Kyo Iwamoto/Synopsis (2025)

Disclaimer: the Original Characters in the story DO NOT belong to me (only Kyo does, of course) - their respective owners are: @idk.bibi_ (Ren Iwamoto), @Bucciadiratti (Balthez), @damnitscloud (Arashi Kumo) and @_zHizuiz_ (Zhi Akizuki). Contains series/manga spoilers!


  • 1 History
  • 2 Synopsis
    • 2.1 Fearsome Womb Arc
    • 2.2 Kyoto Goodwill Event arc
      • 2.2.1 Death Painting arc
    • 2.3 Shibuya Incident Arc
    • 2.4 Itadori's Extermination Arc
    • 2.5 Culling Game Arc
    • 2.6 Shinjuku Showdown Arc
  • 3 Canon divergences / "Trivia"
    • 3.1 Trivia
    • 3.2 Canon Divergences


Bold: canonical divergence
Italics - non-canonized/uncertain anecdotes

Kyo Iwamoto was born on April 15, 2003, becoming the second-born daughter of the Iwamoto family.
She and her older sister, Ren Iwamoto, are the daughters of two Second Grade sorcerers.
As soon as her technique manifested - at the age of 6 - Kyo was trained by her father in the use of her Cursed energy.
Kyo was very isolated in elementary school - mostly due to her training in the Occult Arts.
Being isolated, she didn't have many friends, except for a single class - whose name, however, she no longer remembers.

One day, while she and her friend were outside the house, Kyo saw a curse - probably second degree, with the intent to attack them. Kyo tried to push her friend away and call her parents to exorcise her, but the other refused, saying to "protect her from whatever she was seeing" unfortunately, however, the little girl fell victim to the curse - leaving Kyo alone until she was joined by her older sister¹

When Kyo entered middle school especially, she was relieved to be with her sister - who she was very close with, but was shunned by her peers due to some rumors circulating about her old friend's death.
Fortunately it never resulted in bullying - although there were sometimes vases of flowers on their school desk.

During a school trip to the city of Sendai, Kyo saw Yuji for the first time. At the time the two did not interact, but the girl found his smile "charming"

During her last year of middle school, her sister joined Tokyo Jujutsu High - and Kyo, whether through parental pressure and personal desire, decided to enroll as well.
As soon as she finished middle school, Kyo became an official student at the Institute of Occult Arts, settling into her own dormitory - admitted as the fourth first-year student.

Given the absence of one of them, Kyo only began to make friends with second year students thanks to their older sister.
She bonds with the senpai, finding herself very close to them, however - if she has to be honest - the only one she calls 'senpai' with genuine respect is Yuta Okkotsu.
One day in May, while everyone was away - Kyo finally managed to gather courage and get closer to their peers - particularly Megumi, with whom they didn't talk much but found a silent understanding.


Fearsome Womb Arc[]

When Yuji was admitted to Jujutsu High, Kyo's curious nature was immediately interested in his presence - but due to their fear, they were unable to speak to him.
But fate decided to make them meet - or rather, collide - and the girl bumped into him, managing to run away without speaking to him. A week later - despite being classmates, they still hadn't spoken; but it was Yuji who made the first move - finally talking and starting to bond; the two seemed to connect immediately.

Kyo did not take part in the Reformatory mission due to some injuries sustained in a previous mission. She only learned of her friend's death later - and was silently devastated.
Kyo's most played song at the time was Shojo Rei upon release (July 2018, ironically)
The girl began training for the Games against the sister school of Kyoto, especially with Arashi and Nobara - being the only first-year girls.

In August, Kyo seemed to have found what she felt was missing: friends. Life seemed to improve - training was no longer an imposition, but a way to let off steam and have fun; they began to bond with his peers - hanging out with Arashi and Nobara, annoying Megumi, were things she loved to do.

Yet they felt a strange emptiness; she asked Ren and Balthez to leave the school, on a rainy day, and they went to a bar - sitting near one of the windows. The girl began to explain the situation - staying silent when she finished; the two second year students looked at each other, before proposing the answer:

Could it be love?

Kyo had never thought about it, she probably was - which surprised her; she didn't even think she could try something like that. Suddenly, out of the corner of their eye, they saw some familiar hair - but they convinced themselves they were hallucinating.

Kyoto Goodwill Event arc[]

On the day of the Goodwill Event, Kyo was a little anxious - knowing the level of the opponents, they were second and third year students after all. In front of the Kyoto School (or at least, the students and staff), Kyo preferred to hide behind Megumi and next to Ren and Balthez - feeling safer. However, once Gojo arrived, the girl peeked out, intrigued by the box he had brought - and subsequently, she jumped into her sister's arms out of fear when the friend they thought was dead emerged from it.

She was the only person who - spontaneously - went to hug him.

During the battle, Kyo managed to stay away from the major fighting - but ended up getting lost, crossing paths with Miwa. The two didn't seem interested in fighting each other, so they ended up hanging out and exchanging numbers - becoming friends.

Death Painting arc[]

Kyo did not participate in the Yasohachi Bridge mission, as she was busy with another mission

Days later, Kyo was out with the rest of the firstyears (except Arashi). Initially she wanted to go to the cinema with Yuji, unaware of the movie the boy wanted to see - having discovered the movie, the girl - reluctantly - decided to join Nobara; but seeing her satisfied face, they began to smile.

When the two were stopped by Yuko - Kyo felt subjugated, getting on their defensive. At the cafe, where Yuko explained the situation - the reddish-haired girl closed herself more; which was noticed by Nobara, but remained uncommented.

Kyo felt underwater for the rest of the day, her friends' voices coming through muffled as she walked further behind the group.

In the late afternoon, when Yuko walked away from the group, Nobara asked Kyo if she was okay - and she confessed everything, remaining embarrassed. Although Nobara was disconcerted by her friend's taste in men, she still offered her support.

Shibuya Incident Arc[]

One day, during a training session with another teacher from the Jujutsu High - Zhi Akizuki - Kyo expanded their domain for the first time; which led the woman to propose the girl as First Level Inferior.

On October 31, 2018, at 8.31pm, Kyo was sent to Shibuya with Yuji, Mei Mei, and Ui Ui to the Aoyama Cemetery while Gojo sorted out the situation in Shibuya. Kyo had a bad feeling, which made them nervous.

When Mei Mei received a call about a veil appearing at Meiji-Jingumae Station, the group goes to check on the situation.

As soon as they arrive at the station, they are informed of the presence of a second veil within it - when they are informed of the transfigured humans, Kyo immediately turns to her friend, worried.
After checking the situation, Mei Mei tells the two teens that they will split into two subgroups - leaving the two alone.

The two entered the station from another entrance, and once inside they encountered a curse. The students fought against it - Kyo thought about distracting it while Yuji went on the offensive.

Eventually, they managed to knock it down and break the object it was protecting. Kyo did not go with Yuji, separating for some time, before reuniting with each other.

While Yuji, Ino and Megumi fought enemies, Kyo remained near the veil - which then crosses to go towards Shibuya Station with Yuji.

As Yuji entered the station, Kyo insists on following him, but he stops them and goes alone². Kyo arrived after the battle against Choso, finding Yuji in terrible conditions and deciding to sit next to him until help arrived.

When Nanako and Mimiko arrived - the girl stood up and tried to chase them away, but the two knocked her out.

Itadori's Extermination Arc[]

Kyo woke up a week after the Shibuya Incident, at the Institute of Occult Arts.As soon as she woke up, the girl asked about her best friend - but was told that he had already been killed by Yuta.

Megumi, however, took the girl one evening and accompanied her to where Yuji really was.The girl was relieved, and witnessed the argument between Megumi and Yuji - taking the opportunity to greet the returned senpai.

Culling Game Arc[]

Kyo did not take part in the start of the Culling Game, still recovering from the injuries he suffered in Shibuya.The girl entered the Culling Game shortly before Jujutsu High was destroyed - and joined the group of Yuji, Megumi, Hana and Takaba.

Finally, in a moment of false peace, the girl took Yuji aside - explaining everything she felt to him and, finally, confessing her feelings towards him.At first Yuji didn't seem entirely sure - scared of what might happen to her - but Kyo reassured him, and the two (finally) got together.The first kiss, however, was interrupted by Megumi - who found them in front of the door and offered his congratulations.

Unfortunately that calm didn't last long, and Kyo had to watch Sukuna's body swap from afar.Yuji and Kyo reunited with the other sorcerers, and she finally embraced Arashi, Ren and Balthez again.

Shinjuku Showdown Arc[]

On December 24, 2018, Kyo was with his teammates watching the fight between Gojo and Sukuna.

The girl held Yuji's hand the whole time, seeing him tense. By now the relationship between the two was obvious to everyone, but the battle in Shinjuku made it overshadow.

Shocked by her teacher's death, Kyo went to act as a diversion - expanding her domain a second time and doing only minimal damage to the King of Curses.Unfortunately, however, she was hit by one of Sukuna's slashes - ending up having to retreat from the battlefield in semi-critical condition.

Canon divergences / "Trivia"[]


Kyo has a high fighting spirit

During the Heian era, north of Sendai there was a small village where a young woman lived.This woman was the first captain of the village's fighters - and despite her exploits, the name did not reach the modern era.

One day, Sukuna arrived at the village with the intent of razing it to the ground and the woman - endowed with evil energy - put herself on the front line despite the teacher's warnings.

Sukuna found this interesting, and gave her the chance to make a deal: He would avoid destroying the village, but in exchange, her soul had to protect him (and future vessels) until its death. The woman agreed, and the pact gave her enormous fighting spirit - making it reside within her.

She became Sukuna's bodyguard, but was pierced in the heart by a spear — but before dying she took revenge, killing the one who threw the spear.She died, and Sukuna - instead of insulting or besmirching her - uttered a phrase, "an unworthy death for a fighter who is too great"

The fighting spirit that resided in her began to wander through several generations of women, who however did not awaken either due to the lack of Cursed Energy, or the lack of conditions (the presence of a vessel). That is until Kyo - gifted with Cursed Energy, and the presence of a vessel of Sukuna - the spirit residing within them awakened.

Canon Divergences[]

— 1: Instead of being found by her older sister Ren, Kyo is found by Satoru Gojo - who takes her in.
— 2: Kyo also follows Yuji into Shibuya Station, falling victim to Choso's Piercing Blood.

She dies in Yuji's arms, confessing her feelings and giving him her first (and last) kiss.

Kyo Iwamoto/Synopsis (2025)


What is the curse technique of Samsara? ›

Samsara is a uniquely potent curse technique, drawing inspiration from the cyclic nature of samsara. The user, a skilled jujutsu sorcerer, can shift between three distinct forms: Human, Asura, and Deva, each representing different realms of existence within the wheel of samsara.

Why is samsara painful? ›

Samsara is considered to be dukkha, suffering, and in general unsatisfactory and painful, perpetuated by desire and avidya (ignorance), and the resulting karma.

Why do people get trapped in samsara? ›

The fundamental cause of samsara is our ignorance about the actual nature of ourselves and the reality we experience.

How is the cycle of samsara broken? ›

The cycle of samsara in Buddhism is broken when we choose to follow the noble eightfold path toward nirvana. Samsara is a Pali and Sanskrit word which can be translated as wandering, flowing onward, or cyclic change.

How can a Hindu break samsara? ›

Moksha means liberation or freedom from samsara and it can only happen after a Hindu has been reborn many times. If a Hindu gains good karma from many lifetimes, they will have gained ultimate knowledge and have freed themselves from the constraints of the material world.

What is it called when you break the cycle of samsara? ›

moksha, in Indian philosophy and religion, liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara). Derived from the Sanskrit word muc (“to free”), the term moksha literally means freedom from samsara.

What is the karmic cycle of samsara? ›

Saṃsāra is referred to with terms or phrases such as transmigration/reincarnation, karmic cycle, or Punarjanman, and "cycle of aimless drifting, wandering or mundane existence". When related to the theory of karma it is the cycle of death and rebirth.


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