Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Almond Flour Recipe - My Natural Family (2024)

Rebecca Baron 27 Comments

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Paleo pumpkin muffins with almond flour recipe have a texture more consistent with a traditional muffin. You'll love them! Pumpkin puree is used and makes oil unnecessary.

Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Almond Flour Recipe - My Natural Family (1)

Three different Paleo flours are used to give these a texture more consistent with a traditional muffin. I used coconut palm sugar mixed with spices to give the muffins a cinnamon sugar sort of topping, though if you didn't find this to be consistent with your Paleo definition, you could just use the spices. I think it really gives it a texture it needs as well as a little sweetness.

These are sugar-free in that they don't have traditional white sugar and only use the tiniest bit of honey in the main part of the muffins and a little coconut sugar for the topping. I find that between almond flour, eggs and pumpkin these are high in protein, low in natural sugars and they don't give me the rush I sometimes get when eating too much sugar, which is a really good thing.

Baked goods can be tricky on the Paleo diet. Not only can they be difficult to get the recipe just right they can also be easy to get carried away and eat too many. Of course, what is too many for one person will vary greatly and will depend on your reason for being on the Paleo diet.

Here in Utah, it seems like Halloween is the beginning of winter. Before Halloween, we love being outside in the day. Not too hot. Not too cold. We go to corn mazes, hayrides, straw mazes, wagon rides, and all those fun Halloween activities. Then we start out trick-or-treating. We are usually the first ones to start in the neighborhood, around 6 pm, or even earlier.

My children barely eat any dinner, which isn't exactly good for eating candy. When we start out, it's nice and warm. Sometimes you don't even need a jacket, but by the time we're done, we're all freezing. So not fair. Seems like, after that, we hardly go outside for a few months. I hate it. I really need to start going out in the winter more, but we get inversion really bad here, especially in January, and it's not safe to go outside.

After a small dinner and a few pieces of candy, I hide the rest of the candy and we usually have a little treat. I tried these on the kids this year and they were a hit. They felt like they were getting dessert, but I felt like they were getting something healthy to fill them out and balance out the candy (which I probably shouldn't let them eat). For my Type I Diabetic son, he just sells me his candy and I send it to work my husband to hand out to his co-workers. Win-Win.

This is a delicious fall snack or treat. It is great for the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas season. These muffins are so good you and friends won't even notice that they are Paleo. I think it is time to make these muffins and a cup of Paleo hot cocoa and cuddle up on the couch. Hmm. Sounds fantastic!

Tips and Tricks:

  • Sometimes I like to forget the topping and instead put chocolate chips in them.
  • The tapioca starch/flour may be substituted with arrowroot flour/powder/starch.
  • These are fun to put in mini muffin cups.
  • You could totally add some chopped pecans or walnuts to the topping to give them an extra crunch.

Please let me know if you try these and what you think of them. I would love your comments below!

Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Almond Flour Recipe - My Natural Family (2)



Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Almond Flour Recipe - My Natural Family (3)

Paleo pumpkin muffins with almond flour Recipe

★★★★★5 from 10 reviews

  • Author: Rebecca Baron
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 8 1x
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Cuisine: Paleo
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These almond flour * pumpkin muffins have 3 different Paleo "flours," which makes it so you can't taste any one flour. I used coconut palm sugar * mixed with spices to give the muffins a cinnamon sugar sort of topping, though if you didn't find this to be consistent with your Paleo definition, you could just use the spices. I think it really gives it a texture it needs as well as a little sweetness.





  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease 8 wells of a muffin tin (preferablynon-stick).
  2. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the almond flour, tapioca flour, CoconutFlour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and pumpkin pie spice.
  3. In another bowl, whisk together the pumpkin puree, eggs, vanilla, and honey until smooth.
  4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and whisk in until mixture is smooth.
  5. Allow to sit for 10 minutes before baking so that the coconut flour canfully absorb the liquid.
  6. Divide the batter between the 8 greased muffin tins, using a scoop todistribute the batter so that the tops are rounded.
  7. In a small bowl, mix together the coconut palm sugar and pumpkin pie spice.
  8. Sprinkle the mixture over the tops of the muffins.
  9. Bake muffins in preheated oven for 18-21 minutes. Muffins are done when theyare firm to the touch on top.
  10. Let sit for one minute on the counter and then run a knife around the edgesof each muffin to loosen. They should loosen quite easily if you used anon-stick pan and greased it well.
  11. Let cool completely and enjoy!

Keywords: homemade, healthy, nice texture

Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Almond Flour Recipe - My Natural Family (4)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Katie M.

    The consistency is spot on 👏🏻. I used maple syrup instead but it wasn’t sweet enough for my liking. Next time I’ll add more maple syrup or a little coconut sugar.

    Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Almond Flour Recipe - My Natural Family (9)


  2. Jennifer N

    Love these muffins


  3. Laura



  4. Steve Henry

    They turned out great!

    Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Almond Flour Recipe - My Natural Family (10)


  5. Susanna

    Very good!!!


  6. Anna A.

    Made these today. I added raw walnuts and organic raisins. Big hit with the family.

    Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Almond Flour Recipe - My Natural Family (11)


  7. Suzanne Beers

    Amazing! I topped them with pecans and put raisins in the batter. I’ll make these over and over 👍

    Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Almond Flour Recipe - My Natural Family (12)


  8. Jackie

    Thank you so much for creating and sharing this recipe! I didn't have tapioca starch on hand so I used arrowroot instead and it worked great!


  9. Michelle

    I've made these a few times now. Great recipe!


  10. Auburn

    Do you think I might be able to sub the 1/4 C tapioca flour for 1/4 C almond? How much do you think that would change the texture? Thanks!


    • Rebecca

      It is worth a try. I would think it would be fine but you won't know till you just try.


  11. Katie

    Made these in mini muffin cups for a Halloween brunch and they got demolished! ! They were moist n delicious. Thank you! Will be making tonight lol.


  12. Megan

    These are seriously divine. I only had a tablespoon of honey, so had to sub the other tablespoon for maple syrup, but they still turned out amazing. I made 18 mini muffins instead in an attempt not to eat them all at once, but so far it's not working at all. I LOVE them. I've been eating them with pumpkin seed butter. I can't stop freaking out about how good they turned out!!


    • Rebecca

      Sweet! that is awesome, yeah be careful these are so good it might be hard to not eat them all at once. 🙂


  13. Christina

    These turned out great. The only thing I did different was add some pecan pieces to the top before the sugar topping. I like the extra crunch they give. Thanks for the recipe.


  14. Sammi

    I just made these for my family and we love them! It actually made 12 muffins in my silicone pan, yay! I did have to bake them 10 minutes longer, but it was worth the wait 🙂 Thanks for the great fall recipe!


  15. Kim

    I just made this and they are really dry and not very flavorful. Disappointed that I wasted these ingredients. Oh well, you live and learn..


    • Rebecca

      I am sorry these didn't turn out for you. I appreciate your comment and will take a look at the recipe


  16. Kristen

    These muffins look yummy - have to try this recipe!


  17. Amy Caroline

    These look so good. I am really looking forward to making these!


  18. Jessi

    These are gorgeous!!! Yum!!!


  19. Jessi

    Oh and I melted coconut butter and spread it on top. So good!


  20. Jessi

    Just made these again for the second time! They are so moist and delicious! Thanks for the recipe!


  21. lENA

    Never tried tapioca flour, think I'll try these and see what a difference it makes to texture and rise-ability.


    • Rebecca

      Please let me know how they turn out!


  22. chantelle @ naked cuisine

    These muffins look perfect Rebecca! Yum 🙂


  23. Sarah L

    Those look wonderful and I like all the ingredients.


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Paleo Pumpkin Muffins with Almond Flour Recipe - My Natural Family (2024)


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