12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (2024)

Number 5 will greatly help your next of kin.

By Deborah Kearns
12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (1)

In the daily hustle and bustle that is life, being prepared for our demise isn't usually a top priority.

But what if you fall gravely ill or die unexpectedly? Will your loved ones know what to do and, most importantly, where to look for important paperwork to guide their decision-making?

We asked Rick Kollauf, director of business advisory with BMO Private Bank in Milwaukee, and Karen McMillan, a certified financial planner and portfolio counselor with Osborne Partners Capital Management in San Francisco, to share a list of the most important documents to keep handy, why you need them, and what happens without them. Here's what they shared:



12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (3)

Why you need it: To choose an executor and spell out your final wishes for how your estate should be distributed after you die.

What happens without it: You die "intestate" and your assets go through probate, where your state's intestacy laws determine how to pay your debts and distribute your assets according to survivorship rights in that state, McMillan says.


Living revocable trust

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (4)

Why you need it: To retain control of your assets while you're alive, and to appoint a trustee to transfer assets directly to your beneficiaries, avoiding probate

What happens without it: Your estate goes through probate. However, a trust needs to be properly funded to work, meaning you've transferred ownership and titles of all of your assets from your own name to the trust name, Kollauf says.


Living will

Why you need it: To state your preferences for end-of-life medical treatment when you become incapacitated or terminally ill, and you can't speak for yourself

What happens without it: State law determines who makes these decisions in order of closest relationship. Also, any disagreements on life-sustaining care can wind up in court (think: Terri Schiavo).

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Healthcare power of attorney

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (6)

Why you need it: To give someone you trust the final say about your medical care when you become incapacitated or seriously injured

What happens without it: State law dictates who can make medical decisions on your behalf. But if conflicts arise among relatives, the battle could go to court, says McMillan.


Financial power of attorney

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (7)

Why you need it: To give someone permission and authority to manage your finances when you can't do it yourself due to illness or distance

What happens without it: No one can access your financial accounts or pay bills on your behalf. That could put you behind on meeting your financial obligations and rack up debt, says Kollauf.


Designated beneficiary accounts

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (8)

Why you need it: To ensure your beneficiaries can easily file a claim and receive any benefits you've left in their name on life insurance, retirement, and annuity accounts

What happens without it: Your survivors will have to inventory all of your assets to figure out what companies hold these policies, Kolauff says. That can take substantial time and effort.

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Copy of marriage licenses/divorce decrees

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (9)

Why you need it: To transfer ownership of assets to a surviving spouse

What happens without it: It could take a few weeks or more to order a certified marriage license or a divorce decree, which are both critical to establishing (or disproving) spousal benefits and entitlements.


Copy of latest federal tax returns

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (10)

Why you need it: To help your agent file your taxes if you become incapacitated, or to file a final tax return after you die

What happens without it: Your taxes could be filed late, incurring penalties and liens. If you use an accountant, list his or her contact information with your tax returnstoo.


Financial accounts

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (11)

Why you need it: To identify what banks and other financial institutions you do business with to pay bills or distribute assets

What happens without it: Again, it will take detective work and time to get to the bottom of it. Meanwhile, your bills will go unpaid and asset distributions could be delayed. Tip: Designating your bank accounts "transferable on death" to specific beneficiaries keeps them out of probate, Kollauf says.

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Letter of instruction/intent

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (12)

Why you need it: To give your executor clear directions on how to manage/distribute your estate

What happens without it: It's a free-for-all among your survivors, McMillan says.

Items to include in a letter of intent: personal property assignments, pet care wishes, passwords and logins to online accounts, where to find titles, deeds and other paperwork, contact info and names of your lawyer, accountant and other professionals, safety deposit box and key location, Social Security number, birth certificates for you and minor children, and other key paperwork.


Funeral plan

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (13)

Why you need it: To make it clear what kind (if any) memorial service you want and whether you want a burial or cremation

What happens without it: It's not a legal document, but it makes your loved ones' lives much easier when the clock is ticking and decisions need to be made quickly, McMillan says. If you've pre-purchased a burial plot, cremation or services, you'll want to leave a copy behind in a place loved ones can easily find it, she adds.


Business succession plan

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (14)

Why you need it: To outline what should happen to your business and who should be in control if you die or become incapacitated

What happens without it: Your business (and your employees) could suffer financially, and operations might be impacted. Ideally, your business should have its own living trust, separate from a personal trust, with a special trustee named to keep things running smoothly, Kollauf advises.

Documents to include in your business file: certificates of ownership, operating licenses, titles or deeds to real property, contracts, stocks/investments, articles of incorporation, bylaws and emergency plans, etc.

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (15)

Deborah Kearns

Deborah Kearns is a freelance writer who covers all things real estate, as well as personal finance, lifestyle, wellness, and travel. When she's not on deadline, she's obsessing over the "Outlander" series, renovating her home, playing mom chauffeur, and singing (not necessarily in that order). Deborah lives in Denver with her husband, Sean, and her two children, Kaylyn and Owen.

12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children (2024)


12 Documents You Should Organize Before You Die So You Don't Burden Your Children? ›

Items to include in a letter of intent: personal property assignments, pet care wishes, passwords and logins to online accounts, where to find titles, deeds and other paperwork, contact info and names of your lawyer, accountant and other professionals, safety deposit box and key location, Social Security number, birth ...

What paperwork needs to be done before death? ›

Common documents include a will, durable power of attorney for finances, and a living trust. Share this infographic to spread the word about getting your affairs in order. A will specifies how your estate — your property, money, and other assets — will be distributed and managed when you die.

What paperwork do I need for the end-of-life? ›

9 End of Life Documents Everyone Needs
  • #1 DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) Order.
  • #2 Living Will.
  • #3 Last Will and Testament.
  • #4 Living Trust.
  • #5 Financial Power of Attorney.
  • #6 Medical Power of Attorney.
  • #7 Organ and Tissue Donation.
  • #8 Funeral Plan and Obituary.
Sep 11, 2023

What is the end-of-life wish document? ›

A living will is one of the most common and necessary end-of-life documents. It is an advance directive that details your desires regarding medical treatment if you are no longer able to communicate your own wishes. A living will would spell out what medical care a person would or wouldn't want such as: Palliative care.

What information does my family need if I die? ›

Your survivors will also need to know about your bank accounts, mortgage documents, bills that need to be paid, and so on. Without comprehensive pre-planning, your family may have to spend weeks if not months to get all the documents in order—and at a time when they are grieving and vulnerable.

What is the end-of-life binder? ›

A death binder or in case of death file is a tool to help you organize and keep all of your most important financial files and documents in one place.

How do you pass assets to heirs before death? ›

The most common way to give an inheritance before death is to write a will and designate specific beneficiaries. This may be done in one of two ways - either by leaving the property or money directly to the person who you want to get it or by placing it in trust so that it goes directly to them after your death.

What is a binder for end of life documents? ›

A death binder is literally a folder that holds every important piece of information about your life, from your birth certificate to your will and everything in between. It should include financial accounts, creditors, deeds, titles, life insurance, social media profiles, etc., and all their passwords.

What is the most important thing at the end of life? ›

It means remaining at the place you call home, being physically comfortable, and experiencing things you love until the very end. Hospice care makes these important aspects at the end-of-life possible.

Who controls end of life documents? ›

No one other than you can override a DNR that you put in place. However, a healthcare proxy or family member can both ask for and revoke a DNR order if you're unable to communicate your wishes. A physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLST) is a doctor's order, like a DNR.

What are the legal documents used in end of life decisions? ›

The two most common advance directives for health care are the living will and the durable power of attorney for health care. Living will: A living will is a legal document that tells doctors how you want to be treated if you cannot make your own decisions about emergency treatment.

What three documents delineate patients' wishes for end of life medical care? ›

They can include a healthcare proxy (someone you designate to make decisions about your healthcare if you are incapacitated); a living will (guidelines about the type of care you want or do not want); and a Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) form (a document signed by your doctor outlining the type of ...

Is your family responsible for your bills when you die? ›

When someone dies, their debts are generally paid out of the money or property left in the estate. If the estate can't pay it and there's no one who shared responsibility for the debt, it may go unpaid. Generally, when a person dies, their money and property will go towards repaying their debt.

What legal documents should every person have in case of their death? ›

Gather important documents and contact information

Property deeds, vehicle titles, official certificates (birth, marriage, etc.), the contact information for your attorney, insurance broker, doctor—all of these are things you can gather and put in the same, safe place now to make it easier for your loved ones later.

What are the most important legal documents? ›

In an emergency, it's crucial to have a few essential legal estate documents readily accessible, such as a Last Will and Testament, Advance Healthcare Directive, Durable Power of Attorney (aka Financial Power of Attorney), and Living Will.

What are the four documents? ›

  • A will distributes assets upon death.
  • A power of attorney manages finances.
  • Advance care directives manage your health.
  • A living trust is an alternative to a last will.
Mar 26, 2024

What paperwork needs to be done when a spouse dies? ›

Documents You Need When a Spouse Dies
  • Birth certificate.
  • Death certificate.
  • Will.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • Financial account records, including checkings and savings accounts, retirement accounts, pension accounts, loan accounts, and investment accounts like trusts.
  • Real estate records, including deeds and lease agreements.

What documentation is necessary prior to the deceased being released for burial? ›

Obtain the death certificate.

A physician (this might be the medical examiner in certain circ*mstances, the hospital, or the attending physician) provides the medical cause of death information and must sign the death certificate and deliver it to the funeral home.


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.