An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2286 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL (2024)


Active Villager
Sep 9, 2023
  • Sep 23, 2023
  • #129

nazmul said:

Chapter 1321: Answer is Correct

As he watched the paper that Carlos had just heavily slapped down, the manager couldn't help but be slightly stunned, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

He hadn't expected that the other party could actually answer it.

The third riddle was much more difficult than the previous two.

You see, the character '醢' (hǎi) itself is a rare word, and few people know it, let alone write it.

And to combine the riddle's context and guess this obscure character made it even more challenging.

When he drew this question just now, he thought no one could answer it and was prepared to declare it void.

But to his surprise, Carlos, who seemed inexperienced, was the first to answer, which was truly astonishing.

It seemed that there must be someone behind him guiding him.

"Manager Kaizen, what are you waiting for? Give me a straightforward answer. Is this character correct?" Carlos urged.

Initially full of confidence, he suddenly became nervous when he saw the manager's unusual expression.

"Young Master Carlos, I advise you not to struggle. Just by looking at Manager Kaizen's expression, you're definitely wrong again this time," teased Hazel.

"If you don't have the ability, just leave early and stop embarrassing yourself here!"

A group of dignitaries in the audience joined in the jeering.

"Could he be wrong again?"

Carlos frowned slightly, unable to hide the unease on his face.

"Hmph! You talk so big, but in the end, it's still wrong, isn't it? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Roselyn glared fiercely at Dustin.

How could someone inferior to even himself answer such a difficult riddle?

"Don't misunderstand, everyone..."

Realizing the situation, the manager hurriedly said, "Young Master Carlos did not answer incorrectly. On the contrary, he answered it absolutely correctly. The solution to the third riddle is indeed the character '醢' (hǎi)."

"What? He got it right?"

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Hazel's face instantly froze.

The dignitaries who had just been making a commotion were now all looking at each other in confusion.

As for Roselyn, the words that were on the tip of her tongue were forcibly swallowed back.

"Manager Kaizen, are you sure you're not mistaken? These guys with wooden heads actually answered this question correctly?" Hazel couldn't believe it.

Even the literary genius she had paid a high price to invite couldn't answer it in a short time, let alone Roselyn and Carlos.

"I saw it clearly, there's no mistake. Young Master Carlos did answer it correctly," the manager nodded slightly.

"Well then, tell us, what character did he write?" Hazel demanded.

"It's the character '醢' (hǎi)."

The manager displayed the character Carlos had written clearly in front of everyone.

After seeing it, many people nodded in recognition.

"Is it really this character?" Hazel asked the scholarly man next to her.

"One on the right and one on the left, three rooms in a square, southeast upright. With 'right' and 'left,' three square rooms correspond to the pictographic character '皿.' This character '醢' (hǎi) is answered absolutely correctly, even I didn't expect it," the scholarly man gave his evaluation.

"It shouldn't be..." Hazel frowned. "Roselyn is a woman who looks down on others and has little talent. How could she solve such a difficult riddle? Could it be that there is another expert helping her?"
As she spoke, her gaze swept over everyone and finally settled on Dustin.

Because compared to the astonishment and surprise of the people around, he remained very calm, as if he had expected this all along.

"Hahaha... I got it right, finally!" Carlos was excited.

His mistakes on the previous two questions had left him losing face and subject to ridicule. This third question had finally allowed him to regain a bit of dignity.

"Mr. Rhys, I didn't expect you to be good at solving riddles too. Impressive!" Dr. Elijah gave him a thumbs up.

This guy was truly versatile, excelling in both academics and martial arts.

"I've read a lot of books, so it's not a big deal," Dustin said with a faint smile.

"Mr. Rhys, don't be modest. Thanks to you just now, or else we would have lost again," Carlos happily returned to his seat.

"Hmph! What's so impressive about it? It's just luck!" Roselyn pouted, clearly dissatisfied.

Chapter 1322: Ridiculously Unreal

In her opinion, Dustin had guessed the answer by sheer luck or perhaps had seen a similar riddle before, which made him answer quickly.

"Mr. Rhys, the next riddles are all up to you. After we succeed, I'll definitely show my gratitude!" Carlos clasped his fists at Dustin.

"For the sake of Dr. Elijah's favor, I'll do my best," Dustin yawned.

If it weren't for the need to save Healwell Medical Center, he wouldn't bother getting involved.

"Roselyn, I can't believe there's still someone intelligent among you."

Hazel's voice drifted in again, "But don't celebrate too soon; we're still in the lead. The next seven riddles are the key to victory."

"Hmph! Bring it on!" Roselyn raised her head defiantly, showing no fear.

"Manager Kaizen, please present the next riddle!" Hazel urged.

The chubby man nodded and then took out the fourth card from the box, saying, "Please listen to the fourth riddle: 'Leaving for half a month, guess a character.'"

Before he could finish speaking, Dustin calmly uttered a word, "Brain."

"Congratulations to this guest for the correct answer," the manager announced the result directly.

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned.

The riddle had just been presented, and they hadn't even had a chance to think, but someone had already given an answer?

What kind of joke was this?

Could it be so easy?

"Wait! Why is the answer 'brain'? Can you explain?" someone raised a question.

"Taking the upper part of the character ' Banyue' and combining it with the character ' moon' naturally forms the character '脑' (brain)," Dustin explained succinctly.

"Oh, I see, it sounds quite simple when you put it that way. No wonder he answered so quickly," everyone suddenly realized.

"Manager Kaizen, continue with the next riddle!" Hazel was somewhat reluctant.

"Please listen to the fifth riddle: 'Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, guess an idiom,'" the chubby man said.

"Lacking clothing and food," Dustin immediately replied.

"Congratulations to this guest for the correct answer," the manager nodded.

The faces of the crowd froze, and they were left speechless.

It was way too fast.

They couldn't react at all.

"Please listen to the sixth riddle: 'There is a bamboo forest on the ground, and one inch of gold beneath the earth. Guess a word.'"

The word "wait."

"Please listen to the seventh riddle: 'A blind man touching an elephant, honeyed lotus seeds, what do they represent?'"

"A blind man touching an elephant represents not seeing the big picture; honeyed lotus seeds represent sharing sweetness and bitterness." Dustin replied.

"Please listen to the eighth riddle: ' Guess a four-character common phrase."

" ”The rat, the ugly, and the ox are the first and second animals in the Chinese zodiac, so they should be born in the first and second zodiac signs.”

"Ninth riddle: 'The phoenix flute sounds, the jade pot shines, and the fish and dragons dance all night!'"

"Lantern Festival."

The questions and answers went back and forth, with their speed increasing.

No matter what the manager asked, Dustin answered without hesitation.

And every single answer was correct.

The other guests around them had no chance to speak.

Even the talented scholar hired by Hazel had paid a high price to invite was left dumbfounded and utterly shocked.

Was this really a lantern riddle guessing game?

Was he reading from the answers?

This was ridiculously unreal!

Chapter 1323: One Man Show

In this moment, everyone was shocked by Dustin's rapid-fire answers.

It was incredibly fast, too fast for anyone to keep up with.

Their brains seemed to have crashed, and they had completely lost any desire to compete.

What should have been a lively competition among the participants had turned into Dustin's one-man show.

Even the Manager who had been asking the questions was sweating profusely by the end.

These riddles were randomly selected, and they covered a wide range of topics. Even with extensive knowledge, it would be impossible to answer so quickly and accurately. If it weren't for the high level of confidentiality in the Imperial Tower, he would have suspected that Dustin had seen the correct answers and memorized them all.

"Th... the last question."
The Manager swallowed hard and read the riddle from the card, "Red, yellow, blue, white can transform; like a phoenix, like a dragon, it's an incarnation; it travels a thousand miles without stopping, a light breeze blows it clean..."

"Cloud," Dustin once again answered without hesitation.

"All... answers correct!" the Manager struggled to utter a few words.

He was truly amazed; he had never seen someone like this.

"Oh my god! All correct? Is this guy cheating?"

"Why is he going so hard? He's making me look dumb!"

"Damn it! I have reason to suspect that this kid is a plant hired by the Imperial Tower!"
After a brief silence, the entire scene erupted into chaos.

Although it was just a lantern riddle guessing game, Dustin's performance was incredibly outstanding, completely overshadowing everyone else.

Those who had come prepared had become the butt of the joke.

They say participation is what matters, but the problem was that they didn't even get a chance to participate.

"Oh my god! He answered seven questions in a row. Dustin is going all out!"

"No, you're wrong. He got all ten right!"

The disciples of Healwell Clinic looked at Dustin with wide eyes, as if they were seeing a monster.

"How... how is this possible? How could he get them all right?!" Roselyn widened her eyes, her face full of disbelief.
If Dustin had gotten a few questions right, she could attribute it to luck.

Now, even if she didn't want to admit it, she had to acknowledge that he was far superior to her.

"Well... well done!" Carlos couldn't help but burst into laughter.

He had been unsure before, but Dustin's performance had pleasantly surprised him.

"This kid is truly a genius," Elijah stroked his beard and smiled, his eyes shining brightly.

Young talents with such extraordinary abilities were extremely rare.

He not only had the thought of passing on his legacy to Dustin but also considered marrying his granddaughter to him.

"I didn't expect such a dark horse to emerge halfway. It's really a miscalculation!" Hazel stared at Dustin with intense focus, as if trying to see something.

He was dressed plainly but carried an extraordinary air.

His expression was calm, his sharpness concealed, and even after a resounding victory, he showed no emotional fluctuations.

Clearly, this was a man with a deep understanding of the world, a master who concealed his true strength.

"Manager Kaizen, are there any more riddles?" Dustin asked casually.

"No...," the manager smiled reluctantly, "Sir, you are truly knowledgeable. I admire you greatly. May I ask for your surname?"

Chapter 1324: Unpleasant Bargain


"Mr. Rhys, congratulations on winning the grand prize."

The manager held a box containing the priceless beauty painting and walked up to Dustin respectfully. He said, "On behalf of the Imperial Tower, I present this invaluable beauty painting to you."

"I'll inspect the goods first."

Carlos was the first to take the box and opened it. His eyes couldn't help but light up. "It's truly a precious item!"

After confirming its authenticity, Carlos couldn't help but feel a bit conflicted.

After all, this treasure had been won by Dustin. If he simply accepted it without saying a few polite words, he might be criticized for it. The best approach was to let Dustin take the initiative to offer it, and he would graciously accept, benefiting from the treasure as well as gaining a good reputation.


"Mr. Rhys, my friend, although I have admired this beauty painting for a long time, I can't take what you won by your own skill. I can't take what belongs to another."

Carlos spoke with an expression of reluctantly giving up. He handed the box over halfway, then suddenly stopped. "Of course, if you really don't like it, I can hold onto it for you, and when the time comes..."

"Oh, thanks."

Before he could finish, Dustin calmly accepted the box and didn't say anything more.


Carlos was stunned.

This wasn't following the script at all!

Normally, shouldn't there be some polite refusals and words of courtesy?

Why did he just accept it outright?

Did I not make my reluctance clear enough?

"Hey! Mr. Rhys! What do you mean? Are you planning to keep this beauty painting all to yourself?"
Seeing this, Roselyn immediately became displeased.

"Keep it to myself?"

Dustin raised an eyebrow slightly and asked, "Manager Kaizen, according to today's rules, whoever answers the most questions correctly gets this beauty painting, right?"

"That's correct," the manager nodded.

"Since I answered the most questions, shouldn't the beauty painting belong to me?" Dustin asked again.

"Exactly," the manager nodded again.

"Then it's strange. This was originally mine, so how can you call it keeping it all to myself?"

As he spoke, Dustin's gaze had shifted towards Roselyn, carrying a hint of questioning.

He might not be very interested in the beauty painting, but that didn't mean he wanted to give it away for free, especially when someone was trying to demand it as if it were their right.

"Although the beauty painting was won by you, doesn't that mean we had no merit at all?"

Roselyn spoke earnestly, "Setting aside all of this, if it weren't for Senior Brother bringing you into the Imperial Tower, would you have had a chance to obtain this treasure? Shouldn't you show some gratitude?"

"You're absolutely right! One should repay kindness received. Without Senior Brother's help, you wouldn't even have had the opportunity to answer questions. Therefore, this beauty painting should rightfully be given to Senior Brother!"
Elmer echoed in agreement.

"From what you're saying, as long as I enter the Imperial Tower, I have to owe my life to your Senior Brother?"

Dustin's lips curled in mockery. "Miss Roselyn, please understand one thing. Without my intervention, you still wouldn't have obtained the beauty painting, and because of your impulsive behavior, you might have lost the entire Healwell Clinic!"


Roselyn was defiant, "Do you think we couldn't have won without you? That's a joke! I was just warming up earlier. Even if you hadn't spoken, I would have easily secured the victory!"

"Heh, you answered three questions incorrectly. Do you really think anyone would believe that?" Dustin sneered.

"I...I just made some mistakes earlier," Roselyn said with a forced smile.

But her voice unconsciously softened, clearly showing signs of wavering.

"Roselyn, you're shameless!"

At this moment, Hazel swayed her slender waist and walked over, her voice carrying a strange tone. "This handsome guy just helped you and saved Healwell Clinic from a disaster, and you're not grateful at all. Instead, you even have your eyes on the beauty painting. I have to ask, where's your face? Did a dog eat it?"

These words directly turned Roselyn's face red, as if she had eaten something unpleasant.

Chapter 1325: Offer Protection

"What are you talking about?!" Roselyn was furious, jumping and yelling as if she were a cat with its tail stepped on.

"Did I say anything wrong? If this handsome guy hadn't helped, you would have lost everything, and yet you're still arguing here. It's like you have no self-awareness."

Hazel crossed her arms, pouted, and even gave Dustin a seductive look after she was done, saying, "Handsome guy, oh~!"

The 'oh' was drawn out, carrying a hint of flirtatiousness.

"Okay! So, you two are in cahoots!"

Roselyn looked left and right, suddenly as if she had realized something. "No wonder you two have been giving each other meaningful looks the whole time. It turns out you've been joined force!"


Hazel rolled her eyes and was left speechless.

This woman, did she have poop in her head? She spoke without thinking, it was truly baffling.

"Forget it, Junior Sister. Since Dustin won the beauty painting, we can't just take it from him. It's up to him how he wants to handle it; we can't interfere," Carlos patted Roselyn's shoulder.

Although he maintained a calm appearance, his eyes turned cold.

This guy had no manners at all.

If he had graciously handed over the beauty painting, Carlos would have owed him a favor. But now that he wanted to keep it for himself, he shouldn't be surprised if Carlos took some measures.

"Hmph! Remember this, today's matter isn't over!" Roselyn glared at the two of them angrily and then left in a huff.

"Dustin, this girl is too headstrong. Don't take it to heart. If there's anything, we can discuss it tomorrow," Elijah said his farewell, following his granddaughter to prevent her from doing anything reckless.

"Dustin, you take care of yourself. We'll see you around." Carlos smiled politely, then turned and left.

Seeing this, the other disciples of Healwell Clinic also stood up and left one by one.

In response to all of this, Dustin just smiled and remained silent.

No matter whether it was Roselyn or Carlos, neither of them seemed like a good person.

The former was headstrong and arrogant, while the later was cunning and untrustworthy.

The beauty painting was invaluable, and trying to take it from Dustin empty-handed was not going to be easy.

"Sir, please wait a moment," Hazel suddenly called out as Dustin was preparing to leave.

"Do you need something?" Dustin turned back.

"Sir, did you come here alone?" Hazel looked him up and down.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Dustin replied.

"It's nothing. I just want to remind you that Stonia is a place filled with all sorts of people. With such a priceless treasure in your possession, if you don't have the backing of a major power, you might be targeted as soon as you step out of the Emperor's Pavilion," Hazel warned.

"Is the security really that bad in the capital?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"Even though it's the capital, the world is a jungle where the weak are preyed upon by the strong. With a treasure like this beauty painting, it's enough to attract the attention of many forces," Hazel said with a half-smile.

"Thank you for the reminder, but I'm not too worried about someone trying to steal from me," Dustin said casually.

"Sir, the waters in Stonia are deeper than you can imagine. Moreover, you're alone and vulnerable. How can you contend with those wolves and tigers out there?" Hazel chuckled.

"So, according to Miss Hazel, what should I do?" Dustin asked.

"It's simple. Just find the protection of a major power, and you'll be safe and sound. For example, my Lancaster family," Hazel suggested.

Chapter 1326: 108th Boyfriend

Finally, Hazel got to the point. "Sir, I think you're quite talented. How about becoming a retainer of my Lancaster family? With the protection of my Lancaster family, you can roam the entire Southern City without fear. Apart from the two major powers, the Strartford Family & Torby Family no other force would dare to touch you."

"Miss Hazel, are you trying to recruit me just because of the beauty painting?" Dustin probed.

"The beauty painting?" Hazel smiled faintly. "Though it's a precious item, I'm not in need of money. For me, it has little value."

"Oh? Then why are you helping me?" Dustin was curious.

"I may not need money, but I do need people," Hazel said, extending her slender jade finger and gently caressing Dustin's chest. She looked lively and radiant as she continued, "You seem lean, but surprisingly strong. I guess I didn't make a mistake. Would you be interested in becoming my 108th boyfriend?"

"Huh?" Dustin furrowed his brow and instinctively took a step back. He had thought she was after the beauty painting, but it turned out she was interested in his body. She was quite a rascal!

The 108th boyfriend? Was she trying to collect the entire set of heroes like the legendary Liangshan heroes?

"Sir, are you intimidated by me?" Hazel teased, her lips curving into a smile. "Don't worry, I was just joking with you. I don't really have 108 boyfriends. Even if I did, you'd be my new favorite, and I promise I won't mistreat you."

After saying that, she moved to touch him again, but Dustin stopped her with a single hand. "Miss Hazel, please restrain yourself."

"Sir, what's with your reaction?" Hazel raised an eyebrow, her tone tinged with disappointment. "We're both adults. There's no need to be so uptight. Life is short, so why not enjoy it?"

"Miss Hazel, you seem to be intoxicated. It's time for you to rest," Dustin said coldly.

"Mr. Rhys, what's wrong with your reaction?" Hazel was puzzled at first, but then she burst into laughter, her delicate figure trembling with mirth. Tears welled up in her eyes as she continued, "Hahaha... this is interesting. Mr. Rhys, you're the first person to reject me like this. I've noticed that I'm becoming more and more interested in you."

She considered herself top-notch in both looks and figure. With a seductive glance, she could easily captivate most men.

Even if some self-righteous guys appeared uninterested on the surface, once she revealed her identity and was willing to spend money, they would quickly fall for her charms. No man could resist her allure.

However, Dustin was an exception—a unique man she had never encountered before. She had a wealth of experience in captivating men and was confident in her ability to read them like an open book.

She could easily tell if a man was lying or not. Dustin's recent actions, expressions, and words had all proven that he was not lying. His clear and calm gaze didn't deceive.

In other words, her tried-and-true seduction techniques had failed for the first time with Dustin. This unexpected sense of defeat only fueled her excitement.

She decided that no matter the cost, she would win this man over!

"Miss Hazel, there's nothing else. I'll take my leave," Dustin said as he noticed her peculiar behavior and promptly departed.

"Follow him and observe from the shadows. When the situation becomes critical, swoop in and play the hero," Hazel ordered, snapping her fingers. Her eyes sparkled like a hunter who had just discovered a new and fascinating prey.

Chapter 1327: A Bunch of Useless Attacker

When Dustin walked out of the Emperor's Pavilion, he quickly noticed some unfriendly glances.

With a quick glance around, he realized that at least two factions had their eyes on him.

It seemed that Hazel was right; even though the Beauty Portrait was a treasure, it could also attract a lot of trouble.

The innocent bear the sins of the guilty.

Ordinary people, even if they obtained such a treasure, wouldn't be able to keep it.

Fortunately, Dustin was not an ordinary person.

"Daring to have designs on me, let's see if you have the ability."

Dustin coldly snorted and then casually walked toward a secluded area.

The two factions discreetly followed him, one on the left and one on the right.

After walking for about ten minutes, Dustin carried the Beauty Portrait and turned into a rarely visited old alley.

"A perfect opportunity! Follow him quickly!"

Over a dozen black-clad individuals, carrying knives, chased after Dustin into the old alley.

Upon entering, they all froze.

Because they discovered it was a dead end.

And the Dustin who had just entered mysteriously disappeared!

"What's going on? Where did that kid go?"

"Weird, I clearly saw him come in, why did he suddenly vanish?"

"Damn! Could it be a ghost?"

A group of black-clad individuals exchanged puzzled looks, filled with doubt.

How could someone just disappear out of nowhere?

"Are you looking for me?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded behind them.

Everyone jumped and quickly turned around, only to find that, somehow, Dustin had already appeared at the mouth of the alley.

"You...weren't you in front of us? How did you end up behind us?" one of the black-clad individuals exclaimed in surprise.

At this moment, the sky had grown dark, and the moonlight flowed like water.

Dustin tilted his head slightly, half of his face concealed in the darkness, emanating an icy aura from head to toe.

This added an even more eerie and terrifying atmosphere to the already ominous situation.

"You've been following me for so long, what exactly do you want?" Dustin asked coldly.

"So, you've already noticed. Impressive," the leader of the black-clad individuals took a step forward and demanded, "Kid, save your breath! Money can buy silence. If you don't want to die, hand over what you're holding!"

"The item is right here. If you have the guts, come and take it," Dustin placed the box containing the Beauty Portrait gently on the ground and gestured with his hand.

"Hmph! We don't toast to people, only force them to drink! Attack together!"

The lead black-clad individual shouted, and immediately his comrades rushed forward.

Dustin gave a cold smile, took a step, and turned into a streak of black light, directly crashing into the midst of the group.

A series of agonized screams followed as all the black-clad individuals were sent flying into the air and then crashed heavily to the ground.

For a moment, they were sprawled on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Tell me, who sent you?" Dustin grabbed the throat of the leader and lifted him up forcibly.

"I... I don't know... we were just doing it for money," the leader stammered in fear, his body trembling.

They had thought it was just a routine job, never expecting their target to be so formidable.

With just one glance, he had defeated them all.

It was terrifying!

"Don't know? Or not willing to say?" Dustin slowly applied pressure with his fingers.

The leader felt his breath catch, his face turning red, veins bulging on his neck, and his hands and feet frantically struggling.

"I really... really don't know. We have rules, we never inquire about the origin of our employer," the leader gasped out in agony.

"Useless!" Dustin muttered in disdain.

Dustin lost interest and, with a flick of his hand, slammed the leader against the wall, rendering him unconscious.

These people only knew basic fighting skills and couldn't even be considered martial artists.

Chapter 1328: Arrange A Meeting

From this, it was clear that the mastermind behind this didn't regard him highly.

Or perhaps, they didn't have much power.

Dustin dusted off his clothes and was about to leave when several black business cars suddenly stopped at the entrance of the alley.

As the car doors opened, a group of strong and well-built thugs in tough attire descended in a formidable manner.

These thugs were armed and immediately surrounded Dustin, leaving him no chance to escape.

"Clear the way!"

At this moment, a man with bulging muscles, smoking a cigar, swaggered over.

The man had a scar on his face, and his appearance was menacing and aggressive; he clearly wasn't someone to be trifled with.

"Is it you?" Dustin squinted slightly and quickly recognized the scar-faced man.

The newcomer was none other than Lenny, the one who had caused trouble at the Healwell Clinic during the day.

"Kid! We meet again!" Lenny puffed on his cigar, put his hands on his hips, and draped a mink coat over his shoulders.

He carried himself as if he were the boss.

"What did you just call me?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"What? Deaf now? I called you a kid!" Lenny stared with widened eyes and said menacingly.

Three minutes later...

"Big...big brother, let's talk it out, please don't hit my face," Lenny crawled on the ground with a bruised and swollen nose, completely changing his arrogant demeanor from before. He now looked terrified and cringed, like a startled quail, his face filled with panic and fear.

Around him, his men were sprawled in all directions on the ground.

This time, to be safe, he had brought around twenty or thirty men with him, but in less than three minutes, all his subordinates had been knocked down.

Even worse, he couldn't even follow Dustin's movements.

He felt as if everything happened in a blur, and then his subordinates fell one by one like dominoes.

It was clear that he had picked a fight with the wrong person.

"Lenny, to be honest, I preferred your previous unruly self," Dustin pulled him up.

"Big... big brother, don't joke around," Lenny said with a mournful face. "I was blind and disrespectful just now. I hope you can be magnanimous and spare me. I promise, I will never be your enemy again!"

"Just based on those words, you think you can get away?" Dustin said calmly.

"Big brother, what do you want to know? I'll tell you everything, nothing held back!" Lenny quickly realized his situation.

"Smart," Dustin smiled faintly. "Let me ask you, did Sebastian send you?"

"Yes, that's right. It was butler Sebastian who wanted your Jade Dew Ointment formula, so he sent us to snatch it," Lenny nodded repeatedly.

"Besides sending you, did Sebastian involve anyone else?" Dustin asked again.

"No, there was no one else. Mr. Sebastian... doesn't seem to think highly of you," Lenny replied humbly.

"Very well."

Dustin let go of him and said, "Go back and tell Sebastian to arrange a meeting place for tomorrow. We can talk things out properly."

"What?" Lenny was momentarily stunned, not quite understanding.

Negotiate with Sebastian Strartford? Wouldn't that be walking into the lion's den?

What was this person up to?

"What's the matter? Any problems?" Dustin maintained his smile.

"No problem, no problem. I promise to convey the message," Lenny forced a smile.

"Alright, you can go now," Dustin waved his hand.

"Thank you, big brother! Thank you, big brother!"

With a pleased expression, Lenny bowed repeatedly, then limped his way back to the cars.


Dustin's voice sounded again, freezing Lenny in place, his body drenched in sweat. "Big... big brother... you're not going to change your mind, are you?"

"In the future, if you want to act cool, don't wear a fake fur coat. It's embarrassing," Dustin said with a chuckle.

With those words, Dustin turned and walked away, leaving Lenny standing there in a daze, his ears burning red.

Chapter 1329: Dragon Blood Ginseng

In the Emperor's Pavilion, on the second floor by the window.

Hazel swirled her wine glass, gazing at the watery night outside. Her beautiful eyes reflected the moon and stars, exuding a unique charm.


At this moment, a suited bodyguard approached and whispered, "There was an unexpected incident just now. The target we were watching disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Hazel raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"The target has impressive skills. He knocked down dozens of people barehanded and then mysteriously vanished," the bodyguard replied, bowing his head.

"Oh? So, he's quite skilled?" Hazel smiled, her eyes filled with intrigue. "I thought he was just handsome, but it seems he has some abilities. Investigate who he is and find out his background. If he has a decent background, try to recruit him."


The bodyguard nodded and quickly left.

"Interesting, very interesting. It's been a long time since I've met someone this intriguing."

Hazel smiled faintly and then raised her wine glass, finishing the contents in one gulp.

She had a feeling that she might have stumbled upon something valuable.

The next day, in the early morning.

Dustin left the hotel and headed straight for Healwell Medical Center.

After shaking off the pursuers last night, he had found a hotel near Healwell Medical Center to stay in.

His primary objective in coming to Stonia was to cure Uncle Lorenzo and investigate the events of the past. With his current strength, combined with the help of the Heavenly Spirit Pearl, he was qualified to seek the truth.

Five minutes later, Dustin walked into Healwell Medical Center.

Healwell Medical Center was as lively as ever today, filled with elderly people seeking medical treatment. The place buzzed with chatter, resembling a vegetable market with constant noise and commotion.

Dustin had already informed Dr. Elijah in advance, so he headed straight to the second floor.

The door to the second floor was already open, and Elijah had been waiting in the living room for a while.

"Dustin Rhys, you're here? Please have a seat."

Dr. Elijah gestured with one hand and poured a cup of tea, expressing his apologies, "I'm really sorry about last night. Although Roselyn can be headstrong, she doesn't have any ill intentions. I hope you won't judge her too harshly."

"It's alright, what's done is done. I just hope she can restrain her temper in the future," Dustin replied with a faint smile.

Roselyn was willful and capricious, often acting unreasonably. If it weren't for Elijah's sake, he wouldn't be so polite.

Of course, as long as she didn't cross his bottom line, there were some things he wouldn't bother to argue about.

"I'll make sure to discipline her properly in the future. Otherwise, at this rate, that girl will cause a big disaster sooner or later," Dr. Elijah said with some regret.

"By the way, Dr. Elijah, how is Uncle Lorenzo's condition?" Dustin changed the topic.

"I just examined him, and for now, Mr. Lorenzo's condition is stable. However, it can only be maintained for ten days to half a month. We must quickly refine the Bone-Cleansing Pill," Elijah replied with a grave expression.

"Have there been any updates on the three main ingredients for the Bane-Cleansing Pill?" Dustin inquired.

"I've already had someone inquire about it, but we still don't know the whereabouts of Iceheart Lotus and Golden Marrow Jade. However, I do know where Dragon Blood Ginseng is located, but it's a bit difficult to obtain," Elijah sighed.

"Oh? Where is it?" Dustin suddenly became interested.

"As far as I know, the Dragon Blood Ginseng is stored as a treasure by the Torbys family and is not easily revealed," Elijah explained.

"The Torbys family, one of the Eight Noble Families?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"That's correct," Elijah nodded. "I tried to inquire about it, but Mr. Torbys's health has always been poor, and this Dragon Blood Ginseng is kept as a life-saving treasure. It's almost impossible to purchase it from the Torbys family."

"It's indeed a bit troublesome, but we still have to try."

Dustin contemplated and said, "Let me handle this matter. Please, Dr. Elijah, continue to work on the Bone-Cleansing Pill, and try to find out the whereabouts of the other two medicinal ingredients."

"No problem. I've already contacted my friends in the medical community, and it shouldn't take too long to gather information on the other two herbs," Elijah replied with a serious expression.

Chapter 1330: Meeting Fixed

"Master, Mr. Rhys, I didn't expect to find you both here," Carlos and Roselyn suddenly walked in.

"Hmph! Here to freeload again!"

Roselyn curled her lips, looking quite disdainful. She had been holding a grudge since last night, especially after witnessing the scene where Dustin and Hazel were together. She harbored a deep resentment.

"Mr. Rhys, I heard that you were robbed last night. Are you okay?" Carlos showed a concerned expression.

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Carlos. They were just a group of small fry, and I didn't pay them much attention," Dustin replied. Then he changed the subject, "By the way, Mr. Carlos, how did you know that I was robbed?"


Carlos's face stiffened for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "Oh, I have very reliable sources, and in this area of South City, nothing can escape my watchful eye."

"I see." Dustin smiled with a meaningful expression.

He had been wondering who came up with the idea to steal the Beauty Portrait last night. It was highly likely to be Carlos.

However, he didn't bother to expose him. This kind of pseudo-gentleman might still be useful.

"Mr. Rhys, a commoner is innocent, but holding a priceless treasure like the Beauty Portrait is like holding a hot potato. With your status, you can't handle it," Carlos said earnestly.

"Oh? What do you suggest I do, Mr. Carlos?" Dustin asked in return.

"It's simple. Act quickly and get rid of it as soon as possible to avoid bigger troubles," Carlos said with a serious tone. "If you trust my advice, you can hand over the Beauty Portrait to me. I can find someone to auction it off for you and guarantee you a good price."

Once the Beauty Portrait was in his hands, he could determine the selling price.

He was just a bumpkin who hadn't seen much of the world. What did he know?

"An auction, huh? I'll consider it," Dustin pretended to hesitate.

"Don't think too much about it. The longer you keep it, the more dangerous it becomes. I'm just looking out for your best interests!" Carlos seemed a bit impatient.

"Ring ring ring..."

Just as Dustin was about to say something, his cell phone suddenly rang. When he answered it, Lenny's voice quickly came through, "Kid! You're meeting with Steward Sebastian, right? I've already set up the meeting for you. If you have the guts, come over!"

"Did you just call me something?" Dustin's voice grew colder.

"Li... Brother," Lenny was about to shout, but it seemed he realized something. His voice hesitated as he said, "Bro, you're here for negotiations, right? Sebastian has invited you to meet at the Dragon Phoenix Teahouse. Hurry up and come over."

"The Dragon Phoenix Teahouse, huh? Alright, I'll be there in an hour."

Dustin hung up the phone and turned to Elijah, saying, "Dr. Elijah, I have some business to attend to. I'll inform you if I have any updates."
"Sure," Elijah nodded.

"Mr. Dustin Rhys, I just heard you say you're going to the Dragon Phoenix Teahouse?" Carlos suddenly asked.

"That's right, what's the matter?" Dustin glanced at him.

"Do you know that the Dragon Phoenix Teahouse is owned by the Stratford family?" Carlos inquired.

"Of course, I know. I'm going there to negotiate with Sebastian. It's better to resolve some matters early and avoid trouble," Dustin replied calmly.

"Dustin, are you out of your mind?" Carlos slapped his thigh and quickly advised, "The Stratford family has ambitions, and they've been coveting your formula for the Jade Dew Ointment. If you go for negotiations alone, won't you be walking into the lion's den?"

"Who's the lion, and who's the lamb, is still uncertain," Dustin said with a calm expression.

"Dustin, I won't stop you if you insist on going, but for safety's sake, I suggest you write down the Jade Dew Ointment formula and entrust it to us. If the Stratford family can't get their hands on the formula, they probably won't harm you either," Carlos quickly came up with this plan.

Not getting the Beauty Portrait but obtaining the Jade Dew Ointment formula would also be an excellent outcome.

"Mr. Carlos, you are truly a sincere person, always looking out for me," Dustin said with a half-smile.

This guy, he wanted the Beauty Portrait one moment and the Jade Dew Ointment formula the next. He was insatiable.

"Where, where, we're all friends, helping each other is only natural. Just wait for a moment; I'll find paper and a pen for you. You can write down the formula, and I'll keep it safe for you," Carlos said.

After saying that, he eagerly rushed downstairs.

Two minutes later, when Carlos returned upstairs with paper and a pen, he found that Dustin had already disappeared without a trace.

An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2286 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL (2)An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2286 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL (3)An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2286 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL (4)An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2286 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL (5)An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2286 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL (6)An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2286 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL (7)

An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2286 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.