly liquid onto his palm and warming it up between his hands. When he tested the waters by pressing his thumbs along the small of Wolfwood’s back, a short sound of appreciation escaped the brunette, who did his best to breathe slowly and evenly as Vash worked out the knots by his spine. “Uh, where does it hurt?” Vash asked, rubbing small, firm circles on the tightly corded muscle of Wolfwood’s spinal erectors.

“Mmn… a bit lower. Upper glutes,” he mumbled, turning his head to be heard better. Vash’s hands stuttered slightly in their movements, then moved down to the waistband of the brunette’s boxer briefs, delicately tugging it down to reveal the upper half of his rear end, trying not to stare at the little dimples indenting the flesh there. He applied moderate pressure to the area around his tailbone, earning a low, soft moan from Wolfwood, whose accumulated exhaustion from the past week began melting away. The delectable sound went straight to Vash’s lower region, which he did his best to push to the back of his mind as he continued.

Beneath him, Nicholas hadn’t yet realized that his own relaxation had been getting the better of him, a telltale firmness swelling between his legs pushing into the sheets. He let out a particularly loud groan when Vash proceeded to the middle part of his glutes. “f*ck. Yeah, right there,” he grunted, the gravellyness of his voice driving Vash insane. Through his tipsiness, Vash imagined the man below him free of those pesky undergarments, which were annoyingly in the way of his co*ck sliding between the plump, fuzzy hills of his ass. The idea caused his hips to jerk forward suddenly, his own growing erection straining within the confines of his pants. He really, really hoped Wolfwood hadn’t noticed.

However, he very much had—a deep blush blossoming across his features as he noticed how his own length throbbed between his legs in response. Thoughts from his earlier session flooded into his mind and for a moment, he wished Vash would just strip him the rest of the way and have his way with him, but he couldn’t allow himself to voice that. “H-Hey could ya get my shoulder blades next?” He asked, feeling the tension in his upper back from the insanity of the last week.

“Yeah,” Vash said, having just remembered how to breathe again. In order to reach, Vash scooted himself further up the other’s body, seating himself right where ass met thigh, the tent in his pants nudging at his crack. He gulped, leaning forward to work out the knots between Wolfwood’s scapula, his hands resting on the blades themselves and thumbs dragging up and down the tight muscle there. With every swipe of his thumbs, a delicious groan resounded from Nicholas’s chest. Vash shifted his weight so he wouldn’t be actively grinding against his ass, despite how much of a good idea it felt. He painstakingly maintained a few inches of distance between his parts and Nicholas’s ass—wait, had he parted his legs more? I must be imagining it… Vash convinced himself, his eyes brazenly tracing along the curve where Nicholas’s broad shoulders met his nape. God, he could just reach down and bite his traps right now.

“Could ya do my neck next?” Nicholas requested as if he’d read Vash’s mind, tilting his head forward into the bed until his nape was stretched taut, revealing a tattoo just below where his dark hair ended—a birds-eye view of a crow, flying upward toward his head. Despite his better judgment, Vash wordlessly scooted further up, his erection officially slotting between Nicholas’s cheeks, and began kneading the flesh of his neck and shoulders diligently. It was as Vash drove his thumbs up the sides of Wolfwood’s cervical vertebrae that he unleashed his longest, filthiest moan yet.

“Jesus,” Vash muttered incredulously to himself, repeating the motion until Nicholas was a puddle of pleasure beneath him. The brunette began to rut involuntarily against the comforter, unable to help himself any longer—it just felt too damn good. The sultry motion of his hips semi-intentionally stimulated Vash’s own clothed co*ck, causing the air to evacuate his lungs all at once. Vash couldn’t believe this was happening. He had to stop this; they were drunk, and couldn’t fully understand the implications of what they were doing… at least, that’s what he should’ve been thinking.

Instead, all of the logic and reasoning he’d been desperately grappling with this entire time had taken a swan dive out the window, and Vash brought himself down to press his chest closely to the other man’s back. Nicholas made an appreciative sound at Vash’s weight and warmth against his skin, turning his head to peek at him curiously from over his shoulder. “Can I ask you something?” The blonde asked suddenly, hiding his reddened face between Nicholas’s shoulder blades.


“Can I touch you? Please?” Vash pleaded, his tone wavering a bit out of desperation.

“Blondie, you’ve been touching me this whole time—”

“No, like…” Vash trailed off, cupping Wolfwood’s right buttock with a shaky hand and squeezing. His arousal was evident, what with the rod poking at his tailbone. There was a beat of silence, then Nicholas finally spoke, gentler this time.

“Yeah, okay. But I want to see you. Let me roll over.” Vash did just that, lifting himself off of the other man so he could turn to face him. When their eyes finally met, they shared a hungry look, like they were trying to devour each other through their gaze alone. With arms planted on either side of Nicholas’s head, Vash hovered over his body, willing himself not to jump him at that very moment. He shamelessly drank up the details of Nicholas’s features; his sideburns and the scruff along his sexy jawline; the shaggy hair splayed about his head like a dark halo; those deep brown irises which had a gravity to them, dragging him in like black holes; those full, parted lips—oh, he could feel himself falling hard. “Hiya,” Nicholas chuckled, glancing down at the space between them where their tents had become neighbors.

“Hi,” Vash said sheepishly. “Can I kiss you?” Heart pounding, Nicholas chose to answer with action, his hand pulling Vash down by the neck without warning, and catching his lips with his own.

At first it was a mess of lips and teeth as they got accustomed to each other, but soon enough Vash had invited himself into the other man’s mouth, licking into him, tasting him. Nicholas hummed into the kiss, running his large hands up the other’s shirt and feeling out the rugged planes of his abdomen and chest. His fingers brushed up against a nipple experimentally, earning him a shiver from Vash, who then slotted a leg between Nicholas’s, the pressure on his groin causing him to groan softly into his mouth. Nicholas’s heart thudded in his ribcage as heat gathered in his abdomen, grinding down against the other’s still-clothed leg. Upon that realization, he abruptly felt very naked before him—This just wouldn’t do.

It didn’t take Nicholas any effort to convince Vash to flip over so he was on top. He rucked up the dark fabric of Vash’s shirt fully, leaving behind a trail of wet kisses in his wake. Another sharp inhale came from Vash when the brunette took a single pink nipple into his mouth and played with it roughly, the hand not supporting his weight slinking downward to tug at the waistband of Vash’s sweatpants and underwear. “I wanna take these off,” he exhaled, his breath cooling the spit left on Vash’s chest, causing the rosy bud to perk up.

“Go ahead.” Vash raised his hips helpfully as Wolfwood yanked them down, somewhat clumsily in his drunkenness. His shirt soon followed, revealing the expanse of his ripped torso. Nicholas’s jaw dropped at the sight, the urge to put his mouth on every inch of the exposed, delectable skin almost overwhelming. He’d have to ask about those scars later, but now wasn’t the time for that, not with his head spinning from the alcohol and their throbbing arousals bumping into one another. Vash’s broad shoulders made his waist seem tiny in comparison, and Nicholas wanted to wrap his hands around it to gauge how it’d feel to grip them from behind.

Nicholas discarded his own remaining clothing until they were both completely naked, staring at each other. His guilty conscience completely shut off, and he hauled the other man into his lap, hooking Vash’s legs over his hips. Their mouths crashed together again, hungry for more as Vash brought his hand down to wrap around both of their co*cks. Nicholas didn’t have the brainpower available to even wonder when Vash had slathered lotion onto them, he just knew that his dick was now slick being stroked against Vash’s. The blonde’s dextrous hand firmly pumped their co*cks in unison, occasionally swiping his fingers teasingly over their glans, drawing out more of Wolfwood’s pleasured moans.

Vash all at once stopped, and began focusing his touch only on Nicholas, a finger ghosting along the raised veins of his engorged shaft. He needed to watch Nicholas unravel, now that he was finally in his arms. A sly smile spread on Vash’s face as the other man rested his head against his shoulder, panting against his neck. “C’mon…” He urged needily, hips jerking up occasionally, desperately seeking more friction.

“But you look so good like this,” Vash simpered, the hot puffs of his breath tickling the other’s ear. Nicholas groaned in mild frustration, electing to mouth ravenously at Vash’s neck, earning him a whimper. The blonde continued to tease his co*ck until it throbbed almost painfully between them, Nicholas sinking his teeth into Vash in retaliation. Nicholas sucked on the tendons of his neck, savoring the salty flavor of his sweat as he left behind a trail of deep violet bruises all the way down to his clavicle, which he found out was particularly sensitive. Vash gasped and craned his neck to allow the brunette better access, finally wrapping his hand around Nicholas’s co*ck once more.

An appreciative moan from Nicholas sent shivers down Vash’s spine, who then swiftly picked up the pace of his fist until Nicholas was desperately clutching at his bare back, muffling his cries by biting into the meat of Vash’s other shoulder. His nails scratched thin red streaks on his skin and Vash hissed, but felt his own neglected co*ck pulse yearningly from the pain. Sparks flashed behind the brunette’s eyes as the pressure in his abdomen grew unbearable. “Oh, sh-sh*t, Vash, I’m…!” Was all the warning he could give before his eyes rolled into his skull, his co*ck spurting out thick ropes of cum, painting his own chest. When he returned from his visit to heaven, Wolfwood gingerly lifted his head to meet Vash’s gaze.

“Wow,” Vash gasped, awestruck and smitten. Nicholas felt the blood rush back up to his face, his guilt rearing its ugly head once again. Of-f*cking-course he’d finished so quickly—this whole situation was too damn hot for his own good. The blonde didn’t seem to mind, however; he swiped a finger across a glob of white which sat alluringly upon Nicholas’s pectoral, brought it to his lips, and gave it a curious lick. Just as the brunette was about to reflexively apologize for the taste, Vash pressed a palm to his shoulder, and forced him back onto the mattress. Vash then loomed over him once more, significantly less nervous this time, and dragged a flat tongue up his chest, lapping up all of his cum greedily. Nicholas squirmed beneath him, wanting to turn away from the attention as a predatory look glazed over those half-lidded eyes.


“Let me f*ck your tit*,” Vash demanded darkly. It made him feel small in a way he’d never thought he’d like, that is, until now.

“Ain’t exactly got much to work wi—” Nicholas started.

“Don’t make me beg, Nick,” he interrupted, his co*ck nudging repeatedly against Nicholas’s solar plexus. The sound of his name dripping off his tongue like honey sent another bolt of electricity to his own deflated dick, breathing life back into it. This guy’s gonna be the death of me.

“Have at it then, Blondie,” he invited with a smirk. The instant he’d received permission, Vash crawled up his body and dropped the heft of his leaking co*ck upon the brunette’s sternum with a wet slap. He then reached down and grasped firmly at his pecs with both hands, eagerly fondling and squeezing them, as if he’d been waiting a lifetime to finally cop a feel. Nicholas was about to say something smart when Vash suddenly spoke.

“Flex for me,” he ordered, his shift in attitude only exciting Nicholas even further.

“Yes, sir.” He raised his arms to his head, grunted, and flexed his biceps until his veins were bulging along his shining, taut russet brown skin. Nicholas loved how Vash unabashedly ogled him with that intense, aroused look, like he was devouring him with those ocean eyes. While he was at it, Wolfwood’s lips curled into an alluring grin as he turned his head to one side, tensing the tendons in his neck to show off the definition of his collarbone, and brought his arms down slightly to push out his chest for him, flaunting his assets.

“Mm… So good,” Vash murmured, squishing those fat hairy pecs together until they nearly completely enveloped his co*ck. “f*ck. You’re so hot, Nick.”

“Tell me more,” he said cheekily, reaching around Vash to encouragingly stroke his tight obliques, while his other hand wrapped around his overstimulated co*ck again. Vash began rocking his hips back and forth, the head of his slick co*ck appearing and disappearing beneath the dip of Nicholas’s clavicle.

“Your tit*’re so f*ckin’ fat, man. Your legs… your arms, f-f*ck,” he rambled, tiny beads of sweat rolling down from under his disheveled hair. “I’ve been dr-dreaming of this all week.” The praise went straight to Nicholas’s dick, which pulsed in his grip.

“Mnn, same here. I came to one of your workout videos earlier today,” he admitted bluntly. Upon hearing this, Vash’s hips jerked forward suddenly, his tip coming up to push against the base of Nicholas’s neck. The speed of his thrusting increased rapidly, a series of utterly depraved moans tumbling from Vash’s parted lips.

Vash gasped as his rhythm staggered slightly. “Oh, my God. I’m getting close, Nick. I’m—”

“Cum for me, Vash,” he purred, matching his pace with his fist as he stared as Vash’s face contorted handsomely with pleasure.

“Oh, f*ck!” He cried out, the tension in his abdomen snapping all at once as if on command as the blonde’s arousal came to its peak. Nicholas moaned in turn as Vash’s hot seed splattered all over his face and chest, the erotic sensation hurtling him toward his third climax of the day only seconds later. Vash’s figure then slumped forward weakly, trying to catch his breath as he lay on top of Wolfwood. Both men laid there for a minute or so, enjoying the closeness. At least, until the high faded and they became increasingly aware of the sweaty stickiness coating their bodies.

Vash broke the silence first with a soft, exhausted laugh. “Wow.”

“Yeah, wow,” Nicholas echoed breathlessly with a weary smile, his one closed eye glued shut from the drying cum coating his lashes and cheekbones. Vash attempted to burn the debauched visage of the man beneath him into his mind’s eye before taking his discarded shirt and using it to gently wipe Nicholas’s face and body clean—at least, mostly clean, anyway. “Thanks,” he whispered as Vash stood to chuck the mess across the room. Vash then pulled him close, and both men instantly drifted away into sleep while nestled in each other’s arms.

They’d never felt so relaxed.

Return to the Ring - Chapter 3 - Fenix_Flyt (2024)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.