Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 6 (2024)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 6 (1)

Acton Free Press

May 1, 1958, Page 6

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Dunkirk Evening Observer (Newspaper) - June 22, 1959, Dunkirk-Fredonia, New YorkI i n i in i i mini the evening observer if both fan at Odata Publ he of Lojahn Hereit from observer Twenty years agcy tuft the new xray which the United states entered the in three vice associate editor Tienpin blockade situation today been introduced by a London Herbert associate editor with representations against Jap scientist and is said to eliminate Cutler advertising director anese interference with Amer much of the uncertainly of opera Artiff a Goodrich advertising manager can citizens and phone pm wow y t de president of the new York announced today that Lou Yankee cleanup time offices t i and 10 second member of new York Sute publishers association member of new York stale associated dallies member of United press International incorporated member of audit Bureau of circulation Kuipers Kew National entered at Dunkirk Post office As second clan mall subscription rates by mail on in county per year in postal tones a and per year first is suffering from Mayo trophic lateral sclerosis de scribed As a Type of infantile a that Hli baseball Ca forty Yeam ago leu Tfaye allies have outlined plans for the invasion of Germany in Case the enemy refuses to accept the peace the crisis Between the United Tallulah actress daughter of speaker William by overworked that it is in danger of collapsing from nervous pros tacit Odd postage All other tones 125 per year including scored a hit in the by Carrier 43c per single copy 7 of io1jbylst a to pred to june Day to have won a partial Victo v in the fight for continuation of he Federal theater Thomas of of the port Chester High considering the recent of Alence of tag it seems there must have been one for nearly everything except Blind Percy Carter and Samuel two Well known plumb have formed a partnership and Are now doing business in goals set by Churchill in less than one just fifteen years the allies had landed a million men and vehicles on the continent of Europe conduct a concert by his band at for the real beginning of the crusade of lib the worlds fair in new York most third City june m a family reunion was held last six weeks before Winston Churchill had of Nyht at Home of Frank told finneral Eisenhower that in Asl Schrantz in East front Street in rom Uene Iai Atic radioed the Navy h if by the coming Winter you have Stab wining and the navy1 a1 8cph fr0m listed yourself with your 36 Allied divisions v firmly on the continent and have the to pro Bourg and Brittany Peninsulas in your acc american citizens requiring i i in i will proclaim this operation to the world As one of the most successful of the in and if orm finn inn Vinsn the Akbar and Wilto Eagle Edward and Sherrill be Ana 111 you Nave band ii two of Are graduates from secured the port of be Havre and freed Beau have been engaged by the City to Amherst Tifful Paris from the hands of the i it j1 concerts during the summer and will Al fifty years August Belmont turned the first Spade of Earth on the work of constructing the Cape cod a Shady Lane How wonderful it to walk along a Shady Lane whittling or singing a ten Der old refrain beneath the awnings made by god theres a peaceful kind of Bliss and every gentle Breeze is like it Sweet enchanting kiss the Emerald Moss that dots the Way adds splendor to the scene of such a place is Paradise for there life is Serene nature in All her glory is tonic for the heart when cradled in her Loving arms Tho woes of life depart and so whenever 1 feel Blue 1 walk amid her Bowers where i find Faith and Golden Hope and truly Happy hours it is wonderful to walk along a Shady Lane try it when youre troubled Comfort will be your Washington by George Dixon Washington co my y Charles Wicks presided at Low passengers on the trolley by Reading out loud a newspaper t i i i Iii Huinh tier flu will us will assert the Victory to be the greatest of Ternate at Washl Notton and Point the Republican county convention statement that the gossip about it e t to held Here John of was named for Walter a charter modern Gratiot All and More was achieved according to the trick this summer is the Churchill Hopes and therefore this til have several grosgrain hat bands a i j v to every Clad Oak and to tailor member of Dunkirk told of Mph of american of a nth Bali and 8nop them Early history at the last meet or leadership in the this Way it is no work to ing of the Lodge held in the old f red opinion of a great statesman and every time one die greatest Victory of modern cd Tnge president Eisenhower taste in literature is vile the Artl clo that our loader docs but and even his tory the worry Thevoz Iceon by Dorothy Milf Tun Kilgallen it on her columnist today i bight Elob owner Sherman Sherman Blui Giley writes for More years than t care to admit some of the finest writing geniuses of our Day have been badgering me to write a its a refrain that begins with the late Damon Runyon and Meyer Berger and was picked up by Westbrook George Frai Dorothy Kilgalen and Cleve land somehow 1 never relished the idea of a Book about yours although we did have a swell movie shot right Here on the premises called Stork what made me see the Light had a better do it before someone else so now i carry a Pencil and pad around with me and am talking my Pri vate life away into a tape record but lets look at the Many of my scribe pals have Why not make it a spicy take a few swipes where it will do the most Good first place i have no axe to and if i did i in but that Doest say the Book wont be peppered with plenty of hot and inside celebrity so piety it will chronic Al hereto fore of Hereford incidents in my and the cast of characters who helped weave this intricate pattern will share the by George Crane two Tome Mav not read monthly enough to rate literary the not sparkle Ai brilliantly As those of my con Nea of the Walter Pas w Tor of Josephs Church of fre Montgomery or any other detractor of the win be the speaker at the military Genius of annual commencement exercises 9 m of marys Academy sunday evening when the largest class in we know How governor Tawes of Maryland recently said it is deplorable m we have pushed ahead to far in in in and have done so Little to devel the history of the school will Volvo Dunkirk won the triangular track meet with Jamestown and Dunkirk men entered were William Clark Arthur Earl de Neil and Loo the Fredonia men were Johnson and d tips George Sokolsky not limit himself to notice the Folly of such and also phrase the latter in 2 t reads High class roundabout As the Fol syllable they make a used for an address on the Weber lowing a Biu to rescind a Blu photo finish out i960 Cam for its Horatio Alger a whoops i making the coue8o lecture at dinner to sheriffs to succeed instead of waiting for Over minus the sugar coat motor inns Back stiffen with Dis we to discuss the pro themselves in office after serving Gallup and other practical pay tog i this will silence m talking the language of one Etc Etc Why not use Cho Logiste to tabulate voters the scurvy knaves who aver that the parishioner and Cus sense and abridge such reaction via polls it would be r r Start when i we our president never reads he ten asking should smarter to enlist the Aid of such Barefoot boy of six in okla thing at our recent election we voted a sheriff be allowed to succeed experts at formulating the planks homa and youngest of nine when i got to the press confer0a to fluoridated the City himself after one term yes the first place Long before any and How my biggest problem was i found Only about half Tho drinking but the question no millions of voters fail to Are take clergymen too Cache of Candy stashed usual crowd because was not presented in simple Fash cast their ballots on these Meas might follow this same principle Awa for How i pick Many of our deeper newspaper because they dont know offer an Anonymous question Plusnis raised washed arc at Whing s what is meant ii is Lenaire to parishioners regarding dishes for a mexican Chili parlor away Tho tedium pitching pennies no a vaguely worded Gnu vocabulary was simplified to the conduct of the Church serv and shoes flies off a fat Eisenhower Casein hoarse was presented som meet the Quick needs of and College professors would who ran soda factory of As if fighting a Nasty what fashion a Bill age lawyers employ often jolted out of their com i must worked hard to rescind a former Bill to do so redundancy and multiple Synodal Cenci if theod have the nerve at the tender age of h with j hmm Auvaa h j Nasty summer and soon we got to continued puzzlement i thought a on of Rhino Alan or wit i Mallan has written some War that was being fought there think he should go to a sum Ift Ulues i0r getting along one a Lull artlclc8 which at the time was a War against Mit eating because if his prognosis of i didst really feel like in a Mhz the governor misses a it soviet Russia is then eve being shot but i had been a a la Topra us Heon try inf in Grything Fiat our government is Dlo operator in the naval Reserve is True Mere Naa been great development in doing and has lono6is wrong for and i mow quite a bit about a the question we never and so Etc a suit to tyms to try to protect their Ell to let the students rate them on ing the president did or didst the tests for Good i was t j la rur and m Ana much More to to denies that soviet Russia has there was an organization be achieved stature in the Deve called the North american com of mint of missiles and rockets Muttee for technical Aid to Span we already know How to get my sflv8 that ule Lunik is Alto Ash democracy which i applied to we have been taught that for two thousand go tier a no recognized As a a from these a ventures i acquired a half interest but on election stores i but Success Date the water or dont you they should be terse and plus 20 cents for this nonprofit surely smiled Sherman Bilingsley u a gop mistakes rating it helps All teachers Pant ably be added to the National the gop improve the Brand of instruction m n k f i w7 presented to to u f removed from they offer their i ser this but meandered voters the language of the average often let my students at North around about Summit in politics american than is the democratic Western University rate me there Olson has a valid Point it talks Over the Heads of so i know it Here in tens of and you cant sell Mer mucin thousands of voters likewise were Chandise or political planks As Heads of if the Heads of j i 1 u i l u confused at our last election by less customer state told the foreign ministers several proposition stated so your sales Lingo if the vaguely that even a College pro would hire some talented even worse always write to Crane in care of this enclosing a Long four cent and gop dressed envelope and 20 cents to is cover typing and printing costs or at least that what the City slickers thought until the Appl cheeked boy from Oklahoma dug in for the Long what we this might not be True of Jin an International sense because those Mallan produces evidence that this was subsequently ll1 would happen if he voted yes to help them select their planks i to Dow ssi 2d May not have had the same be obtained his information in Abraham within six months had j l l i Chain store tycoon Rapti a Washington by Jerry Bennett Chain store tycoon Pratti As time went on my Ca reer embraced such divergent interests As real construct and a Saloon and but in Christian nations we know v say that it was ail right for Alex How to get along one with and with representative Victor an Mallynn testified that he wearied set the off fief Thor Verlins in out nation and within our communities fus who is chairman of the sub of his idealistic War and tried to decide the Fate of the but the problem is Verv Simolo Ruph Turbi Wrin committee on International o served three months As far As he was Washin upon Inea look it Terest payments will go to Bil v y Ulusc no and Security interrogated h0 served three months in didst see what Heads of state we ahead for from one to 10 years it Calls for the largest peace Hon dollars next further int hats How the Stork was spawn t get along know now to get Mallan and brought out certain could do that adequately advised us government budget for defense program history Terest rate increases would push in a Plush Hole in the Wall on that subject to have developed All the interest tons for Loyd Mallan writes As an a foreign ministers fiscal non at 453 billion link intr we to Ppd Harp in n nor adv for nmn Blance in 1937 Mallan went to Hority on Many subjects and has Over this is Spain to Servo in the Abraham taken the position of being an anti we listened because close to the 1959 record peace or 60 cent of the total 1t also Calls Puzzle even to experts the reds say they will not from their position on but they insist on a Summit the Western allies cannot afford to change View Tilv ing colloquy occurred regarding Raham Lincoln brigade was the 1959 record times like time expenditures of 81 conference broke but it is three billion Duars Over a number of my president Eisenhower requested Sut Huff thought Ike had refer77billiondollar balanced budget 00 to Alexander the they for interest payments Over the Slbil on West 58th lion Dollar there Are a number of other i was eff to a Good Start with for record Builtin budget increases which my fabulous positive that it re Cor a nothing could prevent my Long in other Wui ment spading legged Bird from occupying the Aid to now at Pinnacle i had civilian research 1 1 billion Blu Lon Duars a year is bound to most famous restaurant the world mall ans passport until May he also a11 the w to the government p r a c Tolces for water resources development go up several Hundred million has Ever National press club bar How ale strict Economy Over the next billion for other Federal Public Congress in the next three moving Mallanik visited Spain at did not know that the Abraham National press club bar How Alex strict Economy Over the next dec61 billion for other Federal nubile in the next three moving to the East Side to Lincoln brigade was on the Stander the great and Napoleon its budget is expected to Rise works 71 billion Aid to state and months arbitrarily increases 1960 was responsible for a Metamora that the Only Torney generals subversive list conferred on a raft automatically to 87 billion for Fis local governments 678 million Aid budget appropriations on such Ptosis in i decided that country you stated you desired to until that when they had escaped being con Cai to Beslic health l is to mall ans credit that he temporaries by More than or 1 the government goes in it is a big a i slated i de has slated thai he has certainly Venus their position on Benin nor to Bow to a so sired to visit i didst and deeply regretted that Hoiet the reds say that although Santo that1 desired to visit Spain joined in Spanish civil War one tile National debt will to 1 and things As Urban my clientele would be strictly car a dentine Aid depressed Aid to Edrige tade or this has 5 More Highway remained my motto for a Quarter starts on new water of a resources projects and other pub observers of the Day dubbed me if each Side has a fixed position and will in Spain not remember then he make Nocona Minni in fans m no or Mem ered on of them then he downstairs Juke no concessions there is nothing to con further regarding this recalled but the record Ler what would be the purpose of a toe following was said does not give any How ally Summit meeting or mean the Ori in these circ*mstances there is a other than which May be All that Moscow any sask a intr n n us me or but what inducement is there to the West to provide the stage for a red grand play done worry if you do not understand it we doubt very much if the represent lives at including under Jana what Russia is up and it May be to his when a fellow tottered completing its first passes on the a enc debt Cei inf of 2k Tulinn will be not president Eisen bar area was first seen at the stairs from the press club last of the dozen appropriation s june 30 1960 with a bal Howers Stork Ash trans with the club8 Bills for the fiscal year beginning Knoph Hurt Elf next a per Tho Poji budget director stans calculates name scrawled on the Side made july there is an indicated total Ine could to Reluct that before con them into valuable m Page 7 announced dramatics transportation to Spain like Viust have read a history Cut of about one billion dollars n take carb of ref Tipp in Mem 8ress proposals which would in j i Glenal one passport that was Nakwas paid by the North he want referring to below president Eisenhower borrowin2 which this crease by 30 Bil the West doubts in away from me in Spain can committee for technical Aid Alexander Tho budget request of last debt makes necessary lion dollars Cut taxes by 10 to Spanish Der uie first of Russia if the Senate restores h o us e i the others voiced cuts or increases the approx Ria but i pulled out the piece i had Tion 4 25 on were asked to told they would return it to is people govern amounts which frequently men Terest rates removed happens it will be almost imm it Tate St rates removed few of these will but the 90to 100billiondol Lar peacetime budget is in Tius is Ana t May read on the trolley and said happens it will be almost in Tot interest the underlying problem is or May not be important in con our possible to balance the 1960 bldg l As the Money where to get the Money to pay Section with Loyd mayan tary to base canards circulated Market demanded on u s Savior tax collections for 1959 and ent Oneman fight to establish that is an omnivorous one feature of this 1960 budget i960 May be up a couple of billion the tins inns Era so for lie Hind us vim pm Razaa i Hie res Iceni recon so they say they officials United states government the russians Are so far behind us he reads westerns that he Calls the acceptance of of but he also reads Iclal data concerning their rocket j passed the clipping around and and missile production a everyone the Feland advocates of greater not generally appreciated is that Tasat Over previous 68 aria was Given a m it is not the Economy budget 25rfeilnt to cent Dollar but this through which which some administration critics per cent to per be King to each its own features now who had descended from the Library said Eisenhower knew exactly what he was saying when he referred to Alexander and Napo even without these inter ment spending have tried to make est rate government in Matloc increases in Federal spend ing now being policies s j m i us of ui8 idea of where his Contumacy Abraham Lincoln brigade he May be deluding himself about Foch to new York turn in his what became ton Square a Plush new Leon a raft in the of those passports is not housing sorts the the Mccarthy Commil Teo attempt cars in its garage and Parks de to discover what happened to them by Cadillac have if memory did their the House committee on in t in by Elkine Joh Iwon Ouk moneys Worth in non i youths bulks 2bs makes it easier for to find in one of foreign Aid americans get afm probable that they were used for it is estimated that menu Lenny some of ift00 american tourists this year will although mayan got a passport teamwork millions of dollars to travel to he Tes fled was the Pur Mil source of the pose going to Spain hear up Egic 5 purpose Money wet 5skwiu m it varsity of Vermont students pro claimed a Bermuda shorts Day to organize spirit and see if the o something to Hollywood close to Lywood and Grapevine nine of Samuel g 0 l d w y n cars make Fred Astaire brushed off a act protests to happier than he isomer the Nice his new film version of Huckle the heavier the Eru at the beginning of the course on Public each of us Mouthful of we had to we were allowed to reduce the number by one mar we became accredited Public speakers As soon As we lost All our Richard Rueberger p quoting former Brooks Hays nothing has my neigh Bors still hate they still Call one new York bom kid actor me they still me explained his drawling to Sam by in the words being tossed around about with t6 words with the confession i was in the of who no to a film version of Stepi the in a bigger worry for Sam is find i dont want my life on the sleek haired Hoofer told i dont want to police Young Andy even if i had Fuu in and he has interviewed lads in not interested in seeking out peo new pie who could play Ray wife and and with some real so my Mother and my i dont Hes Hurt tit the yet too it Ritter North you or roof for three Young Goldwyn is chuckling to Oun Ieuv Wii j p u s ing jus he needs a boy suggested seriously Tony Curtla wet and told what to been of 13 or with a Southern happening All my tit Tony Curtis roared Gold a Man has his Why the answer he received was because Hes a Tenn indicted for refusing to avow children to have m Flat 7;

Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 6 (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

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Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.