El Paso Herald-Post from El Paso, Texas (2024)

A-Page Twelve EL PASO HERALD-POST, Wednesday, February 5, 1975- Engagement of Miss Arzaga And Mr. Cancino Revealed Church Ceremony Is Planned Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Arzaga of 5814 Helena Court today announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lily Arzaga, to Jesus Cancino, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Rafael Lazos of 124 North Valencia place. The couple will be married at 1 p.m. on Feb. 22 in Sacred Heart Church. Father Robert Gafford will officiate at the double ring Miss Lala Armendariz will serve as maid of honor.

Bridesmaids will be the Misses Patricia bride's cousin; Gloria Arzagautha. Lazos, the bridegroom's sister; Gloria Dominguez; Martha Nunez: Maria Martinez; and Garcia. Aldass Aida Chacon and Miss Veronica Ramos will serve as flower girls and Jose Luis will be ringbearer. Chacon, Morales will be best man. Groomsmen will include George Gonzalez, Mike Arzaga; bride's brothers: Robert Lopez; Sunny Moreno; Johnny Alvarez; and Felix Resari, the bridegroom's cousin.

The bride is a graduate of Jefferson High School where she was a Silver Hostess. She is employed by Radiology and Pathology Consultants. Her other brothers are Fernando and Rudy Arzaga. The bridegroom is a graduate of Jefferson High School where he was a distributive education student. He is employed by W.

R. Weavers. His other sisters are Mrs. Terry Ramos, Mrs. Lupe Puentes, and 1 Miss Elvia Lazos.

Welcome Wagon Club Tells Plans Mrs. Gene Burgess, president of the Welcome Wagon Club of El Paso, has announced several February events. All functions are open to any new resident and to members. The members will meet at 10 a.m. on Feb.

11 in the home of Mrs. Ted Baker of 10201 Buckwood drive for a demonstration of china painting by Mrs. H. P. Talley, owner of Casa Oma.

Reservations may be made with the hostess. An informal coffee will be held at 10 a.m. on Feb. 13 at the Vista del Sol Townhomes on Lomaland drive and Trawood street in the Party Room. Mrs.

C. R. Becker, hostess, will take reservations. A dinner dance "Sweetheart Night" will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Feb.

14 in the Mississippi Showboat near Horizon Exit. Reservations may be made prior to Feb. 10 with Mrs. Ed Durand of 15804 Kinsgton avenue; Mrs. William Benner 6728 Southwind drive: or Mrs.

Jack Manning of 9100 Worth court. PTA News- CANYON HILLS The Canyon Hills School PTA will meet on learning disabilities, of children, to by Miss Bebe Lovitt at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the cafetorium. The public is invited. Miss Lovitt is consultant to the El Paso Public Schools.

Retired Persons Chapter 74, American Association of Retired Persons, will meet at 1 p.m. Thursday in Furr's Cafeteria at Sunrise Shopping Center. 0. K. Stephens, president, will preside and Larry Elliott of the Sunrise Gift Shop will show a slides presentation.

Miss Lily Arzaga Nutrition Labeling Explanation Given Football may have its Big Ten, but good nutrition has its Big Sive proteins carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and calories. And the Big Six scoreboard? new nutrition labels, of course. According to a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation, all fortified foods and all foods for which a nutrition is made must display nutrition information on the labels by July, 1975. The former deadline for nutrition labeling was January, 1975; but most food processors already are presenting this information on packages. All nutrition labels must follow this standard format: NUTRITION INFORMATION PER SERVING -Serving (or portion) size -Servings (or portions) per container -Calories -Protein -Carbohydrate -Fat -Percentage of U.S.

Recommended Daily Allowances (U.S. RDA). "In general, at least seven vitamins and minerals must be shown on the labels including: vitamin vitamin thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium and iron," says Dr. Ivy M. Calender, Vice President and Director of Nutrition for General Mills, Inc.

"Protein is listed twice, in grams and as a percentage of the U.S. RDA. Some labels will list cholesterol, fatty acid, and sodium content." This nutrition information can help you: -increase your awareness of some of the nutrients needed for good health -learn what foods supply these nutrients -Compare the nutritional value and relative cost of different foods -plan menus for the whole day which will provide many of the nutrients essential for a well balanced diet Amethyst-February Birthstone. Amethyst, always purple is the color of with diamonds and set our very extensive other colored gem rings. To Love Is Do Something majestic because its rich royalty, presented here in 14 karat gold.

From collection of birthstone and From $200 to $450. to Give. Use one of our convenient charge plans or American Express BankAmericard Master Charge Cougans. CIELO VISTA MALL 779-0111 El Paso Herald-Post 1 Women Page Edited By Marjorie Walker Erma Bombeck- At Wit's End My friend, Marilyn, and I have just lost a combined total of 27 pounds. Don't write and ask how we did it.

I'll tell you. It took us two months discipline, dedication and terminal famine. But frankly, it was worth it. We have more energy, we look better and I can't tell you what it's done for our appetites. As I was saying the other day, "I can hardly wait for hot weather so I can cross my legs.

It's something I've always wanted to do." "I KNOW," said Marilyn, "I just threw away all my pantyhose for a woman 7' 2'1 or over." "The question now is how far do we want to go with it." "What to you mean?" asked Marilyn. "Right now, we are borderline sex symbols. A few pounds could tilt us either way. Do we want truck drivers whistling at us like springer spaniels when we walk down the street? Do we? Marilyn! I'm talking to you." "I'm thinking." "Do we want to have our husbands decorate us with gowns and furs and wear us on their arms like a Timex watch? And be at table in a restaurant and have drinks sent to the table from a tall, blonde stranger at the bar? Are these questions getting too hard for you, Marilyn?" "Give me a minute," "DO WE WANT to go through life being alienated by women because we wear a size eight dress? And have their husbands surround us at parties? What kind of life would it be to wear a bathing suit without a floor -length towel? To turn in a 24-hour girdle with eight hours left on it?" "I suppose we'd have to get used to panting phone calls, door-to-door salesmen asking if our mothers were at home, and husbands crazy out of their minds with jealousy," mused Marilyn. "But most of all, Marilyn," I said, "and consider this carefully, we would never see gravy again." Marilyn shook her head slowly, "I didn't lose 25 pounds to stop living." "How many times do I have to tell you," I snarled, "that it sounds better to say we've lost a combined total of 27 pounds!" Gateway Garden Group Sets Club News Meeting Fete GOLDEN WEST The Ladies Auxiliary to Gateway Barracks 846.

Veterans of World War will meet at 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 9 at the Central YMCA. Mrs. Riley C.

Brown will preside. Mrs. M. A. Sandera and Mrs.

W. C. Bertrand will be hostesses. Members are bring sandwiches and desserts. Plans will be presented for a luncheon meeting to be held on Feb.

21. All members and visitors are invited. Fashion Tips American designers take to polished fabrics for spring and summer. Included among them glazed poplin, polished cotton and classic chino. Shoe fashions continue to range the field in heights.

For the more conservative woman the heel is upward bound but not to the point of the discomfort of the old needle heel. For her, wedges probably are reserved for pants, reports a shoe fashion survey. The more experimental young ones will try new, higher wedges, taller heels, and high instep straps. boulevard. white, navy and white.

order to attend. has gained advocates among Curemaster Family Ham SECTIONED AND FORMED NET I FULLY COOKED AND BONELESS WT. LBS. ozs. 4 to 6 DINNER SERVINGS (6 ozs.

each) Cured with water, salt, sugar, sodium tripolyphosphate. EST. Tare Wt: oz dextrose, sodium erythorbate, sodium nitrite. TO SERVE: This ham is fully cooked, may be served cold immediately. To serve hot.

remove wrapper. place in shallow pan. Add 2. Tbsp water. Place a foil tent over ham.

Bake at for 25.30 min it. per Packed by Geo. A. Hormel Co. General Office.

Austin, Minn. 55912 KEEP REFRIGERATED We left out the leftovers. Hormel's Curemaster Family Ham. It's one ham to eat in one night. But big enough for a family meal small enough without leftovers! Hormel's Curemaster Family Ham.

Small! But every bit as lean, tender and flavorful as our big ham. The one night ham. HORMEL CUREMASTER HAM on special this week at GIBSON'S GIBSON'S GIBSON'S 1166 Yarbrough and 9817 Dyer St. LIKE MILK, yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, riboflavin, and protein. Yogurt, in fact, contains all of many nutrients of milk.

Thus, yogurt can be substituted, cup for cup, for the amounts of milk that are recommended daily 2 or more cups for adults; 4 or more cups for teenagers; 3 or more for children. It is a mistake if people believe yogurt can make the whole meal. The yogurt-meal, particularly the yogurt-lunch, Joan Crawford Believes In Self-Help, Self-Esteem Famous Star Named to Board Of Goodwill By Helen Hennessy NEA Women's Editor NEW YORK (NEA) a catastrophe I take a deep breath, pin on a grin "After and get on with something else. No experience I've ever had has made me bitter or ever will. I've seen what it does to people.

Bitterness and self-pity are deadly poisons that can't be hidden. They seem to exude from the pores. -Joan Crawford (From her autobiography, "My Way Of Goodwill Industries of America, the world's largest organization to rehabilitate the handicapped, includes Joan Crawford as a member of the board of directors. Appropriate because her philosophy of life is much like that which Goodwill tries to impart to scallienand the 25,000 mentally handicapped people it employs daily in centers throughout the country and the 9,000 trained and placed in jobs with private industry. The results of the recent Good the unique problems seminar of housing the handicapped particularly interest Joan Crawford.

Experts from both governmental and private sectors flocked to Houston for the conference where topics included the urgent alert the public to the necessity of more and better housing for the handicapped. Such housing is not only physically essential but also psychological in that it encourages self-esteem and increases the chances for selfhelp on the part of the handicapped. And here's where Crawford comes in. Self-help, self-esteem plus a sizeable helping of selflessness are the Crawford credo. "My husband, Alfred Steele's, death was a crucible of personal pain for me.

Joan said. "I forced myself to take a cameo movie role because I believe in the workis-best therapy theory. "I was born working." she said, recalling her childhood Joan helping her mother in a commercial laundry and waiting on tables to put herself through school. "I was 9 years old when I started and could hardly lift the Her compassion for the less fortunate runs deep but the "work ethic" goes part and parcel with it. And that's also the reason why Goodwill was founded over 70 years ago.

Joan's role in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" was the catalyst that heightened her awareness of the problems of the wheelchair disabled. "Part of that strenuous role was learning how to get myself in and out of bed and into the wheelchair. I learned how from a young Korean air ace who was injured in a crop duster plane accident after he got safely back from the war. He taught me to hoist my body into the bed first and then lift each leg and to fall out of the wheelchair without Crawford hurting myself." The role drove home the difficulties that those not disabled might be unaware of the perils involved in doing the simplest household chores, the inaccessibility of high shelves, the navigational hazards in even single curb crossing and the psychological necessity of cheerful surroundings. "I'm rooting for the expert recommendations which came out of the Houston housing conference to be seriously considered civic leaders all over the country especially the one made by Dean Phillips, president of Goodwill.

He stressed the need for providing adequate housing for the handicapped to enable them to leave Here's her "happy motto" she'd like to pass on to all. "I never think of yesterdays. I live for today preparing for tomorrow." (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN) "The goal of nutrition labeling is to improve the nutrition of Americans by providing nutrient information on many foods in a format that can be easily compared," Dr. Celender says. "The FDA regulation is an attempt to make it easier for consumers to select food products useful in maintaining good health." So get your family in the game kick off your program of good health by using the information on the new nutrition labels.

The Age Of Acronyms Is Challenging "This is the Age of asserts Peg Bracken in her February Family Circle article. But how, she moans, could anyone possibly know all the acronyms we have now? Sure you know the easy ones -NATO, NASA, UNICEF. ASCAP and SNAFU. But what about SCRAM (Society for the Care and Rehabilitation of Alcohllic Mice). or CLOBBER (Come, Let's Outlaw Bubblegum Before Everything's Ruined).

In anticipation of acronyms in cookbooks, Ms: Bracken translates PIP, SLAM, POP (PLUR Into Pan, Stir Like A Maniac, ad Pour Over Pudding). Peg, "HAHO." (Hail Hats Off)! El Paso Rebekahs El Paso Rebekah's will hold a meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Penn Hall at 1926 Arizona avenue. Mrs. Jack Fletcher, noble grand, will preside, assisted Mrs.

Edward Butcher, vice grand. The chapter is selling license plates from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Sunday at Grant City at 9801 Gateway West A meeting of the Golden West Garden Club will be held at 12:30 p.m. Thursday in the home of Mrs. The W. go Weyman of 3352 Limerick road. Members are asked to bring covered dishes for the luncheon meeting.

C. L. Bartlema, president, will preside. Mrs. J.

N. Smith, program chairman, will introduce Mrs. Owen Powell, who will present a program on "Arid Gardening." DESERT HILLS Desert Hills Garden Club will meet at 10 a.m. Thursday in the home of Mrs. Stanley Burk of 1705 Georgia place.

A program entitled Decorations and Arrangements Using Fresh Green Materials' will be presented by Mrs. J. F. Moon, club member and life judge. Mrs.

William Barnett will preside, and members are invited to bring seedlings for a district plant sale. Harmony Chapter Harmony Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Red Room of the Masonic Lodge at 1505 Magruder street. Mrs. W.

L. Miller will be in charge of social hour and a Valentine theme will be used in decorations. Mrs. R. R.

Glenn, worthy matron, and W. H. Boutwell, worthy patron, have invited all members of the Doctor in the Kitchen Misconceptions About Yogurt Are Told By The National Dairy Council By LAURENCE M. HURSH, M.D. "During Biblical times, people in the Middle East discovered yogurt.

They found that when milk was left in a warm place, it thickened and developed a different, tart flavor. More importantly, it had better keeping qualities than fresh milk." The foregoing statement is from a new yogurt information sheet published by National Dairy Council. Since information on yogurt is not always readily available, here are some of the facts: dieters. My advice is that if you expect to obtain all of the nutrients you need daily, you should balance your meals with choices from the other food groups as well. Yogurt can represent the milk group.

But then, add some things from the meat-fish-egg group, from vegetables and fruits, and from breads and cereals. It isn't hard to do. Another misconception that nutritionists are concerned about is the mistaken notion that fruit-flavored yogurt is lower in calories. The fact simply is that 8 ounces of plain yogurt will check out at about 180 calories whereas fruit flavors may range from 204 to 250 calories. The point is, you should know what you are doing and in America especially, yogurt has become truly popular only since the fruit-flavored varieties were introduced some years ago.

ANCIENT YOGURT was made by warmth that encouraged fermentation of the bacteria naturally present in milk. Later, when boiling milk became desirable, it was learned that the boiling destroyed even the desirable bacteria in milk. So, these bacteria were returned to milk by "stirring in a portion of yogurt saved from the previous batch." Nowadays, processing is continuous, virtually automatic, and performed in rigorously sanitary conditions. Since early in this century, two species of yogurt-producing bacteria have been available as cultures from laboratories. Chapter Chapter of PEO will hold a luncheon at 12 noon Thursday in the home Mrs.

F. B. Johnson of 8929 Parkland drive. Cohostesses will be Mrs. Carl T.

Ivey and Mrs. R. H. Carpenter. Mrs.

Maurice E. Hill will present a program on San Antonio. Mrs. John P. Christensen, president, will preside.

White stages a big return for spring. Often it's in combination with color. Look for beige and white, black and Better than Blonde the shimmer-glimmer of hair with come-alive blondelights. Revion's frosty, fabulous shading that let's you be you but with a super-whammo touch of blonde. Everything you need to frost, tip or streak in one easy-do, mistake-proof kit! frust hop your 4.95 SAVE at with REGULARLY REVION Frost a REVLON Frost Glow frosting and tipping kit REGULARLY $5.50 SALE Where in the World butWalgreens.

El Paso Herald-Post from El Paso, Texas (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.