Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (2024)

Published: by Vanya Insull

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This recipe for ginger crunch is so easy. It can be made with or without the crystallised ginger on top.

Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (1)

It seems like ginger crunch is everyone's favourite slice! My version has a delicious oaty base and a thick layer of ginger icing on top. Check out the easy recipe below.

Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (2)

Here are the ingredients to make this classic Kiwi slice, it is so nice to be able to make it at home. I'm sure it won't last long though because it only last about two days in my house.

Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (3)

First of all you mix together the dry ingredients: flour, brown sugar, rolled oats, coconut and ground ginger. Then you add the melted butter and mix until it is all incorporated.

Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (4) Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (5)

After that pour the mixed base ingredients into a lined baking tray, smooth it out to the edges and bake for 15-20 minutes until it becomes a light golden colour.

Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (6)

While the base is baking it is time to make the delicious ginger icing. Melt together the butter and golden syrup in the microwave or on the stovetop and add it to the icing sugar and ginger. Stir to combine it all together and it will become thick tasty ginger icing. If you want to use the crystallised ginger then chop it in to small pieces.

Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (7) Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (8)

Pour the ginger icing over the warm base then scatter over the chopped ginger. Let it cool for about 20 minutes on the bench then transfer it to the fridge to cool completely.

Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (9)

Once it has cooled completely use a large sharp knife to chop it into pieces. Store your slice in an airtight container in the fridge or in a cool dark place.

Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (10)

If you love ginger flavoured baking, be sure to check out my super popular recipes forGingerbread Loaf, No-Bake Gingernut Sliceand myGinger Kisses Cheesecake.

Common questions about Ginger Crunch:

What size tin should I use? My slice tin is 29 x 19cm

Can I substitute the crystallised ginger for anything? Pistachio nuts or walnuts would also be delicious sprinkled on top.


Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (11)

Ginger Crunch

Yield: 24

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Cooling Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour

A crunchy, oaty base topped with delicious ginger icing and crystallised ginger.


  • 1 cup self raising flour
  • 1 Tbsp ground ginger
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup shredded coconut
  • 160g (6oz) butter, melted


  • 1½ cups icing sugar
  • 1 Tbsp ground ginger
  • 125g (4oz) butter
  • 2 Tbsp golden syrup
  • 70g (3oz) crystallised ginger, chopped (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 160°C fan bake and line a tray with baking paper.
  2. In a large bowl sift together flour, ginger and brown sugar.
  3. Add rolled oats, coconut and butter then mix together.
  4. Pour into tray and smooth out, then press with the back of a spoon.
  5. Bake for 15-20 minutes until light golden.
  6. Mix together icing sugar and ginger, melt butter and golden syrup then add to icing sugar, stir well.
  7. Pour icing onto warm base and spread out, top with crystallised ginger.
  8. Let it cool for about 20 minutes on the bench then transfer it to the fridge to cool completely.
  9. Once it has cooled completely use a large sharp knife to chop it into pieces.
  10. Store your slice in an airtight container in the fridge or in a cool dark place.


  • This slice can also be kept in an airtight container in the freezer for up to three months.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 24Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 95Total Fat: 1gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 75mgCarbohydrates: 20gFiber: 1gSugar: 12gProtein: 1g

Nutritional values are approximate. Please use your own calculations if you require a special diet.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Audrey Whyte

    Just made this and it’s absolutely delicious This recipe will definitely be one of my go to favourites. Thanks for sharing with us Vanya


    • Amy

      I just made this and it didn’t go well 🙁 when I poured the icing on, the butter rose to the top. I ended up with a yucky butter layer on top of the icing. Any tips?


      • VJ cooks

        Hi Amy, sorry to hear this. It sounds like your icing has split. To fix this you want to bring the temperature of the icing down, which you can do by putting it in the fridge. Once cooled, remove and beat well until completely combined,


  2. Michele

    Do you use the large wholegrain oats or the finer ones?


    • VJ cooks

      Hi Michele, I use the large wholegrain oats. But if you only have the finer ones to hand, they will work too.


  3. Vicki G

    Ooh. This looks delicious. I was attracted by the photo (looks yum), then even more when I saw a pic of NZ ingredients. Then imagine my surprise to find you are from Taupo, NZ! Same here! Small world.


    • VJ cooks

      Hey neighbour


  4. Manisha

    Hey this looks so yummy how can I make the base softer?


    • VJ cooks

      Hi Manisha, you could try cooking the base for less time? Or, have a look at my No Bake Gingernut Slice.


  5. Julie Fauvel

    Hi, Can you substitute the coconut with something else?


    • VJ cooks

      You could increase the rolled oats, but it won't have quite the same texture.


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Easy oaty ginger crunch - recipe by VJ cooks + step by step video (2024)


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